


lieutenant,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“中尉;副官;助理人員”。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [lefˈtenənt] 美 [luːˈtenənt]
n. (陸軍、海軍、空軍)中尉;(美國消防、警察部門的)中尉;副職官員,代理官員
[ 複數 lieutenants ] [1] 


lieutenant general 中將
Lieutenant Colonel 中校 ; 陸軍中校 ; 副總警監 ; 空軍中校
Second Lieutenant 少尉 ; 空軍少尉 ; 軍銜 ; 陸軍少尉
lieutenant commander 海軍少校 ; 軍銜 ; 上尉指揮官
Flight Lieutenant 上尉 ; 空軍中尉 ; 因積功晉至空軍上尉
First Lieutenant 中尉 ; 陸軍中尉 ; 空軍中尉
Lieutenant Junior Class 中尉
lieutenant governor 省督 ; 副州長 ; 副總督 [1] 


  • The lieutenant stopped and stood stock-still. 上尉停了下來,紋絲不動地站着。
  • I was a naval officer, lieutenant junior grade. 我曾是名海軍軍官,中尉軍銜。
  • He was a second lieutenant in the army until he deserted. 他在開小差之前是個少尉。
  • He and Lieutenant Cassidy were checking the scene of the crime. 當時他正與卡西迪中尉一起檢查犯罪現場。
  • I'm a novice at these things, Lieutenant. You're the professional. 在這些事情上我是一名新手,中尉。你是行家。
  • He's a retired lieutenant colonel and a bit of a martinet. 他是位退役中校,有點一板一眼。
  • Lieutenant Campbell ordered the man at the wheel to steer for the gunboat. 坎貝爾上尉命令舵手向炮艇駛去。
  • The lieutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon. 中尉被委任指揮一個步兵排。
  • Good evening, Lieutenant. 晚上好,中尉。
  • But the lieutenant did not hear him. 但是中尉沒有聽到他説的話。
  • Lieutenant Johnson was my father. 約翰森中尉是我的父親。
  • "Can that be Marius?" said the lieutenant. “這也許是馬呂斯吧?”中尉説。
  • Such is the case with the word lieutenant. 單詞lieutenant就屬於這種情況。
  • Khan was a lieutenant of a notable warlord, Gul Bahadur. 汗曾是軍閥古爾巴阿杜手下的一箇中尉。
  • A lieutenant raced up onto the guardwalk, out of breath. 一名中尉氣喘吁吁地跑上瞭望塔。
  • His plan was to become a Marine Corps second lieutenant. 他計劃參加海軍陸戰隊,成為一名少尉。
  • That would open up a race for the lieutenant-governor’s job. 這將會展開一場副州長職位競賽。
  • Respected Mr. Brian K. Krolicki, Lieutenant Governor of Nevada 尊敬的布萊恩•克洛裏奇副州長
  • Mr Isea is a former army lieutenant, with a limited background in economics. Isea先生是一名前陸軍上尉,對經濟問題只有有限的瞭解。
  • Mr Ozawa arranged for Mr Hatoyama, a loyal lieutenant, to be his successor. 小澤安排忠誠的幹事長鳩山為繼任者。
  • Mission: First Lieutenant Russell Landry's plane was shot down in the Adriatic sea. 魯賽爾·蘭德里中尉在執行任務時飛機被擊落並掉入亞得里亞海。
  • A young man of 23 years of age named Robert FitzRoy was a Lieutenant on this voyage. 羅伯特·菲茨羅伊,一位23歲的年輕人,此時是一名上尉。
  • Then Lieutenant Grub launched into the old recruiting routine, "See, save and serve!" 於是,格拉布上尉開始説起招兵的老一套了:“見見世面,攢點錢,為國家出點力!”
  • INT: Lieutenant Smith, as you know, you are not beingcharged with a crime at this time. INT(警官):斯密斯中尉,就如你知道的,你暫時沒有遭到起訴。
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen Goldsmith has found they also make a good cattle corral. 斯蒂芬史密斯中校他們也建了一個不錯的牛欄。
  • Yang Liwei, then a lieutenant-colonel in the Chinese air force, spent 21 hours in space. 當時還是中國空軍中校的宇航員楊利偉在太空中度過了21個小時。
  • A Soviet lieutenant hands cigarettes to German prisoners somewhere near Kursk, in July of 1943. 1943年7月,在庫爾斯克附近,一名蘇聯少尉給德國戰俘們分香煙。
  • Crowley was selected by a black police lieutenant to teach fellow officers about racial profiling. 克羅利是被一名黑人警察中尉選中,讓他來給同僚上課的,講授有關歧視性種族評判的課程。 [1] 