

Innate,英語單詞,主要用作為形容詞,用作形容詞譯為“先天的;固有的;根深蒂固的”。 [1] 
congenital inborn unconditioned unlearned


英 [ɪˈneɪt] 美 [ɪˈneɪt]
adj. 先天的,固有的;(信仰)根深蒂固的 [1] 


innate immunity [免疫] 天然免疫 ; 先天性免疫 ; 固有免疫 ; 先天免疫
innate immune system 先天免疫系統 ; 免疫系統 ; 固有免疫系統
innate immune response 固有免疫應答 ; 免疫應答 ; 反應
innate ability 天生能力 ; 天賦才能 ; 天生能力 ; 天賦的才幹
innate capacity 天賦才能
innate ideas 天賦觀念 ; 先天觀念 ; 內在理念 ; 固有觀念
innate immune 天然免疫 ; 先天免疫 ; 固有免疫
innate character 本質 [1] 


  • 1Knowledge is acquired, not innate.知識是後天獲得的,不是先天就有的。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 2Correct ideas are not innate in the mind.人的正確思想不是自己頭腦中固有的。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 3Correct ideas are not innate in the mind, but come from social practice.正確的思想不是頭腦中先天固有的,而是來源於社會實踐。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 4Americans have an innate sense of fairness.美國人有一種天生的公平感。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5They make tools to find food, they possess innate decision-making skills, and they make choices about which groups to join and what foods to eat.它們製造工具來尋找食物,擁有天生的決策技能,可以選擇加入哪個羣體,吃什麼食物。
  • 6I learned to know my inward nature, my innate qualities, the relationship I had with Poesy.我還學會了理解我的內在本性,我的內在品質,我與詩歌的關係。
  • 7Aggression is a kind of innate survival mechanism, an instinct for self preservation, that allows animals to defend themselves from threats to their existence.攻擊性是一種天生的生存機制,一種自我保護的本能,使動物能夠保護自己不受生存威脅。
  • 8Kukulkan is resource-poor, which along with the innate conservatism of its inhabitants inhibits its venerably ancient civilization from developing technologically.庫庫爾坎是一個資源貧乏的地方,再加上當地居民天生的保守主義,阻礙了其令人尊敬的古老文明在技術上的發展。
  • 9That there is no innate knowledge.知識並非天生。
  • 10The first defense is our innate common sense.第一道防線是我們固有的常識。
  • 11Innate personality differences do matter.天生性格的差異固然重要。
  • 12These preferences aren't completely innate though.不過這種偏好不完全是天生的。
  • 13And whatever its components, they're not all innate.不管聰明的組成成分是什麼,總不會都是天生的。
  • 14How do we find the right innate power for any given task?我們如何發現適合特定任務的天賦力量?
  • 15We are not born with an innate understanding of our biases.我們對自己的偏頗並沒有天生的認識。
  • 16Like punctuality, strategic planning is not innate in people.好比守時,人們的策略規劃也不是天生的。
  • 17Added to innate stoicism he also made writing his other self.天生就堅忍淡泊的他更是將寫作變成了另外一個自我。
  • 18Their innate tenacity is one of their greatest assets, though.其內在的韌性是他們最大的資產之一。
  • 19Each employee in your organization has certain innate talents.你單位裏的每一個員工都有一定的天生的才能。
  • 20The innate bias of the human brain, after all, is to be distracted.人類頭腦固有的偏見最後都退到了幕後。
  • 21Our empathy is innate and cannot be changed or long suppressed.我們的移情是天生的,而且不能改變。
  • 22Which would be fine, if your abilities were innate and unchangeable.如果你的能力是固有的,並且不可改變,怎樣才會好?
  • 23With the birth of my own son, I began to see her innate strength.隨着兒子的誕生,我終於看到了他的內在力量。
  • 24He thinks that snub reflects an innate cultural advantage enjoyed by India.他覺得這種冷遇反映印度先天的文化優勢。
  • 25As I've written earlier, human beings have an innate skill at dishonesty.如我以前所寫,人類在不誠實上有一種天生的才能。
  • 26We have an innate sense of duty. We admire people who sacrifice for the group.我們的責任感是與生俱來的,我們敬仰為組織作出犧牲的人。
  • 27But fundamentally, intelligence is an accumulation of skills - not an innate thing.但根本上,智力是一種技能的積累——而不是與生俱來的東西。
  • 28“The Raman effect is part of the innate quality of matter—like DNA, ” he told me.他説,“就像DNA,拉曼效應是物質內在特性的一部分。 [1] 