


Indestructible,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,意為“不可毀滅的”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˌɪndɪˈstrʌktəbl] 美 [ˌɪndɪˈstrʌktəb(ə)l]
adj. 不可毀滅的,不能破壞的 [1] 


indestructible pearl 魚鱗珠
Indestructible card 不可毀滅的牌
Spirit Indestructible 精神不滅 ; 唱片名
man is indestructible 不可摧毀的
Nearly-indestructible robotic 幾乎堅不可摧的機器人 [1] 


  • The human spirit is virtually indestructible. 人的精神實際上是不可摧毀的。
  • This type of plastic is almost indestructible. 這種塑料幾乎牢不可破。
  • Moulded plastic is almost indestructible, but scuffs easily. 注塑幾乎弄不壞,但容易磨損。
  • I felt indestructible and free. 我覺得堅不可摧,覺得自由。
  • Love is indestructible. 愛是堅不可摧的。
  • They build it to be indestructible. 他們的研究是堅不可摧的。
  • Didn't you know I was indestructible? 你不知道我是打不敗的?
  • It is indestructible, for it is never destroyed. 它是堅不可摧的,因為它從來沒有被摧毀。
  • Did you think I was, didn't you know I'm indestructible? 你想我嗎?你不知道我是打不倒的嗎?
  • The body of the Tathagata is adamantine and indestructible. 如來的身體是金剛體,牢不可破。
  • Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible. 科學家們深信,所有物質都是不滅的。
  • Did you think I was? Didn't you know I was indestructible ? 你以為我…你難道不知道我是催不垮的嗎?
  • Feel the indestructible force within you, it is there forever. 感受你內在的這股不可毀滅的力量,它永遠存在。
  • You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? 你知道那個飛機上的不會毀壞的黑匣子嗎?
  • When we were young, I thought my husband and I were indestructible. 當我們年輕的時候,我認為我和丈夫是堅不可摧的。
  • The harpy said if I lived with her long enough I'd become indestructible. 鷹妖説,如果我們一起生活的夠久的話,我會變得堅不可摧。
  • They'd march along that way, pretty much an indestructible human tortoise. 以這個方式前進十分像無敵烏龜。
  • Because God is indestructible, so is the visible, tangible proof of His love for me. 因為上帝是不可毀滅的,他對我“眼可見、手可觸”的愛護也是不可毀滅的。
  • Plastic, one of the most indestructible of manufactured materials, does in fact eventually decompose. 塑料是人類發明的最不易破壞的物質之一,雖然它最終可以降解,但卻需要一千多年的時間。
  • But what Socrates actually says is his actual conclusion is so the soul is indestructible or nearly so. 但是蘇格拉底實際上説的是,他實際的結論是,所以靈魂幾乎不可摧毀。
  • It's omnivorous and just about indestructible: one specimen was seen happily consuming a lit cigarette butt. 雜食且無破壞性:很高興看到一個令人眼前一亮的樣本。
  • But lingering questions about what might have sunk the seemingly indestructible ship never completely disappeared. 但仍然留有疑問。看上去堅不可摧的巨輪怎麼就完全的消失了呢?
  • The mutant superhero Wolverine displays indestructible claws, from the 2009 movie "X-men Origins." Credit: 20th Century fox. 自2009年的賣座電影《X戰警的起源》的鏡頭中,超級英雄變異人狐狼正在展現他堅不可摧的利爪。
  • You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff? 你知道那個用在飛機上的“不會被摧毀”的黑匣子吧?為什麼他們不把整架飛機都造成那種材料的?
  • These charming phrases are an indestructible part of Swedish social life and they give it an old-world flavor of good manners. 這些可愛的字眼成為瑞士人社會生活中牢不可破的一部分,它們給這種生活抹上了一層昔日禮節的優雅風度。 [1] 