


feedback,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,意思為“反饋意見”;噪聲等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈfiːdbæk] 美 [ˈfiːdbæk]
n. 反饋意見;(信號返回電子音響系統所致的)噪聲;(返回機器、系統或者程序的)返回信息,返回電流 [1] 


feedback control [計]反饋控制;回饋控制
negative feedback 負反饋;負回授
information feedback 信息反饋
positive feedback 正反饋
feedback system 反饋系統;反饋方式
feedback information 反饋信息
feedback mechanism n. 反饋機制,回饋機制
feedback loop [計]反饋環路,反饋迴路
force feedback [機器人]力反饋
feedback control system 反饋控制系統
market feedback 市場反饋;市場調查資料
feedback circuit 反饋電路
feedback signal 回饋信號,反饋信號
feedback effect 反饋效應;反饋作用
position feedback 位置反饋;定位反饋
feedback amplifier 回饋放大器
immediate feedback 即時反饋;立即反饋
acoustic feedback 聲反饋;聲回授
feedback component 反饋元件
feedback data 反饋數據 [1] 


  • The teacher will give you feedback on the test. 老師會對你的測驗提供反饋信息。
  • We didn't know that the feedback meant. 我們不知道那些反饋意見代表着什麼。
  • I've had more feedback in a passive approach. 我通過被動的方式得到了更多的反饋。
  • It can provide students with instant feedback. 它可以為學生提供即時反饋。
  • At the end of four trials, feedback was given. 在四次試驗結束的時候會給出反饋。
  • Positive feedback is important for anyone to hear. 聽取積極的反饋對每個人來説都很重要。
  • The developers were very defensive about the feedback. 開發人員對這種反饋非常牴觸。
  • Wouldn't you appreciate positive feedback if you were a professor? 如果你是教授,難道不會喜歡正面的反饋嗎?
  • Students are telling us they learn much better with instant feedback. 學生告訴我們説,有了即時反饋,他們學得更好。
  • We use standard agile practices to track our work and feedback cycles. 我們使用標準的敏捷實踐來跟蹤我們的工作和反饋循環。
  • Share your poems, get feedback for your poetry and enter poetry contests. 把你的詩歌分享出去,然後得到別人對你詩歌的意見反饋,接着就可以參加詩歌比賽了。
  • The computer provides feedback to the surgeon on force, textures, and sound. 計算機給外科醫生提供關於力量、紋理和聲音的反饋。
  • "There is a huge value in learning with instant feedback," Dr. Agarwal said. “有即時反饋的學習具有巨大的價值。”阿加瓦爾博士説道。
  • It motivates you more if you know that you've got to provide feedback to a group. 如果你知道你必須給團隊提供反饋,你就會更有動力。
  • He maintains most of the feedback he has received has been overwhelmingly positive. 他堅持認為,他收到的大多數反饋都非常積極。
  • What they sometimes lack is feedback from the people who they hope will use their products. 有時,他們缺乏的是來自那些他們希望其使用產品的人的反饋。
  • If you're not sure, ask for honest feedback from trusted friends, colleagues and professionals. 如果你不確定,向你信任的朋友、同事和專業人士尋求誠實的反饋。
  • If we attend to these areas, a child's success may reinforce itself with positive feedback loops. 如果我們關注這些領域,這些正反饋循環就會鞏固孩子的成功。
  • It can provide students with instant feedback, including reports about their strengths and weaknesses. 它可以為學生提供及時的反饋,包括關於他們優點和缺點的報告。
  • On two measures—professors' feedback and the number of essay exams—selective schools do slightly worse. 從教授的反饋和論文考試的數量這兩個指標來看,精英學校的表現略差。
  • With one group of students, the teacher provided strong "scaffolding"—instructional support and feedback. 在一組學生中,老師提供了強有力的“腳手架”,即教學支持和反饋。
  • But unlike in the dolphin experiment, the monkeys had to complete four trials before they got any feedback. 但與海豚實驗不同的是,猴子們必須完成四項實驗才能得到反饋。
  • In my last assignment, I added a few pictures and the feedback I got was that this wasn't "academic" enough. 在我上次的作業中,我添加了幾張圖片,得到的反饋是:這不夠“學術”。
  • Three types of feedback from others are indicative of how they see us: confirmation, rejection, and disconfirmation. 來自他人的三種反饋反映了他們對於我們的看法:認可、拒絕和不認可。
  • Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can greatly affect their children. 教練和家長在任何時候都應該意識到,他們對孩子的反饋會對孩子產生深刻的影響。
  • High achievers will do best when the job provides moderately challenging goals and where there is independence and feedback. 當工作的目標具有一定挑戰性,工作具有獨立性並提供反饋時,高效率者才會全力以赴。
  • Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome. 相反,它包括設立明確的目標、獲得即時的反饋以及對技巧和結果同樣程度的重視。
  • All good targets should have multiple criteria relating to critical factors such as time, money, quality and customer feedback. 所有好的目標都應該有多個與時間、金錢、質量、顧客反饋等關鍵因素有關的標準。
  • Reading and writing involve a number of senses and when writing by hand our brain receives feedback from our muscles and fingertips. 閲讀和寫作涉及多種感官,當我們用手寫字時,我們的大腦會從肌肉和指尖得到反饋。
  • The third type of feedback is disconfirmation, which occurs when others fail to respond to your notion of self by responding neutrally. 第三種類型的反饋是不確定,當其他人沒有通過中立的答覆來回應你的自我認知時,就會發生這種情況。 [1] 