


詞    性
英[dɪˈspætʃ]美[dɪˈspætʃ] [1] 
類    別


英[dɪˈspætʃ]美[dɪˈspætʃ] [1] 


Ems Dispatch 埃姆斯密電
dispatch charge 分撥費 ; 分貨費 ; 分派費 ; 速遣費
dispatch order 發運單 [1] 


  • 1The dispatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure.派遣特遣隊純粹是應急措施。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Mr. Vlok promised new measures to protect residents, including the dispatch of police and troop reinforcements.烏洛克先生答應了新的保護居民的措施,包括派遣增援的警察和軍隊。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3As long as he describes the buildings around, the dispatcher can dispatch emergency medical workers to him.只要他描述一下週圍的建築,調度員就能給他派遣緊急醫療人員。
  • 4We have 125 cases ready for dispatch.我們有125個待發的箱子。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5More food supplies are ready for immediate dispatch.更多的食品供應已備妥即刻發運。《牛津詞典》
  • 6The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt.勝利鼓舞了他發喜電給羅斯福。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7The mongoose's powerful jaws can dispatch a snake in one blow.貓鼬強有力的下顎能夠一下子殺死一條蛇。
  • 8I also had the first BlackBerry because I was still working in dispatch at the time.我也有了第一部黑莓手機,因為那時我還在忙調度的事情。
  • 9I collect it all in my warehouse and then dispatch it to my other warehouse in Italy.我在我的倉庫裏收集所有的東西,然後把它們送到我在意大利的另一個倉庫。
  • 10Instead, computers would dispatch intelligent agents, or software messengers, to explore Web sites by the thousands and logically sift out just what's relevant.取而代之的是,計算機將派出智能代理或軟件信使,對成千上萬的網站進行搜索,然後邏輯地篩選出相關的內容。
  • 11In August 1841, British forces made the coastal Fujian and Zhejiang, Emperor Daoguang ordered the dispatch of soldiers, revendication.1841年8月,英軍力犯閩浙沿海,道光帝下令調遣兵勇,收復失地。
  • 12The Air Forces carried out this reinforcement with utmost dispatch.空軍以最快的速度進行了增援。
  • 13Step 2: Create a Dispatch client.步驟2:創建Dispatch客户端。
  • 14Using a selector for simple dispatch.將選擇器用於簡單的分派。
  • 15Which method should the server dispatch to?服務器應該發送哪一種方法呢?
  • 16An example: Creating a Dispatch client.例子:創建Dispatch客户端。
  • 17Dispatch the message to the application.將消息發送給應用程序。
  • 18Dispatch the request to a new worker thread.將請求分配給新工作線程。
  • 19The use case ends once dispatch is confirmed.一旦派送確認,此用例就結束了。
  • 20Please dispatch the TV sets we ordered by sea.請海運我們訂購的電視機。
  • 21They'll immediately dispatch a crew to dispose of it.他們將立即派遣工作人員前往清理。
  • 22Primordial thread and application dispatch logic.原始線程和應用程序調度邏輯。
  • 23The Post Office will dispatch the letters by the next post.郵局將在下一次郵班把這些信件發送出去。
  • 24She'd then dispatch them to her friends and relatives.然後她把這些書送給親戚朋友們。
  • 25They dispatch managers to give speeches at universities.他們委派經理人員到大學去演講。
  • 26A dispatch confirmation notice was sent to the customer.向客户發送派送確認通知。
  • 27One SPI of particular interest is the dispatch confirmer.一個特別重要的SPI是分派確認程序。
  • 28The dispatch system is implemented here as a callout node.分派系統在此處是作為調出節點實現的。