


Dew,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“露水”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [djuː] 美 [duː]
n. 露水;(似露珠的)小水珠
v. <文>用水珠弄濕
【名】 (Dew)(英)迪尤,(德)德夫(人名) [1] 


dew point [物,氣]露點
morning dew 晨露;朝露
dew point pressure [石油]露點壓力
mountain dew [俚]私釀的威士忌 [1] 


  • 1The dew gathered on the leaves.露水在葉片上聚集。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The grass was wet with early morning dew.清晨的露水使得青草濕漉漉的。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Grasses were moist with dew.草被露水沾濕了。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 4The green boughs glittered with all their pearls of dew.綠枝上閃爍着露珠的光彩。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5If it were not for the vapour in the air, there would be no dew.如果空氣中沒有水氣,就沒有露水。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 6She poured all the vinegar down; and the thieves said, "What a heavy dew there is!"她把所有的醋都倒了下去;盜賊們説:“露水真重!”
  • 7That night God did so. Only the fleece was dry, all the ground was covered with dew.那晚,神也是這麼做的。只有羊毛是乾的,遍地都有露水。
  • 8The Wind kissed the Tree, and the Dew wept tears over him; but the Fir understood it not.風吻着樹,露珠在它身上滴着眼淚;可是樅樹不明白。
  • 9The sawgrass rises to meet the day, standing straight up, the blades of sawgrass with dew on them sparkle.鋸齒草迎着陽光直起身來,葉片上的露珠閃閃發光。
  • 10There was the faint, cool kiss of sensuality when dew came to my cheeks and shins as I ran down the wet green garden paths in the early morning.清晨,當我沿着濕漉漉的綠色花園小徑奔跑時,露水打在我的臉頰和小腿上,給予我淡淡的,清涼的一吻。
  • 11White Dew falls on about Sept.白露大約是在九月。
  • 12We mix the bubble line and the dew line.我們把氣泡線和露線結合起來。
  • 13Drink Pepsi, Coke, Mountain Dew or Sprite, and you feel good because it tastes good.喝百事、可口可樂、山露或者雪碧,你會感覺很好,因為它的味道非常好。
  • 14That is what provides the water for Dew Pond, the moist air under the spreading yews and figs below it, and the soil.這就是露水池的水源頭,是下方大片的紫杉和無花果樹所需潮濕空氣的來源,也是土壤的來源。
  • 15Thomas R. Dew wrote a whole book in the wake of the state of Virginia's debates in 1832 over whether to re-write its constitution.托馬斯·德夫在1832年弗吉尼亞關於是否要重新制定憲法的辯論之後寫了一本書。
  • 16Dew wrote a forceful defense of slavery in the wake of this, which became kind of a seminal text for all future pro-slavery writers.隨後德夫為維護奴隸制寫了一份有力的辯護,這份辯護成為支持所有後親奴主義作家的開創性著作。
  • 17Trees and bushes were covered with hoarfrost, and looked like a forest of white coral, while on every twig glittered frozen dew-drops.樹木和灌木叢披着一層白霜,看上去就像一片白珊瑚森林,每一個枝椏上都閃爍着凝結的露珠。
  • 18With half an inch of rain per year, the beetle can only survive by consuming the dew it collects on the hydrophilic skin of its back in the early mornings.在每年只有半英尺降雨量的環境下,這種甲蟲只能通過它背部親水性皮膚在早晨收集的水露存活下來。
  • 19It is said that the kipper made on the day of the Cold Dew with accessory foods such as rice wine, salt, glutinous rice, and ginger are especially delicious.據説在寒露之日用米酒、鹽、糯米、生薑等輔料製作的醃魚特別美味。
  • 20His shoes were drenched in dew.他的鞋子被露水濕透了。
  • 21Dew on the grass in the morning.清晨青草葉上的露珠。
  • 22That's called the dew line.這叫做水珠線。
  • 23Dew is a good thing, Sir.露水是種好東西,先生。
  • 24I didn't tell Dew about this.我沒有把這些告訴露露。
  • 25The cool of the night distils the dew.清涼的夜晚灑落露水。
  • 26The dew is a source of freshness.露是代表新鮮,朝氣,活潑。
  • 27The sun evaborated the morning dew.陽光蒸發了晨露。
  • 28Dew came into my life.一個名叫露露的女孩闖進了我的生活。
  • 29I walked upstairs. Dew opened the door.我奔上樓,露露開了門。
  • 30Dew like pearls shone on the grass brightly.草上的露珠像晶瑩剔透的珍珠在閃爍。 [1] 