


詞    性
複    數


英[ˈdevl]美[ˈdevl] [1] 


dust devil[氣象]塵捲風 ; 塵旋風 ;[氣象]塵暴 ;[氣象]塵卷
BLACK DEVIL黑魔鬼 ; 黑色魔鬼 ; 魔鬼 ;
Bwana Devil非洲歷險記 ; 博瓦納的魔鬼 ; 博瓦納的妖怪
Fruit Devil水果惡魔 ; 水果魔鬼 ; 愛吃水果的小惡魔 ; 水果小惡魔
Defense Devil惡魔辯護 ; 惡魔辯護所 ; 辯護惡魔
fire devil火焰旋渦 ; 火魔 ; 火惡魔
sweet devil惡魔般的甜心 ; 甜蜜的惡魔 ; 初音未來 ; 超能力魔法
devil horse螳螂 [1] 


  • 1He was a miserable old devil.他真是個令人厭煩的老傢伙。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He's a crafty old devil.他是個奸詐狡猾的傢伙。《牛津詞典》
  • 3The leader seemed the devil incarnate.那個首領好像是魔鬼的化身。《牛津詞典》
  • 4I miss the old devil, now that he's gone.老傢伙這一走,我還真想他。《牛津詞典》
  • 5She has convinced herself that she is possessed by the devil.她確信自己被魔鬼附了身。《牛津詞典》
  • 6She even claimed the couple's daughter was possessed by the devil.她甚至聲稱這對夫婦的女兒被魔鬼附體了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7The devil must have put them into your head.魔鬼一定是把它們放在你的腦子裏了。
  • 8Many people have been attacked by Devil Firefish.很多人都被魔鬼魚攻擊過。
  • 9They sold themselves to the devil—such is their crime.他們把自己的靈魂出賣給魔鬼——這是他們的罪狀。
  • 10The Mediterranean is a natural habitat of Devil Firefish.地中海是魔鬼魚的天然棲息地。
  • 11How does the 57-year-old bring himself to now sup with the devil?這個57歲的人現在是如何讓自己與魔鬼共進晚餐的呢?
  • 12There are legends which say that the devil can turn himself into any bird except for a dove.在一些傳説中,魔鬼可以變成任何一種鳥,除了鴿子。
  • 13The peasant replied, "He says that the Devil is hiding outside there in the closet on the porch."農夫回答説:“他説魔鬼就藏在外邊門廊的壁櫥裏。”
  • 14Her father shall see her, I vowed, and vowed again, if that devil is killed on his own doorstones in trying to prevent it!他父親一定要見到她,我一遍遍地發誓,如果那個魔鬼想阻止這個,即使讓他死在他自己的門階前也成!
  • 15"On mine honor, my friend," answered Zarathustra, "there is nothing of all that whereof you speak: there is no devil and no hell."“以我的名譽起誓,我的朋友,”查拉圖斯特拉回答説,“你所説的根本不存在:既沒有魔鬼,也沒有地獄。”
  • 16She wanted to live onshore and find love so bad that she made a "deal" with a "devil" and "sells" her beautiful voice, or "soul" so to speak.她想到岸上生活,並渴望尋找真愛,於是她和一個“魔鬼”做了一筆“交易”,“出賣”了自己美妙的聲音,或者乾脆説就是“靈魂”。
  • 17That little devil progesterone may also be affecting your lungs causing you to huff and puff on long walks, upstairs or even doing the dishes.這個黃體酮小魔鬼可能還會影響到你的肺,讓你在走一段長路時、上樓梯時、甚至洗碗時都會喘氣不斷。
  • 18Smith, it seems, is really the devil! The editor is frightened by this news, but he is more frightened by the idea of losing his newspaper, so he agrees to sign.看來,史密斯真是個惡魔!編輯被這個消息嚇壞了,但他更害怕的是失去他的報刊,所以他同意簽字。
  • 19However, in the late 1980s, some scientists were exploring Devil' s Hole, which is basically an extensive water-filled cave, far from the ocean, in Nevada2, in the western United States.然而,在20世紀80年代後期,一些科學家在美國西部的內華達探索魔鬼洞,這基本上是一個廣闊的充滿水的洞穴,並且遠離海洋。
  • 20We ran like the devil.我們跑得飛快。《牛津詞典》
  • 21I've had a devil of a job finding you.我費了九牛二虎之力才找到你。《牛津詞典》
  • 22What the devil do you think you're doing?你到底想幹什麼?《牛津詞典》
  • 23Well, speak of the devil—here's Alice now!嗬,説曹操,曹操就到—瞧,艾麗斯這不來啦!《牛津詞典》
  • 24You sly old devil! How long have you known?你這個老滑頭!你知道有多久了?《牛津詞典》
  • 25She's off to Greece for a month—lucky devil!她去希臘一個月—真是個幸運兒!《牛津詞典》
  • 26These berries are the devil to pick because they're so small.這些漿果太小了,很難摘。《牛津詞典》
  • 27She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers. 'The devil makes work for idle hands,' she would say.她認為那些違法行為是當地的無業青少年所為,總是説:“人一閒,惹麻煩”。《牛津詞典》
  • 28In the film The Devil Wears Prada Miranda is very demanding.在電影《穿普拉達的女王》中,米蘭達要求很高。
  • 29They call you devil or they call you god.他們要麼叫你魔鬼,要麼稱你上帝。
  • 1.    devil  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-16]