


Crescent,英文單詞,主要用作名詞形容詞,主要意思為“月牙形;新月”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈkres(ə)nt] 美 [ˈkres(ə)nt] [1] 


  • n. 新月形,月牙形;新月(伊斯蘭教的象徵);<史>伊斯蘭(或奧斯曼帝國)政權(the Crescent);新月形街道(尤用於街道名稱);新月形紋章(尖端通常向上,也作為家族次子的標誌);新月斑,翅蝶(或蛾)
  • adj. 新月形的,月牙形的;<文>成長中的,發展中的
  • 【名】 (Crescent)(法)克雷桑(人名)
[ 複數 crescents ] [1] 


crescent moon 新月;盈月;娥眉月
Crescent City 新月城 [1] 


  • I live at 7 Park Crescent. 我住在帕克新月街7號。《牛津詞典》
  • The address is 44 Colville Crescent. 地址是科爾維爾新月街44號。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • A glittering Islamic crescent tops the mosque. 一個閃閃發光的伊斯蘭新月標誌立於該清真寺之頂。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • The Circus is about 200 meters to the east of the Royal Crescent. 馬戲團在皇家新月廣場以東約200米處。youdao
  • The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum was opened in Geneva in 1988. 國際紅十字和紅新月博物館於1988年在日內瓦開放。youdao
  • She still called me Ca-Coo and served my children Viennese crescent cookie from the best bakery in New York. 她還是叫我卡酷,還給我的孩子們吃紐約最好的麪包店做的維也納式新月形餅乾。youdao
  • The International Red Cross or Red Crescent exists to help the victims of conflicts and disasters regardless of their nationalities. 國際紅十字會或紅新月博物館的存在是為了幫助衝突和災難中的受害者,而不論他們的國籍是什麼。youdao
  • She brought me a cookie – a Viennese crescent she got from the best bakery in New York – and initiated the first of a life time of serious talks. 她給了我一塊餅乾——她從紐約最好的麪包店買的維也納式新月形餅乾——開始了一生中第一次嚴肅的談話。youdao
  • Hotel "Crescent" will be like a "gateway" to those guests who arrive in the country by sea and symbolize the rapidly growing economy of Azerbaijan. “新月”酒店將成為那些從海上抵達阿塞拜疆的客人的“門户”,象徵着阿塞拜疆經濟的快速增長。youdao
  • The great civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and the area we refer to as the Fertile Crescent, of which a little part here about the size of Rhode Island is Canaan. 古埃及,美索不達米亞和我們稱為新月沃土的地區的偉大文明,其中一小部分面積和羅德島差不多就是迦南。youdao
  • A glittering Islamic crescent tops the mosque. 一個閃閃發光的伊斯蘭新月標誌立於該清真寺之頂。youdao
  • Children chase a crescent moon. 孩子們追逐着一彎新月。youdao
  • what you see is a crescent, agreed ? 你會看到月牙型的金星,對吧?youdao
  • When is the first sighting of the crescent moon if you're on Mars? 如果在火星上什麼時候才算第一次看到新月?youdao
  • Moons, both crescent and full, provide a thin light in the gloaming. 月亮——不論是一彎月牙還是一輪滿月——都為黃昏籠罩上一層薄薄的白紗。youdao
  • The moon grew from crescent to gibbous, and suddenly the toads were gone. 從新月到上弦月,月亮逐漸圓滿起來,它們卻忽然消失了。youdao
  • Baby was so free from every tie in the land of the tiny crescent moon. 在那片小小的新月之地,嬰兒是那樣自由,那樣不受任何束縛。youdao
  • My favorite Viennese crescent cookies were set out, but I couldn't eat one. 那裏有我最愛的維也納式新月形餅乾,但我一口也沒吃。youdao
  • Or look at the hippocampus, the crescent-shaped center of long-term memory. 也可以來看看海馬體,那個月牙形的長期記憶中心。youdao
  • Iran said its own Red Crescent charity would be sending aid by boat to Gaza soon. 伊朗稱本國的紅新月會將在不久派救援船隻前往加沙。youdao
  • Visible on the upper right are the crescent Moon and the bright planet Venus. 右上角一彎新月及其附近明亮的金星清晰可見。youdao
  • Of course on April 15, Venus and Mercury were joined by a young crescent Moon. 當然4月15日小月齡的蛾眉月加入了金星和水星的會合。youdao
  • One boy started laughing, "it sure must get crowded when it's a crescent moon." 有一個男孩笑了,“當月亮由滿月變成月牙兒,上面的人該有多麼擁擠啊?”youdao
  • The Medusa's transforming star is near the center of the overall bright crescent shape. 整個明亮的新月形中心附近是美杜薩星雲正在轉化的恆星。youdao
  • Sometimes it appears as a crescent, sometimes it doesn't appear at all , its just black. 有時以新月形態出現,有時又變成全黑,完全看不見。youdao
  • A crescent Saturn appears nestled within encircling rings in this Cassini spacecraft image. 在這張卡西尼號的照片中,土星環緊貼着新月形的土星。youdao
  • The Moon's sunlit crescent is sinking into the colorful twilight glow just left of Mercury. 新月形的月亮正在落入水星左側的彩色晨曦之中。youdao
  • Sometimes she was also shown with a crescent moon near her. The moon is the symbol of Artemis. 有時她身邊會有一道盈月,月亮是阿爾忒彌斯的象徵。youdao
  • For now, the crescent phase of Venus remains easy to enjoy with binoculars in November's dawn skies. 目前,在11月的黎明天空中,你都可以輕易通過雙目望遠鏡看到金星月牙形的相。youdao
  • That quake swept away 11 people in Crescent City and killed a total of 17 people along the coast. 當時海嘯奪去了新月城的11條生命,並在加州沿海造成17人死亡。youdao [1] 