


Cop,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“警察;管紗;抓獲”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [kɒp] 美 [kɑːp]
n. 警察;管紗,緯管;<愛爾蘭>精明,明智
v. 抓獲,逮捕;遭受,蒙受;收到,得到;表明,擺出;偷,盜竊;<非正式>失敗,送命(cop out)
【名】 (Cop)(美、俄、印、比利時)焦普(人名) [1] 


no cop 沒價值,不值錢;沒用處
traffic cop n. [口]交通警察
cop out [美俚]逃避;放棄;自首並告密;避重就輕地認罪 [1] 


  • He pulled out a badge and said he was a cop. 他拿出工作證,説他是警察。
  • Malone, a cop, felt as much an outsider as any of them. 馬隆,一個警察,跟他們中任何人一樣感到自己是個外人。
  • Cheney is everyone's image of a typical cop: a big white guy, six feet, 220 pounds. 切尼是每個人心目中典型的警察形象:高大的白人,身高6英尺,體重220磅。
  • I couldn't cope with the added burden of being a cop as well as a victim. 我無法應付作為一個警察和受害者所帶來的額外壓力。
  • It might be a spouse, a girlfriend, a marketing company, a boss, a cop or a criminal. 有可能是配偶、女朋友、營銷公司、老闆、警察或犯罪分子。
  • In 1992, when Time Warner was under fire for releasing Ice-T's violent rap song Cop Killer, Levin described rap as a lawful expression of street culture, which deserves an outlet. 1992年公司因出品 Ice-T 樂隊暴力的説唱歌曲《警察殺手》後備受譴責時,列文卻將説唱音樂描述為街頭文化的合法表達方式,並説它應該有自己的宣泄途徑。
  • He's not much cop as a singer. 他的歌唱得不怎麼樣。
  • To decline to vote is a cop-out. 不投票是一種逃避。
  • Not turning up was just a cop-out. 不露面只不過是在逃避而已。
  • Who did he cop off with at the party? 他在聚會上與誰調情?
  • The film's ending is an unsatisfactory cop-out. 那部電影的結尾是個不令人滿意的迴避。
  • You're not going to cop out at the last minute, are you? 你不是打算臨陣脱逃吧?
  • I left, but you told me to. I'd appreciate it if you'd cop to that. 我離開了,但這是你讓我這麼做的。如果你認錯的話我會很高興。
  • This morning I saw a cop with a dog. 今天早上我看見一個警察帶着一隻狗。
  • When an ex-cop took up teaching, he was equally disappointed with education. 當一位曾經的警察加入教師行列後,他對教育同樣感到失望。
  • The cop and the psychiater wish to stop it. 警察和精神病學家希望阻止它。
  • Cop gets shot in face during traffic stop Shots fired! 警察在路上被人開槍擊中面部!
  • "I'm a cop", says the first man. “我是個警察,”第一個男人説。
  • It is like a traffic cop. 它就像交通警察一樣。
  • Give this cup to the cop. 把這個杯子交給警察。
  • Cop: Where are you going? 警察:你去哪?
  • He became a meeting cop. 他變身為會議警察。
  • Just so you know: my father is a cop. 只是想告訴你,我父親是警察。
  • You get a cop and you have a driver. 於是你的司機又是你的警察。
  • I wanted to be a cop since I was five. 從五歲起,我就一直想當警察。我只想當警察。
  • Cop: Don't worry. 警察:別擔心。
  • I used to punish my liver like it shot a cop. 我曾經虐待我的肝臟,就好像它對警察開過槍一樣。
  • He is a cop. 原來他是一位警察。
  • Many will argue that this line is a cop-out. 很多人會説這條路線是逃避責任的藉口。 [1] 