


Cardboard,英語單詞,主要用作名詞形容詞,主要意思為“硬紙板,紙板箱;不真實的”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈkɑːdbɔːd] 美 [ˈkɑːrdbɔːrd]
n. 硬紙板,紙板箱
adj. 不真實的,做作的;硬紙板制的 [1] 


corrugated cardboard 波狀紙板,瓦楞紙板
cardboard box 紙箱;紙板盒
white cardboard 白卡紙
cardboard paper 厚板紙;硬紙板
CardBoard Castle 硬紙板城堡 ; 紙片城堡 ; 紙板城堡 ; 卡紙城堡
cardboard filler 紙板襯
cardboard tube 紙卷芯
Cardboard Bottom Boards 紙底板 [1] 


  • 1I made a full-size cardboard model.我做了一個和原物一樣大小的硬紙板模型。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The cardboard disintegrates organically.硬紙板是會自然分解的。《牛津詞典》
  • 3He reached into the cardboard box beside him.他把手伸進他旁邊的紙板箱。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.它吃起來淡而無味,像加熱過的卡紙板。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5It tasted indescribably bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.這東西嚐起來太淡而無味了,就像加熱過的紙板一樣。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The term 'cardboard city' was coined to describe communities of homeless people living in cardboard boxes.人們創造了cardboard city一詞,用來指居住在紙板棚屋裏無家可歸者的居住區。《牛津詞典》
  • 7We plan to use cardboard or plastic cartons for outer packing.我們打算利用紙板箱或塑料箱作為外包裝。
  • 8They made beds out of cardboard on the chilly shopfloor and dug in.他們在冰冷的地板上用硬紙板做了牀,然後開始挖洞。
  • 9Once, after cleaning my house, I placed some cardboard boxes in his garden and left my rubbish beside my door.有一次,我打掃完房子後,在他的花園裏放了一些紙板箱,並把我的垃圾放在門口。
  • 10They have built their homes out of plastic sheeting and cardboard, unsure if the water they drink from an open pipe is safe.他們用塑膠塊和硬紙板建造自己的家,也不確定從露天管道里喝的水是否安全。
  • 11He got a large piece of cardboard, painted a sign begging for the bicycle to be returned, and tied the sign to the letterbox.他拿了一大塊硬紙板,畫了一個乞求歸還自行車的牌子,然後把牌子系在了信箱上。
  • 12I tried making toy cars with cardboard boxes and constructing buildings from leftover cardboard and bits of wood my father gave me.我試着用紙板箱做玩具汽車,用父親給我的剩紙板和木片搭房子。
  • 13I came home laden with cardboard boxes.我滿載着紙箱子回了家。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 14There were cardboard boxes stuffed full of clothes.有塞滿衣服的一個一個紙箱。《牛津詞典》
  • 15You'd swear he was a cardboard cut-out except that he'd moved his rifle.你會斷言他是個用紙板裁出的假人,除非他動了他的來福槍。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 16She would have to wait in the truck, fanning herself with a piece of cardboard.她只得在卡車裏等候,用一塊紙板給自己扇風。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17French strawberries do not taste like cardboard.法國草莓吃起來並非味同嚼蠟。
  • 18Things made of these materials include soda cans, plastic milk boxes, newspapers, computers and cardboard boxes.用這些材料製成的東西包括汽水罐、塑料牛奶盒、報紙、電腦和紙板箱。
  • 19Someone brought a moppet and put it on the haulm in the cardboard manger.有人帶來了一個娃娃,並把它放在紙板槽裏的稻草上。
  • 20Generals in full uniform leading regiments of cardboard soldiers passed by.穿着全套制服的將軍們帶領着由紙板士兵組成的軍團走過。
  • 21As the President spoke, someone fanned him with a square piece of cardboard.總統在説話時,旁邊有人用一片四方形的紙板為他扇風。
  • 22Even Optimus Prime, the hero of the series, remains very much a cardboard character.即便是擎天柱,這個系列的英雄,看上去也仍然像是單薄的紙片人。
  • 23I got all the flowers and all the grasses ready and printed the names on pieces of cardboard, to stick in with them.我把所有的花和草都準備好了,把名字印在紙板上,和它們粘在一起。
  • 24Once you are done demonstrating whatever concept was in the textbook, you throw away the pipe cleaners, the straws, the cardboard tubes.一旦你完成了課本展示的內容,你就會扔掉這些煙斗通條、吸管和硬紙管。
  • 25It was common along major interstate highways to see individuals (mostly male) standing by the side of the entrance ramp with a cardboard.在州際主路旁,經常可以看到一些人(多為男性)站在匝道入口處,隨身帶着一塊紙板。
  • 26On a hot day many years ago my the-middle school daughter Emily, one of the most optimistic people I know, was paddling with me in a cardboard boat race.數年前一個炎熱的日子裏,我那上中學的女兒艾米麗——我所認識的最樂觀的人之一,和我一起參加劃紙板船比賽。
  • 27This heated air, drawn down from the roof, then mixes with the greenhouse air as it reaches a second sea-water-moistened cardboard wall at the back of the greenhouse.從屋頂吸出的這種熱空氣,在到達温室後部第二個被海水潤濕的紙板壁時,便與温室空氣混合。
  • 28Oriented to the prevailing wind, the front wall of perforated cardboard, moistened and cooled by a trickle of seawater pumped in, cools and moistens hot air blowing in.盛行的風穿過帶孔的紙板牆,注入涼爽濕潤的海水,清爽潮濕的熱風也湧了進來。
  • 29The researchers think that they can attach the sensors to cardboard boxes, and then supermarkets can scan the sensors with a portable device to see how ripe the fruit inside is.研究人員認為,他們可以把傳感器安裝在紙盒上,然後超市就可以用便攜式設備掃描傳感器,查看裏面的水果的成熟程度。
  • 30The cardboard box was crushed.紙箱子壓扁了。《新英漢大辭典》 [1] 