


詞    性
屬    性


bubble wrap 氣泡布 ; 泡沫包裝 ; 外包裝氣泡膜 ; 氣泡紙
economic bubble 泡沫經濟 ; 經濟泡沫
Bubble Bath 泡泡浴 ; 泡沫浴 ; 氣泡浴 ; 泡泡浴液
bubble economy 泡沫經濟 ; 沫子經濟 ; 泡沫 ; 日本泡沫經濟
bubble memory [計] 磁泡存儲器 ; 磁泡記憶 ; 磁泡記憶體 ; 磁泡內存
air bubble [冶] 空氣泡 ; 砂眼 ; 氣泡兒
bubble point 泡點 ; [物] 始沸點 ; [物] 起泡點 ; 沸騰點
bubble effect 泡沫效應 ; 實現氣泡效果 ; 兩
Bubble Chair 泡泡椅 ; 壓克力吊椅 ; 氣泡椅 ; 休閒椅 [1] 


  • 1Add the white wine and let it bubble up.加入白葡萄酒,讓它產生泡沫。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The water in the pan was beginning to bubble.鍋裏的水開始冒泡。《牛津詞典》
  • 3At the time the telecoms bubble was at its height.當時電信業的泡沫正處於極度膨脹時期。《牛津詞典》
  • 4When the bubble finally burst, hundreds of people lost their jobs.當泡沫最終破滅時,有幾百人丟了飯碗。《牛津詞典》
  • 5We may be heading into another bubble.我們似乎在走向另一個泡沫。
  • 6There is no property bubble in Portugal.葡萄牙不存在資產泡沫。
  • 7We mix the bubble line and the dew line.我們把氣泡線和露線結合起來。
  • 8When the bubble burst, demand collapsed.當泡沫破裂時,需求就會崩潰。
  • 9It's the final gasp of the burst housing bubble.它是房地產泡沫破滅前的一次苟延殘喘。
  • 10If I need 39 layers of bubble wrap, how much total would that be?如果我需要包裹39層氣泡紙,那一共得有多少呢?
  • 11Finance has a history of messing up, from the Dutch tulip bubble in 1637 to now.從1637年的荷蘭鬱金香泡沫到現在,金融業有一段混亂的歷史。
  • 12Cities or towns be responsible for paying to deal with the bubble wrap that encased your television.城市或城鎮應該為處理電視外包裝的氣泡膜買單。
  • 13An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background.當波浪在背景中破碎時,從海底升起的氣泡扭曲成半圓形。
  • 14It describes skyscrapers that are much taller than today's buildings, underwater "bubble" cities and holidays in space.它描述的是比現在高得多的摩天大樓、水下“泡沫”城市和太空度假。
  • 15The activities that may have got the benefit of the doubt in the bubble years now look like shameless envelope-pushing.這些活動在經濟泡沫時期也許能無罪推定,但現在看來,更像是無恥的挑戰原則底線。
  • 16An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background.當波浪在背景中破碎時,從海底升起的氣泡扭曲成半圓形。
  • 17There are classic cone-shaped ones and also volcanoes in the shape of a puddle or a lake with a blowing bubble in the middle.有經典的錐形火山,也有形如水坑或湖泊、中心冒泡的火山。
  • 18In the peak of the dot.com bubble, brick and mortar retail was one of those industries the internet was going to kill—and quickly.在互聯網泡沫時期的頂峯,實體零售業是互聯網即將迅速扼殺的行業之一。
  • 19The slush is compacted by an unknown mechanism, and solid, bubble-free ice is formed from water high in soluble organic substances.半融雪通過一種未知的物理過程被壓實,而固態、無氣泡的冰是由富含可溶性有機物的水形成的。
  • 20In the heyday of the dot.com bubble, brick and mortar retail was one of those industries the internet was going to kill-and quickly.在互聯網泡沫最嚴重的時期,實體零售是互聯網很快就要毀滅的行業之一。
  • 21Occasionally, a bubble is not removed during refining, a sand grain refuses to melt, a tremor in the tin puts ripples into the glass ribbon."有時候,在提煉的過程中會出現這些情況:一個氣泡沒有被移除,一個砂粒沒有熔化,(熔融的)錫的一次顫動把波紋帶進了玻璃帶中。
  • 22After the failure of Lehman Brothers, many of the world's largest banks feared the worst as the collapse of the housing bubble exposed investments in risky loans.在雷曼兄弟破產後,許多全球最大的銀行都曾擔心出現最糟糕的情況,因為房地產泡沫的破裂暴露了它們在高風險貸款方面的投資。
  • 23Even today, after the bursting of the stock-market bubble, American venture-capital firms—which are in the business of betting on the future—dwarf the firms from all other nations.即使是在股市泡沫破裂之後的今天,美國的風險投資公司——它們從事的是押注未來的業務——也讓所有其他國家的公司相形見絀。
  • 24While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns, resulting in a real-estate "bubble," the report's writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred.過度樂觀可能會助長不良投資模式,導致出現房地產“泡沫”,但這篇報告的作者對這種潛在後果只是一筆帶過,認為這種後果尚未發生。
  • 25This time he made a big beautiful bubble, then another...這次他吹了一個漂亮的大泡泡,然後又吹了一個……
  • 26At that moment, all my pride turned into a bubble immediately.那一刻,我所有的驕傲立刻化為泡影。
  • 27My son cried with joy as a big beautiful bubble came out and moved slowly in the air.當一個漂亮的大氣泡冒出來,在空中慢慢地移動時,我的兒子高興地叫了起來。
  • 28They tease him; the bubble bursts!他們取笑它;肥皂泡破了!
  • 29Crazy Bubble Run is a happy family activity.瘋狂泡泡跑是一項快樂的家庭活動。
  • 30A swing, a bursting bubble--such is my song!一個鞦韆,一個破滅的泡泡——這就是我的歌! [1] 