


blossom,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“(樹木的)花,花簇;開花”等。 [1] 
英    音
美    音
詞    性


英 [ˈblɒsəm] 美 [ˈblɑːsəm]
n. (樹木的)花,花簇;開花,花期
v. 開花;成長,繁盛,興旺
【名】 (Blossom)布洛瑟姆(人名) [1] 


peach blossom 桃花
in blossom 盛開
plum blossom n. 梅花
cherry blossom 櫻花
orange blossom 香橙花橙花雞尾酒
in full blossom 正開着花
apple blossom 蘋果花
blossom out 開花
come into blossom 開花
apricot blossom 杏花 [1] 


  • The trees are in blossom. 樹上鮮花盛開。
  • Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom. 雨開始下,桃樹就開花了。
  • Now the peach begins to blossom. 現在桃花開始綻放。
  • Some plants never blossom, don't they? 有些植物從不開花,對嗎?
  • There is no blossom this year on the plum trees. 今年李子樹不開花。
  • Japan's Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. 日本的櫻花節要晚一點。
  • Love was a magnificent building I built on the foundation of friendship. It took time to blossom. 我的愛情是在友誼這塊地基上建起的高樓大廈。它經過了曠日持久的培養才得以開花。
  • Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. 導遊會對這些櫻花樹以及櫻花盛開之處的著名紀念碑做一個歷史講解。
  • The pomegranate flowers that blossom in the gardens of Tyre are redder than roses which are not so red. 在泰爾的花園裏盛開的石榴花,比沒有那麼紅的玫瑰還紅。
  • He donated "Painting of Finger Citron and Plum Blossom" to the efforts in renovating Venice and Great Wall. 他將《佛手梅花圖》捐出以維修威尼斯和修復長城。
  • To further improve taste, check out its "belly button": At the blossom end, eggplants have either an oval or round dimple. 要進一步改善口感,看看它的“肚臍”:在有花的一端,茄子會有一個橢圓或圓形的小凹。
  • Plum blossom, which tops the ten most famous flowers of China, originated in south China and has a planting history of more than 3,000 years. 梅花位居中國十大名花之首,源於中國南方,已有三千多年的栽培和種植歷史。
  • Violet Vale was purple with violets and the seedling apple tree far back in the woods was a huge tree peppered over with tiny, crimson-tipped blossom-buds. 紫羅蘭山谷開滿了紫色的花朵,而樹林背後深處的蘋果樹苗長成了綻滿了細小的、尖端是深紅色的花苞的大樹。
  • Why do some people take longer than others to blossom? 為什麼有些人比其他人大器晚成呢?
  • The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year. 華盛頓的櫻花今年開得早。
  • Just before it was ready to blossom, it died. 就在它即將綻放的時候,它就枯死了。
  • The jasmine is in blossom. 茉莉花開了。
  • The red plum blossom shows her quality in her staunch will. 紅梅以堅定不移的信念表現她的品格。
  • The blossom month had passed, and June, with the long, long days, had come. 繁花似錦的月份過去了,伴着十分漫長的白晝,六月來臨了。
  • It is a cherry-blossom season, a time of all-night sake-drinking parties under the sakura. 眼下正值櫻花綻放的季節,是人們通宵在櫻花下喝酒聚會的時候。
  • The flowers in the park are in blossom, which attract a lot of visitors to appreciate them. 公園裏的花兒都開了,吸引了很多遊客去欣賞。
  • According to this line of thought, the verbal abilities that blossom in the two year old allow events to be coded in a form radically different from the action-based codes of the infant. 根據這個思路,兩歲的兒童發展出的語言能力可以使他們對事件的組織方式與嬰兒基於動作的組織方式有根本的差異。
  • Types include premium honey such as orange blossom, and sourwood produced in Florida. 其中包括特級蜂蜜,如產自佛羅里達的橙花蜜和酸模樹蜜。
  • Soon it will open, blossom out. 不久它就會舒展開,然後開花。
  • Closing around a blossom of fire. 圍繞着火的花朵。
  • The cherry blossom wars are over. 櫻花論戰已經結束。
  • All the orchards blossom in spring. 所有的果樹在春天開花。
  • Sheffield has seen him blossom. 謝菲爾德見證了他的盛放。
  • I want life in full blossom; 我想要怒放的生命;
  • They shall blossom like the rose. 他們必如玫瑰般盛放。 [1] 