


Assistant,主要用作名詞形容詞,主要意思為“助理,助手”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [əˈsɪstənt] 美 [əˈsɪstənt]
n. 助理,助手;店員,售貨員
adj. 助理的,副的
[ 複數 assistants ] [1] 


assistant /əˈsɪstənt/ CET4 TEM4
1.ADJ Assistant is used in front of titles or jobs to indicate a slightly lower rank. For example, an assistant director is one rank lower than a director in an organization. 助理的 (用在頭銜或職位前,表示級別略低) [ADJ n]
2.N-COUNT Someone's assistant is a person who helps them in their work. 助理
3.N-COUNT An assistant is a person who works in a shop selling things to customers. 售貨員 [1] 


Teaching Assistant 教學助理 ; 少兒培訓師 ; 教學助教
assistant professor 助理教授 ; 助教授 ; 副教授 ; 助理傳授
shop assistant [貿易] 售貨員 ; [勞經] 店員 ; 營業員 ; 商場營業員
assistant referee 助理裁判員 ; 助理裁判 ; 邊裁 ; 即旁證
Marketing Assistant 市場助理 ; 銷售助理 ; 營銷助理 ; 市場部助理
office assistant Office助手 ; 寫字樓助理 ; 行政助理
assistant manager 助理 ; 助理經理
Assistant Editor 助理編輯 ; 編輯助理 ; 助理編纂 ; 助理
Executive Assistant 行政助理 ; 經理助理 ; 執行助理 ; 總經理助理 [1] 


  • The assistant pursed her lips. 那女助手噘起了嘴。
  • She made him her assistant. 她挑選他做她的助手。
  • The assistant carried on talking. 那個助理接着談了下去。
  • She left her assistant in charge. 她委託助手來負責。
  • She works as a teaching assistant. 她擔任助教。
  • He worked as an assistant to one Mr Ming. 他給一位明先生當助手。
  • He was given the title of assistant manager. 他被授予經理助理的職位。
  • The job had to be delegated to an assistant. 這工作得交給助手負責。
  • The lab assistant was wearing a white overall. 實驗室助手穿着一件白罩衣。
  • She was then relegated to the role of assistant. 隨後她被降級做助手了。
  • An assistant sat typing away at a table beside him. 一名助手坐在他身邊的一張桌子旁打字。
  • My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action. 現在我的助手將演示機器運轉情況。
  • She's always palming the worst jobs off on her assistant. 她總是哄騙她的助手做最苦的差事。
  • She worked as a secretary, or rather, a personal assistant. 她當了秘書;確切地講,是私人助理。
  • Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police. 她的助手被警方指控偷竊和詐騙。
  • The official title of the job is 'Administrative Assistant'. 這個職位的正式名稱為“行政助理”。
  • She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took her place. 她不能參加會議,所以她的助手代她出席。
  • She had earlier resigned her post as President Menem's assistant. 她已於早些時候辭去了梅內姆總統助理的職務。
  • My job is somewhere between a secretary and a personal assistant. 我的工作介於秘書和私人助理之間。
  • Kalan called his assistant, Hashim, to take over while he went out. 卡蘭打電話給他的助理哈什姆以在他外出時接管。
  • Mr. Dambar had started off as an assistant to Mrs. Spear's husband. 丹巴先生以做斯皮爾夫人的先生的助手開始職業生涯。
  • I leave most of the organization of these conferences to my assistant. 我把這些會議的大部分籌備工作留給我的助手。
  • She was a hard-pressed personal assistant to a frenetic company chairman. 她給一位瘋狂的公司總裁當私人助理,有很大的壓力。
  • Howe carefully cultivated Daniel C. Roper, the Assistant Postmaster General. 豪精心與郵政助理部長丹尼爾·C·羅珀拉關係。
  • He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant talk to the press. 他喜歡待在幕後,讓他的助理向新聞界發佈消息。
  • The elevation of the assistant coach to the head coaching position within only 9 months was a surprise. 這位助理教練僅僅在9個月內就被提拔到總教練的位置是件令人驚訝的事。
  • Even the Assistant Secretary of State had to admit that previous policy did not, in his words, produce results. 就連這位國務卿助理也不得不承認以前的政策,用他本人的話説,沒有產生效果。
  • Gary, my assistant is in hospital now. 加里,我的助手現在住院了。
  • Pat is an assistant professor on arts. 派特是一位藝術助理教授。
  • At first, the virtual assistant wasn't too great. 起初,虛擬助理並不太出色。 [1] 