

analog,英語單詞,主要用作名詞形容詞,作名詞時譯為“[自] 模擬;類似物”,作形容詞時譯為“[自] 模擬的;有長短針的”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈænəlɒɡ] 美 [ˈænəlɔːɡ]
adj. [自] 模擬的;有長短針的
n. [自] 模擬;類似物 [1] 


analog /ˈænəˌlɒɡ/ CET6+
1.ADJ/N → another spelling (esp us) of analogue [1] 


analog signal [計]模擬信號
analog circuit 模擬電路;類比電路
analog control 模擬控制
analog to digital 模擬到數字轉換
analog input 模擬輸入;相似輸入
analog computation 模擬計算
analog output 模擬輸出;類比輸出;相似輸出
analog simulation 模擬仿真;類比模擬
analog switch [計]模擬開關
analog clock 模擬時鐘;指針式類比時鐘
analog computer [計]模擬計算機
analog data [計]模擬數據
analog quantity 模擬量;相似量;類比量
analog voltage 模擬電壓
analog device 模擬裝置
analog channel 模擬通道
analog television 模擬電視 [1] 


  • 1In a world of precision-engineered digital cameras, the colorfully analog Blackbird fly is a strange bird—one that took almost 15 years to hatch.在這樣一個高精密度數碼相機的世界,像黑鳥飛這樣的彩色模擬相機屬特異的一種,因為它花費15年的時間投入飛行拍攝。
  • 2As proud as I am that my son is tech-savvy like his daddy, it's equally important to me that he have analog skills: the ability to bait a hook, clean a gutter.我的兒子和他的爸爸一樣精通技術,這讓我很自豪,但對我來説同樣重要的是,他也有會通過模仿學習技能:能夠給魚鈎上鈎、清理排水溝。
  • 3An analog signal is composed of four basic components: DC and AC magnitudes, frequency, and phase.模擬信號由直流和交流分量、頻率和相位四部分組成。
  • 4What's wrong with analog TV?模擬電視哪裏不好了?
  • 5Computers may be classified as analog and digital.計算機可分為模擬計算機和數字計算機兩種。
  • 6What does it say?It is 3D analog of Green for flux.它説了什麼呢?它是三維空間中通量的格林公式。
  • 7Remember, torque is the rotational analog of the force.扭矩是力轉動的對應量。
  • 8A term that's often kicked around is finding an Earth-analog.有一種傳的沸沸揚揚的説法是找到一個類似地球的星球。
  • 9Digital cameras working at a much higher resolution than analog cameras.數字攝像機記錄比模擬攝像機分辨率高得多的數字信號。
  • 10This is done in the analog realm by wiring a transistor in a certain way.在模擬世界裏,這是通過以某種方式連接的晶體管來做到的。
  • 11Let's start an analog clock with a wheat background using this method.讓我們通過該方法啓動一個背景為白色的帶指針時鐘。
  • 12The overall behavior comes from hardwired, analog reflex-response behaviors.通過硬連線構成總體行為,模擬反射響應行為。
  • 13However, what.net and more specifically WCF lacks is an analog to assembly.然而,. NET(更具體地説是WCF)所缺乏的是裝配的對應。
  • 14We still have the same old freedoms in using paper books and other analog media.我們仍然享有使用紙質圖書和其它模擬類媒體的原有自由。
  • 15The first generation, or 1g, technology was analog and transmitted voice calls only.第一代技術,或1 G,是模擬信號,只能傳輸語音通話。
  • 16This is when the Duke team had some fun with their laser-trapped neutron star analog.下面就是杜克大學的團隊從他們的中子星激光捕捉法模擬中獲得一些樂趣的時候了。
  • 17Newer digital phones emit less radiation than older analog models of the sort studied.而新型數字機的輻射則要比老式模擬機少得多。
  • 18This type of authentication can be seen as a digital analog to having a physical token.這種類型的認證可以視為對物理標記的數字模擬。
  • 19The closest analog in a modern system is the nanokernel in the Symbian microkernel.在現代系統裏與之最接近的類似物是塞班內核裏的nano內核(nanokernel)。
  • 20In addition to a D-pad, buttons and analog joysticks, there's a full QWERTY keyboard.除了遊戲手柄、按鈕和遊戲杆之外,它還有一個標準打字機鍵盤。
  • 21Again, this is something security personnel already do, only in a more analog capacity.這不過是做了安全人員早就在做的事,僅僅是多了推理能力。
  • 22If you've watched analog television in a built-up or hilly area, you may have noticed ghosting.如果你在建築物密集的地區或丘陵地區觀看模擬電視,你或許會注意到重影。
  • 23Does whatever we have now, digital or analog, represent at best a pale shadow of bygone glory?如今我們的電影形式——不論是數字化還是其它種種——都在昔日輝煌下顯得黯然失色嗎?
  • 24The traditional video cables, including VGA and Composite video, transmit analog video signals only.傳統的視頻線,包括VGA和複合視頻線,只能傳輸模擬視頻信號。
  • 25That is the analog of force divided by mass equals acceleration, which is d over dt of velocity.這個類似於,力除以質量等於加速度,就是速度對t的導數。
  • 26The chameleon responding to its own shifting image is an apt analog of the human world of fashion.變色龍對自身映像變化的反應恰似人類世界對時尚變化的反應。
  • 27Like 'Reservation Road,' the typical Hollywood feature film these days is an analog-digital hybrid.如今,一般的好萊塢故事片都是以模擬-數字混合方式製作的,《救贖之路》就是其中之一。
  • 28To understand digital TV, it is helpful to understand analog TV so that you can see the differences.先聊聊模擬電視對幫助您理解數字電視很有好處:您能更清楚的看到兩者的差異。 [1] 