


龍旭,男,漢族,2013年12月畢業於新加坡南洋理工大學結構力學專業,獲工學博士學位 [1] 西北工業大學副教授 [2] 
現西北工業大學任教 [3] 
國    籍
民    族


龍旭,博士(新加坡南洋理工大學),西北工業大學副教授。作為項目負責人,龍旭博士現主持國家自然科學基金一項,陝西省自然科學基金一項 [4]  ,航天科學技術基金一項 [3]  ,華為創新研究計劃(HIRP OPEN)一項,中央高校基本業務費項目兩項及中國航天科技集團公司外協項目一項 [3]  。近年來以第一作者和通訊作者在International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、Journal of Materials Science、Materials Science & Engineering: A、Journal of Materials Research、International Journal of Applied Mechanics等主流期刊上發表論文39篇 [3]  ,SCI收錄24篇,其中以第一作者在SCI期刊發表17篇(中科院二區期刊收錄4篇,三區期刊收錄4篇),EI收錄14篇。此外,所發表期刊ACI Structural Journal為結構工程研究領域國際頂級SCI期刊 [3]  ,Engineering Structures為結構工程中極少數SCI二區期刊之一 [5] 


2018年7月-至今,西北工業大學,力學與土木建築學院,副教授 [3] 
2014年12月-2018年7月 ,西北工業大學,力學與土木建築學院,講師 [3] 
2014年2月-2014年12月,INTECSEA, WorleyParsons Group,高級有限元分析工程師(Senior FEM Engineer) [3] 
2011年10月- 2014年02月,新加坡南洋理工大學,防災及防護科技研究中心,副研究員(Research Associate) [3] 
2009年2月-2009年8月,新加坡南洋理工大學,防災及防護科技研究中心,項目研究員(Project Officer) [3] 


2009年8月-2013年1月,新加坡南洋理工大學,結構力學,博士 [3] 
2006年9月-2009年1月,中國科學院力學研究所,固體力學,碩士 [3] 
2002年9月-2006年7月,同濟大學,工程力學,學士 [3] 


龍旭,電子封裝力學,科學出版社,2020.3,ISBN:978-7-03-064247-9。(33.8萬字) [3] 
龍旭,等,鋼筋混凝土框架抗連續倒塌計算結構力學,科學出版社,2017.6,ISBN:9787030532442。(26.4萬字) [3] 


指導2019屆本科生畢業生Ibrahim Ibrahim Abdulkadir開展的“Progressive collapse analysis and mitigation of 3D beam-column frame structure”,榮獲優秀本科畢業論文(2019年國際教育學院唯一) [3] 
指導2017屆本科生畢業生蔚雪梅開展的“極端温度下TiO2納米顆粒增強混凝土抗壓性能研究”,榮獲優秀本科畢業論文(2017年全專業唯一) [3] 
指導2015級本科生徐孟飛開展的“高温高電流所致無鉛焊點性能演化研究”,榮獲第十六屆“三航杯”大學生課外學術科技作品競賽(自然科學類學術論文)三等獎 [3] 
指導西北工業大學團隊作品“灃河渡”,榮獲2017年陝西省大學生結構設計競賽三等獎及“最佳製作獎” [3] 
主持西北工業大學全英文課程建設項目,課程名稱:Theory and design of reinforced concrete component to EuroCode2,課程編號:U06M12059.01(2016年) [3] 


1. X Long*, QP Jia, Z Li, ZX Wen (2020). Reverse analysis of constitutive properties of sintered silver particles from nanoindentations. International Journal of Solids and Structures, V. 191-192, pp 351-362. (Mechanics Q2, IF= 3.213) [3] 
2. X Long*, JM Xu, SB Wang, WB Tang, C Chang* (2020). Understanding the impact response of lead-free solder at high strain rates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, V. 172, 105416. (Q2, Mechanics Q2, IF=4.631) [3] 
3. X Long*, ZB Chen, WJ Wang, YH Fu, YP Wu (2020). Parameterized Anand constitutive model under a wide range of temperature and strain rate: experimental and theoretical studies. Journal of Materials Science, V. 55, pp 10811-10823. (Q2, TOP, IF= 3.553) [3] 
4. WB Tang, X Long*, FQ Yang (2020). Tensile deformation and microstructures of Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu solder joints: Effect of annealing temperature. Microelectronics Reliability, V.104, 113555. (Q3, IF=1.535) [3] 
5. WJ Wang, ZB Chen, SB Wang, X Long* (2020). Mechanics-based acceleration for estimating thermal fatigue life of electronic packaging structure. Microelectronics Reliability, V. 107, 113616. (Q3, IF=1.535) [3] 
6. X Long, CY Wang, PZ Zhao, SB Kang* (2020). Bond strength of steel reinforcement under different loading rates. Construction and Building Materials, V. 238, 117749. (Q1, TOP, IF=4.419) [3] 
7. J Du, Q Cao, X Tang, X Xu, X Long, J Ding*, C Guan*, W Huang (2020). 3D printing-assisted gyroidal graphite foam for advanced supercapacitors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 127885. (Q1, TOP, IF=10.652) [3] 
8. Q Cao, J Du, X Tang, X Xu*, L Huang, D Cai, X Long, X Wang, J Ding, C Guan*, W Huang* (2020). Structure-enhanced mechanically robust graphite foam with ultrahigh MnO2 loading for supercapacitors, Research, 7304767. (Q2) [3] 
9. SB Kang*, S Wang, X Long, DD Wang, CY Wang (2020). Investigation of dynamic bond-slip behaviour of reinforcing bars in concrete. Construction and Building Materials, V. 262, 120824. (Q1, TOP, IF=4.419) [3] 
10. CT Chen*, C Choe, D Kim, Z Zhang, X Long, Z Zhou, FS Wu, K Suganuma (2020). Effect of oxygen on microstructural coarsening behaviors and mechanical properties of Ag sinter paste during high-temperature storage from macro to micro. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. accepted. (Q2, IF=4.175) [3] 
11. X Long*, B Hu, YH Feng, C Chang, MY Li* (2019). Correlation of microstructure and constitutive behaviour of sintered silver particles via nanoindentation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, V.161-162, 105020. (Q2, Mechanics Q2, IF=4.134) [3] 
12. X Long*, YC Liu, FR Jia, YP Wu, YH Fu, C Zhou (2019). Thermal fatigue life of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joint under temperature cycling coupled with electric current. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. V. 30, No. 8, pp 7654-7664. (Q3, IF=2.324) [3] 
13. X Long*, Z Li, XZ Lu, C Chang, QR Zhang, A Zehrid, W Ke, Y Yao, LL Ye, J Liu (2019). Mechanical behaviour of sintered silver nanoparticles reinforced by SiC microparticles. Materials Science & Engineering: A, V. 744, No. 28, pp 406-414. (Q2, TOP, IF= 4.081) [3] 
14. SB Wang, Y Yao, X Long* (2019). Critical review of size effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of solder joints for electronic packaging. Applied Sciences, V. 9, No. 2, 227. (Q3, IF= 2.217) [3] 
15. WJ Wang, X Long*, CY Du, YH Fu, Y Yao, YP Wu (2019). Enrichment of the unified constitutive model for viscoplastic solders in wide strain rate and temperature ranges. Strength of Materials. V. 51, No. 6, pp 917-925. (Q4, IF=0.670) [3] 
16. C Chang*, GS Xiao, EQ Liu, JB Lin, XX Zhang, X Long, LL Zhang (2019). Revisiting the procedure for characterising mechanical properties in welded joints through nanoindentation,Materials Science and Technology, V.35, No. 8, pp 986-992. (Q4, IF= 1.938) [3] 
17. H Lu, FR Jia*, C Guo, HD Pan, X Long, GX Liu (2019). Effect of shale ash-based catalyst on the pyrolysis of fushun oil shale, Catalysts, V.9, No. 11, pp 1-15. (Q3, IF= 3.444) [3] 
18. X Long*, CY Du, Z Li, HC Guo, Y Yao, XZ Lu, XW Hu, LL Ye, J Liu* (2018). Finite element analysis to the constitutive behaviour of sintered silver nanoparticles under nanoindentation. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, V.10, No.10, 1850110, pp 1-19. (Q3, IF= 1.939) [3] 
19. X Long*, XT Zhang, WB Tang, SB Wang, YH Feng, C Chang (2018). Calibration of a constitutive model from tension and nanoindentation for lead-free solder. Micromachines, V.9, No.11, pp 1-13. (Q3, IF= 2.426) [3] 
20. X Long*, YC Liu, Y Yao, FR Jia*, C Zhou, YH Fu, YP Wu (2018). Constitutive behaviour and life evaluation of solder joint under the multi-field loadings. AIP Advances, V. 8, No. 085001, pp 1-12, DOI: 10.1063/1.5044446. (Q3, IF=1.653) [3] 
21. X Long*, WB Tang, YH Feng, Y Yao, LM. Keer (2018). Strain rate sensitivity of sintered silver nanoparticles using rate-jump indentation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. V. 140, pp 60-67. (Q2, Mechanics Q2, IF=4.134) [3] 
22. X Long*, WB Tang, MF Xu, LM Keer, Y Yao (2018). Electric current assisted creep behaviour of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder. Journal of Materials Science, V. 53, No. 8, pp 6219-6229. (Q2, IF=2.993) [3] 
23. X Long*, WB Tang, SB Wang, X He, Y Yao (2018). Annealing effect to constitutive behavior of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, V. 29, No. 9, pp 7177–7187. (Q3, IF=2.324) [3] 
24. Y Yao*, X Long, LM Keer* (2017). A review of recent research on the mechanical behavior of lead-free solders. Applied Mechanics Reviews, V.69, No.4, 040802. (Q2, Mechanics Q1, IF=7.848) [3] 
25. X Long*, X He, Y Yao* (2017). An improved unified creep-plasticity model for SnAgCu solder under a wide range of strain rates. Journal of Materials Science, V.52, No.10, pp. 6120-6137. (Q2, IF=2.993) [3] 
26. X Long*, SB Wang, YH Feng, Y Yao, LM Keer (2017). Annealing effect on residual stress of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder measured by nanoindentation and constitutive experiments. Materials Science & Engineering: A, V. 696, No.1, pp. 90-95. (Q2, IF=3.414) [3] 
27. X Long*, SB Wang, X He, Y Yao* (2017). Annealing optimization for tin-lead eutectic solder by constitutive experiment and simulation. Journal of Materials Research, V.32, No.16. pp. 3089-3099. (Q3, IF=1.495) [3] 
28. X Long*, YH Feng, Y Yao (2017). Cooling and annealing effect on indentation response of lead-free solder. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, V.9, No.4, 1750057. (Q3, IF=1.954) [3] 
29. HC Guo, X Long*, Y Yao* (2017). Fire resistance of concrete filled steel tube columns subjected to non-uniform heating. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, V.128, pp. 542-554. (Q3, IF=2.509) [3] 
30. JD Wang, X Long, Y Yao* (2017). Effects of aging temperature on tensile and fatigue behavior of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, V.28 (19), pp. 14884-14892. (Q3, IF=2.324) [3] 
31. SB Wang, Y Yao*, X Long (2017). Size effect on microstructure and tensile properties of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu solder joints. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, V.28 (23), pp. 17682-17692. (Q3, IF=2.324) [3] 
32. Y Yao*, R An, X Long (2017). Effect of electric current on fracture and constitutive behavior of Sn-Ag-Cu solder joints. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, V.171, pp. 85-97. (Q2, IF=2.580) [3] 
33. CH Chen*, YF Zhu, Y Yao, Y Huang, X Long (2016). An evaluation method to predict progressive collapse resistance of steel frame structures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, V.122, pp. 238-250. (Q3, IF=2.509) [3] 
34. X Long*, YX Wang, LM Keer, Y Yao* (2016). Mechanical effects of isolated defects within a lead-free solder bump subjected to coupled thermal-electrical loading, Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics, V. 1, No. 1:1650004 (invited paper). [3] 
35. X Long*, CK Lee (2015). Improved strut-and-tie method for 2D RC beam-column joints under monotonic loading, Computers and Concrete, V.15, No.5, pp.807-831. (Q4, IF=1.637) [3] 
36. X Long*, CK Lee (2015). Modelling of two dimensional reinforced concrete beam-column joints subjected to monotonic loading, Advances in Structural Engineering, V. 18, No. 9, pp. 1461-1474. (Q4, IF=0.968) [3] 
37. X Long*, F Ge, YS Hong (2015). Feasibility study on buoyancy-weight ratios of a submerged floating tunnel prototype subjected to hydrodynamic loads, Acta Mechanica Sinica, V. 31, No. 5, pp. 750-761. (Q4, IF=1.545) [3] 
38. X Long*, KH Tan, CK Lee (2014). Bond stress-slip prediction under pullout and dowel action in reinforced concrete joints, ACI Structural Journal, V. 111, No. 4, pp. 977-988. (Q3, IF=1.197) [3] 
39. X Long*, JQ Bao, KH Tan, CK Lee (2014). Numerical simulation of reinforced concrete beam/column failure considering normal-shear stress interaction, Engineering Structures, V. 74, September, pp. 32-43. (Q2, IF=2.755) [3] 
40. X Long*, WF Yuan, KH Tan, CK Lee (2013). A superelement formulation for efficient structural analysis in progressive collapse, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, V. 48, No. 3, pp. 309-331. (Q4, IF=2.191) [3] 
41. X Long*, KH Tan, CK Lee (2013). A 3D co-rotational beam element for steel and RC framed structures, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, V. 48, No. 5, pp. 587-613. (Q4, IF=2.191) [3] 
42. X Long*, F Ge, L Wang, YS Hong (2009). Effects of fundamental structure parameters on dynamic responses of submerged floating tunnel under hydrodynamic loads, Acta Mechanica Sinica, V. 25, No. 3, pp. 335-344. (Q4, IF=1.545) [3] 
43. JQ Bao*, X Long, KH Tan, CK Lee (2013). A new generalized Drucker–Prager flow rule for concrete under compression, Engineering Structures, V.56, pp. 2076–2082. (Q2, IF=2.755) [3] 
44. F Ge*, X Long, L Wang, YS Hong (2009). Flow-induced vibrations of long circular cylinders modeled by coupled nonlinear oscillators, Science China Series G: Physics Mechanics and Astronomy, V. 52, No. 7, pp. 1086-1093. (Q3, IF=2.754) [3] 


1. 張筱迪,毛明暉,盧昶衡,王文武,賈馮睿,龍旭*。基於有限元分析和機器學習的跌落所致封裝結構力學行為預測[J]. 電子與封裝, 2020, DOI: 10.16257/j.cnki.1681-1070.2021.0201. [3] 
2. X Long*, ZB Chen, HB Shi (2020). Constitutive model and parameter identification for lead-free SAC305 solder. 21th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2020), IEEE, Guangzhou, China, August 12-15, 2020. (EI) [3] 
3. JM Xu, CT Chen, X Long* (2020). Failure analysis of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder under compression in wide ranges of temperature and strain rate.22nd Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2020), IEEE, Singapore, December 2-4, 2020. (EI) [3] 
4. QP Jia, X Long* (2020). Determination of Young’s modulus of film on substrate by nanoindentation. 22nd Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2020), IEEE, Singapore, December 2-4, 2020. (EI) [3] 
5. ZB Chen, X Long* (2020). Tuning damage model to optimize the plastic strain distribution in electronic packaging structures. 22nd Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2020), IEEE, Singapore, December 2-4, 2020. (EI) [3] 
6. WB Tang, HB Shi, X Long* (2019). Growth behaviour of intermetallic compounds in Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints under annealing treatment with various temperatures. 20th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2019), IEEE, Hong Kong, China, August 12-15, 2019. (EI) [3] 
7.YP Wu, XJ Feng, WJ Xia, C Zou, XZ Lu, J Liu, X Long (2019). Effect of space environment on the reliability of sintered silver nanoparticles reinforced by SiC particles. 20th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2019), IEEE, Hong Kong, China, August 12-15, 2019. (EI) [3] 
8. WJ Wang, X Long* (2019). Temperature and strain-rate dependent constitutive model for prediction of thermal cycling life. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, V 531(1), September 26, 2019, Modeling in Mechanics and Materials. (EI) [3] 
9.X Long*, WB Tang, CG Huang (2019). Mechanical behavior of lead-free solder micro-joints under electrical conditions. 13th Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA2019), January 11-14, 2019, Harbin, China. (EI) [3] 
10.LJ Huang, ZH Zhu, HR, Wu, X Long* (2019). Board-level vapor phase soldering (VPS) with different temperature and vacuum conditions.Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, V.15, No.2, pp. 353-364. (EI) [3] 
11.X Long*, CY Du, B Hu, MY Li (2018). Comparison of sintered silver micro and nano particles: from microstructure to property. International Conference on Electronics Materials and Packaging (EMAP 2018), IEEE, Hong Kong, December 17-20, 2018. (EI) [3] 
12.WB Tang, X Long*, YC Liu, CY Du, Y Yao, C Zhou, YP Wu, FR Jia (2018). Effect of electric current on constitutive behaviour and microstructure of SAC305 solder joint. 20th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2018), IEEE, Singapore, December 4-7, 2018. (EI) [3] 
13.X Long*, CY Du, WB Tang, YC Liu, Y Yao, FR Jia (2018). Constitutive behaviour of single lap joint of sintered silver paste. 20th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2018), IEEE, Singapore, December 4-7, 2018. (EI) [3] 
14.X Long*, WB Tang, Y Yao, XZ Lu, J Liu, C Zhou, WJ Xia, YP Wu (2018). Estimating the constitutive behaviour of sintered silver nanoparticles by nanoindentation. 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2018), IEEE, Shanghai, August 8-11, 2018. (EI) [3] 
15.WJ Wang, Y Yao, X Long*, ZH Zhu (2018). Material and structural optimization of fatigue life of PBGA under temperature cycling. 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2018), IEEE, Shanghai, August 8-11, 2018. (EI) [3] 
16.HC Guo, Y Yao, X Long* (2018). Porosity effect on the constitutive model of porous material under nanoindentation. 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2018), IEEE, Shanghai, August 8-11, 2018. (EI) [3] 
17.G He, Y Yao*, JD Wang, SB Wang, X Long* (2018). Aging effect on defect evolution and shear strength of nano-silver solder joint. 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2018), IEEE, Shanghai, August 8-11, 2018. (EI) [3] 
18.C Li, CY Wang, PZ Zhao, SB Kang*, X Long (2018). Bond strength of embedded steel reinforcement at high strain rates. International fib Congress 2018, Melbourne, Australia, October 7-11, 2018. [3] 
19.XM Yu, SB Kang, X Long* (2018). Compressive strength of concrete reinforced by TiO2 nanoparticles. AIP Conference Proceedings, Changsha, October 26-28, 2018. (EI) [3] 
20.YC Liu, WW Wang, FR Jia, ZH Zhu, X Long* (2018). Temperature effect on tensile behaviour of Sn-Pb eutectic solder. International Conference on Mechanical Design, Manufacture and Automation Engineering (MDMAE2018), Xi’an, June 24-25, 2018. (EI) [3] 
21.X Long*, WB Tang, WJ Xia, YP Wu, LF Ren, Y Yao (2017). Porosity and Young's modulus of pressure-less sintered silver nanoparticles. 19th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2017), IEEE, Singapore, December 6-9, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/EPTC.2017.8277577. (EI) [3] 
22.X Long*, WB Tang, ZH Zhu, YP Wu, LF Ren, Y Yao (2017). Creep behavior of annealed lead-fee solder for high-power electronic device. 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechatronics Engineering (AMME2017). Shanghai, November 26-27, DOI: 201710.12783/dtetr/amme2017/19478. (EI) [3] 
23.X Long*, WB Tang, ZH Zhu, YP Wu, LF Ren, Y Yao (2017). Determination of Young’s modulus of tensile specimen for lead-free solder. 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Electronics and Mechatronics Engineering (AMEME2017), Beijing, October 22-23, 2017, DOI: 10.12783/dtetr/ameme2017/16239. (EI) [3] 
24.龍旭,湯文斌,王紹斌,何許,姚堯(2017),適用於SnAgCu焊料大應變率範圍的統一蠕變塑性本構模型,中國力學大會暨慶祝中國力學學會成立60週年大會,北京,2017年8月13-16日。 [3] 
25.X Long*, Y Yao, YP Wu, WJ Xia, LF Ren (2017). Effect of thermal cycling on tensile behaviour of SAC305 solder. 18th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2017), IEEE, Harbin, August 16-19, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT.2017.8046408. (EI) [3] 
26.X Long, Y Yao*, LM Keer (2016). Effect of isolated intermetallic compounds under electromigration in lead-free solders. 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 21-26 August 2016, Montreal, Canada. [3] 
27.X Long*, BJ Chen, Y Yao (2016). Thermo-visco-plastic constitutive model for lead-containing and lead-free solders subjected to monotonic and cyclic loadings. 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2016), IEEE, Wuhan, August 17-19, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT.2016.7583084 (EI) [3] 
28.YX Wang, X Long*, Y Yao* (2016). Theoretical study of thermomigration effect on thepancake void propagation at the current crowdingzone of solder joints. 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2016), IEEE, Wuhan, August 17-19, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT.2016.7583174 (EI) [3] 
29.X Long*, HC Guo (2016). Fire resistance study of concrete in the application of tunnel-like structures. Procedia Engineering V. 166, pp. 13-18.(EI) [3] 
30.X Long*, KH Tan, CK Lee (2013). Analytical model on the bond stress-slip relationship between steel reinforcement and concrete for RC beam-column joints. Applied Mechanics and Materials V. 275-277, pp. 1212-1218. (EI) [3] 


1. 電子封裝結構力學可靠性的有限元仿真研究,大會報告,國防科技工業元器件封裝技術創新中心2020年高可靠元器件封裝技術論壇,北京,2020.11.6。 [3] 
2. 電子封裝結構力學可靠性的有限元仿真研究,學術報告,2020中新國際應用力學與工程學術研討會,成都,2020.10.31。 [3] 
3. 電子封裝結構力學可靠性的有限元仿真研究,特邀學術報告,中國工程物理研究院微系統與太赫茲研究中心,成都,2020.10.30。 [3] 
4. 蠕變變形對焊點熱疲勞壽命給的影響研究,分會場報告,2019年損傷與斷裂力學及其工程應用研討會,成都,2019.11.16。 [3] 
5. 電子封裝結構力學,特邀學術報告,重慶大學,重慶,2019.10.23。 [3] 
6. 基於ABAQUS的Anand本構模型與參數確定方法,2019 SIMULIA中國區用户大會,重慶,2019.10.24。 [3] 
7. 板級封裝結構壽命的超加速評估,2019中新應用力學與工程學術研討會,西安,2019.7.13。 [3] 
8. 電子封裝力學的幾個問題,特邀學術報告,中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院,深圳,2019.3.29。 [3] 
9. Mechanical behavior of lead-free solder micro-joints under electrical conditions,特邀報告,2019 (13th) Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications,哈爾濱,2019.1.12。 [3] 
10. 燒結納米銀的電子封裝力學應用,特邀學術報告,中國工程物理研究院微系統與太赫茲研究中心,成都,2018.10.26。 [3] 
11. 電子封裝中的ABAQUS典型應用與二次開發,2018 SIMULIA中國區用户大會,西安,2018.10.18。 [3] 
12. 大功率電子器件封裝材料性能研究——電子封裝力學,2018應用力學與土木環境工程學術研討會,華中科技大學,武漢,2018.8.16。 [3] 
13. Numerical evaluation on service life of solder joint under the multi-field loadings,邀請報告,The 3rd International conference on Damage Mechanics (ICDM-3),上海,2018.7.6。 [3] 
14. 力學在電子封裝行業中的應用,特邀學術報告,遼寧石油化工大學,2018.5.19。 [3] 
15. 大功率器件封裝材料力學性能研究,學術報告,西南科技大學,綿陽,2017.12.15。 [3] 
16. 電子封裝材料本構模型及其應用挑戰,2017 SIMULIA中國區用户大會,深圳,2017.11.30。 [3] 
17. 電力耦合下無鉛焊料蠕變行為,2017應用力學青年學術研討會,廣西大學,西寧,2017.8.4。 [3] 
18. 電子封裝結構力學可靠性,特邀學術報告暨兼職碩士研究生指導教師聘用匯報,遼寧石油化工大學,2017.6.19。 [3] 
19. 電子封裝中焊接材料及結構力學性能研究,2016 SIMULIA中國區用户大會,上海,2016.11.2。 [3] 
20. 電子封裝材料及結構力學性能研究,2016應用力學青年學術研討會,西南科技大學,綿陽,2016.8.14。 [3] 


1. 主持國家自然科學基金委員會青年科學基金項目“鋼筋混凝土動態粘結-滑移關係及其結構抗連續倒塌性能影響研究” [3] 
2. 主持陝西省自然科學基礎研究計劃面上項目“熱電力作用下無鉛焊點不同尺度損傷演化規律及力學性能研究” [3] 
3. 主持航天科學技術基金項目“温度循環條件下PBGA力學性能退化規律及壽命預測研究” [3] 
4. 主持航天科學技術基金項目“考慮蠕變變形的焊點熱循環疲勞壽命預測研究” [3] 
5. 主持華為創新研究計劃(HIRP OPEN)“板級焊點的加速温度循環可靠性測試方法” [3] 
6. 主持中國航天科技集團公司西安空間技術研究院橫向外協項目“無法蘭波導軟釺焊熱變形強度和壽命研究” [3] 
7. 主持中國航天科技集團公司西安空間技術研究院橫向外協項目“焊點的材料力學分析” [3] 
8. 主持中國航天科技集團公司西安空間技術研究院橫向外協項目“功率型偏貼裝工藝研究” [3] 
9. 主持中央高校基本科研業務費項目“基於納米銀電子封裝材料宏微觀力學研究及器件應用” [3] 
10. 主持中央高校基本科研業務費項目“微納米無鉛焊點微缺陷所致損傷演化機理及其宏觀影響研究” [3] 
主持西北工業大學全英文課程建設項目,課程名稱:Theory and design of reinforced concrete component to EuroCode2 [3] 


1. 2020年度Emerald最佳論文獎中Highly Commended Paper,論文名稱:Board-level vapor phase soldering (VPS) with different temperature and vacuum conditions [3] 
2. ICEPT 2018最佳論文獎(Outstanding Paper Award),論文名稱:Estimating the constitutive behaviour of sintered silver nanoparticles by nanoindentation [3] 
3. 2017年度陝西高等學校科學技術獎一等獎,成果名稱:新型微電子封裝焊料及互聯結構可靠性研究,學科門類:數理力學,第三完成人 [3] 
4. 2019年度陝西高等學校科學技術獎一等獎,成果名稱:高温下結構可靠性及連續性倒塌研究,學科門類:基礎研究、應用基礎研究,第三完成人 [3] 
5. 指導2019屆本科生畢業生Ibrahim Ibrahim Abdulkadir開展的“Progressive collapse analysis and mitigation of 3D beam-column frame structure”,榮獲優秀本科畢業論文(2019年國際教育學院唯一) [3] 
6. 指導2017屆本科生畢業生蔚雪梅開展的“極端温度下TiO2納米顆粒增強混凝土抗壓性能研究”,榮獲優秀本科畢業論文(2017年全專業唯一) [3] 
7. 指導2015級本科生徐孟飛開展的“高温高電流所致無鉛焊點性能演化研究”,榮獲第十六屆“三航杯”大學生課外學術科技作品競賽(自然科學類學術論文)三等獎 [3] 
8. 指導西北工業大學團隊作品“灃河渡”,榮獲2017年陝西省大學生結構設計競賽三等獎及“最佳製作獎” [3] 


· 中國力學學會會員
· IEEE會員
· IEEE電子封裝協會青年協會成員 [3] 
· Quarterly Franklin Membership (Membership ID#YB95091) [3] 
· Member of the editorial board of Insight-Civil Engineering [3] 
· 技術委員會委員 (TPC member):2nd International Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics (MSAM2019), 2019 International Conference on Material Engineering and Materials Science (MEMS2019) [3] 
· 學術會議分會場主席 (Chair):The 21st International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT, Packaging Design & Modeling,2020),The 3rd International Conference on Modeling in Mechanics and Materials (馬來西亞,2020), The 13th Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (哈爾濱,2019), 全國損傷與斷裂力學及其工程應用研討會 (成都,2019),The 3rd International conference on Damage Mechanics (上海,2018) [3] 
· 《遼寧石油化工大學學報》特約編委 [3] 
國際刊物審稿人:ASM Handbooks (Volume 11A: Analysis and Prevention of Component and Equipment Failures), International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (Q2, IF=3.570), Mechanics of Materials (Mechanics Q2, IF=2.958), Materials Science & Engineering: A (Q2, IF=3.414), Scientific Reports (Q3, IF=4.011), Engineering Structures (Engineering Q2, IF= 3.084), International Journal of Applied Mechanics (Q3, IF=1.468) , Journal of Manufacturing Processes (Q3, IF=2.809), Materials Letters (Q3, IF= 3.019), Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (Q4, IF=1.660) , Thin-Walled Structures (Q3, IF=2.881), Structural Concrete (Q4, IF= 1.885), Computers and Concrete (Q4, IF=1.637), Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Q4, IF= 1.354), Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures (Q4, IF=1.061), Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (Q4, IF=0.248), Philosophical Magazine Letters (Q4, IF=1.117), Physica Scripta (Q4, IF=1.902) [3] 