


馬修泉 [1]  (Ma Xiuquan,Researcher),男,1980年出生於黑龍江省哈爾濱市,1999年進入北京大學物理系物理學專業,2003年至2006年於北京大學量子信息與測量教育部重點實驗室從事激光冷卻、玻色愛因斯坦凝聚和實驗量子力學等方面的研究並獲得無線電物理的碩士學位,2006年至2011年於美國密歇根大學安娜堡分校超快光學中心從事大功率光纖激光器及光纖光學方面的研究並獲得電氣工程學博士學位,2011年至2015年擔任美國JDSU公司(後重組為Lumentum公司)前沿研發部高級主任工程師並負責大功率激光器激光應用方面的創新工作,2015年底加入華中科技大學機械學院從事激光器與激光應用方面的研究。
Ma Xiuquan,Researcher
職    業






2.“高功率光纖激光驅動 13.5nm 極紫外光刻光源的機理與優化研究”,廣東省基礎與應用基礎重大項目,4560萬元,項目第二負責人


[1]XU T, ZHOU S, MA X, WU H, ZHANG L, LI M. Significant reinforcement of mechanical properties in laser welding aluminum alloy with carbon nanotubes added[J]. Carbon, 2022, 191(36-47).
[2]XU T, ZHOU S, WU H, HONG C, MA X. Effect of nickel interlayer thickness on lap joint laser welding for aluminium-steel dissimilar materials[J]. Science And Technology Of Welding And Joining, 2022: 1-10.
[3]ZHANG L, WU H, WEN J, LI M, SHAO X, MA X. Glass to aluminum joining by forming a mechanical pin structure using femtosecond laser[J]. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, 2022, 302: 117504.
[4]LI L, MA X. Adiabaticity analysis of multimode optical fiber tapers in phase space[J]. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2021, 38(12): 3632.
[5]XU T, ZHOU S, WU H, MA X, LIU H, LI M. Dissimilar joining of low-carbon steel to aluminum alloy with TiC particles added in a zero-gap lap joint configuration by laser welding[J]. Materials Characterization, 2021, 182: 111574.
[6]ZHOU S, XU T, HU C, WU H, LIU H, MA X. Utilizing carbon nanotubes in ceramic particle reinforced MMC coatings deposited by laser cladding with Inconel 625 wire[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, 13: 2026-2042.
[7]ZHOU S, XU T, HU C, WU H, LIU H, MA X. Effect of different topologies on microstructure and mechanical properties of multilayer coatings deposited by laser cladding with Inconel 625 wire[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2021, 421: 127299.
[8]ZHOU S, XU T, HU C, WU H, LIU H, MA X. A comparative study of tungsten carbide and carbon nanotubes reinforced Inconel 625 composite coatings fabricated by laser cladding[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2021, 140: 106967.
[9]HU C, MA X Q, WANG C M, ZHOU S W, WU H, SUN K X. High-quality rapid fabrication method of a D-shaped optical fiber based on a CO2 laser[J]. Optical Materials Express, 2021, 11(7): 2025-2036.
[10]ZHU S, LI J, LI L, SUN K, HU C, SHAO X, MA X. Impact of the heat load on the laser performance of chirally-coupled-core fibers[J]. Optics Express, 2019, 27(26): 37522-37531.
[11]ZHU S, LI J, LI L, SUN K, HU C, SHAO X, MA X. Mode instabilities in Yb:YAG crystalline fiber amplifiers[J]. Optics Express, 2019, 27(24): 35065.
[12]MA X, ZHU S, LI L, LI J, SHAO X, GALVANAUSKAS A. Finite-difference beam-propagation method for anisotropic waveguides with torsional birefringence[J]. Optics Express, 2018, 26(4): 3995-4003.
[13]LI L, ZHU S, LI J, SHAO X, GALVANAUSKAS A, MA X. All-in-fiber method of generating orbital angular momentum with helically symmetric fibers[J]. Appl Opt, 2018, 57(28): 8182-8186.
[14]MA X, ZHU C, HU I N, KAPLAN A, GALVANAUSKAS A. Single-mode chirally-coupled-core fibers with larger than 50 microm diameter cores[J]. Optics Express, 2014, 22(8): 9206-9219.
[15]MA X, LIU C-H, CHANG G, GALVANAUSKAS A. Angular-momentum coupled optical waves in chirally-coupled-core fibers[J]. Optics Express, 2011, 19(27): 26515-26528.
[16]MA X, HU I N, GALVANAUSKAS A. Propagation-length independent SRS threshold in chirally-coupled-core fibers[J]. Optics Express, 2011, 19(23): 22575-22581.
[17]MA X Q, XIA L, YANG F, ZHOU X J, WANG Y Q, GUO H, CHEN X Z. Population oscillation of the multicomponent spinor Bose-Einstein condensate induced by nonadiabatic transitions[J]. Physical Review A, 2006, 73(1): 013624.
[18]MA X Q, CHEN S A, YANG F, XIA L, ZHOU X J, WANG Y Q, CHEN X Z. A method for determining the phase transition point of the Bose-Einstein condensation by judging the fitting errors[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2006, 23(1): 79-82.
[19]MA X Q, CHEN S, YANG F, XIA L, ZHOU X J, WANG Y Q, CHEN X Z. Observation of F=2 spinor Bose-Einstein condensation in a magnetic field[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2005, 22(5): 1106-1109.
[20]MA X, CHEN W, CHEN S, LIU X, CHEN X. Experimental Study of Diode Laser Frequency Stabilization by Zeeman Modulation[J]. Acta sinica quantum optica, 2005, 11(4): 171-175.