

陸品燕,浙江平湖人。 [6]  清華大學計算機系2005級直博生清華大學特等獎學金獲得者 [1]  。現為上海財經大學教授,主任。他的數十項科研成果在STOC等頂級計算機理論及博弈論的國際會議和期刊發表。他曾榮獲ICALP2007等重要國際會議最佳論文獎。CCF獎勵委員會決定授予陸品燕博士2014年度“CCF青年科學家獎” [2]  。2019年陸品燕教授獲被譽為"華人菲爾茲獎"的ICCM數學獎 [3] 
國    籍
職    業
CCF青年科學家獎 [2] 
ICCM數學獎 [3] 
職    稱


陸品燕中學時在數學,物理,化學,生物,信息學等多門學科競賽中獲獎,於2001年被保送進入清華大學計算機系學習。他在本科期間連續四年學分級班級第一,多次獲得各種獎學金,被評為“清華大學優良本科畢業生”。陸品燕2005年保送為清華大學計算機系博士研究生,師從“圖靈獎”得主姚期智先生,研究計算機理論,特別是“計算複雜性方向”。2007年6月,直博二年級的他作為年紀最小的候選人獲得了第12屆清華大學“航天海鷹杯”學術新秀提名獎。 [1] 
2009年1月於清華大學計算機係獲博士學位後加入微軟亞洲研究院,歷任理論組副研究員,研究員,主管研究員。2015年12月全職加盟上海財經大學,領銜組建理論計算機科學研究中心。他的主要研究方向是理論計算機,並注重與其它學科的交叉,包括自然科學中的統計物理以及社會科學中的經濟學與社會選擇理論等 [3] 
第八屆世界華人數學家大會(International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians,簡稱ICCM)在清華大學新清華學堂開幕,上海財經大學陸品燕教授獲頒ICCM數學獎銀獎,以表彰他在#P問題中對一大類問題的分類定理,和算法博弈論中的工作。ICCM數學獎(原晨興數學獎)被譽為"華人菲爾茲獎",是華人數學領域的最高榮譽。 [3] 


Approximate Counting , Complexity of Counting Problems, Algorithmic Game Theory, Holographic Algorithms.


2020年12月,獲得“2020年上海市先進工作者”榮譽稱號。 [4] 


Approximate Counting
  • Approximability of the Six-vertex Model.withJin-YiCaiandTianyuLiu, SODA 2019.
  • Zeros of Holant problems: locations and algorithms.withHengGuo, Chao Liao andChihaoZhang, SODA 2019.
  • Counting hypergraph colourings in the local lemma regime.withHengGuo ,Chao Liao,andChihaoZhang, STOC 2018.
  • FPTAS for Counting Proper Four Colorings on Cubic Graphs.withKuanYang ,Chihao Zhang,andMinshenZhu, SODA 2017.
  • FPTAS for Hardcore and Ising Models on Hypergraphs.withKuanYang andChihaoZhang, STACS 2016.
  • Uniqueness, Spatial Mixing, and Approximation for Ferromagnetic 2-Spin Systems.withHengGuo, RANDOM 2016.
  • Canonical Paths for MCMC: from Art to Science.withLingxiaoHuang andChihaoZhang, SODA 2016.
  • FPTAS for #BIS with Degree Bounds on One Side.withJingchengLiu,STOC 2015.
  • FPTAS for Counting Monotone CNF.withJingchengLiu, SODA 2015.
  • FPTAS for Counting Weighted Edge Covers.withJingchengLiu andChihaoZhang,ESA 2014.
  • The Complexity of Ferromagnetic Two-spin Systems with External Fields.withJingchengLiu andChihaoZhang, RANDOM 2014.
  • FPTAS for Weighted Fibonacci Gates and Its Applications.withMenghuiWang andChihaoZhang, ICALP 2014.
  • A Simple FPTAS for Counting Edge Covers.withChengyuLin andJingchengLiu, SODA 2014.
  • Improved FPTAS for Multi-Spin Systems.withYitongYin, RANDOM 2013.
  • The Complexity of Approximating Conservative Counting CSPs.with Xi Chen, Martin Dyer, Leslie Ann Goldberg, MarkJerrum,ColinMcQuillanand DavidRicherby, STACS 2013.
  • Correlation Decay up to Uniqueness in Spin Systems.withLiang Li andYitongYin, SODA 2013.
  • InapproximabilityAfterUniqueness Phase Transition in Two-Spin Systems.withJin-YiCai, Xi Chen andHengGuo. COCOA 2012.
  • Approximate Counting via Correlation Decay in Spin Systems.withLiang Li andYitongYin, SODA 2012.
Complexity of Counting Problems
  • Dichotomy for Real Holant^c Problems.withJin-YiCaiandMingjiXia, SODA 2018.
  • Dichotomy forHolant* Problems with a Function on Domain Size 3.withJin-YiCaiandMingjiXia, SODA 2013.
  • A Dichotomy for Real WeightedHolantProblems.withSangxiaHuang, CCC 2012.
  • The Complexity of Symmetric Boolean ParityHolantProblems.withHengGuoand Leslie Valiant, ICALP 2011.
  • Non-negative Weighted #CSPs: An Effective Complexity Dichotomy.withJin-YiCaiand Xi Chen, CCC 2011.
  • The Complexity of Weighted Boolean #CSP Modulo k.withHengGuo,SangxiaHuang andMingjiXia, STACS 2011.
  • Dichotomy forHolantProblems of Boolean Domain.withJin-YiCaiandMingjiXia, SODA 2011.
  • FromHolantTo #CSPAndBack: Dichotomy ForHolantProblems.withJin-YiCaiandSangxiaHuang, ISAAC 2010. (Best Paper Award.)
  • Holographic Algorithms withMatchgatesCapture Precisely Tractable Planar #CSP.withJin-YiCaiandMingjiXia, FOCS 2010.
  • On Tractable Exponential Sums.withJin-YiCai, Xi Chen and Richard Lipton, FAW 2010. (Best Paper Award.)
  • GraphHomomorphismswith Complex Values: A Dichotomy Theorem.withJin-YiCaiand Xi Chen, ICALP 2010.
  • HolantProblems and Counting CSP.withJin-YiCaiandMingjiXia, STOC 2009.
  • A Computational Proof of Complexity of Some Restricted Counting Problems.withJin-YiCaiandMingjiXia, TAMC 2009.
Algorithmic GameTheory
  • Tight Approximation Ratio of Anonymous Pricing.withYaonan Jin, Qi Qi, Zhihao Gavin Tang and Tao Xiao, STOC 2019.
  • Revenue Maximization with Imprecise Distribution.withYingkai Li, and Haoran Ye, AAMAS 2019.
  • Correlation-Robust Analysis of Single Item Auction.withXiaohui Bei, Nick Gravin and Zhihao Gavin Tang, SODA 2019.
  • Tight Revenue Gaps among Simple Mechanisms.withYaonan Jin, Zhihao Gavin Tang and Tao Xiao, SODA 2019.
  • Facility Location Game with Fractional Preferences.withKen C.K. Fong, Minming Li, Taiki Todo and Makoto Yokoo, AAAI 2018.
  • The Value of Information Concealment.withHu Fu, Chris Liaw and Zhihao Gavin Tang, SODA 2018.
  • Separation in Correlation-Robust Monopolist Problem with Budget.withNick Gravin, SODA 2018.
  • Liquid Welfare Maximization in Auctions with Multiple Items.withTao Xiao, SAGT 2017.
  • Improved Efficiency Guarantees in Auctions with Budgets.withTao Xiao, EC 2015.
  • Competitive analysis via benchmark decomposition.withNing Chen and NickGravin, EC 2015.
  • Optimal Competitive Auctions.withNing Chen and NickGravin, STOC 2014.
  • Truthful Generalized Assignments via Stable Matching.withNing Chen and NickGravin,Mathematics of Operations Research,2013.
  • Characterization of Truthful Mechanisms for One-dimensional Single Facility Location Game with Payments.withLan Yu, WINE 2013.
  • Competitive Auctions for Markets with Positive Externalities.withNickGravin, ICALP 2013.
  • Budget Feasible Mechanism Design: From Prior-Free to Bayesian.withXiaohuiBei, Ning Chen and NickGravin, STOC 2012.
  • Computing the Nucleolus of Matching, Cover and Clique Games.withNing Chen andHongyangZhang, AAAI 2012.
  • On the Approximation Ratio of k-lookaheadAuction.withXueChen,GuangdaHu and Lei Wang, WINE 2011.
  • Optimal Pricing in Social Networks with Incomplete Information.withWei Chen,XiaoruiSun, Bo Tang,YajunWang andZeyuanAllen Zhu, WINE 2011.
  • On theApproximabilityof Budget Feasible Mechanisms.withNing Chen and NickGravin, SODA 2011.
  • Envy-freePricingwith General Supply Constraints.withSungjinImandYajunWang, WINE 2010.
  • Asymptotically Optimal Strategy-Proof Mechanisms for Two-Facility Games.withXiaoruiSun,YajunWang andZeyuanAllen Zhu, EC 2010.
  • On 2-Player Randomized Mechanisms for Scheduling.WINE 2009.
  • Tighter Bounds for Facility Games.withYajunWang and Yuan Zhou, WINE 2009.
  • Worst-Case Nash Equilibria in Restricted Routing.WithChangyuanYu, WINE 2008.
  • Randomized Truthful Mechanisms for Scheduling Unrelated Machines.WithChangyuanYu, WINE 2008.
  • An Improved Randomized Truthful Mechanism for Scheduling Unrelated Machines,withChangyuanYu, STACS 2008.
  • Truthful Auctions with Optimal Profit.withShang-HuaTengandChangyuanYu, WINE 2006.
Holographic Algorithms
  • Holographic Algorithms by Fibonacci Gates and Holographic Reductions for Hardness,withJin-YiCaiandMingjiXia, FOCS 2008.
  • Holographic Algorithms withUnsymmetricSignatures, withJin-YiCai, SODA 2008.
  • Signature Theory in Holographic Algorithms.withJin-Yi.Cai, ISAAC 2008.
  • On Block-wise Symmetric Signatures forMatchgates.withJin-YiCai, FCT 2007.
  • Holographic Algorithms: The Power of Dimensionality Resolved.withJin-YiCai, ICALP 2007. (Best Paper Award)
  • Holographic Algorithms: From Art to Science.withJin-YiCai, STOC 2007.
  • Bases Collapse in Holographic Algorithms.withJin-YiCai, CCC 2007.
  • On the Theory ofMatchgateComputations.withJin-YiCaiand VinayChoudhary, CCC 2007.
  • On Symmetric Signatures in Holographic Algorithms.withJin-YiCai, STACS 2007.
  • Learning Plackett-Luce Mixtures from Partial Preferences.withAoLiu, Zhibing Zhao,ChaoLiao, LirongXia, AAAI 2019.
  • Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit with General Reward Functions.withWeiChen, Wei Hu,FuLi,Jian Li,YuLiu, NIPS 2016.
  • On Optimal Differentially Private Mechanisms for Count-Range Queries.withChen Zeng,Jin-YiCai, and Jeffrey Naughton, ICDT 2013.
  • SimulatingUndirectedst-Connectivity Algorithms on Uniform JAGs and NNJAGs.withjialinzhang, Chung Keung Poon,Jin-YiCai, ISAAC 2005.