


陳寧,男,博士,湖南大學機械與運載工程學院助理教授、碩士生導師。 [1] 



密西根大學安娜堡分校 聯合培養博士(機械工程) 2015.11至2017.06
湖南大學 博士(機械工程) 2011.09至2017.06
湖南大學 學士(車輛工程) 2007.09至2011.06 [1] 


湖南大學 助理教授 2017.07至今 [1] 


振動與噪聲控制 智能穿戴設備 深度學習 [1] 


中央高校基本科研業務費項目,“多尺度不確定複合材料結構-聲場耦合系統數值分析方法研究”,25萬,主持 [1] 


? Chen N, Xia S, Yu D, Liu J, Beer M. Hybrid interval and random analysis for structural-acoustic systems including periodical composites and multi-scale bounded hybrid uncertain parameters [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (Accept).
? Chen N, Yin S, Yu D, Liu, Z, Xia, B. An efficient epistemic uncertainty analysis method for structural-acoustic problem based on evidence theory [J]. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2018, 66(2): 117-130.
? Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Liu J, Ma Z. Homogenization-based interval analysis for structural-acoustic problem involving periodical composites and multi-scale uncertain-but-bounded parameters[J]. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, 141(4): 2768-2778.
? Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Liu J, Ma Z. Interval and subinterval homogenization-based method for determining the effective elastic properties of periodic microstructure with interval parameters[J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 106: 174-182.
? Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Ma Z. Topology optimization of structures with interval random parameters[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2016, 307: 300-315.
? Chen N, Yu D, Xia B. Unified analysis approach for the energy flow in coupled vibrating systems with two types of hybrid uncertain parameters [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 70: 542-556.
? Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Beer M. Uncertainty analysis of a structural–acoustic problem using imprecise probabilities based on p-box representations [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 80: 45-57.
? Chen N, Yu D, Xia B. Evidence-theory-based analysis for the prediction of exterior acoustic field with epistemic uncertainties[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 50: 402-411.
? Chen N, Yu D, Xia B. Hybrid uncertain analysis for the prediction of exterior acoustic field with interval and random parameters[J]. Computers & Structures, 2014, 141: 9-18.
? Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Beer M. Hybrid uncertain analysis for exterior acoustic field prediction with interval random parameters [J]. International Journal of Computational Methods, 1850006.
? Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Liu J, Ma Z. Microstructural topology optimization of structural-acoustic coupled systems for minimizing sound pressure level [J]. Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2017(2):1-12.
? Chen N, Yu D, Liu Z, Xia B. An efficient epistemic uncertainty analysis method for structural-acoustic problem based on evidence theory [J]. Noise Control Engineering Journal (2017).
? Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Lü H. Numerical Computation of 2D Acoustic Field with Fuzzy-Random Parameters, Acta Acustica, 2015, 1: 63-70
? 陳寧, 於德介, 呂輝, 等. 模糊隨機參數二維聲場數值計算[J]. 聲學學報, 2015, 40(1): 63-70.
? 陳寧, 於德介, 夏百戰. 板結構-聲場耦合分析的FE-LSPIM/FE法[J]. 振動工程學報. 2014, 27(2): 304-310.
? 陳寧, 於德介, 呂輝, 夏百戰. 板結構-聲場耦合分析的FE-LSPIM/FE-LSPIM法[J]. 振動與衝擊. 2014, 33(15): 131-137.
? 陳寧, 於德介, 呂輝, 等. 基於有限元法的模糊參數二維聲場數值分析[J]. 工程力學, 2014 (12): 200-207. [1] 