

職    稱


是沉積學專業委員會、礦牀地球化學業委員會委員。是《沉積學報》、《礦物岩石地球化學通報》和《天然氣地球科學》編委。1983年畢業於蘭州大學地質專業。1983年8月-1990年4月貴陽地球化學研究所工作。1990年5月以來在廣州地球化學研究所工作。曾在澳大利亞悉尼科技大學、美國康納爾大學、德國不來梅大學海洋中心訪問合作研究,國際合作研究良好。工作以來主要從事沉積學與地球化學的研究工作。早期主要開展沉積地層中的熱水流體沉積、成礦作用及華南震旦紀沉積地球化學的研究。1998年以來主要從事海底冷泉流體沉積(天然氣水合物和冷泉碳酸鹽巖)研究。2002年通過載人深潛器對美國墨西哥海底天然氣水合物和冷泉碳酸鹽巖進行了實地考察。 [1] 


1.天然氣水合物成藏機制,尤其是動力學數值模擬; 2.冷泉碳酸鹽巖的地質地球化學特徵與生物地質、地球化學; 3.現代海底冷泉活動觀測; 4.地質歷史時期水合物分解與冷泉活動的地質地球化學記錄; 5.盆地流體特徵及地球化學;


陳多福. 海底天然氣滲漏系統水合物形成與分解動力學及微生物作用.2005年度中科院優秀博士學位論文獎.
周永章 陳多福等.華南地區古海洋熱水沉積建造的地球化學及成礦效應.2005年度廣東省科學技術二等獎
樊栓獅 陳多福等.天然氣水合物勘探、開採模擬及應用研究. 2006年度中國石油和化工協會科學技術二等獎
樊栓獅 陳多福等.海洋天然氣水合物若干基礎研究,2006年度廣東省科學技術三等獎


Dong Feng, Duofu Chen*, Harry H. Roberts, Sedimentary fabrics in the authigenic carbonates from Bush Hill: implication for seabed fluid flow and its dynamic signature. Geofluids
Dong Feng, Duofu Chen* and Jörn Peckmann, Rare earth elements in seep carbonates as tracers of variable redox conditions at ancient hydrocarbon seeps, Terra Nova
Dong Feng, Duofu Chen*, Harry H. Roberts, Petrographic and geochemical characterization of seep carbonate from Bush Hill (GC 185) gas vent and hydrate site of the Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Petroleum Geology
FENG Dong, CHEN DuoFu*, QI Liang & Harry H. ROBERTS, Petrographic and geochemical characterization of seep carbonate from Alaminos Canyon, Gulf of Mexico. Chinese Science Bulletin
Feng Dong, Chen Duofu*, Roberts Harry H. Petrology and Geochemistry of seep carbonate from Bush Hill, GC185, Gulf of Mexico. Journal of China University of Geosciences
Chen Duo Fu, Qian Liu, Zhengwei Zhang, Lawrence M. Cathles III, Harry H. Roberts. Biogenic fabrics in seep carbonates from an active gas vent site in Green Canyon Block 238, Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Petroleum Geology
Chen D F, Su Zhen, and Cathles LM., Types of gas hydrates in marine environments and their thermodynamic characteristics. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Chen D F, Feng D, Su Z, Song Z G, Chen G Q, Cathles L M, Pyrite crystallization in seep carbonates at gas vent and hydrate site, Materials Science and Engineering C
Cathles L M.,D F Chen, Benjamin F. Nicholson. A dimensionless vent number characterizing the thermal impact of fluid discharge through planar and cylindrical vents with particular application to seafloor gas vents crystallizing hydrate. Journal of Geophysical Research
Chen D F, L M Cathles, On the thermal impact of gas venting and hydrate crystallization, Journal of Geophysics Research.
Chen D F, Huang Y Y, Yuan X L, Cathles L M, Seep carbonates and preserved methane oxidizing archaea and sulfate reducing bacteria fossils suggest recent gas venting on the seafloor in the Northeastern South China Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology
Chen D F, Cathles L M, Roberts H H, The chemical signatures of variable gas venting at hydrate sites. Marine and Petroleum Geology
Chen D F, Dong W Q, Zhu B Q, Chen X P, Pb-Pb Ages of Neoproterozoic Doushantuo phosphorites in South China: Constraints on early metazoan evolution and glaciation events. Precambrian Research
Chen DF, Cathles LM, A kinetic model for the pattern and amounts of hydrate precipitated from a gas steam: Application to the Bush Hill vent site, Green Canyon Block 185, Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research
Chen, D.F.,Dong, W. Q., Qi, L., Chen, G. Q., Chen, X. P., Possible REE constrains on the depositional and diagenetic environment of Doushantuo Formation phosphorites containing the earliest metazoan fauna. Chemical Geology [2] 