


鄭耀輝,男,1979年生,教授,博導,國家傑出青年基金獲得者。主要致力於激光技術、光量子器件等方面的實驗與理論研究,及高技術成果轉化。近年來,作為項目負責人先後承擔和完成國家863計劃1項,國家自然科學基金2項及省部級科研項目多項,作為骨幹參與國家973計劃、國家自然科學基金儀器專項、面上項目多項。先後在Opt. Lett、Opt. Express、IEEE J of QE等國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文30餘篇。申請國家發明專利18項,已經授權13項,轉化6項。 [1] 
鄭耀輝 [1] 
國    籍
1979年 [1] 
職    業
教師 [1] 




1、國家傑出青年基金,超低噪聲激光光源,62225504,2023年1月-2027年12月、400萬、在研、主持; [3] 
2、國家重點研發計劃課題,星載激光功率放大器噪聲抑制與評估,2020YFC2200402,2021年1月-2025年12月、797萬、在研、主持; [2] 
3、國家重大科研儀器研製項目,亞音頻段非經典光源研製,62027821,2021年1月-2025年12月、764.6萬、在研、主持; [2] 
4、***創新特區省市推薦項目,量子**項目,2020.12-2022.11,200萬,在研,主持; [2] 
5、國家自然科學基金應急重點項目,用於引力波探測的音頻段壓縮真空態的實驗製備,11654002,2017.01-2021.12,400萬,在研,主持; [2] 
6、山西省重點研發計劃,量子信息關鍵器件攻關研究,2019-2021,100萬,主持 [2] 
7、裝備預研航天科工聯合基金項目,量子光場高效耦合技術,6141B07090108,2017.12-2019.11,100萬,已結題,主持; [2] 
12、國家自然科學基金青年基金、61008001、1.3 μm波段連續變量量子糾纏態的製備及其在光纖中傳輸特性的研究、2011年1月—2013年12月、22萬元、已結題,主持
15、山西省自然科學基金、2011021003-2、1.3 μm波段連續變量量子糾纏態的製備及其在光纖中傳輸特性的研究、2011年6月—2014年6月、8萬元、已結題、主持
16、山西省專利實施資助、111001、《單頻可調諧激光》中試、2011年3月—2012年3月、8萬元、已結題、主持。 [1] 


“不同波長瓦級全固態單頻激光器”獲2012年度山西省技術發明一等獎。 [1] 


2008年,榮獲“全國專利運用與產業化先進工作者”榮譽稱號。 [1] 
2024年1月,入選山西省2023年享受國務院政府特殊津貼人員名單。 [4] 


3、系列功率全固態連續單頻綠光激光器(532 nm),最高輸出功率25W,達當時同類激光器最高指標
4、全固態單頻紅光激光器(671 nm),最高輸出功率2.8W,達當時同類激光器最高指標
5、全固態雙波長輸出單頻Nd:YAP激光器(540 nm&1080nm),滿足量子信息基礎研究需要,國內外無同類產品
8、共振型電光探測器,用於反饋控制中光信號的探測。 [1] 


1、 Sun, X., Wang, Y., Tian, Y., Wang, Q., Tian, L., Zheng, Y*., & Peng, K. Deterministic and Universal Quantum Squeezing Gate with a Teleportation‐Like Protocol. Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2100329 (2021). [2] 
2、Shaoping Shi, Long Tian, Yajun Wang, Yaohui Zheng*, Changde Xie, and Kunchi Peng, Demonstration of Channel Multiplexing Quantum Communication Exploiting Entangled Sideband Modes, Physical Review Letters, 125 070502 (2020).
3、 Li, W., Peng, Y., Yu, X., Chen, L., & Zheng, Y*. Phase-sensitive manipulation of squeezed vacuum via a dual-recycled Michelson interferometer. Optics Express, 29(21), 34826-34834(2021).
4、 Wang, Q., Li, W., Wu, Y., Yao, W., Li, F., Tian, L., ... & Zheng, Y*. Demonstration of 1→ 3 continuous-variable quantum telecloning. Physical Review A, 104(3), 032419(2021).
5、Tian, L., Shi, S., Li, Y., Wu, Y., Li, W., Wang, Y., ... & Zheng, Y*. Entangled sideband control scheme via frequency-comb-type seed beam. Optics Letters, 46(16), 3989-3992(2021).
6、 Zhang, W., Jiao, N., Li, R., Tian, L., Wang, Y., & Zheng, Y*. Precise control of squeezing angle to generate 11 dB entangled state. Optics Express, 29(15), 24315-24325(2021).
7、Wang, Q., Tian, Y., Li, W., Tian, L., Wang, Y., & Zheng, Y*. High-fidelity quantum teleportation toward cubic phase gates beyond the no-cloning limit. Physical Review A, 103(6), 062421(2021).
8、 Zhang, W., Li, R., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Tian, L., & Zheng, Y*. Security analysis of continuous variable quantum key distribution based on entangled states with biased correlations. Optics Express, 29(14), 22623-22635(2021).
9、Y. Wang, W. Zhang, R. Li, L. Tian, and Y. Zheng, "Generation of −10.7 dB unbiased entangled states of light," Applied Physics Letters 118, 134001 (2021).
10、Q. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Sun, Y. Tian, W. Li, L. Tian, X. Yu, J. Zhang, and Y. Zheng, "Controllable continuous variable quantum state distributor," Opt Lett 46, 1844-1847 (2021).
11、Y. Wang, Y. Tian, X. Sun, L. Tian, and Y. Zheng, "Noise transfer of pump field noise with analysis frequency in a broadband parametric downconversion process," Chinese Optics Letters 19, 052703 (2021).
12、Shaoping Shi, Yajun Wang, Long Tian, Jinrong Wang, Xiaocong Sun, and Yaohui Zheng. Observation of a comb of squeezed states with strong squeezing factor by a bichromatic local oscillator.Opt. Lett. 45(8), 2419-2422 (2020).
13、Jinrong Wang, Qingwei Wang, Long Tian, Jing Su, and Yaohui Zheng.A low-noise, high-SNR balanced homodyne detector for the bright squeezed state measurement in 1–100 kHz range, Chinese Physics B 29, 034205 (2020).
14、王俊萍, 張文慧, 李瑞鑫, 田龍, 王雅君, 鄭耀輝, 寬頻帶壓縮態光場光學參量腔的設計, 物理學報, 69(23): 234204(2020).
15、田宇航, 王俊萍, 楊文海, 田龍, 王雅君, 鄭耀輝, 集成量子壓縮光源中MgO:LiNbO3晶體倍頻系統研究, 中國激光, 47(11): 1108001(2020).
16、田龍, 王慶偉, 姚文秀, 李慶回, 王雅君, 鄭耀輝, 高效外腔倍頻產生 426 nm 激光的實驗研究,物理學報 , 69(4), 044201(2020).
17、王雅君, 高麗, 張曉莉, 鄭耀輝, 用於精密測量的低噪聲激光器研究進展(特邀), 紅外與激光工程, 49(12): 20201073-20201073 (2020).
18、Jin-Rong Wang, Hong-Yu Zhang, Zi-Lin Zhao, and Yao-Hui Zheng. Realization of ultralow power phase locking by optimizing Q factor of resonant photodetector. Chin. Phys. B Vol. 29, No. 12 (2020) 124207.
19、L. Tian, S. Shi, Y. Tian, Y. Wang, Y. Zheng, and K. Peng, "Resource reduction for simultaneous generation of two types of continuous variable nonclassical states," Frontiers of Physics 16, 21502 (2020).
20、W. Yao, Q. Wang, L. Tian, R. Li, S. Shi, J. Wang, Y. Wang, and Y. Zheng, "Realizing high efficiency 532 nm laser by optimizing the mode- and impedance-matching," Laser Physics Letters 18, 015001 (2020).
21、Xiaocong Sun, Yajun Wang, Long Tian, Shaoping Shi, Yaohui Zheng, Kunchi Peng, Dependence of the squeezing andanti-squeezing factors of bright squeezed light on the seed beam power and pumpbeam noise, OpticsLetters, 44 (7) 1789 (2019).
22、Qingwei Wang, Long Tian, Wenxiu Yao, Yajun Wang, Yaohui Zheng, Realizing a high-efficiency 426nm laserwith PPKTP by reducing mode-mismatch caused by the thermal effect, Optics Express, 27(20)28534 (2019).
23、Wenhui Zhang, Jinrong Wang, Yaohui Zheng, Yajun Wang, Kunchi Peng, Optimization of the squeezing factor bytemperature-dependent phase shift compensation in a doubly resonant opticalparametric oscillator, AppliedPhysics Letters, 115 171103 (2019).
24、Zhixiu Li, Yuhang Tian, Yajun Wang, Weiguang Ma, Yaohui Zheng, Residual amplitude modulation and itsmitigation in wedged electro-optic modulator ZhixiuLi, Yuhang Tian, Yajun Wang, Weiguang Ma, Yaohui Zheng, Optics Express, 27(5)7064 (2019).
25、Xiaocong Sun, Yajun Wang, Long Tian, Shaoping Shi, Yaohui Zheng, Kunchi Peng, Detection of 13.8 dB squeezed vacuumstates by optimizing the interference efficiency and gain of balanced homodynedetection, Xiaocong Sun, Yajun Wang, Long Tian, Yaohui Zheng, Kunchi Peng, ChineseOptics Letters, 17(7) 072701 (2019).
26、Jinrong Wang, Wenhui Zhang, Long Tian, Yajun Wang, Rongcao Yang, Jing Su, Yaohui Zheng, BalancedHomodyne Detector With Independent Phase Control and Noise Detection Branches JinrongWang, Wenhui Zhang, Long Tian, Yajun Wang, Rongcao Yang, Jing Su, Yaohui Zheng IEEEAccess 7:57054 (2019).
27、Long Tian, Xiaocong Sun, Qingwei Wang, Jinrong Wang, Wenxiu Yao, Junping Wang, Yaohui Zheng, Kunchi Peng, Utilizing Sequential Control Scheme to Stabilize Squeezed Vacuum States, Applied Science, 2019, 9, 1861.
28、Zhixiu Li, Xiaocong Sun, Yajun Wang, Yaohui Zheng, Kunchi Peng, Investigation of residual amplitude modulation in squeezed state generation system, Optics Express, 2018, 26, 18957-18968.
29、Long Tian, Zhongxiao Xu, Shujing Li, Yaohui Zheng, Yafei Wen, Hai Wang, Enhanced-generation of atom-photon entanglement by using FPGA-based feedback protocol, Optics Express, 2018, 26, 20160-20173.
30、Shaoping Shi, Yajun Wang, Wenhai Yang, Yaohui Zheng, Kunchi Peng, Detection and perfect fitting of 13.2 dB squeezed vacuum states by considering green-light-induced infrared absorption, Optics Letters, 2018, 43, 5411-5414.
31、Chaoyong Chen, Shaoping Shi, Yaohui Zheng, Low-noise, transformer-coupled resonant photodetector for squeezed state generation, Review of Scientific Instruments, 88, 103101 (2017).
32、Wenhai Yang, Xiaoli Jin, Xudong Yu, Yaohui Zheng, Kunchi Peng, Dependence of measured audio-band squeezing level on local oscillator intensity noise, Optics Express, 2017, 25, 24262-24271.
33、Yajun Wang, Wenhai Yang, Zhixiu Li, Yaohui Zheng, Determination of blue-lightinduced infrared absorption based on mode-matching efficiency in an optical parametric oscillator , Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 41405.
34、Yajun Wang, Zhixiu Li, Yaohui Zheng, Jing Su, Determination of the Thermal Lens of a PPKTP Crystal Based on Thermally Induced Mode-Mismatching, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONIC, 2017, 53, 7000307.
35、Wenhai Yang, Shaoping Shi, Yajun Wang, Weiguang Ma, Yaohui Zheng, Kunchi Peng, Detection of stably bright squeezed light with the quantum noise reduction of 12.6 dB by mutually compensating the phase fluctuations, Optics Letters, 2017, 42, 4553-4556.
36、Zhixiu Li, Weiguang Ma, Wenhai Yang, Yajun Wang, Yaohui Zheng, Kunchi Peng, Reduction of zero baseline drift of the Pound–Drever–Hall error signal with a wedged electro-optical crystal for squeezed state generation, Optics Letters, 2016, 41, 3331-3334.
37、Chaoyong Chen, Zhixiu Li, Xiaoli Jin, Yaohui Zheng, Resonant photodetector for cavity- and phase-locking of squeezed state generation, Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 103114 (2016).
38、Jin, Xiaoli,Su, Jing,Zheng, Yaohui(*),Chen, Chaoyong,Wang,Wenzhe,Peng, Kunchi,Balanced homodyne detection with high common mode rejection ratio based on parameter compensation of two arbitraryphotodiodes,Optics Express,2015,23(18):23859-23866.
39、Yang, Wenhai,Wang, Yajun,Zheng, Yaohui(*),Lu, Huadong,Comparative study of the frequency-doubling performance on ring and linear cavity at short wavelength region,Optics Express,2015,23(15):19624-19633.
40、Wang, Yajun,Yang, Wenhai,Zhou, Haijun,Huo, Meiru,Zheng, Yaohui(*),Temperature dependence of the fractional thermal load of Nd:YVO4 at 1064 nm lasing and its influence on laser performance,Optics Express,2013,21(15):18068-18078.
41、Wang, Yajun,Zheng, Yaohui(*),Shi, Zhu,Peng, Kunchi,High-power single-frequency Nd:YVO4 green laser by self-compensation of astigmatisms,Laser Physics Letters,2012,9(7):506-510.
42、Huadong Lu,Jing Su,Yaohui Zheng(*),Kunchi Peng,Physical conditions of single-longitudinal-mode operation for high-power all-solid-state lasers,Optics Letters,2014,39(5):1117-1120.
43、Zheng, Yaohui(*),Wang, Yajun,Xie, Changde,Peng, Kunchi,Single-Frequency Nd:YVO4 Laser at 671 nm With High-Output Power of 2.8 W,IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics,2012,48(1):67-72. 期刊論文
44、Wang, Yajun,Zheng, Yaohui(*),Xie, Changde,Peng, Kunchi,High-Power Low-Noise Nd:YAP/LBO Laser with Dual Wavelength Outputs,IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics,2011,47(7):1006-1013.
45、Zhou, Haijun,Yang, Wenhai,Li, Zhixiu,Li, Xuefeng,Zheng, Yaohui(*),A bootstrapped, low-noise, and high-gain photodetector for shot noise measurement,Review of Scientific Instruments,2014,85(1):013111-1-013111-5.
46、Zhou, Haijun,Wang, Wenzhe,Chen, Chaoyong,Zheng, Yaohui(*),A low-noise, large-dynamic-range-enhanced amplifier based on JFET buffering input and JFET bootstrap structure,IEEE Sensors Journal,2015,15(4):2101-2105.
47、Zheng, Yaohui,Lu, Huadong,Li, Yongmin,Zhang, Kuanshou,Peng, Kunchi,Broadband and rapid tuning of an all-solid-state single-frequency Nd : YVO4 laser,Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics,2008,90(3-4):485-488.
48、Zheng, Yaohui,Li, Fengqin,Wang, Yajun,Zhang, Kuanshou,Peng, Kunchi,High-stability single-frequency green laser with a wedge Nd:YVO4 as a polarizing beam splitter,Optics Communications,2010,283(2):309-312.
49、Zheng, Yaohui,Lu, Huadong,Li, Fengqin,Zhang, Kuanshou,Peng, Kunchi,Four watt long-term stable intracavity frequency-doubling Nd:YVO4 laser of single-frequency operation pumped by a fiber-coupled laser diode,Applied Optics,2007,46(22):5336-5339.
50、Wang Ya-Jun,Yang Wen-Hai,Zheng Yao-Hui(*),Peng Kun-Chi,A compact Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entangled light source,Chinese Physics B,2015,24(7).
51、Zheng Yao-Hui(*),Wu Zhi-Qiang,Huo Mei-Ru,Zhou Hai-Jun,Generation of a continuous-wave squeezed vacuum state at 1.3 mu m by employing a home-made all-solid-state laser as pump source,Chinese Physics B,2013,22(9):094206-1-094206-4.
52、Zheng Yao-Hui(*),Zhou Hai-Jun,Wang Ya-Jun,Wu Zhi-Qiang,Suppressing the preferential sigma-polarization oscillation in a high power Nd:YVO4 laser with wedge laser crystal,Chinese Physics B,2013,22(8):084207-1-084207-5.
53、Zheng Yao-Hui(*),Wang Ya-Jun,Peng Kun-Chi,A High-Power Single-Frequency 540 nm Laser Obtained by Intracavity Frequency Doubling of an Nd:YAP Laser,Chinese Physics Letters,2012,29(4):044208-1-044208-4.
54、Hou, Feiyan,Yu, Lin,Jia, Xiaojun(*),Zheng, Yaohui,Xie,Changde,Peng, Kunchi,Experimental generation of optical non-classical states of light with 1.34 mu m wavelength,European Physical Journal D,2011,62(3):433-437.


1、鄭耀輝,賈曉軍,王文哲,張寬收,彭堃墀,一種連續變量量子糾纏源產生裝置,2012.5.2-2031.10.14,中國,CN201110312978.8。 專利
2、鄭耀輝,王文哲,王雅君,周海軍,彭堃墀,連續變量量子糾纏源中自動調節經典增益的裝置和方法,2013.6.12-2033.3.14,中國,CN201310081935.2。 專利
3、鄭耀輝,王雅君,彭堃墀,一種像散自補償固體激光器,2011.11.16-2031.5.26,中國,CN201110143305.4。 專利
4、鄭耀輝,王雅君,張寬收,李鳳琴,彭堃墀,端面泵浦的高功率激光器,2010.6.2-2029.12.1,中國,CN200910227961.5。 專利
5、鄭耀輝,張寬收,顧世傑,李鳳琴,彭堃墀,單頻可調諧激光器,2006.5.10-2025.9.16,中國,CN200510012831.1。 專利
7、鄭耀輝,王雅君,石柱,鄭晉玲,彭堃墀,一種激光器熱焦距的測量方法,2011.9.7-2031.1.11,中國,CN201110008811.2。 專利
9、鄭耀輝,張寬收,彭堃墀,一種標準具控温裝置,2008.1.16-2027.8.7,中國,CN200710062536.6。 專利
10、鄭耀輝,王雅君,彭堃墀,一種測量光學腔線寬的裝置和方法,2016.3.10-2036.3.9,中國,CN201410452593.5。 專利
11、王雅君,鄭耀輝,楊文海,彭堃墀,一種連續變量量子糾纏源產生裝置,2013.6.26-2033.4.11,中國,CN201310125998.3。 專利
12、王文哲,鄭耀輝,王尚廉,李鳳琴,張寬收,低噪聲高壓放大器,2011.8.3-2031.3.30,中國,CN201110085853.6。 專利
13、李鳳琴,王尚廉,張寬收,鄭耀輝,高壓放大器,2007.10.10-2017.10.9,中國,200510012408.1。 專利
14、鄭耀輝,李志秀,彭堃墀,一種單頻激光器波長比較的裝置和方法,中國,CN201410558996.8。 專利
15、鄭耀輝,彭堃墀,一種調節泵浦光與單共振光學參量腔模式匹配的方法,中國,CN201410452706.1。 專利
16、鄭耀輝,李志秀,彭堃墀,一種鎖定兩束同頻率激光到任意位相的方法,中國,CN201410690155.2。 專利
17、李志秀,鄭耀輝,王雅君,彭堃墀,一種快速、精確地調節兩束激光干涉的方法,中國,CN201410371489.3。 專利
19、王文哲,鄭耀輝,王尚廉,李鳳琴,張寬收,低噪聲高壓放大器,2011.11.9-20 31.11.8,中國,201120097084.7。 專利 [1] 