


鄭楠,女,1980年11月出生 [1]  ,內蒙古人 [1]  ,博士,副研究員,碩士生導師。 [1] 
1980年11月 [1] 
內蒙古農業大學 [1] 
風險評估與管理 [1] 
職    稱


2006-09-2009-12中國農業大學 營養與食品安全博士
2008-01-2009-01英國薩里大學 訪問學者
2015-01-至今 中國農業科學院北京畜牧獸醫研究所副研究員
2012-12至今 農業部奶產品質量安全風險評估實驗室(北京)副主任
2015-05至今 農業部奶及奶製品質量監督檢驗測試中心(北京)常務副主任
2016-04至今 中國農墾乳業聯盟專家委員會質量安全專家 [1] 


公益性行業(農業)科研專項經費項目:生鮮乳質量安全評價技術與生產規程,課題二“生鮮乳危害因子評價技術研究”(201401 - 201812) [1] 
國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目:AFM1與OTA、ZEA交互作用對腸屏障功能的損傷及其機理研究(201601 - 201812) [1] 
國家農產品質量安全風險評估項目:奶產品質量安全風險評估專項(201501 - 201612) [1] 


檢測方法:開發了基於實時定量PCR的新型核酸適配體傳感器,實現嬰幼兒食品中AFB1的超靈敏檢測,檢出限可達2.5×10-8mg/kg,是國際上迄今為止檢測AFB1最靈敏的方法;系統研究揭示了奶產品中糠氨酸和乳果糖的消長變化規律,構建了評價牛奶品質的特異性模型,研究結果直接用於完成國務院和農業部下達的復原乳鑑定任務,該標準已於2016年4月1日頒佈實施。 [1] 
風險評估:以人體“腸屏障”為靶點,發現牛奶中AFM1與OTA、ZEA、α-ZOL等多種黴菌毒素共存時,毒性顯著增強,其機理是協同損傷腸細胞間緊密連接蛋白,進而破壞腸道上皮細胞的完整性,揭示了AFM1與其他黴菌毒素共存時,儘管單個都不超標,但是存在健康風險,研究結果為針對黴菌毒素共存這一新的食品安全隱患制定限量標準提供了重要科學依據。 [1] 


王加啓,鄭楠等. 中國奶產品質量安全研究報告(2015年度).中國農業科學技術出版社. 2016.
X.D. Guo, F. Wen, Q.J. Luo, H.W. Wang, H. Wang, S.L. Li,N. Zheng, J.Q. Wang, Development of an ultrasensitive aptasensor for the detection of aflatoxin B1. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 56, 340-344. [1] 
Y.N.Gao, J.Q.Wang, S.L.Li, Y.D.Zhang, N.Zheng.Aflatoxin M1 cytotoxicity against human intestinal Caco-2cells is enhanced in the presence of other mycotoxins. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2016.
H.W. Wang, J.Q. Wang, B.Q. Zheng, S.L. Li, Y.D. Zhang, F.D. Li,N. Zheng. Cytotoxicity induced by ochratoxin A, zearalenone, and α-zearalenol: Effects of individual and combined treatment. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2014, 71,217-224. [1] 
Ming Li, Fang Wen, Shengguo Zhao, Pengpeng Wang, Songli Li, Yangdong Zhang, Nan Zheng, Jiaqi Wang. Exploring the Molecular Basis for Binding of Inhibitors by Threonyl-tRNA Synthetase from Brucella abortus: A Virtual Screening Study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016, 17(7), 1078. [1] 
H. Tian,N. Zheng, W. Wang, J. Cheng, S. Li, Y. Zhang, J. Wang. Integrated Metabolomics Study of the Milk of Heat-stressed Lactating Dairy Cows. Scientific Report, 2016. (DOI: 10.1038) [1] 
Y. Yang,N. Zheng, X. Zhao, Y. Zhang, R. Han, L. Ma, S. Zhao, S. Li, T. Guo, J. Wang. Proteomic characterization and comparison of mammalian milk fat globule proteomes by iTRAQ analysis. Journal of Proteomics, 2015, 116, 34-43. [1] 
Y. Yang,N. Zheng, X. Zhao, Y. Zhang, R. Han, J. Yang, S. Zhao, S. Li, T. Guo, C. Zang, J. Wang. Metabolomic biomarkers identify differences in milk produced by Holstein cows and other minor dairy animals. Journal of Proteomics, 2016, 136, 174-182. [1] 
L.C. Huang,N. Zheng, B.Q. Zheng, F. Wen, J.B. Cheng, R.W. Han, X.M. Xu, S.L. Li, J.Q. Wang. Simultaneous determination of aflatoxin M1, ochratoxin A, zearalenone and α-zearalenol in milk by UHPLC–MS/MS. Food Chemistry, 2014, 146, 242-249. [1] 
R.W. Han,N. Zheng, Z.N. Yu, J.Q. Wang, X.M. Xu, X.Y. Qu, S.L. Li, Y.D. Zhang, J.Q. Wang. Simultaneous determination of 38 veterinary antibiotic residues in raw milk by UPLC–MS/MS. Food Chemistry, 2015, 181, 119-126. [1] 
J. Zhang,N. Zheng, J. Liu, F.D. Li, S.L. Li, J.Q. Wang. Aflatoxin B1 and aflatoxin M1 induced cytotoxicity and DNA damage in differentiated and undifferentiated Caco-2 cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2015, 83, 54-60. [1] 
N. Zheng, P. Sun, J.Q. Wang, Y.P. Zhen, R.W. Han, X.M. Xu. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in UHT milk and pasteurized milk in China market. Food Control, 2013, 29, 198-201. [1] 
N. Zheng, J.Q. Wang, R.W. Han, Y.P. Zhen, X.M. Xu, P. Sun. Survey of aflatoxin M1 in raw milk in the five provinces of China. Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-Surveillance, 2013, 6, 110-115. [1] 
N. Zheng, J.Q. Wang, R.W. Han, X.M. Xu, Y.P. Zhen, X.Y. Qu, P. Sun, S.L. Li, Z.N. Yu. Occurrence of Several Main Antibiotic Residues in Raw Milk in Ten Provinces of China,Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-Surveillance, 2012, 6, 84-89. [1] 
R.W. Han,N. Zheng, J.Q. Wang, Y.P. Zhen, X.M. Xu, S.L. Li. Survey of aflatoxin in dairy cow feed and raw milk in China. Food Control, 2013, 34, 35-39. [1] 
H. Tian, W. Wang,N. Zheng, J. Cheng, S. Li, Y. Zhang, J. Wang. Identification of diagnostic biomarkers and metabolic pathway shifts of heat-stressed lactating dairy cows. Journal of Proteomics, 2015, 125, 17-28. [1] 
Y. Yang,N. Zheng, J. Yang, D. Bu, J. Wang, L Ma, P Sun. Animal species milk identification by comparison of two-dimensional gel map profile and mass spectrometry approach. International Dairy Journal, 2014, 35, 15-20. [1] 
Y.D. Zhang,N. Zheng, R.W. Han, B.Q. Zheng, Z.N. Yu, S.L. Li, S.S. Zheng, J.Q. Wang. Occurrence of tetracyclines, sulfonamides, sulfamethazine and quinolones in pasteurized milk and UHT milk in China's market. Food Control, 2014, 36, 238-242. [1] 
L. Min,N. Zheng, S. Zhao, J. Cheng, Y. Yang, Y Zhang, H Yang, Ji. Wang. Long-term heat stress induces the inflammatory response in dairy cows revealed by plasma proteome analysis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2016, 471, 296-302. [1] 


鄭楠(2/10).生鮮乳質量安全控制關鍵技術及應用,河北省人民政府,河北省科學技術獎,一等獎,2014。 [1] 
  • 1.    鄭楠  .中國農業科學院北京畜牧獸醫研究所[引用日期2017-06-23]