


鄧蕾,男 ,1986年生,博士,中國科學院水利部水土保持研究所、西北農林科技大學研究員。 [1-3] 
職    業


2019.01- 西北農林科技大學/中國科學院水利部水土保持研究所,研究員(破格)
2016.01- 黃土高原土壤侵蝕與旱地農業國家重點實驗室,主任助理
西北農林科技大學水土保持研究所研究員 [2] 


植被恢復及其生態效應;生態恢復與水土保持 [2] 


2018年,陝西省“特支計劃”首批青年拔尖人才。 [2] 
2021年,國家“萬人計劃”青年拔尖人才(中組部) [4] 


發表學術論文40餘篇,主持國家自然科學基金3項;十二五國家科技支撐計劃子課題1項;陝西省自然科學基金2項;中科院西部之光“青年學者B類”項目1項。 [3] 


[54] Deng L, Peng CH, Kim DG, Li JW, Liu YL, Hai XY, Liu QY, Huang CB, Shangguan ZP, Kuzyakov Y. Drought effects on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in global natural ecosystems. Earth-Science Reviews. 2021. 214: 103501. [4] 
[53] Deng L, Huang, CB, Kim DG, Shangguan ZP, Wang KB, Song XZ, Peng CH*. Soil GHG fluxes are altered by N deposition: new data indicate lower N stimulation of the N2O flux and greater stimulation of the calculated C pools. Global Change Biology. 2020, 26: 2613-2629. [3] 
[52] Song XZ*, Peng CH, Ciais P, Li Q, Xiang WH, Xiao WF, Zhou GM, Deng L. Nitrogen addition increased CO2 uptake more than non-CO2 greenhouse gases emissions in Moso bamboo forest.Science Advances. 2020. 6(12): eaaw5790
[51] Li JW, Shangguan ZP, Deng L*. Dynamics of soil microbial metabolic activity following grassland succession after farmland abandonment. Geoderma. 2020. 363, 114167.
[50]Li JW, Shangguan ZP, Deng L*.Variations of belowground C and N cycling between arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal forests across China. Soil Research. 2020. https://www.publish.csiro.au/SR/justaccepted/SR19377.
[49]Liu YL, Zhu GY, Li JW, Hai XY, Shangguan ZP, Peng CH, Deng L*.Long-term forest succession improves plant diversity and soil quality but not significantly increase soil microbial diversity: evidence from the Loess Plateau. Ecological Engineering. 2020, 142, 105431
[48] Xiao DR, Deng L*, Kim DG, Huang CB, Tian K. Carbon budgets of wetland ecosystems in China. Global Change Biology. 2019. 25: 2061-2076.
[47] Liu BJ, Zhang L, Lu F*, Deng L, Zhao H, Luo YJ, Liu XP, Zhang KR, Wang XK, Liu WW, Wang XY, Yuan YF. Methodology for accounting the net mitigation of China’s ecological restoration projects. MethodsX, 2019, 6, 1753-1773.
[46] Li JW, Liu YL, Hai XY, Shangguan ZP, Deng L*. Dynamics of soil microbial C:N:P stoichiometric homoeostasis and its driving mechanisms following vegetation restoration after farmland abandonment. Science of The Total Environment. 2019. 693, 133613.
[45] Tang ZS, Deng L, Shangguan ZP, Wang B, An H. Desertification and nitrogen addition cause species homogenization in a desert steppe ecosystem. Ecological Engineering, 2019. 138, 54-60.
[44]Deng L, Peng CH, Huang CB, Wang KB, Liu QY, Liu YL, Hai XY, Shangguan ZP*. Drivers of soil microbial metabolic limitation changes along a vegetation restoration gradient on the Loess Plateau, China. Geoderma, 2019, 353, 188-200.
[43] Wang KB, Zhang YW, Tang ZS, Shangguan ZP, Chang F, Jia FA, Chen YP, He XH, Shi WY*, Deng L*. Effects of grassland afforestation on structure and function of soil bacterial and fungal communities. Science of The Total Environment. 2019. 676, 396-406.
[42] Liu BJ, Zhang L, Lu F*, Deng L, Zhao H, Luo YJ, Liu XP, Zhang KR, Wang XK, Liu WW, Wang XY, Yuan YF. Greenhouse gas emissions and net carbon sequestration of the Beijing-Tianjin Sand Source Control Project in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019. 225, 163-172.
[41] Deng L, Kim DG, Li MY, Huang CB, Liu QY, Cheng M,Shangguan ZP, Peng CH*.Land-use changes driven by ‘Grain for Green’ Program reduced carbon loss induced by soil erosion on the Loess Plateau of China. Global and Planetary Change. 2019. 177, 101-115.
[40] Zhu GY, Tang ZS, Shangguan ZP, Peng CH, Deng L*. Factors affecting the spatial and temporal variations in soil erodibility of China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 2019. 124, 737-749.
[39] Cui YX, Fang LC*, Deng L, Guo XB, Han F, Ju WL, Wang X, Chen HS, Tan WF, Zhang XC. Patterns of nutrient limitation in soil microbial communities and their roles in the variation of soil organic carbon across a precipitation gradient in arid and semi-arid regions. Science of The Total Environment. 2019. 658, 1440-1451
[38] Ye LP, Fang LC, Shi ZH, Deng L, Tan WF*. Spatio-temporal dynamics of soil moisture driven by ‘Grain for Green’ program on the Loess Plateau, China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2019. 269, 204-214.
[37] Deng L, Kim DG, Peng CH, Shangguan ZP*. Controls of soil and aggregate-associated organic carbon variations following natural vegetation restoration on the Loess Plateau in China.Land Degradation & Development. 2018. 29, 3974-3984.
[36] Deng L, Wang KB, Zhu GY, Liu YL, Chen L, Shangguan ZP*.Changes of soil carbon in five land use stages following 10 years of vegetation succession on the Loess Plateau, China. Catena. 2018. 171, 185-192.
[35] Lu Fei, Hu Huifeng, Sun Wenjuan, Zhu Jiaojun, Liu Guobin, Zhou Wangming, Zhang Quanfa, Shi Peili, Liu Xiuping, Wu Xing, Zhang Lu, Wei Xiaohua, Dai Limin, Zhang Kerong, Sun Yirong, Xue Sha, Zhang Wanjun, Xiong Dingpeng, Deng Lei, Liu Bojie, Zhou Li, Zhang Chao, Zheng Xiao, Cao Jiansheng, Huang Yao, He Nianpeng, Zhou Guoyi, Bai Yongfei, Xie Zongqiang, Tang Zhiyao, Wu Bingfang, Fang Jingyun, Liu Guohua*, Yu Guirui*. Effects of national ecological restoration projects on carbon sequestration in China from 2001 to 2010. PNAS. 2018: 201700294.
[34] Zhu GY, Deng L*, Shangguan ZP*. Effects of soil aggregate stability on soil N following land use changes under erodible environment. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2018. 262, 18-28.
[33] Deng L, Peng CH, Zhu GY, Chen L, Liu YL, Shangguan ZP*. Positive responses of belowground C dynamics to N enrichment in China. Science of The Total Environment. 2018. 616-617, 1035-1044.
[32] Wang YY, Deng L, Wu GL, Wang KB, Shangguan ZP*. Large scale soil organic carbon mapping based on multivariate modelling: the case of grasslands on the Loess Plateau. Land Degradation & Development. 2018. 29, 26-37.
[31] Deng L, Liu SG, Kim GD, Sandra Sweeney, Peng CH, Shangguan ZP*. Past and Future Carbon Sequestration Benefits of China’s Grain for Green Program. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions. 2017. 47, 13-20.
[30] Deng L, Shangguan ZP, Wu GL, Chang XF. Effects of Grazing exclusion on carbon sequestration in China's grassland. Earth-Science Reviews. 2017. 173, 84-95.
[29] Xiao HB, Li ZW, Dong YT, Chang XF, Deng L, Huang JQ, Nie XD, Liu C, Liu L, Wang DY, Liu QM, Zhang YR. Changes in microbial communities and respiration following grassland restoration of eroded soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2017, 246, 30-37.
[28] Zhu GY, Shangguan ZP, Deng L*. Soil Aggregate Stability and Aggregate-Associated Carbon and Nitrogen between natural restoration grassland and Chinese red pine plantation on the Loess Plateau. Catena. 2017. 149: 253-260.
[27] Wu GL, Liu Y, Yang Z, Cui Z, Deng L, Chang XF, Shi ZH. Root channels to indicate the increase in soil matrix water infiltration capacity of arid reclaimed mine soils. Journal of Hydrology. 2017. 546: 133-139.
[26] Deng L, Han QS, Zhang C, Tang ZS, Shangguan ZP. Above-ground and below-ground biomass accumulation and carbon sequestration with Caragana korshinskii Kom plantation development. Land Degradation & Development. 2017. 28(3): 906-917.
[25] Deng L, Shangguan ZP. Afforestation drives soil carbon and nitrogen changes in China.Land Degradation & Development. 2017. 28: 151-165.
[24] Zhang C, Song ZL, Liu GB, Qu D, Fang LC, Deng L. Natural succession on abandoned cropland effectively decreases the soil erodibility and improves the fungal diversity. Ecological Applications. 2017.27, 2142-2154.
[23] Deng L, Zhu GY, Tang ZS, Shangguan ZP. Global patterns of the effects of land-use changes on soil carbon stocks. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2016.5:127-138.
[22] Deng L, Yan WM, Zhang RW, Shangguan ZP. Severe depletion of soil moisture following land-use changes for ecological restoration: evidence from the Northern China. Forest Ecology and Management. 2016. 366: 1-10.
[21] Deng L, Wang GL, Liu GB, Shangguan ZP. Effect of age and land-use changes on Soil carbon and nitrogen sequestrations following cropland abandonment on the Loess Plateau, China. Ecological Engineering. 2016. 90: 105-112.
[20] Deng L, Wang KB*, Tang ZS, Shangguan ZP. Soil carbon dynamics following a long-term natural vegetation restoration: evidence from stable carbon isotopes (δ13C). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2016. 221: 235-244.
[19] Zhu GY, Deng L*, Zhang XB, Shangguan ZP*. Effects of grazing exclusion on the plant community and soil physicochemical properties in a desert steppe on the Loess Plateau, China. Ecological Engineering. 2016. 90: 372-381.
[18] Wang KB, Deng L*, Ren ZP, Li JP, Shangguan ZP. Grazing exclusion significantly improves grassland ecosystem C and N pools in a desert steppe of China. Catena. 2016. 137: 441-448.
[17] Wang KB, Ren ZP, Deng L*, Zhou ZC, Shangguan ZP, Shi WY, Chen YP. Profile distributions and controls of soil inorganic carbon along a 150-years natural vegetation restoration. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2016. 80 (1): 193-202.
[16] Zhang YW, Deng L, Yan WM, Shangguan ZP*. Interaction of soil water storage dynamics and long-term natural vegetation succession on the Loess Plateau, China. Catena. 2016. 137: 52-60.
[15] Deng L, Zhang ZN, Shangguan ZP. Long-term fencing effects on plant diversity and soil properties in China. Soil & Tillage Research. 2014. 137: 7-15.
[14] Deng L, Sweeney S, Shangguan ZP. Long-term effects of natural enclosure: carbon stocks, sequestration rates and potential for grassland ecosystems in the Loess Plateau. Clean-Soil Air Water, 2014. 42(5): 617-625.
[13] Shao RX, Deng L, Yang QH, Shangguan ZP. Nitrogen fertilization increase soil carbon dioxide emission of winter wheat field in the arid and semi-arid region of China. Soil & Tillage Research. 2014, 143: 164-171.
[12] Deng L, Wang KB, Shangguan ZP. Long-term natural succession improves nitrogen storage capacity of soil on the Loess Plateau, China. Soil Research. 2014. 52: 262-270.
[11] Deng L, Sweeney S, Shangguan ZP. Grassland responses to grazing disturbance: Plant diversity changes with grazing intensity in a desert steppe. Grass and Forage Science, 2014, 69: 524-533.
[10] Deng L, Wang KB, Li JP, Shangguan ZP, Sweeney S. Carbon storage dynamics in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) fields on the Loess Plateau, China. Clean-Soil Air Water, 2014, 42(9): 1253-1262.
[9] Deng L, Liu GB, Shangguan ZP. Land use conversion and changing soil carbon stocks in China’s ‘Grain-for-Green’ Program: a synthesis. Global Change Biology. 2014, 20: 3544-3556.
[8] Deng L, Shangguan ZP, Sweeney S. ‘‘Grain for Green’’ driven land use change and carbon sequestration on the Loess Plateau, China. Scientific Reports. 2014, 4: 7039.
[7] Deng L, Shangguan ZP, Sweeney S. Changes in soil carbon and nitrogen following land abandonment of farmland on the Loess Plateau, China. PloS One, 2013, 8: e71923.
[6] Deng L, Wang KB, Chen ML, Shangguan ZP, Sweeney S. Soil organic carbon storage capacity positively related to forest succession on the Loess Plateau, China. Catena, 2013, 110: 1-7.
[5] Deng L, Shangguang ZP, Li R. Effects of the grain-for-green programme on soil erosion in China. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2012, 27: 120-127.
[4] 陳磊, 朱廣宇, 劉玉林, 上官周平, 鄧蕾*. 黃土高原人工油松林土壤碳氮對短期氮添加的響應. 水土保持學報, 2018. 32(4): 346-352.
[3] 鄧蕾,上官周平*. 陝西省天然草地生物量空間分佈格局及其影響因素.草地學報,2012, 20(5): 825-835.
[2] 劉玉林, 朱廣宇, 鄧蕾*, 陳磊, 上官周平. 黃土高原植被自然恢復和人工造林對土壤碳氮儲量的影響. 應用生態學報, 2018. 29 (7): 2163-2172.
[1] 鄧蕾,王鴻喆*,上官周平,劉廣全. 水蝕風蝕交錯區檸條錦雞兒葉片比葉面積和營養元素變化動態. 生態學報, 2010, 30(18): 4889-4897.