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賈士儒學術研討會 賈士儒學術研討會
著作 著作


中國輕工業聯合會科學技術進步一等獎(2013) [1] 


[1] 印跡交聯酶聚體(離子液)介孔氧化硅雜化催化劑的製備及其在不同介質中的催化性能,國家自然科學基金項目(21676069),2017.01-2020.12
[2] 利用木葡糖酸醋酐菌一步發酵合成特定網狀結構細菌纖維素的基礎研究,國家自然科學基金項目(21576212),2016.01-2019.12
[3] 不同聚合度ε-聚賴氨酸抑菌差異性及其相關基礎研究,國家自然科學基金項目,2013.01-2016.12
[4] 綠色防腐劑ε-聚賴氨酸產業化示範開發, “十二五”農村領域國家科技計劃課題,2011.01-2015.12
[5] 微生物注塑技術生成納米複合材料的基礎研究,國家自然科學基金項目,2010.01-2012.12
[6] 抗疲勞、抗缺氧功能食品基料發酵製備技術研究, 軍工項目子課題,2010-2015
[7] 啤酒醇酯風味調控規律的研究,973項目子課題,2011-2013
[8] 重要發酵工業菌種基因組研究及分子改造,十二五國家科技計劃,2011-2015
[9] ε-聚賴氨酸高產菌的定向選育及其工業化研究,國家863導向項目,2006.12-2009.10
[10] 不同生長模式下發狀念珠藻抗逆因子及其協同作用,國家自然科學基金項目,2008.01-2010.12
[11] 抗氧化食品的研究與產業化,國家“十一五”科技支撐計劃項目子課題,2006.01-2010.12
[12] 天然果疏粉—新型食品配料的開發,天津市農業科技成果轉化與推廣項目,2007.08- 2009.08
[13] 聚肽或多糖偶聯循環發酵過程的基礎研究,國家973子課題,2007.7-2012.6
[14] 海產品粉末化生產關鍵技術,天津市科技支撐計劃重點項目,2008.4-2010.3
[15] 生物防腐劑ε-聚賴氨酸的研製,國家“十五”科技攻關計劃項目,2004-2005;
[16] 界面性質與陸生藍細菌生長活性的關係,國家自然基金項目,2004-2006;
[17] 利用現代生物技術改造微生物菌種與動力學研究,教育部項目,2003-2005;
[18] 新型生物產業開發,中日政府間合作項目,2003-2005;
[19] 新型天然果蔬粉生產關鍵技術的研究,天津市科委科技攻關計劃重點項目,2005-2006;
[20] 髮菜細胞培養及其抗病毒活性物質開發研究,,天津市科委應用基礎研究重點項目,2004-2007;
[21] 抗缺氧高能野戰食品,國家“十五”科技攻關項目子課題(2002BA904B16),2002-2005;
[22] 禽骨為原料生產天然肉味香精研究與開發,天津市科委攻關項目,2003-2004;
[23] 超臨界相態下微生物反應基礎研究,國家自然基金項目,2002-2004 [1] 


[1] 賈士儒等主編、發酵工程實驗教程、北京、高等教育出版社、2016
[2] 賈士儒,生物反應工程原理(第四版),科學出版社,2015.08
[3] 賈士儒等主編、髮菜細胞培養、北京、科學出版社、2014
[4] 賈士儒主編、生物防腐劑、北京、中國輕工業出版社、2009
[5] 賈士儒編著、生物反應工程原理(第三版)、北京、科學出版社、2008
[6] 賈士儒主編、生物工程專業實驗、北京、中國輕工業出版社、2004,2010
[7] 賈士儒主編、生物工藝與工程實驗技術,北京、中國輕工業出版社、2002
[8] 賈士儒參編、生物製藥技術,北京、中國輕工業出版社、2007
[9] 賈士儒參編、發酵工程關鍵技術發展戰略研究,北京、化學工業出版社、2005
[10] 賈士儒參編、生物工藝學,北京、科學出版社、2010 [1] 


1. Miao Liu, Cheng Zhong*, Yu-Ming Zhang, Ze-Ming Xu, Chang-Sheng Qiao, Shi-Ru Jia*, Metabolic investigation in Gluconacetobacter xylinus and its bacterial cellulose production under a direct current electric field, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7,331
2.Pei-pei Han, Shi-gang Shen, Hui-Yan Wang, Shun-yu Yao, Zhi-lei Tan, Cheng Zhong, Shi-ru Jia*,Applying the strategy of light environment control to improve the biomass and polysaccharide production of Nostoc flagelliforme,Journal of Applied Phycology,2016,1-11
3. Xiao-Ning Yang, Dong-Dong Xue, Jia-Ying Li, Miao Liu, Shi-Ru Jia, Li-Qiang Chu, Fazli Wahid, Yu-Ming Zhang, Cheng Zhong*, Improvement of Antimicrobial Activity of Graphene Oxide/Bacterial Cellulose Nanocomposites Through the Electrostatic Modification, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 136: 1152-1160
4. Hexin Lv*, Feng Xia, Miao Liu, Xianggan Cui, Fazli Wahid, Shiru Jia*, Metabolomic profiling of the astaxanthin accumulation process induced by high light in Haematococcus pluvialis, Algal Research, 2016, 20,35-43
5. HexinLv*,Xianggan Cui,Shilei Wang,ShiruJia*,Metabolic Profiling of Dunaliella salina Shifting Cultivation Conditions to Nitrogen Deprivation,Metabolomics,2016,6(1)
6. Tao Bo, Pei-Pei Han, Qin-Zhi Su,Ping Fu, Feng-Zhu Guo, Zuo-Xing Zheng, Zhi-Lei Tan, Cheng Zhong, Shi-Ru Jia*,Antimicrobial ε-poly-L-lysine induced changes in cell membranecompositions and properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae,Food Control,2016,61,123-134
7. Hexin Lv*, Xianggan Cui, Fazli Wahid, Feng Xia, Cheng Zhong, Shiru Jia*,Analysis of the Physiological and Molecular Responses of Dunaliella salina to Macronutrient Deprivation,Plos ONE,2016, 11(3)
8. Jian-Dong Cui*, Ya-Min Zhao, Rong-Lin Liu, Cheng Zhong, Shi-Ru Jia*, Surfactant-activated lipase hybrid nanoflowers with enhanced enzymatic performance,Scientific Report, 2016, 6, 11.
1. Pei-pei Han,Shi-gang Shen,Shi-ru Jia. Comparison of bacterial community structures of terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc flagelliforme in three different regions of China using PCR-DGGE analysis[J]. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2015,31(7):1061–1069.
2. Pei-pei Han, Shi-gang Shen , Hui-YanWang , Ying Sun, Yu-jie Dai , Shi-ru Jia. Comparative metabolomic analysis of the effects of light quality on polysaccharide production of cyanobacterium Nostoc flagelliforme[J]. Algal Research,2015,9:143–150.
3. Miao Liu, Cheng Zhong, Xiao-Ying Wu, Yu-Qiao Wei, Tao Bo, Pei-Pei Han,Shi-Ru Jia. Metabolomic profiling coupled with metabolic network revealsdifferences in Gluconacetobacter xylinus from static andagitated cultures[J]. Biochemical Engineering Journa ,2015, 101:85–98.
4.Jianhua Guo, Xiaolan Liu, Shiru Jia.Effect of cellulase-producing bacteria on the metabolic activities and functional diversity of bacterial communities in Chinese liquor fermenting grains [J]. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 2015,121,(4):614-619.
5. Guo, JH (Guo, Jianhua), Jia, SR (Jia, Shiru).Effect of Cellulase-Producing Bacteria on Enzyme Activity and Ester Production in Fermented Grains of Chinese Liquor[J].Journal of the american society of brewing chemists,2015, 73(2) : 130-136.
6. Jiandong Cui,Shiru Jia,Longhao Liang,Yamin Zhao,Yuxiao Feng. Mesoporous CLEAs-silica composite microparticles with high activity and enhanced stability[J]. Scientific Reports ,2015,5,14203.
7. Jian Dong Cui,Shi Ru Jia. Optimization protocols and improved strategies of cross-linked enzyme aggregates technology: current development and future challenges[J]. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology ,2015, 35(1), 15-28.
8. Hexin Lv,Feng Xia,Shiru Jia,Xianggan Cui,Nannan Yuan.Effects of K2HPO4 on the Growth of Nostoc Flagelliforme in Liquid Media with Different Carbon Sources[M]. Advances in Applied Biotechnology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015:407-415.
9. Lifang Yue, Yupeng Xiao, Guojuan Sun, Shiru Jia, Yujie Dai, Xing Zheng. The semi-continuous cultivation of Nostoc flagelliforme cells[C]. Advances in Applied Biotechnology. 2015, 332: 453-460.
10. Honglei Fu, Yujie Dai, Yue Han, Lifang Yue, Feng Xia, Shiru Jia. Effect of iodine on the growth and quality of Nostoc flagelliforme[J]. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering.2015, 333: 335-341.
1. Cheng Zhong, Fei Li, Miao Liu,Xiao-Ning Yang,Hui-Xia Zhu,Yuan-Yuan Jia,Shi-Ru Jia,Luciano Piergiovanni. Revealing Differences in Metabolic Flux Distributions between a Mutant Strain and Its Parent Strain Gluconacetobacter xylinus CGMCC 2955[J]. Plos one, 2014, 9 (6):1-9.
2. Tao Bo,Miao Liu,Cheng Zhong,Qian Zhang,Qin-Zhi Su,Zhi-Lei Tan, Pei-Pei Han,and Shi-Ru Jia. Metabolomic Analysis of Antimicrobial Mechanisms of εPolyLlysine on Saccharomyces cerevisiae [J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 4454-4465.
3. Cheng Zhong,Zhao Zhou,Yu‐Ming Zhang,Shi‐Ru Jia, Zhuo Sun,Bruce E. Dale. Integrating Kinetics with Thermodynamics to Study the Alkaline Extraction of Protein from Caragana korshinskii Kom.[J]. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2014,111(9):1801-1808.
4. Pei-pei Han,Shi-ru Jia,Ying Sun,Zhi-lei Tan,Cheng Zhong,Yu-jie Dai,Ning Tan,Shi-gang Shen. Metabolomic approach to optimizing and evaluating antibiotic treatment in the axenic culture of cyanobacterium Nostoc flagelliforme[J]. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014,30(9): 2407-2418.
5. Jian-Jun Dong,Qing-Liang Li,Hua Yin,Cheng Zhong,Jun-Guang Hao,Pan-Fei Yang,Yu-Hong Tian,Shi-Ru Jia. Predictive analysis of beer quality by correlating sensory evaluation with higher alcohol and ester production using multivariate statistics methods [J]. Food Chemistry, 2014,161:376-82.
6. Pei-pei Han,Ying Sun,Xiao-ying Wu,Ying-jin Yuan,Yu-jie Dai,Shi-ru Jia.Emulsifying, Flocculating,and Physicochemical Properties of Exopolysaccharide Produced by Cyanobacterium Nostoc flagelliforme [J].Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,2014, 172(1):36-49.
7. Pei-Pei Han,Ying Sun,Cheng Zhong,Zhi-lei Tan,Shi-ru Jia.Effects of light wavelengths on extracellular and capsular polysaccharide production by Nostoc flagelliforme[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2014, 105:145-151.
8. Cheng Zhong,Zhuo Sun,Zhao Zhou,Ming-Jie Jin,Zhi-Lei Tan,Shi-Ru Jia. Chemical Characterization and Nutritional Analysis of Protein Isolates from Caragana korshinskii Kom. [J].Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014,62(14):3217–3222 (SCI).
9. Hexin Lv,Shiru Jia,Yupeng Xiao,Nannan Yuan and Yujie Dai. Growth characteristics of Nostoc flagelliforme at intermittent elevated CO2 concentrations[J]. Phycological Research, 2014,62(4): 250–256(SCI).
10. LV He-xin, JIA Shi-ru, SHEN Shi-gang, CUI Xiang-gan, YUAN Nan-nan. Effect of NaNO3 on Nostoc flagelliforme Growth under Intermittent Flow of CO2[J]. Modern Food Science and Technology, 2014,30(9):186-191(SCI).
11. Jiandong Cui, Jiqiong Qiu, Xianwei Fan, Shiru Jia, Zhilei Tan. Biotechnological production and applications of microbial phenylalanine ammonia lyase:a recent review[J].Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2014,34(3):258-268 (SCI).
1. Cheng Zhong , Gui-Cai Zhang, Miao Liu, Xin-Tong Zheng, Pei-Pei Han, Shi-Ru Jia. Metabolic flux analysis of Gluconacetobacter xylinus for bacterial cellulose production. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2013, 97:6189–6199.
2. Yujie Dai, Jing Li, Shumei Wei, Nan Chen, Yupeng Xiao, Zhilei Tan, Shiru Jia, Nannan Yuan, Ning Tan and Yijie Song. Effect of light with different wavelengths on Nostoc flagelliforme cells in liquid culture[J]. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,2013,23(4):534-538.
3. Zhen Ding, Shiru Jia, Peipei Han, Nannan Yuan, Ning Tan. Effects of carbon sources on growth and extracellular polysaccharide production of Nostoc flagelliforme under heterotrophic high-cell-density fed-batch cultures. J Appl Phyool. 2013,25(4):1017-1021.
4. Zhi-leiTan,Yu-QiaoWei,Shuang Liang,Ran Zhang,Miao Liu, Shi-Ru Jia. Rapid Identification of Microorganisms Isolated from Pickled Vegetables by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry[J]. Advanced Materials Research. 2013.712-715:494-497.
1. Cheng Zhong, Rui Wang, Zhao Zhou, Shi-Ru Jia, Zhi-Lei Tan, Pei-Pei Han.Functional Properties of Protein Isolates from Caragana Korshinskii Kom Extracted by Three Different Methods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2012, 60:10337-10342.
2. Yanqing Zhang, Shiru Jia, Wujiu Zhang. Predicting acetic acid content in the final beer using neural networks and support vector machine. Journal of the Institute of Brewing.2012,118:361-36.
3. Ning Tan , Shi-Ru Jia, Pei-Pei Han, Wei Guo ,Yu-Jie Dai. The open culture of Nostoc flagelliforme with a 25 L open pond. Advanced Materials Research Vols.554-556(2012).
4. Shiru Jia, Zhen Ding, Ning Tan, Na Wang, Peipei Han, Nannan Yuan. Heterotrophic Fed-batch Cultures of Nostoc flagelliforme and Production of Extracellular Polysaccharides. Advanced Materials Research Vols.518-523(2012):5468-5471.
5. Sijun Yue, Jing Liu, Rui Zheng, Yujie Dai, Yuanyuan Jia, Shiru Jia. The growth of Nostoc flagelliforme cells in desert soil and its ecological effects. Advanced Materials Research Vols.518-523(2012):5500-5505.
6. YAN Lin, JIA Shi-ru, ZHENG Xin-tong, ZHONG Cheng, LIU Miao, XU Guo-juan. The effect of growth, migration and bacterial cellulose synthesis of Gluconacetobacter xylinus in presence of direct current electric field condition. Advanced Materials Research Vols.550-553(2012):1108-1113.
7. Cheng Zhong, Rui Wang, Lihua Fan, Shi-Ru Jia, Zhao Zhou. Developing a high efficient process integrating protein extraction with cellulosic ethanol production from Caragana Korshinskii Kom. Advanced Materials Research Vols.518-523(2012):5545-5549.
8. Jin Ying Guo, Ming Ke Shi, Guo Yan Ren, Yong Yin, Shi Ru Jia. Response of Nostoc flagelliforme cell to Hyperthermia Stress. Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 518 - 523): 614-618(2012).
9. Yujie Dai,Nan Chen ,Shiru Jia ,Nannan Yuan ,Ning Tan Jing Li . Purification of Polysaccharide from Photoautotrophic Cultivation of Nostoc flagelliforme Cells with Sector Radial Flow Chromatography. Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (iCBEB), 2012 International Conference on. 2012. 5:465-468.
10. Tian WANG, Shiru JIA, Zhilei TAN, Yujie DAI, Shuai SONG, Guoliang WANG. Mutagenesis and selective breeding of a high producing ε-ploy-L-lysine stain. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineeering. 2012, 6 (2):179-183.
11. Feifei Wang, Jianchun Zhang, Limin Hao, Shiru Jia, Jianming Ba and Shuang Niu. Optimization of Submerged Culture Conditions for Mycelial Growth and Extracellular Polysaccharide Production by Coriolus versiolor. Bioprocessing & Biotechniques. 2012, 2: 42(4).
2011 年部分論文
[1] Huixia Zhu,Shiru Jia,Hongjiang Yang,Yuanyuan Jia,LinYan,Jing Li. (2011) Peparation and application of bacterial cellulose sphere: a novel biomaterial. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol.Eq., 25(1):233-2236.
[2] Dexi Bi, Zhen Xu,Ewan M. Harrison, Cui Tai, Yiqing Wei, Xinyi He, Shiru Jia,Zixin Deng, Kumar Rajakumar,and Hong-Yu Ou. (2011) ICEberg: a web-based resource for integrative and conjugative elements found in Bacteria. Nucleic Acids Research, 1-6.doi:1093/nar/gkr846.
[3] HuiXia Zhu,Shiru Jia,Tong Wang,Hongjiang Yang,Jing Li,Lin Yan,Cheng Zhong.. (2011) Biosynthesis of spherical Fe3O4/bacterial cellulose nanocomposites as adsorbents for heavy metal ions. Carbohydrate Polymers, 86(4):1558-1564.
[4] Jie Zhang , Jon Jurriaan van Aartsen , Xiaofei Jiang, Yucheng Shao , Cui Tai , Xinyi He , Zhilei Tan ,ZixinDeng , Shiru Jia, Kumar Rajakumar , Hong-Yu Ou. (2011) Expansion of the known Klebsiella pneumoniae species gene pool by characterization of novel alien DNA islands integrated into tmRNA gene sites. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 84(2),283-289.
[5] XueFeng Chen, Shi-Ru Jia, Yue Wang and Ning Wang. (2011) Biological crust of Nostoc flagelliforme (cyanobacteria) on sand bed materials [J]. J Appl Phycol, 23:67~71.
2010 年部分論文
[1] Shiru jia, Baoqing Fan, Yujie Dai, Guoliang Wang, Peng Peng, Yuanyuan Jia. Fractionation and characterization of e-poly-L-lysine from Streptomyces albulus CGMCC 1986[J]. Food Science and Biotechnology, 2010, 19(2): 361-366.
[2] Yurong Gao, Shiru Jia, Qiang Gao, Zhilei Tan. A novel bacteriocin with a broad inhibitory spectrum produced by Lactobacillus sakeC2, isolated from traditional Chinese fermented cabbage[J]. Food Control, 2010, 21(1): 76-81.
[3] Weihua Tang, Shiru Jia, Yuanyuan Jia, Hongjiang Yang. The influence of fermentation conditions and post-treatment methods on porosity of bacterial cellulose membrane[J]. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2010, 26(1): 125-131.
[4] Xuefeng Chen, Shiru Jia, Sijun Yue, Ning Wang, Chengtao Li, Yue Wang. Effect of solid bed-materials on vegetative cells of Nostoc flagelliforme [J]. J Appl Phycol, 2010, 22(3): 341-347.
[5] Changsheng Qiao, Shiru Jia, Yujie Dai, Rui Wang, Aiyou Sun. Trehalose biosynthesis enhancement for six yeast strains under pressurized culture [J]. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2010, 160:613-620.
[6] Haifeng Yu, Shiru Jia, Yujie Dai. Accumulation of Exopolysaccharides in liquid suspension culture of Nostoc flagelliforme cells [J]. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2010, 160:552-560.
[7] Limin Hao, Xinhui Xing, Zheng Li, Jianchun Zhang, Jinxu Sun, Shiru Jia, Changsheng Qiao, Tianyi Wu. Optimization of effect factors for mycelial growth and exopolysaccharide production by Schizophyllum commune [J]. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2010, 160(2):621-631.
2009 年部分論文
[1] A novel bacteriocin with a broad inbitory spectrum produced by Lactobacillus sake C2, isolated from traditional Chinese fermented cabbage. Food Control, 2010, 21(1):76-81.
[2] Growth characteristics of the cyanobacterium Nostoc flagelliforme in photoautotrophic, mixotrophic and heterotrophic cultivation. J Appl Phycol, 2009, 21 (1):127-133.
[3] Production of hydrocortisone by Absidia coerulea in moderate pressure bioconversion system. Korean J Chem Eng, 2009, 26(4):1084-1089.
[4] Effect of solid bed-materials on vegetative cells of Nostoc flagelliforme. J Appl Phycol, 2009, DIO:10.1007/s10811-009-9464-3.
[5] Computational Study on the Conformation and Vibration Frequencies of β-Sheet of ε-Polylysine in Vacuum, Int. J. Mol. Sci, 2009, 10(8):3358-3370.
[6] The influence of fermentation Conditions and post-treatment methods on porosity of bacterial cellulose membrane. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2009, DIO: 10.1007/s11274-009-0151-y
2008 年部分論文
[1] Influence of amino acids, organic solvents and surf-actants for phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity in recombinant Escherichi-a. Coli.Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2008,46(6):631-635.
[2] Rapid determination of low-level sulfur com-pounds in beer by headspace gas chromatography with a pulsed flame pho-tometric detector. J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem.2008,66(3):188-191.
[3] Production of L-phenylalanine from trans-cinnamic acids by high-level expression of phenylalanine ammonia lya-se gene from Rhodosporidium toruloides in Escherichia coli. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2008,42(3):193-197.
[4] Growth characteristics of the cyanobacterium N-ostoc flagelliforme in photoautotrophic, mixotrophic and heterotrophic culti-vation. Journal of Applied Phycology 2008(online first)DOI:10.1007/s10811-008-9341-5.
[5] Morphology, cell growth, and pol-ysaccharide production of Nostoc flagelliforme in liquid suspension culture at different agitation rates.J Applied Phycology,2008,20:213-217,DOI: 10.1007/s10811-007-9221-4.
2007 年以前部分論文
[1] Characterization of Extracellular Polysaccharides from Nostoc flagelliforme Cells in Liquid Suspension Culrure[J]. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2007, 12(3):271—276
[2] Preparation and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite/Bacterial Cellulose Nanocomposite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering Key Engineering Materials, 2007,330/332; No.Pt2;
[3] Morphology,cell growth,and polysaccharide production of Nostoc flagelliforme in liquid suspension culture at different agitation rates.J Appl Phycol.2007,10
[4] Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite-bacterial cellulose nanocomposites Composites Science and Technology, 2006 (66) 1825-1832
[5] Hydroxyapatite/bacterial cellulose composites synthesized via a biomimetic route Materials Letter,2006,(60)1710-1713
[6] Preparation and characterization of fine silver powder with colloidal emulsion aphron Journal of Membrane Science,2006,281:685–691
[7] Cultivation of Nostoc flagelliforme on Solid Medium.Reprinted from the Korean Journal of Environmental Biology,Vol.23,No.2,June 2005:(135-140)
[8] Collulose Production from Gluconobacter Oxydans TQ-B2, Biotech. Bioprocess Eng. 2004,Vol 9(3), 166~170
[9] Tolerance of Anaerobic Granular Sludge to Oxygen, The Korean Journal of Environmental Biology, 2003, December
[10] Characteristics and Model for Growth of Rhizopus oryzae on the Simulated Gas-solid Interface. Reprinted from the Korean Journal of Environmental Biology, Vol.22,No.4,December 2004:(494-500) [1] 
  • 1.    賈士儒  .天津科技大學生物工程學院[引用日期2021-09-13]