

現任南京大學醫藥生物技術國家重點實驗室主任、南京大學教授、博士生導師,國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者,教育部“長江學者獎勵計劃”特聘教授,曾任南京中醫藥大學副校長。 [1-2]  [7] 
國    籍
民    族
職    業
職    務


1979年09月進入中國藥科大學學習,1986年09月獲理學碩士學位,進入蘭州大學化學系攻讀博士學位,畢業後繼續在該校從事博士後科研工作,1992年10月起在南京大學生物科學與技術系任教,1994年04月晉升為教授。曾任生物科學與技術系主任,南京大學校長助理、南京大學生物技術研究所所長。 [3] 
2023年10月-中國植物學會副理事長、常務理事、理事 [8] 


2016年5月22日,擬任南京中醫藥大學副校長(試用期一年)、黨委常委。 [3] 
2016年8月,任命譚仁祥同志為南京中醫藥大學副校長,試用期一年。 [4] 
2018年10月19日下午,我校在行政樓416會議室召開幹部大會,宣佈省委關於校領導班子調整的決定。免去譚仁祥同志南京中醫藥大學黨委常委、委員職務;免去譚仁祥同志副校長職務。 [2] 




2015年7月31日,入選中國科學院院士增選初步候選人名單。 [5] 


1、Dou, H.; Song, Y. X.; Liu, X. Q.; Yang, L.; Li, E. G.; Tan, R. X.; Hou, Y. Y., A Novel Benzenediamine Derivate Rescued Mice from Experimental Sepsis by Attenuating Proinflammatory Mediators via IRAK4. , Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol., 51(2), pp 191-200, 2014/8/14.
2、Ju, J. Y.; Wang, Y.; Liu, R. H.; Zhang, Y. C.; Xu, Z.; Wang, Y. D.; Wu, Y. P.; Liu, M.; Tan, R. X.; Jane, S. M.; *Zhao, Q., Human fetal globin gene expression is regulated by LYAR. , Nucleic Acids Res., pii(gku), pp 718-722, 2014/08/04.
3、Lei, X. X.; Xu, Z.; Sun, H.; Wang, S.; Griesinger, C.; Peng, L.; Gao, C.; Tan, R. X., Graphene Oxide Liquid Crystals as a Versatile and Tunable Alignment Medium for the Measurement of Residual Dipolar Couplings in Organic Solvents , J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136(32), pp 11280-11283, 2014/7/30.
4、Li, Wenfei; *Wang, Wei; Takada, Shoji, Energy landscape views for interplays among folding, binding, and allostery of calmodulin domains, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(29), pp 10550-10555, 2014/7/22.
5、Song, Y. X.; Dou, H.; Wang, P.; Zhao, S. L.; Li, E. G.; Tan, R. X.; Hou, Y. Y, A novel small-molecule compound diaporine A inhibits non-small cell lung cancer growth by regulating miR-99a/mTOR signaling. , Cancer Biol. Ther., 15(10), pp 1423-1428, 2014/7/21.
6、Cheng, X.; Zhang, X.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang, C.; Hua, Z. C., A Salmonella Typhimurium mutant strain capable of RNAi delivery: Higher tumor-targeting and lower toxicity., Cancer Biol. Ther., 15(10), pp 1068-1072, 2014/7/21.
7、華子春; 陳果, 一種減毒沙門氏菌分泌表達的日本血吸蟲疫苗表達載體及其應用, 中國, 中華人民共和中國國家知識產權局, ZL 2011 1 0232776.2.
8、Cheng, Wei; Zhang, Rong; Yao, Chun; He, Liangqiang; Jia, Kunzhi; Yang, Bingya; Du, Pan; Zhuang, Hongqin; Chen, Jianxiang; Liu, Zexu; Ding, Xinxin; *Hua, Zichun, A Critical Role of Fas-Associated Protein with Death Domain Phosphorylation in Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species Homeostasis and Aging, Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 21(1), pp 33-45, 2014/7/1.
9、Wang, X. Q.; Zhang, A. H.; Gao, J.; Tan, R. X.; Sun, Y.; Xu., Q., Trichomide A, a Natural Cyclodepsipeptide, Exerts Immunosuppressive Activity against Activated T Lymphocytes by Upregulating SHP2 Activation to Overcome Contact Dermatitis. , J. Invest. Dermatol., doi:10.1038(/jid.2014), pp 300-305, 2014/6/16.
10、Feng, Xiujing; Qin, Haohan; Shi, Qian; Zhang, Yang; Zhou, Feifei; Wu, Haochen; Ding, Sen; Niu, Zhiyuan; *Lu, Yan; *Shen, Pingping, Chrysin attenuates inflammation by regulating M1/M2 status via activating PPARgamma., Biochemical Pharmacology, 89(4), pp 503-514, 2014/6/15.
11、Cheng, X. W.; Zhang, X. X.; Cheng, J. X.; Ma, C.; Yang, B. Y.; Hua, Z. C., Tumor-specific delivery of histidine-rich glycoprotein suppresses tumor growth and metastasis by anti-angiogenesis and vessel normalization, Curr. Gene Ther., 14(2), pp 1566-1570, 2014/6/7.
12、Gong, W.; Hu, E. L.; Dou, H.; Song, Y. X.; Tan, R. X.; Hou, Y. Y., A novel 1,2-benzenediamine derivate FC-99 suppresses TLR3 expression and ameliorates disease symptoms in a mouse septic model. , Br. J. Pharmacol., DOI: 10.1111(bph.12797.), pp 1043-1049, 2014/6/5.
13、Guo, Wenjie; *Sun, Yang; Liu, Wen; Wu, Xingxin; Guo, Lele; Cai, Peifen; Wu, Xuefeng; Wu, Xudong; Shen, Yan; Shu, Yongqian; Gu, Yanhong; Xu, Qiang, Small molecule-driven mitophagy-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition is responsible for the prevention of colitis-associated cancer, Autophagy, 10(6), pp 972-985, 2014/6.
14、Lu Wang; Liangqiang He; Rong Zhang; Xiufeng Liu; Yongzhe Ren; Zhipeng Liu; Xiangyu Zhang; Wei Cheng; Zi-Chun Hua, Regulation of T lymphocyte activation by microRNA-21, Molecular Immunology, 59(2), pp 163-171, 2014/6.
15、Chun-Hong Zhou; Xiao-Peng Zhang; Feng Liu; Wei Wang, Involvement of miR-605 and miR-34a in the DNA Damage Response Promotes Apoptosis Induction, Biophysical Journal, 106(8), pp 1792-1800, 2014/4/15.
16、Luo, Qiong; *Sun, Yang; Gong, Fang-Yuan; Liu, Wen; Zheng, Wei; Shen, Yan; Hua, Zi-Chun; Xu, Qiang, Blocking initial infiltration of pioneer CD8(+) T-cells into the CNS via inhibition of SHP-2 ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice, British Journal of Pharmacology, 171(7), pp 1706-1721, 2014/4.
17、Wei Wei; Nan Jiang; Ya Ning Mei; Yan Liang Chu; Hui Ming Ge; Yong Chun Song; Seik Weng Ng; Ren Xiang Tan, An antibacterial metabolite from Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae F2, Phytochemistry, 100卷, pp 103-109, 2014/4.
18、Bian, Yunqiang; Tan, Cheng; Wang, Jun; Sheng, Yuebiao; Zhang, Jian; Wang, Wei, Atomistic picture for the folding pathway of a hybrid-1 type human telomeric DNA G-quadruplex., PLoS Computational Biology, 10(4), p e1003562, 2014/4.
19、華子春; 胡敏進, 人膜聯蛋白V變體及其表達、製備和應用, 中國,(中華人民共和中國國家知識產權局), ZL 201110072451.2.
20、Pang, Xiaojuan; Shu, Yuxin; Niu, Zhiyuan; Zheng, Wei; Wu, Haochen; *Lu, Yan; *Shen, Pingping, PPARgamma1 phosphorylation enhances proliferation and drug resistance in human fibrosarcoma cells., Experimental Cell Research, 322(1), pp 30-38, 2014/3/10. [6] 