


蘇俊,北京生命科學研究所研究員,清華大學助理教授、博士生導師。 [2]  蘇俊博士先後於2016年獲得香港中文大學細胞及分子生物學一級榮譽學士學位和2019年獲德國哥廷根大學生物及複雜系統物理最優等(summa cum laude)博士學位。 [4] 
國    籍
德國哥廷根大學 [3] 



2016年 香港中文大學細胞及分子生物學理學學士,
2019年 德國哥廷根大學生物學(生物及複雜系統物理)博士。 [3] 


2019 – 2022年 德國馬克斯普朗克多學科科學研究所馬普裘槎博士後研究員
2022年– 北京生命科學研究所研究員 [3] 


主要研究方向:卵細胞染色體數目異常,早期的胚胎髮育 [2] 


2023年12月,入選2023達摩院青橙獎名單。 [1] 


蘇俊 蘇俊
科研之餘,染髮之餘,蘇俊還喜歡追動漫和偶像劇、真人秀,他也是一名熱衷於“淘好物”的資深買家。這位INTJ,全憑豐富的使用經驗,就可以從二手交易平台上的照片視頻判斷鏡頭的完整性,有些售價20多萬的新鏡頭,他花2萬就能在平台上購入,進而動手升級顯微鏡設備。 [2] 



作為第一或共一作者的研究成果發表在Science (2019、2022)、Trends Cell Biol.、Nat. Protoc.、J. Cell Physiol.等國際權威雜誌,申請國際專利 1項。 [4] 


發表文章 Publications
(*Equal contribution)
10. So, C., Menelaou, M., Uraji, J., Harasimov, K., Steyer, A.M., Seres, K.B., Bucevičius, J., Lukinavičius, G., Möbius, W., Sibold, C., Tandler-Schneider, A., Eckel, H., Moltrecht, R., Blayney, M., Elder, K., Schuh, M. “Mechanism of spindle pole organization and instability in human oocytes” Science (2022); Feb; 375(6581):eabj3944
- Covered by Nat. Cell Biol. in “Spindle instability in human oocytes”
- Highlighted by J. Assist. Reprod. Genet. in “Failure to focus seems to be a hominid thing”
9. So, C.*, Cheng, S.*, Schuh, M. “Phase separation during germline development” Trends Cell Biol. (2021); Apr; 31(4):254-268
8. Chan, Y.W.*, So, C.*, Yau, K.L., Chiu, K.C., Wang, X., Chan, F.L., Tsang, S.Y. “Adipose-derived stem cells and cancer cells fuse to generate cancer stem cell-like cells with increased tumorigenicity” J. Cell Physiol. (2020); Oct; 235(10):6794-6807
7. So, C.*, Seres, K.B.*, Steyer, A.M., Mönnich, E., Clift, D., Pejkovska, A., Möbius, W., Schuh, M. “A liquid-like spindle domain promotes acentrosomal spindle assembly in mammalian oocytes” Science (2019); Jun; 364(6447):eaat9557
- Recommended by F1000Prime
- Highlighted by J. Assist. Reprod. Genet. in “Phase transitions in human ARTs: fertility preservation comes of age”
6. Xu, Y., So, C., Lam, H.M., Fung, M.C., Tsang, S.Y. “Flow cytometric detection of newly-formed breast cancer stem cell-like cells after apoptosis reversal” J. Vis. Exp. (2019); Jan; (143)
5. Clift, D.*, So, C.*, McEwan, W.A., James, L.C., Schuh, M. “Acute and rapid degradation of endogenous proteins by Trim-Away” Nat. Protoc. (2018); Oct; 13(10):2149-2175
4. Xu, Y., So, C., Lam, H.M., Fung, M.C., Tsang, S.Y. “Apoptosis reversal promotes cancer stem cell-like cell formation” Neoplasia (2018); Mar; 20(3):295-303
3. Yang, H., Buisson, S., Bossi, G., Wallace, Z., Hancock, G., So, C., Asfield, R., Vuidepot, A., Mahon, T., Molloy, P., Oates, J., Paston, S.J., Aleksic, M., Hassan, N.J., Jakobsen, B.K., Dorrell, L. “Elimination of latently HIV-infected cells from antiretroviral therapy-suppressed subjects by engineered immune-mobilizing T-cell receptors” Mol. Ther. (2016); Nov; 24(11):1913-1925
2. Lo, I.C., Chan, H.C., Qi, Z., Ng, K.L., So, C., Tsang, S.Y. “TRPV3 channel negatively regulates cell cycle progression and safeguards the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells” J. Cell Physiol. (2016); Feb; 231(2):403-413
1. Qi, Y., Qi, Z., Li, Z., Wong, C.K., So, C., Lo, I.C., Huang, Y., Yao, X., Tsang, S.Y. “Role of TRPV1 in the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into cardiomyocytes” PLoS One (2015); Jul; 10(7):e0133211 [3] 