


葉丹,博士,青年PI,研究員,博士生導師。上海市啓明星,復旦大學三八紅旗手。 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
職    務


2002年畢業於浙江大學獲理學學士學位,2005年畢業於浙江大學獲遺傳學碩士學位,2008年畢業於荷蘭萊頓大學(Leiden University)獲生物製藥博士學位,2008-2010年在萊頓大學阿姆斯特丹/萊頓藥物研發中心做博士後,從事脂類代謝和心血管疾病發病機理方面的研究。2011年初受聘復旦大學生物醫學研究院青年PI,全職回國工作,圍繞”代謝與人類疾病”,開展”乙酰化調控代謝酶分子機制”和”代謝中間物參與表觀遺傳調控分子機制”兩方面研究,取得了一系列原創性科研成果。
迄今,在Cancer Cell, Genes&Development, Cell Metabolism, Molecular Cell, Cell Research, EMBO J, Oncogene,Circulation Research等國際核心期刊共發表SCI論文30篇,其中第一作者或共同通訊作者論文14篇。承擔“2011年度國家重點基礎研究發展計劃項目”課題一項(課題組長),國家自然科學基金面上項目一項(主持),參與國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目一項,獲上海市科委人才計劃青年啓明星計劃A類(主持)、上海市教委科研創新重點項目資助(主持)、復旦大學卓學計劃(主持)。 [1] 




1. Ma,S-H. , Jiang,B-W., Deng,W-L., Gu,Z-K., Wu,F-Z., Li,T-T., Xia,Y-K., Yang,H., Ye,D.,* Xiong, Y.,* and Guan, K-L.*. D-2-Hydroxyglutarate is essential for maintaining oncogenic property of mutant IDH-containing cancer cells but dispensable for cell growth. Oncotarget. 2015. In press.
2. Hui Yang, Lisha Zhou, Qian Shi, Yuzheng Zhao, Huaipeng Lin, Mengli Zhang, Yi Yang, Zhi-Qiang Ling, Kun-Liang Guan*, Yue Xiong*, and Dan Ye*. SIRT3-dependent GOT2 acetylation enhances the malate-aspartate NADH shuttle activity to promote pancreatic tumor growth. EMBO J. 2015. In press.
3. Wang Y-P, Xiao M-T, Chen X-F, Chen L-L, Xu Y-P, Lv L, Wang P, Yang H, Ma S-H, Lin H-P, Jiao B, Ren R-B, Ye D*, Guan, K-L*, and Xiong Y*. WT1 recruits TET2 to regulate its target gene expression and suppress leukemia cell proliferation. Mol Cell. 2015; 57(4):662-73.
4. Wang YP, Zhou LS, Zhao YZ, Wang SW, Chen LL, Liu LX, Ling ZQ, Hu FJ, Sun YP, Zhang JY, Yang C, Yang Y, Xiong Y, Guan KL, Ye D*. Regulation of G6PD acetylation by KAT9/SIRT2 modulates NADPH homeostasis and cell survival during oxidative stress. EMBO J. 2014; 33(12):1304-20.
5. Yang H. Lin H-P, Xu H-Y, Zhang L, Cheng L, Wen B, Shou J-Y, Guan K-L, Xiong Y, Ye D*. TET-catalyzed 5-methylcytosine hydroxylation is dynamically regulated by metabolites. Cell Research. 2014; 24(8):1017-20.
6. Yang H, Liu Y, Bai F, Zhang J-Y, Ma S-H, Liu J, Xu Z-D, Zhu H-G, Ling Z-Q, Ye D*, Guan K-L* and Xiong Y*. Tumor development is associated with decrease of TET gene expression and 5-methylcytosine hydroxylation. Oncogene. 2013; 32(5):663-9.
7. Ye D, Ma S-H, XiongY , GuanK-L*. R-2-Hydroxyglutarate as the Key Effector of IDH Mutations Promoting Oncogenesis. Cancer Cell. 2013; 23(3):274-276.
8. Wang P, Dong QZ, Zhang C, Kuan PF, Liu YF, Jeck WR, Jiang WQ, Savich GL, Tan TX, Andersen JB, J Auman JY, Hoskins JM, Misher AD, Moser CD, Yourstone SM, Kim JW, Cibulskis K, Getz G, Hunt HV, Thorgeirsson SS, Roberts LR, Ye D, Guan K-L, Xiong Y, Qin L-X*, Chiang DY*. Mutations in Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 and 2 are Associated with DNA Hypermethylation in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinomas. Oncogene. 2013; 32(25):3091-100.
9. Ye D*, Guan K-L* and Xiong Y*. The mechanisms of IDH mutations in tumorigenesis. Cell Research. 2012; 22 (7):1102-4.
10. Xiao M, Yang H, Xu W, Ma S, Lin H, Zhu H, Liu L, Liu Y, Yang C, Xu Y, Zhao S, Ye D*, Xiong Y*, Guan KL. Inhibition of α-KG-dependent histone and DNA demethylases by fumarate and succinate that are accumulated in mutations of FH and SDH tumor suppressors. Genes & Development. 2012; 26(12):1326-1338.
  • 1.    葉丹  .復旦大學代謝分子醫學教育部重點實驗室[引用日期2020-05-14]