

擔任國家自然科學基金會“優青”醫學組二審組長、國家自然科學基金會“神經科學組”二審組長;擔任“國家重點研發計劃幹細胞及轉化研究專項”、“教育部科技獎”、“工信部人工智能產業創新重點任務揭榜項目”、“華夏醫學科技獎”終審評委專家。現任“中國醫療保健國際交流促進會”常務理事、“中國國際神經外科協會”學術委員、“中國研究型醫院學會”生物治療專業委員會委員。應邀作為多個國際期刊及基金會的評審專家。 [1-2] 
長期從事腦疾病(包括腦卒中)發生機制及治療的研究,在腦損傷保護、幹細胞再生與修復、神經遞質受體功能、學習與記憶分子機制等研究方向上做出了一系列貢獻。在Nature, Nature Medicine,Nature Neuroscience,Trends in Neuroscience,PNAS, Stem Cells, Stroke等期刊發表SCI論文70餘篇,單篇論文引用率高達400餘次。研究工作受到美國加拿大國家健康研究所、美國和加拿大國家心臟和中風基金會、加拿大國家巴金森病基金會、中國國家自然科學基金會及科技部的資助。首創幹細胞儀器治療新策略,研製了一種無創、促內源性神經幹細胞腦卒中治療儀,並形成可穿戴治療+預誓+物聯網一體化產品。基於團隊原創發現進行腦卒中創新藥物設計,合成了全新腦卒中治療先導化合物和腦保護小肽。申請並獲得多項國家發明專利。
民    族
學    歷
青島大學 [2] 
專    業
職    稱


1998/10–2000/03 加拿大多倫多大學神經科學系,高級博士後
1996/10–1998/01 加拿大多倫多大學神經科學系,博士後
1993/10–1996/10 香港大學醫學院生理系,博士
1988/09–1990/07 第三軍醫大學外科系,碩士
1979/09–1984/07 第三軍醫大學醫學系,學士 [3] 


2017/08–至今 青島大學神經再生與康復研究院院長、醫學部常務副部長
2013/01–2017/08 武漢大學醫學部教授、醫學部副部長
2008/04–2012/12 內華達大學醫學院生理和細胞生物學系tenure終身教職
2006/04–2008/03 加拿大多倫多大學西方研究所資深科學家
2000/04–2006/03 加拿大多倫多大學西方研究所資深科學家;加拿大多倫多大學生理學系助理教授
1984/08–1988/08 第三軍醫大學外科研究所 : 助理研究員 [3] 


加拿大國家醫學基金會"Scholarship 獎"
武漢東湖高新“3551”人才基金 [3] 


湖北省醫學會醫學科研管理分會副主任委員 [3] 


研究工作多次受到美國、加拿大、中國政府研究機構的資助,主持和參與中、美、加國家級課題 16 項、省部級課題 6 項 [3] 


基礎研究:發表SCI論文70餘篇:在 Nature, Nature Medicine, Nature Neuroscience等國際頂級SCI期刊發表論文5篇,單篇最高引用400餘次。
轉化應用研究:申請發明專利 9 項,授權 7 項 [3] 


1. Wan Q, Xiong ZG, Man HY, Ackerley CA, Braunton J, Lu WY, Becker LE, MacDonald JF, Wang YT: Recruitment of functional GABAA receptors to postsynaptic domains by insulin. Nature. 1997; 388:686-690
2. Wan Q, Man HY, Liu F, Braunton J, Niznik HB, Pang SF, Brown GM, Wang YT: Differential modulation of GABAA receptor function by MEL1a and MEL1b receptors. Nature Neuroscience. 1999; 2(5): 401-403
3. Liu F, Wan Q, Pristupa ZB, Yu XM, Wang YT, Niznik HB: Direct protein-protein coupling enables cross-talk between dopamine D5 and γ-aminobutyric acid A receptors. Nature. 2000; 403:274-280
4. Ning K, Li L, Liao M, Liu B, Mielke JG, Chen Y, Duan Y, El-Hayek YH, Wan Q*: Circadian regulation of GABA(A) receptor function by CKIepsilon-CKIdelta in the rat suprachiasmatic nuclei. Nature Neuroscience. 2004; 7(5):489-490
5. Ning K, Pei L, Liao M, Liu B, Zhang Y, Jiang W, Mielke JG, Li L, Chen Y, El-Hayek YH, Fehlings MG, Zhang X, Liu F, Eubanks J, Wan Q*: Dual neuroprotective signaling mediated by downregulating two distinct phosphatase activities of PTEN. Journal of Neuroscience. 2004; 24(16):4052-60
6. Liu B, Liao M, Mielke JG, Li L, Chen Y, Ning K, El-Hayek YH, Zukin RS, Fehlings MG, Wan Q*: Ischemic insults direct GluR2-lacking AMPA receptors to synaptic sites. Journal of Neuroscience, 2006; 26(20):5309-19
7. Chang N, El-Hayek YH, Gomez E and Wan Q*: Phosphatase PTEN in neuronal injury and brain disorders. Trends in Neurosciences 2007; 30(11): 581-586
8. Li L and Wan Q*: rSac3, a new member of Sac domain phosphoinositide phosphatases family. Cell Research 2007; 17:1-3
9. Li L, El-Hayek YH, Liu BS, Chen Y, Gomez E, Wu XH, Ning K, Li LJ, Chang C, Zhang L, Wang ZG, Hu X, Wan Q*: Direct-current Electrical Field Guides Neural Stem/progenitor Cell Migration. Stem Cells 2008; 26(7): 1610-1836
10. Liu B, Li L, Zhang Q, Chang N, Wang D, Shan Y, Li L, Wang H, Feng H, Zhang L, Brann DW and Wan Q*: Preservation of GABAA receptor function by PTEN inhibition protects against neuronal death in ischemic stroke. Stroke 2010; 41(5):1018-26
11. Cheung CC, Yang C, Berger T, Zaugg K, Reilly P, Elia AJ, Wakeham A, You-Ten A, Chang N, Li LJ, Wan Q, and Mak TW: Identification of BERP (brain-expressed Ring finger protein) as a p53 target gene that modulates seizure susceptibility through interacting with GABA-A receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010; 107(26):11883-8
12. Chang N, Li L, Hu R, Shan Y, Liu B, Li L, Wang H, Feng H, Wang D, Cheung CC, Liao M and Wan Q*: Differential regulation of NMDA receptor function by DJ-1 and PINK1. Aging Cell. 2010; 9:837–850
13. Hu R, Duan B, Wang D, Yu Y, Li W, Luo H, Lu P, Lin J, Zhu G, Wan Q and Feng H: Role of acid-sensing ion channel 1a in the secondary damage of traumatic spinal cord injury. Annals of Surgery 2011;254:1–10
14. Zheng M, Liao M, Cui T, Fan DS, and Wan Q*: Regulation of nuclear TDP-43 by NR2A-containing NMDA receptor and phosphatase PTEN. J Cell Science 2012; 125:1556-67
15. Hu R, Sun H, Zhang Q, Chen J, Wu N, Meng H, Cui G, Hu S, Li F, Lin J, Wan Q, Feng H. G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1 mediated estrogenic neuroprotection against spinal cord injury. Crit Care Med 2012;40(12):3230.
16. Chen J, Zhuang Y, Zhang ZF, Wang S, Jin P, He C, Hu PC, Wang ZF, Li ZQ, Xia GM, Li G, Wang Y, Wan Q*. Glycine confers neuroprotection through microRNA-301a/PTEN signaling. MolecularBrain. 2016; 26; 9(1):59.
17. Hu R, Chen J, Lujan B, Lei R, Zhang M, Wang Z, Liao M, Li Z, Wan Y, Liu F, Feng H, Wan Q*. Glycine triggers a non-ionotropic activity of GluN2A-containing NMDA receptors to confer neuroprotection. ScientificReports. 2016; 6:34459
18. Li LJ, Hu R, Lujan B, Chen J, Zhang JJ, Nakano Y, Cui TY, Liao M, Chen JC, Man H, Feng H, Wan Q*. Glycine Potentiates AMPA Receptor Function through Metabotropic Activation of GluN2A-containing NMDA Receptors. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2016; 9:102.
19. Zhang X, Chen XP, Lin JB, Xiong Y, Liao WJ, Wan Q*. Effect of enriched environment on angiogenesis and neurological functions in rats with focal cerebral ischemia. Brain Research. 2017; 1655:176-185
20. Zhang ZF, Chen J, Han X, Zhang Y, Liao HB, Lei RX, Zhuang Y, Wang ZF, Li Z, Chen JC, Liao WJ, Zhou HB, Liu F, Wan Q*. Bisperoxovandium (pyridin-2-squaramide) Targets Both PTEN and Erk1/2 to Confer Neuroprotection. British Journal of Pharmacology 2017; 174(8):641–656.
21. Lei Y, Zhang ZF, Lei RX, Wang S, Zhuang Y, Liu AC, Wu Y, Chen J, Tang JC, Pan MX, Liu R, Liao WJ, Feng YG, Wan Q*, Zheng M*. DJ-1 Suppresses Cytoplasmic TDP-43 Aggregation in Oxidative Stress-Induced Cell Injury. J Alzheimers Dis. 2018. doi: 10.3233/JAD-180460
22. Liu R, Liao XY, Pan MX, Tang JC, Chen SF, Zhang Y, Lu PX, Lu LJ, Zou YY, Qin XP, Bu LH, Wan Q*. Glycine Exhibits Neuroprotective Effects in Ischemic Stroke in Rats through the Inhibition of M1 Microglial Polarization via the NF-κB p65/Hif-1α Signaling Pathway. J Immunol. 2019;202(6):1704-1714
23. Cui Y, Wan Q*. NKT Cells in Neurological Diseases. Front. Cell. Neurosci., 2019: 13:245
24. Liu R, Liao XY, Tang JC, Pan MX, Chen SF, Lu PX, Lu LJ, Zhang ZF, Zou YY, Bu LH, Qin XP, Wan Q*. BpV(pic) confers neuroprotection by inhibiting M1 microglial polarization and MCP-1 expression in rat traumatic brain injury. Mol Immunol. 2019;112:30-39
25. Liao XY, Lei Y, Chen SF, Cheng J, Zhao D, Zhang ZF, Han X, Zhang Y, Liao HB, Zhuang Y, Chen J, Zhou HB Wan Q*, Zhou YY*. The neuroprotective effect of bisperoxovandium (pyridin-2-squaramide) in intracerebral hemorrhage. Drug Design, Development and Therapy. 2019:13: 1957–1967
26. Zhao D, Qin XP, Chen SF, Liao XY, Cheng J, Liu R, Lei Y, Zhang ZF, Wan Q*. PTEN inhibition Protects Against Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage-Induced Brain Injury through PTEN/E2F1/β-catenin pathway. Front. Mol. Neurosci., 2019 [3] 
  • 1.    現任領導  .青島大學神經再生與康復研究院[引用日期2019-11-13]
  • 2.    萬芪  .青島大學[引用日期2018-11-28]
  • 3.    萬芪  .青島大學神經再生與康復研究院[引用日期2019-11-11]