

聖卡洛斯大學(University of San Carlos),簡稱USC,始創於1565年,已有450多年的校史,是菲律賓也是亞洲最古老的私立大學2020年QS菲律賓大學排行榜排名第5 [6]  。聖卡洛斯大學是最早與中國高等院校合作的菲律賓高校之一。
University of San Carlos [1] 
簡    稱
Narciso A. Cellan Jr., SVD, D.Comm.
學生與支持服務已通過ISO9001:2015認證,有效期直至2020年; [2] 
該大學已獲得菲律賓高等教育委員會(簡稱CHED)自治地位的認可; [2] 
據PAASCU評估,聖卡洛斯大學的10個項目獲得了FAAP的II 級認證; [2] 
Narciso A. Cellan Jr., SVD, D.Comm. [3] 
中米沙鄢大區宿務(Cebu City)
認證 [4] 


聖卡洛斯大學圖書館 聖卡洛斯大學圖書館
她有近40個本科專業和83個碩士和博士專業供考生挑選。2020年,聖卡洛斯大學有8個學院,4個校區:主校區(法律學院、商學院)、北校區(基礎教育)、南校區(教育學院)、塔拉邦校區(建築藝術學院、文理學院、數學教育學院、護理學院、藥劑學院)。 [1] 


(USC)Graduate and Professional Programs(USC)研究生和專業課程
Doctoral degrees 博士學位
Doctor of Engineering 工程博士
Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology 人類學哲學博士
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology 生物學哲學博士
tracks in Bioscience, Marine Biology, or Environmental Science 生物科學,海洋生物學或
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration 工商管理哲學博士
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry 化學哲學博士
Doctor of Philosophy in Education 教育哲學博士
specializations in Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Administration, or Research
and Evaluation 課程與教學,教育管理或研究與評估專業
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology 信息技術哲學博士
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering 機械工程哲學博士
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy 哲學博士
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics 物理哲學博士
Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education 科學教育哲學博士
major in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics 生物學,化學或物理專業
Master degrees 碩士學位
Juris Doctor 法學博士
Master in Business Administration 工商管理碩士
Master in Management 管理學碩士
--major in Financial Management, Hospitality Management, Human Resource
Management, Marketing Management, Operations Management, Tourism Management
Master in Urban Planning (Project- or Thesis-based programs)城市規劃碩士(基於項目或論文的課程)
Master of Architecture 建築碩士
--major in Architectural Science, Interior Architecture, Landscape Architecture, or Urban
Design 建築科學,室內建築,景觀建築或城市設計專業
Master of Arts in Anthropology 人類學文學碩士
Master of Arts in Applied Linguisitcs 應用語言學碩士
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology 臨牀心理學碩士Master of Arts in Economics 經濟學碩士
Master of Arts in Education 教育文學碩士
--major in Educational Management, English Language Teaching, Montessori Eduation,
Physical Education, Religious Education, or Special Education 主修教育管理,英語語言教
Master of Arts in Guidance and Counseling 指導和諮詢文學碩士
Master of Arts in History 歷史文學碩士
Master of Arts in Literature 文學碩士
Master of Arts in Mathematics Education 數學教育文學碩士
Master of Arts in Nursing 護理學碩士
--major in Clinical Supervision 臨牀監督專業
Master of Arts in Philosophy 哲學文學碩士
Master of Arts in Political Science 政治學碩士
Master of Arts in Psychology 心理學碩士
--major in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Developmental Psychology, or Social
Psychology 工業/組織心理學,發展心理學或社會心理學專業
Master of Arts in Public Management and Development 公共管理與發展文學碩士
Master of Arts in Science Education 科學教育文學碩士
major in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics 生物學,化學或物理專業
Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering 化學工程碩士
Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering 土木工程碩士
Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering 計算機工程碩士
Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering 電氣工程碩士
Master of Engineering in Electronics and Communications Engineering 電子與
Master of Engineering in Engineering Management 工程管理工程碩士
Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering 工業工程碩士
Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering 機械工程碩士
Master of Fine Arts in Cinema Studies 電影研究美術碩士
Master of Internal Audit 內部審計碩士
Master of Management Accounting 管理會計碩士
Master of Science in Accountancy 會計學理學碩士
major in Internal Audit or Management Accounting 內部審計或管理會計專業
Master of Science in Biology 生物學理學碩士
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering 化學工程理學碩士
Master of Science in Chemistry 化學理學碩士
Master of Science in Civil Engineering 土木工程理學碩士
--specialization in Water Resources and Environment, or Structural Engineering 水資源
與環境或結構工程專業Master of Science in Computer Engineering 計算機工程理學碩士
--specialization in Computer Network, Digital Hardware System, Software Engineering
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering 電氣工程理學碩士
Master of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering 電子與通信
--specialization in Computer and Communications, Instrumentation and Control,
Microelectronics 專業從事計算機與通信,儀器儀表與控制,微電子
Master of Science in Environmental Science 環境科學理學碩士
Master of Science in Industrial Engineering 工業工程理學碩士
Master of Science in Information Technology 信息技術理學碩士
Master of Science in Library and Information Science 圖書情報學理學碩士
Master of Science in Marine Biology 海洋生物學理學碩士
Master of Science in Mathematics 數學理學碩士
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering 機械工程理學碩士
Master of Science in Pharmacy 藥學理學碩士
Master of Science in Physics 物理學碩士
Graduate certificates 研究生證書
Graduate Certificate in Professional Education 職業教育研究生證書
Graduate Certificate in Teaching Montessori Education 蒙台梭利教育研究生證書
Graduate Certificate in Teaching Special Education 教育特殊教育研究生證書
(USC) Undergraduate Programs 本科課程
Undergraduate programs are listed per department or alphabetically (scrolldown below). 本科課程按部門列出或按字母順序列出。
Baccalaureate programs 學士學位課程
(program listing) (清單)
School of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design 文理學院
Department of Architecture 建築系建築系
Bachelor of Science in Architecture 建築學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture 景觀建築學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design 室內設計理學士
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Planning 環境規劃理學學士
Department of Fine Arts 美術系
Bachelor of Fine Arts 美術學士
--major in Advertising Arts, Cinema, Fashion Design, or Painting 廣告藝術,電
School of Arts and Sciences 文理學院
Department of Anthropology, Sociology and History 人類學,社會學和歷史系
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology 人類學文學學士
Bachelor of Arts in History 歷史文學學士
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology 社會學文學士
Department of Biology 生物系
Bachelor of Science in Biology 生物學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science 環境科學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology 海洋生物學理學士Department of Chemistry 化學系
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry 化學理學士
Department of Communications, Linguistics and Literature 傳播學,語言學和
Bachelor of Arts in English Language Studies 英語語言研究文學士
Bachelor of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies with Creative Writing 具有創
Bachelor of Arts in Communication 傳播學文學士
--major in Media 媒體專業
--major in Corporate Communication 企業傳播專業
Department of Computer and Information Sciences 計算機與信息科學系
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 計算機科學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems 信息系統理學士
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 信息技術理學士
Bachelor of Library and Information Science 圖書館與信息科學學士
Department of Mathematics 數學系
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 數學理學士
Department of Philosophy 哲學系
Bachelor of Philosophy 哲學學士
Department of Physics 物理系
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics 應用物理學理學士
Department of Psychology 心理學系
Bachelor of Science in Psychology 心理學理學士
School of Health Care Professions 醫療保健專業學院
Department of Nursing 護理系
Bachelor of Science in Nursing 護理學理學士
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics 營養與營養學系
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics 營養與飲食學理學士
Department of Pharmacy 藥學系
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy 藥學理學士School of Law and Governance 法律與治理學院
Department of Political Science 政治系
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science 政治學文學士
--major in International Relations and Foreign Service, Law and Policy
Studies 國際關係和外交服務,法律和政策研究專業
School of Business and Economics 商業經濟學院
Department of Accountancy 會計系
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy 會計學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information System 會計信息系統理學士
Bachelor of Science in Internal Auditing 內部審計理學學士
Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting 管理會計學理學士
Department of Business Administration 工商管理系
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration 工商管理理學士
--major in Financial Management, Human Resource Development
--Management, Marketing Management, or Operations Management 主修財務
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship 創業科學學士
Bachelor of Science in Executive Resource Management 執行資源管理理學士
Department of Economics 經濟系
Bachelor of Science in Economics 經濟學理學士
Department of Hospitality Management 酒店管理系
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management 酒店管理理學士
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management 旅遊管理理學士
School of Education 教育學院
Department of Teacher Education 教師教育系
Bachelor of Secondary Education 中等教育學士
--major in English, Physical Education 主修英語,體育
Bachelor of Special Needs Education 特殊教育學士
specialization in Early Childhood Education-Montessori Education 幼兒教育
專業 - 蒙台梭利教育Department of Science and Mathematics Education 科學與數學教育系
Bachelor of Secondary Education 中等教育學士
major in Mathematics or Science 數學或科學專業
School of Engineering 工程學院
Department of Chemical Engineering 化學工程系
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering 化學工程理學士
Department of Civil Engineering 土木工程系
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering 土木工程理學士
Department of Computer Engineering 計算機工程系
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering 計算機工程理學士
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 電氣與電子工程系
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering 電氣工程理學士
Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering 電子工程理學士
Department of Industrial Engineering 工業工程系
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering 工業工程理學士
Department of Mechanical Engineering 機械工程系
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering 機械工程理學士
Baccalaureate programs 學士學位課程
(alphabetical listing)(按字母順序排列)
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology 人類學文學學士
Bachelor of Arts in Communication 傳播學文學士
--major in Media 主修傳媒
--major in Corporate Communication 主修企業傳播
Bachelor of Arts in English Language Studies 英語語言研究文學士
Bachelor of Arts in History 歷史文學學士
Bachelor of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies with Creative Writing 具有創
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science 政治學文學士--major in International Relations and Foreign Service, Law and Policy
Studies 國際關係和外交服務,法律和政策研究專業
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology 社會學文學士
Bachelor of Fine Arts 美術學士
--major in Advertising Arts, Cinema, Fashion Design, or Painting 廣告藝術,電
Bachelor of Laws 法學學士
Bachelor of Library and Information Science 圖書館與信息科學學士
Bachelor of Philosophy 哲學學士
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy 會計學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information System 會計信息系統理學士
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics 應用物理學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Architecture 建築學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Biology 生物學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration 工商管理理學士
--major in Financial Management, Human Resource Development 財務管理專
Management, Marketing Management, or Operations Management 管理,營銷
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering 化學工程理學士
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry 化學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering 土木工程理學士
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering 計算機工程理學士
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 計算機科學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Economics 經濟學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering 電氣工程理學士
Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering 電子工程理學士
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship 創業科學學士
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Planning 環境規劃理學學士
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science 環境科學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Executive Resource Management 執行資源管理理學士Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management 酒店管理理學士
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering 工業工程理學士
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems 信息系統理學士
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 信息技術理學士
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design 室內設計理學士
Bachelor of Science in Internal Auditing 內部審計理學學士
Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture 景觀建築學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting 管理會計學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology 海洋生物學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 數學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering 機械工程理學士
Bachelor of Science in Nursing 護理學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics 營養與飲食學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy 藥學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Psychology 心理學理學士
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management 旅遊管理理學士
Bachelor of Secondary Education 中等教育學士
--major in English, Mathematics, Physical Education, Science 主修英語,數學,
Bachelor of Special Needs Education 特殊需要教育學士
specialization in Early Childhood Education-Montessori Education 幼兒教育
專業 - 蒙台梭利教育