


浙江大學公共管理學院“百人計劃”研究員 [1]  、博士生導師。入選自然資源部高層次創新型科技人才培養工程傑出青年科技人才(2018) [2]  ,北京市優秀人才培養計劃(2014),首批“越崎青年學者”獲得者(2017),中國精品科技期刊頂尖科技論文獎(F5000)(2014)。擔任中國煤炭學會土地復墾與生態修復專業委員會委員,北京大學中國都市經濟研究基地學術委員會委員,美國採礦與土地復墾學會會員,International Journal of Coal Science & Technology編委,煤炭科學技術青年專家學術委員會委員。主要研究方向為土地整治與生態修復、GEE時序遙感監測與大數據分析、無人機遙感、國土規劃等。
2020年4月28日,獲得美國採礦與土地復墾學會(American Society of Mining and Reclamation,簡稱ASMR)Early Career Award(傑出青年)獎,這是中國土地復墾與生態修復學者首次獲得該獎項 [3] 
Xiao Wu
國    籍
民    族
職    稱


2009-2012年,中國礦業大學(北京)地球科學與測繪工程學院大地測量學與測量工程工學博士(其中2010-2011年留學美國南伊利諾伊大學聯合培養) [4] 
2017年至今 ,浙江大學“百人計劃”研究員,博士生導師 [1] 


在Remote Sensing of Environment、Journal of Cleaner Production、Land Degradation and Development、Land Use Policy、Ecological Indicators、Remote Sensing、Environmental Science and Pollution Research 、Environmental Monitoring and Assessment、Environmental Earth Sciences、Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk、Journal of urban planning and development、International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment、煤炭學報、農業工程學報、自然資源學報、農業機械學報、生態學報、中國土地科學等期刊上發表文章80餘篇(SSCI/ SCI /EI檢索42篇),獲得國家發明專利15項,實用新型專利1項,軟件著作權1項,研究成果先後獲省部級科技進步特等獎1項,一等獎3項,二等獎3項。 [1] 


主持完成和在研國家自然基金、國家重點研發計劃子課題、國土資源部公益性行業科研專項、北京市優秀人才項目、國家重點實驗室開放課題等科研課題10餘項 [1]  。主要有:
12.風沙區超大工作面開採的土地損傷規律及生態修復方法,國家自然基金委煤炭聯合基金(U1361203), 2014.1-2016.12.參與


擔任International Journal of Coal Science & Technology副主編,中國煤炭學會土地復墾與生態修復專業委員會委員 [5]  ,北京大學中國都市經濟研究基地學術委員會委員,美國採礦與土地復墾學會會員,International Journal of Coal Science & Technology編委,煤炭科學技術青年專家學術委員會委員。
目前擔任Journal of Cleaner Production、Land Use Policy、Scientific Report、Ecological Indicator、Geodema、Energy Policy、Resource Policy、Habitat International、Resources, Conservation and Recycling、Geomorphology、Journal of Urban Planning and Development、Environmental Monitoring and Assessment、Journal of Geophysics and Engineering、Journal of Arid Land、Acta agriculturae scandinavica section b-soil and plant science、International Journal of Coal Science & Technology、International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering、International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning、ECOPERSIA、煤炭學報、測繪學報、農業機械學報、中國礦業大學學報、中國農業大學學報、煤炭科學技術、金屬礦山等期刊審稿人。 [1] 


1.高時空分辨率土地城鎮化與利用效率快速提取與評價 [1] 
基於Google Earth Engine(GEE)雲計算平台與時序檢測算法,獲取典型區域耕地撂荒的時空分佈與特徵,從自然地理與社會經濟方面揭示其驅動因素與應對策略。
針對開發與發展過程中導致的城鎮化過程,土地損失與質量退化,從能源、糧食、水資源(Food-Energy-Water Nexus)等方面綜合考慮,分析區域生態安全與景觀格局,開發生態修復的關鍵廊道與節點分析框架,構建整體保護、系統修復、綜合治理的理論與生態修復技術體系。


1.高潛水位採煤沉陷地邊採邊復原理與技術,科學出版社,2020(參編) [1] 
4.Land Reclamation in Ecological Fragile Areas, Taylor & Francis Group,2017(參編)


1. American Society of Mining and Reclamation(ASMR)Early Career Award,2020,排名第1;
2. 自然資源部高層次創新型科技人才培養工程傑出青年科技人才,2018,排名第1; [1]  [4] 
3. 地理信息科技進步特等獎,2020,排名第6;
4. 中國煤炭工業協會科學技術二等獎,2019,排名第5;
5. 測繪科技進步獎一等獎, 2016,排名第6;
6. 國土資源科學技術一等獎, 2015,排名13;
7. 中國煤炭工業協會科學技術一等獎,2013,排名第5;
8. 國土資源科學技術二等獎,2012,排名第6;
9. 國土資源科學技術二等獎, 2009,排名第6;


1. Wu Xiao, Xinyu Deng, Tingitng He*, Wenqi Chen. Mapping annual land disturbance and reclamation in a surface coal mining region using the Google Earth Engine and LandTrendr algorithm: A case study of the Shengli coalfield in Inner Mongolia, China, Remote Sensing, 2020. In Press. [1] 
2. Wu Xiao*, Wenkai Zhang, Xuejiao LV, Yanmei Ye, Wenfu Yang. Is underground coal mining causing land degradation and significantly deteriorating ecosystems in arid areas? A perspective from Ecological Capital. Land Degradation and Development, 2020. In Press.
3. Wu Xiao*, Xuejiao Lv, Yanling Zhao, Haoxuan Sun, Jiaqi Li. Ecological Resilience Assessment of an Arid Coal Mining Area Using Index of Entropy and Linear Weighted Analysis: A Case Study of Shendong Coalfield, China, Ecological Indicators, 2020, 109:1-15.
4. Tingting He, Wu Xiao*, Yanling Zhao, Xinyu Deng, Zhenqi Hu. Identification of waterlogging in Eastern China induced by mining subsidence: A case study of Google Earth Engine time-series analysis applied to the Huainan coal field. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2020. In Press.
5. Xiaoli Tai, Wu Xiao*, Yuxuan Tang. A quantitative assessment of vulnerability using social-economic-natural compound ecosystem framework in coal mining cities. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020. In Press.
6. Sucui Li, Wu Xiao*, Yanling Zhao, Xuejiao Lv. Incorporating ecological risk index in the multi-process MCRE model to optimize the ecological security pattern in a semi-arid area with intensive coal mining: A case study in northern China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 247:1-16. In Press.
7. He Ren, Wu Xiao*, Yanling Zhao, Zhenqi Hu. Land damage assessment using maize aboveground biomass estimated from unmanned aerial vehicle in high groundwater level regions affected by underground coal mining. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020. In Press.
8. Jianpeng Xu, Wu Xiao*, Tingting He, Xinyu Deng, Wenqi Chen. Extraction of Built-up Area using Multi-sensor Data—A Case Study Based on Google Earth Engine in Zhejiang Province, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2020. In Press.
9. He Ren, Yanling Zhao, Wu Xiao*, Xin Wang, Tao Sui. An improved ground control point configuration for digital surface model construction in coal waste dump using unmanned aerial vehicle system. Remote Sensing, 2020. In Press.
10. Yanling Zhao, Wenxiu Zheng, Wu Xiao*, Zhenqi Hu, Shuo Zhang, Jianyong Zhang. A rapid monitoring of reclaimed farmland effects in coal mining subsidence area using a multi-spectral UAV platform. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2020. In Press.
11. Yinfei Cai*, Xiaojing Li, Wu Xiao*, Wenkai Zhang. Simulation of mining-induced ground damage using orthogonal experiments to determine key parameters of super-large coalface: A case study in Shendong coalfield in China. Applied Sciences, 2020. In Press.
12. Wu Xiao*, Jianfei Xu, Xuejiao Lv. Establishing a georeferenced spatio-temporal database for Chinese coal mining accidents between 2000 and 2015. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2019, 10(1):242-270.
13. Sucui Li, Wu Xiao*, Yanling Zhao, Jianfei Xu, Hongzhi Da, Xuejiao LV. Quantitative analysis of the ecological security pattern for regional sustainable development: A case study of the Chaohu Basin in eastern China, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2019, 145(3):1-18.
14. Xuejiao Lv, Wu Xiao*, Yanling Zhao, Wenkai Zhang, Sucui Li, Haoxuan Sun. Drivers of spatio-temporal ecological vulnerability in an arid, coal mining region in Western China, Ecological Indicators. 2019,106:1-18.
15. He Ren, Yanling Zhao, Wu Xiao*, Zhenqi Hu. A review of UAV monitoring in mining areas: current status and future perspectives. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 2019, 6(3):320-333.
16. Wu Xiao*, Yanhua Fu. Tao Wang, Xuejiao Lv. Effects of land use transitions due to underground coal mining on ecosystem services in high groundwater table areas: A case study in the Yanzhou coalfield. Land Use Policy, 2018(71):213-221.
17. Wu Xiao*, Jianfei Xu, Sucui Li, Xinjing Wang. Estimation of Soil Erosion based on GIS/RS and USLE in Bulianta coal mine, Inner Mongolia, China, International Journal of Mining & Mineral Engineering, 2018, 9(3): 240-257.
18. Wu Xiao*, Zheng Wang, Ruiya Zhang, Sucui Li. The ‘golden ten years’: underground coal mining and its impacts on land use and subsequent social problems: a case study on the Jining city region, China. International Journal of Mining & Mineral Engineering, 2017, 8(1):19-34.
19. Wu Xiao, Zhenqi Hu*, Yoginder. P. Chugh, Yanling Zhao. Dynamic Subsidence Simulation and Topsoil Removal Strategy in High-Groundwater Table and Underground Coal Mining Area- A Case Study in Shandong Province. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 2014, 28(4): 250-263.
20. Wu Xiao*, Zhenqi Hu, Ruiya Zhang, Yanling Zhao. A simulation of mining subsidence and its impacts to land in high ground water area- An integrated approach based on subsidence prediction and GIS. Disaster Advance. 2013, 6(4):142-148.
21. Wu Xiao, Zhenqi Hu*, Jing Li, Heyu Zhang, Jialiang Hu. A study of land reclamation and ecological restoration in a resource-exhausted city – a case study of Huaibei in China. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 2011, 25(4):332-341.
22. Zhenqi Hu*, Wu Xiao. Optimization of concurrent mining and reclamation plans for single coal seam: a case study in northern Anhui, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 68(5):1247-1254
23. Wu Xiao*, Zhenqi Hu. GIS-based pre-mining land damage assessment for underground coal mines in high groundwater area. International Journal of Mining & Mineral Engineering. 2014, 5(3): 245-255.
24. Wu Xiao, Zhenqi Hu*, Yanhua Fu. Zoning of land reclamation in Coal mining area and new progresses for the past 10 years. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 2014, 1(3):45-80.
25. 肖武*, 張文凱, 呂雪嬌, 王新靜. 西部生態脆弱區礦山不同開採強度下生態系統服務時空變化—以神府礦區為例, 自然資源學報, 2020, 35(1): 68-81.
26. 李素萃, 趙豔玲, 肖武*, 呂雪嬌, 張淼淼. 快速城鎮化背景下區域景觀生態質量時空分異-以巢湖流域為例. 農業機械學報, 2020, 51(1):203-213.
27. 胡振琪,肖武,趙豔玲.再論煤礦區生態環境“邊採邊復”. 煤炭學報, 2020,45(1):351-359.
28. 肖武, 陳佳樂, 趙豔玲, 胡振琪*, 呂雪嬌, 張碩. 利用無人機多光譜影像反演採煤沉陷地玉米葉綠素含量, 煤炭學報, 2019, 44(1): 295-306.
29. 肖武*, 任河, 呂雪嬌, 閆皓月, 孫詩睿. 高潛水位採煤沉陷濕地無人機遙感植被分類, 農業機械學報. 2019,50(2):177-186.
30. 肖武*,隋濤,王鑫,朱琦,劉瑞,陳翔宇. 巢湖流域典型農田土壤重金屬污染評價與地理探測分析, 農業機械學報, 2018, 49(7):144-152
31. 肖武*,陳佳樂,笪宏志,任河,張建勇,張雷. 基於無人機影像的採煤沉陷地玉米生物量反演與分析, 農業機械學報, 2018,49(8):110-121.
32. 呂雪嬌, 肖武*, 李素萃, 王啓元, 張純夢, 張淼淼. 基於GIS與灰色星座聚類的巢湖流域土地整治分區研究,農業工程學報.2018, 34:(6):253-262.
33. 肖武*,李素萃,王錚,楊耀淇,王濤. 高潛水位煤礦區生態風險識別與評價, 生態學報, 2016, 36(17):5611-5618.
34. 胡振琪*, 肖武, 王培俊, 趙豔玲. 試論井工煤礦邊開採邊復墾技術. 煤炭學報, 2013, 38(2): 301-307.