


國    籍
職    務


副研究員。北京大學中國經濟研究中心經濟學博士,美國西北大學(Northwestern University)政治學博士。研究方向為政治經濟學、制度經濟學和發展經濟學。在Business and Politics, China Economic Review, Urban Studies,經濟研究、世界經濟、經濟學(季刊)等中外學術刊物上發表了數十篇文章。 [1] 


authoritarian politics, political economy, Chinese politics and economy
Working paper:
External threat, power decentralization, and leadership change under authoritarianism.
Policy choice and economic growth under factional politics: evidence from a Chinese province
Referred Publication
Zhang, Qi and Mingxing Liu. Revolutionary Legacy, Power Structure, and Grassroots Capitalism Under the Red Flag in China. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
Li, Zhiyun and Qi Zhang. 2018. “Policy choice and economic growth under factional politics: Evidence from a Chinese Province.” China Economic Review, 47:12-26.
Zhang, Jun, Qi Zhang, and Zhikuo Liu. 2017. “The Political Logic of Partial Reform in China’s State-owned Enterprises,” Asian Survey, 2017, 40(4):621-657.
Wang, Ruoyu and Qi Zhang. 2017. “Local Government’s Fiscal Pressure and the Industrial Dependence on Polluting Industries in China,” China & World Economy, 2017, 25(3):1-22.
Qian, Tao and Qi Zhang. 2017. “Fiscal Decentralization and Pattern of County Public Expenditures in a Chinese Province,” Annals of Economics and Finance, 2017, 18(1): 199-223.
Chong, Dennis, Mingxing Liu, and Qi Zhang. 2016.“Collective Resistance under Authoritarianism: Elite-Mass Strategies in an Experimental Game,” Political Behavior, 38:951–976.
Zhu, Jiangnan, Qi Zhang, and Zhikuo Liu. 2016.“Eating, Drinking, and Power Signaling in Institutional Authoritarianism.” Journal of Contemporary China, 2016, 26(105): 337-352.
Zhang, Qi and Mingxing Liu. 2013.“The Political Economy of Private Sector Development in Communist China: Evidence from Zhejiang Province,” Studies in Comparative International Development, 48(2): 196-216.
Zhang, Qi, Mingxing Liu, and Victor Shih. 2013.“Guerrilla Capitalism: Revolutionary Legacy, Political Cleavage, and the Preservation of the Private Economy in Zhejiang,” with Mingxing Liu, and Victor Shih, Journal of East Asian Studies, 2013, 13(3): 379-407.
Zhang, Qi and Mingxing Liu. 2010. “Local Political Elite, Partial Reform Symptoms, and the Business and Market Environment in Rural China,” Business and Politics, 12(1).
Chen, Vincent Yiupor, Mingxing Liu, and Qi Zhang. 2010. “Financial Intermediate and Urban-Rural Income Disparity in China,” Regional Studies, 44(9), 2010, pp. 1171-1187.
Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, and Qi Zhang. 2008. "Economic Growth, the Nature of Growth and Poverty Reduction in Rural China," China Economic Journal, 2008 (02), pp. 107-122.
Shih, Victor, Mingxing Liu, and Qi Zhang. 2007. "Comparing the performance of Chinese banks: A principal component approach," China Economic Review, 18: . 15-34.
Tao, Ran, Justin Yifu Lin, Mingxing Liu, and Qi Zhang. 2004. "Rural Taxation and Government Regulation in China", Agricultural Economics 31: 161-168.


章奇,劉明興:《權力結構、政治激勵和經濟增長——基於浙江民營經濟發展經驗的政治經濟學分析》,《當代經濟學文庫》系列出版叢書,上海世紀出版股份有限公司格致出版社,上海三聯書店,上海人民出版社, 2017年版。
章奇,錢滔:《地方財政分權與縣級財政支出模式--中國浙江省的經驗證據》,載於張軍主編:《市場 、政府治理與中國的經濟轉型》, 上海世紀出版股份有限公司格致出版社,上海三聯書店,上海人民出版社, pp 145-171, 2014。
中國民營經濟歷史起源的政治經濟學分析:浙江省的例子”,《世界經濟》,2012年第7期, 作者:章奇,劉明興。
《中國的金融中介增長與城鄉收入差距》,合作者:劉明興、Vincent Yiupor Chen。 載於《中國轉軌時期收入差距與貧困》,蔡昉、萬廣華主編,中國社會科學文獻出版社、中國社會科學院人口研究所、聯合國大學世界經濟發展經濟學研究所(WIDER)聯合出版,第8章,2006,P182-204。
“美國的石油安全戰略以及戰略石油儲備計劃與管理體制”,《國際經濟評論》, 2005年第7-8期。
“意識形態與政府幹預”, 《經濟學(季刊)》2005年第4卷2期(1月),作者:章奇、劉明興。本文曾獲天則經濟研究所主辦的2004年制度經濟學年會一等獎,後為該所主編的《中國經濟學(2005)》收錄出版。
“政府管制、法律軟約束與農村基層民主”,《經濟研究》,2004年第6期,通訊作者,作者:章奇、劉明興、單偉。本文後為天則經濟研究所主編的《中國經濟學 (2004)》收錄出版。
“中國金融中介與城鄉收入差距”,《中國金融學》2004 年第1 期,作者:章奇、劉明興、Vincent Yiupo Chen。
“金融結構與經濟增長:以製造業為例”,《世界經濟》,2003年第1期,作者:林毅夫、章奇(通訊作者)、劉明興。本文後為天則經濟研究所主編的《中國經濟學 (2003)》一書收錄出版。
“中國地區經濟發展差距分析”, 《管理世界》,2001年第1期。