

類    型
播映日期/時間 :2015年3月22日,星期日,晚上7:00,現場直播
主持人 :黃子佼、權怡鳳
户外主持 :李國煌、李騰
  1. 簡介:
  1. 《真情無障愛》的節目簡介
兩年前的《真情無障愛》主題為“夢想起點”,兩年後的今天,2015年《真情無障愛》將以“夢翱翔”為主題,以歡慶SPD 50週年,同時也展現SPD 50年來的成長。多年來,SPD致力於幫助患身心障礙的朋友,幫助他們克服殘疾、重返社會,所提供的服務也越來越多元化。《真情無障愛》之“夢翱翔”希望能造福更多有需要的人士,讓他們有夢想成真的機會。同時,晚會上也將邀來海內外各紅星,為慈善獻藝,而SPD旗下受益者也將發揮他們的藝術天分,呈現最真摯的演出。
  1. 節目宗旨
  • 為患身心障礙的人士籌集善款;
  • 提高公眾對SPD的認知,並介紹SPD過去50年來的成長曆程;
  • 提供SPD旗下受益人的進展與近況。
  1. 節目主題:夢翱翔(Dreams Take Flight)
  • 《真情無障愛》的主題是《夢翱翔》;
  • 夢想並不止於夢或想,而是一個能付諸行動,且得到回報的動力。無疑,每個人都有夢想,SPD旗下受益人也不例外。
  • 每年,SPD都通過各種方式幫助旗下受益人接近或實現夢想,滿足的並不只是他們生活上的基本要求,而是心靈上的需求。這就是SPD與眾不同之處,着重於受益人的生活素質,即使身患疾病,也希望他們能擁有一個能圓夢的燦爛人生。
  • 《真情無障愛》就希望透過籌款節目,給SPD旗下的殘障人士一個能實現願望的機會,助他們夢翱翔。
  1. SPD受益人呈獻
  • 患有罕見疾病的佩珊雖然已經16歲,身體卻猶如8個月大的女嬰,無法成長,也無法正常呼吸,需要依靠呼吸器維持聲明;
  • 然而,身體的侷限並沒有澆熄佩珊想表演的夢想,一個想在大眾面前,彈白色鋼琴的夢想;
  • 佩珊將以鋼琴獨奏為《真情無障愛》2015掀開序幕,之後再與她的鋼琴老師合作四手聯彈。
  • 小時候的一場意外,導致泓翔的食道嚴重受損,無法發聲,也無法正常進食,導致他永遠無法品嚐到食物的滋味;
  • 不能説話的他卻仍然積極面對人生,希望通過音樂,表達他樂觀的人生;
  • 泓翔才華洋溢,除了擁有精湛的鋼琴才藝,也彈得一手古箏,而這次他將在《真情無障愛》2015中,連同新傳媒八公子之一的陳炯江,表演一段別出心裁的音樂演奏,力求突破。
  1. 新傳媒藝人呈獻
  • 每一位SPD受益人都有自己的故事。《真情無障愛》將以一個簡單純粹的方式,為觀眾娓娓道來他們的故事:
    • 6歲女童患上大腦麻痹症,無法正常説話、行動。只因有了SPD的幫助,終能被理解
    • 15歲截肢男孩不畏懼人生,憧憬未來,他也將呈現一段苦練已久的舞蹈
    • 24歲女生歲患輕微弱智,仍關心社會,體恤家人,希望能透過小小的力量,為慈善獻藝
  • 新傳媒藝人,陳漢瑋、曾詩梅、鄭賓輝和徐鳴傑等,以及一向熱心公益的謝韻儀,將親自和觀眾分享不同SPD受益人的故事,還會與他們同台呈現簡單、真摯的表演。
  • 新傳媒藝人將連同來自不同學府的同學們,齊心合力呈現一場結合聽覺與視覺享受的罐頭歌,勢必帶來驚喜。
  • 參與這項演出的藝人有:鄭惠玉、陳漢瑋、鄭斌輝、鄭各評、黃俊雄、陳泂江、徐鳴傑、張鈞淯、雅慧、曾詩梅、龐蕾馨、羅美儀和黃思恬。
  1. 户外籌款活動
  • 户外籌款活動也將打破以往的籌款格局,以歌台形式,與現場節目同步進行3小時的籌款;
  • 户外主持,李國煌和李騰將連同叱吒本地歌台的紅星們,在紅星台主志偉的帶領下,載歌載舞,以最本土化的方式,為《真情無障愛》展開一場史無前例的Live慈善歌台;
  • 參與這項户外演出的歌台藝人有:王雷、劉玲玲、皓皓。
  1. 海外嘉賓呈獻
  • 楊丞琳(台灣偶像歌手)
  • 沈文成(台灣知名閩南語男歌手)
  • 費翔(台灣知名男歌手)
  1. 捐款熱線
  • 1900-112-0303 ($10)
  • 1900-112-1313 ($20)
  • 1900-112-2323 ($50)
  • 1900-112-3333 ($100)
Dreams Take Flight
Telecast Details : Sunday, 22 March 2015, 7:00pm LIVE
Hosts : Mickey Huang, Quan Yi Fong
OB Hosts : Mark Lee, Ethen Lee Teng
  1. Summary
The year 2015 marks an important year for SPD as we celebrate its 50thAnniversary, thus making “SPD Charity Show 2015” all the more special and meaningful.
  1. SPD Charity Show” Programme Flow
The theme for previous “SPD Charity Show 2013” was “Where Dreams Begin”. As a sequel to the previous theme, this year’s theme will be “Dreams Take Flight” where we will celebrate the 50thAnniversary of SPD as well as to showcase how SPD has grown and developed in the last 50 years. For years, SPD dedicates itself to providing services for people with disabilities, helping them to overcome their disabilities, so that they could integrate back into society. “SPD Charity Show 2015” hopes to benefit more people with disabilities, allowing them a chance to fulfill their dreams. Local and Overseas Artistes are also invited to put up their best performances for this event while SPD Beneficiaries will also get to showcase their artistic talents, touching the hearts of the audience with their heartwarming performances.
  1. Programme Objectives
  • To garner funds for people with disabilities
  • To raise public awareness about SPD and to feature its 50 years of history
  • To provide updates about the progress of SPD’s Beneficiaries
  1. Show Theme: Dreams Take Flight
  • The theme for “SPD Charity Show 2015” is “Dreams Take Flight”.
  • Dreams do come true, as long as everyone is given the right to dream. The same applies to SPD Beneficiaries.
  • SPD is not just about providing services. Every year, much effort has been made to ensure SPD Beneficiaries can live life to their fullest. This is how SPD makes a difference in the clients’ lives, caring and giving the people with disabilities a life of hope and dignity.
  • This year, “SPD Charity Show 2015” hopes to provide a platform for its beneficiaries where their dreams could take flight.
  1. Presented by SPD Clients
A.Item 1
  • Though Pei Shan is 16 years old this year, her body remains that of a toddler as she suffers from a rare medical condition that hampered her physical development. She also has to rely on a respiratory machine to breathe.
  • However, that does not deter Pei Shan from her dream of playing a white grand piano in front of hundreds of people.
  • This year, Pei Shan gets to realise her dream as she will be performing solo in the Charity Show’s opening item. She will also be playing a duet with her Piano Instructor.
B.Item 2
  • Samuel’s throat was badly damaged due to an accident when he was only one year old. It resulted in him not able to speak. His taste bud is permanently damaged as well.
  • However, Samuel remains positive as he hopes to touch the world with his music.
  • Being a gifted Musician, Samuel is well versed in both Piano and Guzheng. This year, he will collaborate with MediaCorp Artiste, Desmond Tan, to put up an unprecedented music performance.
  1. Presented by MediaCorp Artistes
A.Item 3
  • Each and every SPD client has a story. This year, “SPD Charity Show 2015” will take a simple and straightforward approach to tell their stories.
    • A 6-year-old girl suffering from cerebral palsy could not speak or move. Her thoughts were finally heard under the assistance of SPD
    • 15-year-old boy with his arm amputated still has hopes for the future and he will be showcasing his latest dance moves
    • A 24 young woman with mild intellectual disability still hopes to contribute to the society, helping less fortunate people
  • MediaCorp Artistes such as Chen Han Wei, Priscelia Chan, Tay Ping Hui and Jeffrey Xu as well as charitable Michelle Chia will share the stories of SPD Beneficiaries before engaging them in a simple yet heartfelt performance.
B.Item 4
  • MediaCorp Artistes will collaborate with students from different schools to put up an interesting ‘Can Song Performance’.
  • Artistes participating in the performances include Zoe Tay, Chen Han Wei, Tay Ping Hui, Zheng Ge Ping, Elvin Ng, Desmond Tan, Jeffrey Xu, Nick Teo, Ya Hui, Priscelia Chan, Kate Pang, Bonnie Loo and Carrie Wong.
  1. Outdoor Fund-Raising Performances
A.Item 5
  • This year’s outdoor charity drive deviates from past years’ format as we bring you a ‘3-Hour Getai Performance’.
  • Hosted by Mark Lee and Ethen Lee Teng, the outdoor charity drive will have popular Local Getai Singers led by Getai Troupe Leader, Chen Zhi Wei, coming together and put up a very first charity Getai Show doused in Singapore style.
  • Key Performers: Wang Lei, Hao Hao, Liu Ling Ling.
  1. Foreign Artistes
  • Rainie Yang (Taiwanese Female Idol Singer)
  • Shen Wen Cheng (Popular Taiwanese Hokkien Singer)
  • Fei Xiang (Well-known Taiwanese Singer)
9. Telepoll Donation Hotlines
  • 1900-112-0303 ($10)
  • 1900-112-1313 ($20)
  • 1900-112-2323 ($50)
  • 1900-112-3333 ($100)
All donation hotlines will open from 4 March 2015 – 30 March 2015. [1] 