


王煒,男,1980年出生,湖北隨州人,中國科學院國家天文台副研究員(“星雲計劃”項目研究員)。2007年獲得北京大學博士學位。2008年至2010年在德國馬普天文所從事博士後研究。於2010年通過入職中科院國家天文台工作,2014年6月至2021年8月任中國科學院南美天文中心副主任,2017年12月入選國家天文台“星雲”B人才計劃,同時被聘為項目研究員。主要從事太陽系外行星方面的研究。研究成果發表於國際知名期刊,包括ApJ等,總計30餘篇,先後承擔國家自然科學基金項目3項、參與國家重點研發計劃1項、作為子課題負責人蔘與基金委重大儀器項目1項,其餘基金4項 [1] 
職    稱
1. Wang, Wei, Zhai, Meng, Zhao, Gang, Xue, Dongling, Zheng, Yuquan, Grupp, Frank, Liu, Yujuan, and Zhao, Fei, A space mission dedicated for the characterization of habitable rocky planets, 2020, SPIE, 11443, 114431Z
2. Zheng, Jie, Zhao, Gang, Wang, Wei, Fan, Zhou, Tan, Ke-Feng, Li, Chun, and Zuo, Fang, Test area of the SAGE survey, 2019, RAA, 19, 003
3.Zheng, Jie, Zhao, Gang, Wang, Wei, Fan, Zhou, Tan, Ke-Feng, Li, Chun, and Zuo, Fang, The SAGE photometric survey: technical description, 2018, RAA, 18, 147
4. Wang, Wei, Wang, Liang, Li, Xiang, Chen, Yuqin, and Zhao, Gang, Giant Planets around FGK Stars Probably Form through Core Accretion, 2018, ApJ, 860, 136
5. Wang, Liang, Wang, Wei, Wu, Yue, Zhao, Gang, Li, Yinbi, Luo, Ali, Liu, Chao, Zhang, Yong, Hou, Yonghui, Wang, Yuefei, and Cao, Zihuang, Calibration of LAMOST Stellar Surface Gravities using the Kepler Asteroseismic Data, 2016, AJ, 152, 6
6. Qing, Gao, Wang, Wei, Liu, Ji-Feng, and Yoachim, Peter, The Distance Measurement of NGC 1313 with Cepheids, 2015, ApJ, 799, 19
7. Wang, W., van Boekel, R., Madhusudhan, N., Chen, G., Zhao, G., and Henning, Th., Ground-based Detections of Thermal Emission from the Dense Hot Jupiter WASP-43b in the H and Ks Bands, 2013, ApJ, 770, 70
8. Wang, W., Boudreault, S., Goldman, B., Henning, Th., Caballero, J. A., and Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., The substellar mass function in the central region of the open cluster Praesepe from deep LBT observations, 2011, A&A, 531, A164
9. Fang, M., van Boekel, R., Wang, W., Carmona, A., Sicilia-Aguilar, A., and Henning, Th., Star and protoplanetary disk properties in Orion's suburbs, 2009, A&A, 504, 461
10. Wang, W. and Liu, X. -W., Are oxygen and neon enriched in PNe and is the current solar Ne/O abundance ratio underestimated?, 2008, MNRAS, 389, L33
11. Wang, W. and Liu, X. -W., Elemental abundances of Galactic bulge planetary nebulae from optical recombination lines, 2007, MNRAS, 381, 669
12. Wang, W., Liu, X. -W., Zhang, Y., and Barlow, M. J. , A reexamination of electron density diagnostics for ionized gaseous nebulae, 2004, A&A, 427, 873 [1] 
  • 1.    王煒  .中國科學院國家天文台[引用日期2022-07-18]