


王安民, 男,漢族,出生於安徽合肥(祖籍山東),博士,中國科學技術大學教授、博士生導師
職    稱


1998年12月赴美國Los Alamos國家實驗室理論部做高級訪問學者;




近幾年來,在SCI收錄的國內外學術刊物上(包括Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. A, Phys. Rev. B, Euro. Phys. Lett., Chem. Phys. Lett., EuroPhys. J. D, J. Phys. A, Phys. Lett. A, Optics Communi., Nuovo Cimento A, Chinese Phys. Lett.,Comuni. Theor. Phys.等)發表論文近100多篇篇。主持五項(其中一項為分項主持),並作為主要成員參加多項國家自然科學基金;負責中科院知識創新項目子課題和"973"子課題各一項;負責安徽省自然科學基金一項(結題優秀)。已經培養博士後二名、博士十二名和碩士九名.王安民領導的量子理論小組的研究隊伍已經基本建立,研究工作已經具備了初步的基礎, 正爭取做出更多更好有創新性有影響的科研工作。
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(1) Magneto-optical conductivity of double Weyl semimetals - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - 201710 - Volume:96,Issue:8,085147
(2) Effects of random potentials in three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - 201706 - Volume:95,Issue:23,235144
(3) Quantum metrology in coarsened measurement reference - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - 201701 - 95, 012117 (2017)
(4) Interplay of Coulomb interaction and disorder in a two-dimensional semi-Dirac fermion system - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - 201611 - 94,195114
(5) Matrix product state approach to a frustrated spin chain with long-range interactions - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - 201506 - 91,235110
(6) Local implementation of nonlocal operations with block forms - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - - 1050-2947
(7) Hybrid protocol of remote implementations of quantum operations - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - - 1050-2947
(8) Entanglement evolution of three-qubit states in a quantum-critical environment - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - - 1098-0121
(9) Combined and controlled remote implementation of partially unknown quantum operations of multiqubits using Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - 200706 - vol.75, 062323
(10) Remote implementation of partially unknown quantum operations of multiqubits - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - 200609 - Vol.74,032317
(11) Absence of long-range order in an antiferromagnetic chain with long-range interactions: Green's function approach - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - - 1098-0121
(12) The Extension of Dirac-Bergmann’s Theory of the Constrained Systems - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - 199608 - (1996) 54 p57-80
(13) Corrected Physical Suplementary Condition and Garge Conditions in General Singular Lagrangian System - Phys. Rev. Lett - 199410 - 73,p2011-2014
(14) Enhancing teleportation fidelity by means of weak measurements or reversal - Annals of Physics - 201411 - 350:137–145
(15) PAPER RKKY interaction of magnetic impurities in multi-Weyl semimetals - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter - 201710 - Vol.29,No.43,435306
(16) Experimental Simulation of a Pairing Hamiltonian on an NMR Quantum computer - Chemical Physics Letters - 200605 - 422, p20-24
(17) Optimal quantum thermometry by dephasing - Quantum Information Processing - 201706 - Vol.16.No.6,Unsp 155
(18) Tripartite entanglement of electron spins of noninteracting electron gases - Quantum Information Processing - 201304 - Vol 12 No 4
(19) Tripartite entanglement of a spin star model with Dzialoshinski-Moriya interaction - Quantum Information Processing - 201301 - Vol 12 No 1
(20) Relating tripartite quantum discord with multisite entanglement and their performance in the one-dimensional anisotropic XXZ model - Euro Phys Lett - 201402 - Volume: 105 Issue: 3
(21) One Dimensional Magnetized TG Gas Properties in an External Magnetic Field - Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical - - 1751-8113
(22) Entanglement sudden death in a spin channel - Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical - - 1751-8113
(23) Revised geometric measure of entanglement - Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical - - 1751-8113
(24) All-versus-nothing nonlocality for two photons from different sources - Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical - - 1751-8113
(25) Entanglement dynamics and decoherence of three-qubit system in a fermionic environment - Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical - - 1751-8113
(26) Michelson interferometer for measuring temperature - PHYSICS LETTERS A - 201707 - Volume:381,Issue:36,P3038-3042
(27) Quantum metrology in correlated environments - PHYSICS LETTERS A - - 0375-9601
(28) Quantum strategies in moving frames - PHYSICS LETTERS A - - 0375-9601
(29) Threshold temperature of thermal entanglement in an XXZ ferromagnetic chain - PHYSICS LETTERS A - - 0375-9601
(30) Quantum simulation of pairing models on an NMR quantum computer - PHYSICS LETTERS A - 200604 - Vol.352, p304-308
(31) Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger correlation and Bell-type inequality seen from a moving frame - PHYSICS LETTERS A - - 0375-9601
(32) Separability criterion and local information in separable states - PHYSICS LETTERS A - - 0375-9601
(33) Secure communication with choice of measurement - EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D - - 1434-6060
(34) Quantum discord of electron spins of noninteracting electron gases - EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D - 201202 - Vol 66, No: 2, 46
(35) Quantum-state transfer on spin-chain channels with random imperfections - EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D - 200904 - 55(2009)211-221
(36) Discussion of entanglement classification of a 4-qubit pure state - EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D - - 1434-6060
(37) Multi-particle and high-dimension controlled order rearrangement encryption protocols - EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D - - 1434-6060
(38) Multipartite entanglement dynamics and decoherence - EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D - - 1434-6060
(39) Transfer of an arbitrary two-qubit pure state with spin chains - EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D - - 1434-6060
(40) Entanglement dynamics of three-qubit states under an XY spin-chain environment - EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D - 200808 - 48 2,285-292
(41) Dynamics of quantum discord under decoherence from a spin environmen - Optics Communications - 201101 - 284 p1 : 555-60
(42) The transfer of entanglement and Bell-nonlocality from system to environment - Optics Communications - 201009 - Vol.283 ,No.18
(43) Entanglement dynamics and Bell violation of three-qubit states coupled to an XY spin chain with Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction - Optics Communications - 200912 - Vol.282, p4627-4632
(44) Tripartite states Bell-nonlocality sudden death in an antiferromagnetic environment - Optics Communications - 200809 - 281,5475-5479
(45) Time evolution of pairwise entanglement between two atoms - OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS - - 0030-4018
(46) Disentanglement of 3-qubit states with stochastic dephasing - OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS - - 0030-4018
(47) Uniaxial anisotropy effects in the mixed-spin Ising model on a decorated Bethe lattice - PHYSICA A - - 0378-4371
(48) Effect of Dzyaloshinskill-Moriya anisotropic antisymmetric interaction and intrinsic decoherence on entanglement teleportation - PHYSICA A - - 0378-4371
(49) Entanglement dynamics and decoherence of two-qutrit states under an XY quantum environment - Physica A - 200902 - Vol.388, p82-90
(50) Effect of non-Markovian dynamics on the violation of tripartite Bell inequalities - PHYSICA A - 201011 - Vol 389 No 21 p5103-5108
(51) Optimal dense coding with thermal entangled states - PHYSICA A - - 0378-4371 [2] 