


國    籍
民    族




李江,男,1977年12月生,浙江紹興人,工學博士,研究員,博士生導師。現任中國科學院上海硅酸鹽研究所透明陶瓷研究中心副主任,透明與光功能陶瓷研究團隊負責人,中國硅酸鹽學會溶膠-凝膠分會理事,長期致力於光學與光功能透明陶瓷的研究。2000年7月畢業於江蘇大學材料科學與工程系獲工學學士學位。同年8月,進入中國科學院上海硅酸鹽研究所從事科研工作。2002年9月開始攻讀中國科學院上海硅酸鹽研究所碩博連讀研究生,並於2007年7月獲工學博士學位。2007年11月~2008年10月,在日本國立材料研究所(NIMS)從事為期1年的訪問研究。主要從事光功能透明陶瓷(包括:激光陶瓷、閃爍陶瓷、磁光陶瓷、白光LED用透明陶瓷、紅外透明納米復相陶瓷等)的設計、製備、結構與性能研究。以項目負責人承擔JPPT項目、JG863項目、國家自然科學基金項目、上海市自然科學基金等10項,以研究骨幹參加與光功能透明陶瓷相關的國家自然科學重點項目、國家863項目、JPPT項目、院方向性項目、上海市科委重大基礎研究項目、所科技創新重大項目等的研究。迄今在J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., Opt. Lett.,Opt. Express,IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum. Electron.,Laser Phys. Lett.,Opt. Mater. Express,Opt. Mater.,J. Alloys Compd.等國內外核心期刊上發表論文180餘篇(其中SCI收錄140餘篇,第一作者及通訊作者90餘篇);合著科學出版社專著《高温結構陶瓷研究淺論》和《先進光功能透明陶瓷》2部;參與1部英文專著Modern Inorganic Synthetic Chemistry(Elsevier出版社)部分章節的撰寫;參與《大辭海》(材料科學卷)部分詞條的撰寫;申請中國發明專利30餘項(其中授權10餘項)。為J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,Opt. Lett.,Opt. Express, Appl. Phys. Lett., Opt. Mater., J. Alloys Compd., J. Phys. Chem. Solids, J. Mater. Res., Ceram. Int., J. Optics-UK, J. Cryst. Growth, ACS Adv., J. Non-Cryst. Solids,Mater. Sci. Eng. A, Mater. Sci. Eng. B,Powder Technol.,Thin Solid Films,J. Mech. Behav. Biomed., J. Nanosci. Nanotech.,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol.,Infrared Phys. Technol., Opt. Laser Technol.,J. Rare Earth, Chin. Opt. Lett.,Chin. Phys. Lett.,J. Adv. Ceram.,無機材料學報,硅酸鹽學報、物理學報、化學物理學報和中國物理B等30餘種專業期刊的通信審稿人。


  1. 捷克科學院物理研究所(Martin Nikl教授,副所長)
  2. 美國加州理工學院(朱人元教授、胡辰博士)
  3. 俄羅斯科學院電物理研究所(Maxim Ivanov博士)
  4. 德國馬克斯波恩非線性光學與短脈衝光譜研究所(Uwe Griebner博士、Valentin Petrov博士)
  5. 烏克蘭科學院晶體研究所(Roman Yavetskiy博士)
  6. 美國德州大學阿靈頓分校物理系(Wei Chen教授)
  7. 意大利米蘭-可比卡大學(Anna Vedda教授)
  8. 意大利比薩大學(Mauro Tonelli教授)
  9. 意大利NEST納米科學研究所(Stefano Veronesi博士)
  10. 波蘭科學院低温與結構研究所(Dariusz Hreniak博士)
  11. 俄羅斯奧加列夫莫爾多瓦州立大學(Andrey Lyapin博士)
  12. 俄羅斯科學院應用物理研究所(Ilya Snetkov博士、Ivan Mukhin博士)
  13. National Institute of Optics, National Research Council (Italy, Guido Toci博士,Matteo Vannini博士)
  14. Institute of Applied Physics, National Research Council (Italy, Angela Pirri博士)
  15. Física i Cristal·lografia de Materials i Nanomaterials (FiCMA-FiCNA), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)(Spain, Xavier Mateos博士) [1] 


  1. 潘裕柏,李江,姜本學.先進光功能透明陶瓷[M].北京:科學出版社,2013.
  2. 郭景坤,寇華敏,李江.高温結構陶瓷研究淺論[M].北京:科學出版社,2011.
  3. Jingkun Guo,Jiang Li, Huamin Kou. Chapt. 19. Chemical preparation of advanced ceramic materials. In:Modern Inorganic Synthetic Chemistry(R. R. Xu, W. Q. Pang, Q. S. Huo, eds.) Elsevier, 2011, pp. 429-454.


  1. Jiang Li*, Jun Zhou, Yubai Pan, Wenbin Liu, Wenxin Zhang, Jingkun Guo, Hao Chen, Deyuan Shen, Xiaofang Yang, Ting Zhao. Solid-state reactive sintering and optical characteristics of transparent Er:YAG laser ceramics.J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2012,95(3): 1029-1032.
  2. Jiang Li*, Feng Chen, Wenbin Liu, Wenxin Zhang, Liang Wang, Xuewei Ba, Yingjie Zhu, Yubai Pan, Jingkun Guo. Co-precipitation synthesis route to yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) transparent ceramics.J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2012, 32(11): 2971-2979.
  3. Yiqiang Shen, Yun Shi, Xiqi Feng, Yubai Pan,Jiang Li, Yanping Zeng, M. Nikl, A. Krasnikov, A. Vedda, F. Moretti. The harmful effects of sintering aids in Pr:LuAG optical ceramic scintillator.J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2012, 95(7): 2130-2132.
  4. Jiang Li*, Wenbin Liu, Benxue Jiang, Jun Zhou, Wenxin Zhang, Liang Wang, Yiqiang Shen, Yubai Pan, Jingkun Guo. Synthesis of nanocrystalline yttria powder and fabrication of Cr,Nd:YAG transparent ceramics.J. Alloys Compd., 2012,515: 49-56.
  5. John Tharayl Thomas, Mauro Tonelli, Stefano Veronesi, Enrico Cavalli,Jiang Li,Yubai Pan,and Jingkun Guo. Optical spectroscopy of Tm:YAG transparent ceramics.J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys.,2013, 46, 375301.
  6. Jiang Li, Yubai Pan, Yanping Zeng, Wenbin Liu, Benxue Jiang, Jingkun Guo. The history, development, and future prospects for laser ceramics: A review.Int.J. Ref. Met. Hard Mater., 2013, 39, 44-52.
  7. Shengli Wang, Yulong Tang, Benxue Jiang, Chongyuan Huang, Nan Yang, Hongqiang Li, Jianlong Yang,Jiang Li, Yubai Pan, and Jianqiu Xu. Directly diode-pumped Ho:YAG ceramic laser.IEEEPhoton. Technol. Lett.,2013, 25(22): 2153-2155.
  8. Xuewei Ba,Jiang Li, Yubai Pan, Yanping Zeng, Huamin Kou, Wenbin Liu, Jing Liu, Jingkun Guo. Comparison of aqueous- and non-aqueous-based tape casting for preparing YAG transparent ceramics.J. Alloys Compd., 2013,557, 228-231.
  9. Jiang Li*, Jing Liu, Binglong Liu, Wenbin Liu, Yanping Zeng, Xuewei Ba, Tengfei Xie, Benxue Jiang, Qiang Liu, Yubai Pan, Xiqi Feng, Jingkun Guo. Influence of heat treatment of powder mixture on the microstructure and optical transmission of Nd:YAG transparent ceramics.J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2014, 34(10): 2497-2507.
  10. Yuelong Fu,Jiang Li*, Yang Liu, Lei Liu, Hong Zhao and Yubai Pan. Effect of air annealing on the optical properties and laser behavior of Nd:YAG transparent ceramics.Opt. Mater. Express, 2014, 4(10): 2108-2115.
  11. Binglong Liu,Jiang Li*, Maxiam Ivanov, Wenbin Liu, Jing Liu, Tengfei Xie, Shangjun Zhuo, and Yubai Pan*. Solid-state reactive sintering of Nd:YAG transparent ceramics: The effect of Y2O3powders pretreatment.Opt. Mater., 2014, 36(9): 1591-1597.
  12. Yu Shen, Wen-bin Liu, Nan Zong,Jiang Li, Yong Bo, Xi-qi Feng, Ya-ding Guo, Yu-bai Pan, Fang-qin Li, Peng-yuan Wang, Wei Tu, Qin-jun Peng, Jing-yuan Zhang, Wenqiang Lei, Da-fu Cui, Zu-yan Xu. Comparison of laser induced thermal fracture between polycrystalline ceramic and crystal Nd:YAG.Opt. Lett., 2014, 39(7): 1965-1967.
  13. JingLiu,QiangLiu,JiangLi,XueweiBa,YongYuan,LiLin,MaximIvanov,MinChen,WenbinLiu,HuaminKou,YunShi,HaohongChen,YubaiPan,XiaonongCheng,JingkunGuo.The influence of doping concentration on microstructure evolution and sintering kinetics of Er:YAG transparent ceramics.Opt. Mater., 2014, 37: 706-713.
  14. Junchi Chen,Jiang Li, Jialin Xu, Wenbin Liu, Yong Bo, Xiqi Feng, Yiting Xu, Dongliang Jiang, Zhongzheng Chen, Yubai Pan, Yading Guo, Biao Yan, Chang Guo, Lei Yuan, Hongtao Yuan, Yanyong Lin, Yunsheng Xiao, Qinjun Peng, Wenqiang Lei, Dafu Cui, Zuyan Xu.4350 W quasi-continuous-wave operation of a diode face-pumped ceramic Nd:YAG slab laser.Opt. Laser Technol., 2014, 63, 50-53.
  15. Qiang Liu, Jing Liu,Jiang Li,Maxim Ivanov, Anatoliy Medvedev,Yanping Zeng, Guoxi Jin, Xuewei Ba, Wenbin Liu, Benxue Jiang, Yubai Pan, Jingkun Guo. Solid-state reactive sintering of YAG transparent ceramics for optical applications.J. Alloys Compd., 2014, 616:81-88.
  16. Lin Ge,Jiang Li, Zhiwei Zhou, Tengfei Xie, Manjiang Dong, Wei Li, Min Chen, Huamin Kou, Yun Shi, Yubai Pan, Xiqi Feng, Jingkun Guo. Fabrication ofcomposite YAG/Nd:YAG/YAG transparent ceramic for planar waveguide laser.Opt. Mater. Express, 2014, 4(5): 1042-1049.
  17. Y. Q. Du, B. Q. Yao,J. Li*, Y. B. Pan, X. M. Duan, Z. Cui, Z. C. Shen and Y. L. Ju. Stable passively Q-switched Tm,Ho YVO4laser with near 100 ns pulse duration at 2 μm.Laser Phys. Lett., 2014,11(11):115817.
  18. Yu Shen,Yong Bo, Nan Zong, Ya-ding Guo,Qin-jun Peng,Jiang Li,Yu-bai Pan,Jing-yuan Zhang, Da-fu Cui, Zu-yan Xu.Experimental and theoretical investigation of pump laser induced thermal damage for polycrystalline ceramic and crystal Nd:YAG.IEEE J. Sel. Top.Quantum. Electron., 2015, 21(1): 1206408.
  19. Kangwen Yang,Xuewei Ba,Jiang Li, Yubai Pan,and Heping Zeng. Multilayer YAG/Yb:YAG composite ceramic laser.IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum. Electron.,2015, 21(1): 1602705.
  20. Shuping Liu, Xiqi Feng, Martin Nikl, Lexiang Wu, Zhiwei Zhou,Jiang Li, Huamin Kou, Yanping Zeng, Yun Shi, Yubai Pan. Fabrication and Scintillation Performance ofNon-stoichiometric LuAG:Ce Ceramics.J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2015, 98(2): 510-514.
  21. Dongbi Bai, Wenxue Li, Xianghui Yang, Kangwen Yang, Xuewei Ba,Jiang Li, Yubai Pan, and Heping Zeng.Continuous-wave laser performance of non-aqueous tape casting fabricated Yb:YAG Ceramics.Opt. Mater. Express, 2015, 5(2): 330-339.
  22. Wei Wang, Huamin Kou, Shuping Liu, Yun Shi,Jiang Li, Xiqi Feng, Yubai Pan, Yongsheng Li, Jingkun Guo. Comparison of the optical and scintillation properties of Gd2O2S:Pr,Ce,F ceramics fabricated by hot pressing and pressureless sintering.Opt. Mater.,2015, 42, 199-203.
  23. Shengquan Xu,Jiang Li*, Chaoyu Li, Yubai Pan*, Jingkun Guo.Hot pressing of infrared-transparent Y2O3-MgO nanocomposites using sol-gel combustion synthesized powder.J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2015,98(3): 1019-1026.
  24. Baoquan Yao, Jinhe Yuan,Jiang Li*, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan*, Yingjie Shen, Zheng Cui, Yubai Pan. High power Cr:ZnS saturable absorber passively Q-switched Ho:YAG ceramic laser and pumped ZnGeP2OPO.Opt. Lett., 2015, 40(3): 348-351.
  25. Alexander Gluth, Valentin Petrov,Jonna Paajaste, Soile Suomalainen, Antti Härkönen, Mircea Guina, Günter Steinmeyer,Xavier Mateos,Stefano Veronesi, Mauro Tonelli,Jiang Li,Yubai Pan, Jingkun Guo,Uwe Griebner.GaSb-based SESAM mode-locked Tm:YAG ceramic laser at 2 µm.Opt. Express,2015, 23(2): 1361-1369.
  26. Binglong Liu,Jiang Li*,Roman Yavetskiy, Maxim Ivanov,Yanping Zeng,Tengfei Xie, Huamin Kou,Shangjun Zhuo, Yubai Pan, Jingkun Guo. Fabrication of YAG transparent ceramics using carbonate precipitated yttria powder.J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.,2015, 35(8): 2379-2390.
  27. Wei Wang, Yongsheng Li, Huamin Kou, Shuping Liu, Yun Shi,Jiang Li, Xiqi Feng, Yubai Pan, Jingkun Guo. Gd2O2S:Pr ceramic fabricated by spark plasma sintering from powder synthesized by a novel carbothermal reduction.J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2015,98(7): 2159-2164.
  28. Shengquan Xu,Jiang Li*, Chaoyu Li, Yubai Pan*, Jingkun Guo. Infrared-transparent Y2O3-MgO nanocomposites fabricated by the glucose sol-gel combustion and hot pressing technique.J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2015, 98(9): 2796-2802.
  29. Lin Ge,Jiang Li*, Zhiwei Zhou, Tengfei Xie, Binglong Liu, Jing Liu, Huamin Kou, Yun Shi, Yubai Pan*, Jingkun Guo. Nd:YAG transparent ceramics fabricated by direct cold isostatic pressing and vacuum sintering.Opt. Mater., 2015, 50: 25-31.
  30. Jing Liu, Xiaonong Cheng,Jiang Li, Tengfei Xie, Maxim Ivanov, Xuewei Ba, Binlong Liu, Haohong Chen, Qiang Liu, Yubai Pan, Jingkun Guo.Influence of non-stoichiometry on solid-state reactive sintering of YAG transparent ceramics.J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2015, 35(11): 3127-3136.
  31. J. H. Yuan, X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao,J. Li, T. Y. Dai, Y. J. Shen, Z. Cui,Y. L. Ju,C. Y. Li, H. M. Kou, and Y. B. Pan. Dual end pumped high power Cr:ZnS passively Q-switched Ho:YAG ceramic laser.Appl. Phys. B, 2015, 119(2): 381-385.
  32. Wenming Yao, Jing Gao,Long Zhang,Jiang Li*, Yufei Ma, Yubing Tian, Xiaodong Wu, Gangfei Ma, Jianming Yang, Yubai Pan, and Xianjin Dai. Continuous-wave yellow-green laser at 0.56 μm based on frequency doubling of a diode-end-pumped ceramic Nd:YAG laser.Appl. Opt., 2015, 54(18): 5817-5821.
  33. Yufei Ma, Ying He, Xudong Li, Xin Yu,Jiang Li, Renpeng Yan, Xinlu Zhang, Rui Sun,Yubai Pan,andDeying Chen.Multiple-beam, pulse-burst, passively Q-switched ceramic Nd:YAG laser under micro-lens array pumping.Opt. Express, 2015, 23(19): 24955-24961.
  34. Yuelong Fu,Jiang Li*, Yang Liu, Zhe Wang, Lei Liu, Hong Zhao and Yubai Pan. Fabrication and thermal effects of highly transparent polycrystalline Nd:YAG ceramics.Opt. Mater., 2015, 49: 105-109.
  35. Z. Cui, X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao,J. Li*, X. L. Li, T. Y. Dai, C. Y. Li, Y. B. Pan.Resonantly pumped 2.118μm Ho:YAP laser Q-switched by a Cr:ZnS as a saturable absorber.Laser Phys. Lett., 2015, 12, 105002 (5pp).
  36. Robert Tomala, Lukasz Marciniak,Jiang Li, Yubai Pan,Katarzyna Lenczewska,Wieslaw Strek, Dariusz Hreniak. Comprehensive study of photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence of YAG:Eunano- and microceramics.Opt. Mater., 2015, 50: 59-64.
  37. M. Ivanov, Yu. Kopylov, V. Kravchenko,Jiang Li, Yubai Pan, U. Kynast, M. Leznina, W. Strek, L. Marciniak, O. Palashov, I. Snetkov, I. Mukhin and D. Spassky. Optical, luminescent and laser properties of highly transparent ytterbium doped yttrium lanthanum oxide ceramics.Opt. Mater., 2015, 25: 15-20.
  38. Yuelong Fu,Jiang Li*, Yang Liu, Zhe Wang, Lei Liu, Hong Zhao and Yubai Pan. Fabrication and thermal effects of highly transparent polycrystalline Nd:YAG ceramics.Opt. Mater., 2015, 49: 105-109.
  39. Z. Cui, X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao,J. Li*, X. L. Li, T. Y. Dai, C. Y. Li, Y. B. Pan. Resonantly pumped 2.118μm Ho:YAP laser Q-switched by a Cr:ZnS as a saturable absorber.Laser Phys. Lett., 2015, 12, 105002 (5pp).
  40. Z. Cui, X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao*, H. Y. Yang,J. Li*, J. H. Yuan, T. Y. Dai, C. Y. Li, and Y. B. Pan.Doubly Q-switched Ho:LuAG laser with acoustic-optic modulator and Cr:ZnS saturable absorber.Appl. Opt.,2015,54(34): 10272-10276.
  41. X. M. Duan, W. M. Lin, Y. Ding, B. Q. Yao, T. Y. Dai,J. Li, Y. B. Pan, L. J. Li. High-power resonantly pumped passively Q-switched Ho:GdVO4laser.Appl. Phys. B, 2016, 122: 22.
  42. Baoquan Yao*, Xiaolei Li, Tongyu Dai, Zheng Cui, Shuang Bai, Hongyu Yang,Jiang Li*, Youlun Ju, Lin Ge, Yuezhu Wang, Yubai Pan.Diode-pumped tape casting planar waveguideYAG/Tm:YAG/YAG ceramic laser at 2013.76 nm.Opt. Lett., 2016, 41(2): 254-256.
  43. Tonglei Cheng, Meisong Liao, Xiaojie Xue,Jiang Li*, Weiqing Gao, Xia Li, Danping Chen, Shupei Zheng,Yubai Pan, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi. A silica optical fiber doped with yttrium aluminosilicate nanoparticles for supercontinuum generation.Opt. Mater., 2016, 53: 39-43
  44. Yuelong Fu,Jiang Li*, Yang Liu, Lei Liu, Tianxiang Xu, Haohai Yu, Hong Zhao, Huaijin Zhang, Yubai Pan. Fabrication, microstructure and laser performance of Nd-doped Lu3Al5O12transparent ceramics.J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2016, 36(3): 655-661.
  45. Yuelong Fu,Jiang Li*, Chao Wang, Tengfei Xie, Wenxue Li, Lexiang Wu, Yubai Pan. Fabrication and properties of highly transparent Yb:LuAG ceramics.J. Alloys Compd., 2016, 664: 595-601.
  46. Chao Wang,Wenxue Li*,Dongbai Bai,Jian Zhao,Jiang Li,Xuewei Ba,Lin Ge, Yubai Pan,Heping Zeng.Mode-locked composite YAG/Yb:YAG ceramic laser and high-power amplification.IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2016, 28(4): 433-436.
  47. Sunil Sahi, Zhiqiang Wang, Junming Luo, Michael Groza,Jiang Li, Junying Zhang, Wei Chen,Yubai Pan,Arnold Burger, Tsun-Kong Sham.Investigation of luminescence mechanism in La0.2Y1.8O3scintillator.J. Lumin., 2016, 173: 99-104.
  48. Xiaoming Duan*, Jinhe Yuan, Zheng Cui, Baoquan Yao, Tongyu Dai,Jiang Li*, Yubai Pan.A resonantly-pumped actively mode-locked Ho:YAG ceramic laser at 2122.1 nm.Appl. Opt., 2016, 55(8): 1953-1956.
  49. Shanshan Li, Binglong Liu,Jiang Li*, Xingwen Zhu, Wenbin Liu, Yubai Pan*,Jingkun Guo.Synthesis of yttria nano-powders by the precipitation method: the influence of ammonium hydrogen carbonate to metal ions molar ratio and ammonium sulfate addition.J. Alloys Compd., 2016,doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.03.072.
  50. Rui Yin,Jiang Li*, Manjiang Dong, Tengfei Xie, Yuelong Fu, Wei Luo, Lin Ge, Huamin Kou, Yubai Pan*, Jingkun Guo.Fabrication of Nd:YAG transparent ceramics by non-aqueous gelcastingand vacuum sintering.J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2016 (Accepted).
  51. Guido Toci, Angela Pirri*,Jiang Li, Tengfei Xie, Yubai Pan, Vladimir Babin, Alena Beitlerova, Martin Nikl, Matteo Vannini. First laser emission of Yb0.15:(Lu0.5Y0.5)3Al5O12ceramics.Opt. Express, 2016 (Accepted).


人眼安全1.5~1.7μm Er:YAG陶瓷激光的研究
  • 1.    李江  .www.sic.cas.cn.2019-04-12[引用日期2019-04-12]
  • 2.    李江  .中國科學院上海硅酸鹽研究所.2016-04-15[引用日期2016-04-15]