


李彥鵬,男,長安大學水利與環境學院二級教授,博導,長安大學環境工程國家一流專業負責人。 [1-2] 
國    籍
民    族
職    稱



1990/8 - 1994/7,西安交通大學,電廠熱能,學士
1994/8 - 1999/10,西安交通大學,熱能工程,博士 [2] 


2005 - 至今,長安大學,環境科學與工程學院,副教授,教授
1999 - 2005,博士後, Research Fellow [2] 


  1. 生物氣溶膠與區域空氣質量及環境健康;
  2. 微藻生物能源轉化技術;
  3. 綠色浮選理論及其固廢資源化與能源化應用。 [2] 


承擔國家重點研發計劃、國家自然科學基金、教育部科學技術研究重點項目、陝西省重點研發基金等省部級以上科研項目10餘項,發表學術論文100餘篇,SCI檢索60餘篇,授權專利8項。 [2] 


  1. “低頻超聲駐波場中中尺度氣泡的動力學與傳質特性”,國家自然科學基金,2008
  2. “好氧生化系統中泥-水-氣多相相互作用的介觀尺度物理機制”,教育部科學技術研究重點項目,2008-2009
  3. 3. “活性污泥反應器內泥、水、氣三相的微觀流體動力學模型”,城市水資源與水環境國家重點實驗室開放基金,2008-2010
  4. “基於level set方法的水下多氣泡相互作用機理研究”,國防科工委重要基礎問題研究子課題,2007-2010
  5. “西安市不同功能區空氣離子分佈特性及其與環境因子的相關關係”,西安市科技計劃項目,2007-2010
  6. “好氧污泥顆粒化中的流體動力學行為及調控作用”,***國家重點實驗室開放基金,2010-2012
  7. 霾天生物氣溶膠的高時間分辨率演變特徵與影響機制,陝西省自然科學基金,2023-2024.
  8. 二手煙氣溶膠的室內空氣污染特性及其健康風險評估,校企合作,2022-2023.
  9. 能源微藻無泡浮選採收新技術與浮選體系多相界面作用機理研究,陝西省自然科學基金,2021-2022.
  10. **市空氣質量保障項目,2019-2021.
  11. 城市複式地下車庫空氣品質及其通風優化研究,西部綠色建築國家重點實驗室開放基金,2020-2021.
  12. 室內環境青黴素菌和麴黴素菌的潛在炎症效應及毒性研究,廣東省環境催化與健康風險控制重點實驗室開放基金,2019-2020.
  13. 多物理場耦合作用下土壤中典型重金屬元素的運移規律及影響機理,陝西省土地整治重點實驗室開放基金重點項目,2018-2020.
  14. 在用重型柴油車尾氣後處理技術研究與示範,陝西科技廳,2017-2019.
  15. 西安市大氣細顆粒物中微生物組成、濃度與來源研究,陝西科技廳,15萬,2017-2018. [2] 


  1. Yanpeng Li, Honglei Fu, Wei Wang, Jun Liu, Qinglong Meng, Wenke Wang. Characteristics of bacterial and fungal aerosols during the autumn haze days in Xian,China. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 122: 439-447.
  2. Zhengsheng Xie, Yanpeng Li*, Rui Lu, Wanxin Li, Chunlan Fan, Pengxia Liu, Jinlong Wang, Wenke Wang. Characteristics of total airborne microbes at various air quality levels. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2018, 116: 57-65.
  3. Rui Lu,Yanpeng Li*, Wanxin Li, Zhengsheng Xie, Chunlan Fan, Pengxia Liu, Shunxi Deng. Bacterial community structure in atmospheric particulate matters of different sizes during the haze days in Xi'an, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 637-638: 244-252.
  4. Zhengsheng Xie,Chunlan Fan,Rui Lu, Pengxia Liu,Beibei Wang,Shengli Du,Cheng Jin,Shunxi Deng,Yanpeng Li*. Characteristics of ambient bioaerosols during haze episodes in China: A review. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 243:1930-1942.
  5. Chunlan Fan, Yanpeng Li*, Pengxia Liu, Feifei Mu, Zhengsheng Xie, Rui Lu, Yuzhen Qi, Beibei Wang, Cheng Jin. Characteristics of Airborne Opportunistic Pathogenic Bacteria during Autumn and Winter in Xi’an, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2019,672:834-845.
  6. Feifei Mu, Yanpeng Li*, Rui Lu, Yuzhen Qi, Wenwen Xie, Wenyan Bai. Source identifcation of airborne bacteria in the mountainous area and the urban areas, Atmospheric Research. 2020, 231: 104676.
  7. Yuzhen Qi, Yanpeng Li*, Wenwen Xie, Rui Lu, Feifei Mu,Wenyan Bai, Shengli Du. Temporal-spatial variations of fungal composition in PM2.5 and source tracking of airborne fungi in mountainous and urban regions. Science of The Total Environment, 2020,708:135027.
  8. Rui Lu,Kira TendalMargit, W.Frederiksen,Katrine Uhrbrand,Yanpeng Li,Anne Mette Madsen*. Strong variance in the inflammatory and cytotoxic potentials of Penicillium and Aspergillus species from cleaning workers' exposure in nursing homes. Science of The Total Environment, 2020,724:138231.
  9. Lu Rui, Margit W. Frederiksen, Katrine Uhrbrand, Yanpeng Li, Claus Østergaard , and Anne Mette Madsen. Wastewater treatment plant workers’exposure and methods for risk evaluation of their exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 205:11365.
  10. Wenyan Bai, Yanpeng Li*, Wenwen Xie, Tianfeng Ma, Junli Hou, Xuelin Zeng. Vertical variations in the concentration and community structure of airborne bacteria in PM2.5. Science of The Total Environment, 2021,760:143396.
  11. Zhengsheng Xie, Shengli Du, Tianfeng Ma, Junli Hou, Xuelin Zeng, Yanpeng Li*. High time-resolved characterization of airborne microbial community during a typical haze pollution process, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 415.
  12. Yanpeng LI*, ZHANG Haoyue, Li Aotang, ZHAO Luyao, DU Shengli.Variations and the role of proteins in bioaerosols during air pollution processes in Xi’an, China. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 305:119212.
  13. 李彥鵬,劉鵬霞,謝錚勝,範春蘭,路瑞,李婉欣,鄧順熙. 霾污染天氣大氣微生物氣溶膠特性的研究進展. 科學通報, 2018, 63(10):940-953. [2] 
  1. Xiaotong Zou,Yanpeng Li*, Kaiwei Xu, Hao Wen, Zhou Shen, Xiangying Ren. Microalgae Harvesting by Buoy-bead Flotation Process Using Bioflocculant as Alternative to Chemical Flocculant. Algal Research, 2018, 32:233-240.
  2. Kaiwei Xu, Yanpeng Li*, Xiaotong Zou, Hao Wen, Zhou Shen, Xiangying Ren. Investigating microalgae cell-microsphere interactions during microalgae harvesting by ballasted dissolved air flotation through XDLVO theory. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 137(9): 294-304.
  3. Kaiwei Xu,Xiaotong Zou, Hao Wen, Yating Xue, Shuangfeng Zhao, Yanpeng Li*. Buoy-bead flotation harvesting of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris using surface-layered polymeric microspheres: A novel approach. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 267::341-346.
  4. Xiaotong Zou, Kaiwei Xu, Hao Wen, Yating Xue, Shuangfeng Zhao, Yanpeng Li*.A novel method to recovery microalgae by compound buoy-bead flotation,Separation and Purification Technology,2019, 211:658-666.
  5. Kaiwei Xu,Xiaotong Zou, Hao Wen, Yating Xue, Yanhui Qu, Yanpeng Li*. Effects of multi-temperature regimes on cultivation of microalgae in municipal wastewater to simultaneously remove nutrients and produce biomass, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019, 103(19), 8255-8265.
  6. Xiaotong Zou, Kaiwei Xu, Yating Xue,Yanhui Qu, Yanpeng Li*. Interactions of Chlorella vulgaris and fly ash cenospheres in heat-aided ballasted flotation, Algal Research, 2020, 46:101813.
  7. Kaiwei Xu, Xiaotong Zou, Wenjuan Chang,Yanhui Qu, Yanpeng Li*. The impact of seasonal variations about temperature and photoperiod on the treatment of municipal wastewater by algae-bacteria system in lab-scale. Algal Research, 2021, 54:102175.
  8. Xiaotong Zou, Kaiwei Xu, Wenjuan Chang,Yanhui Qu, Yanpeng Li*. A Novel Microalgal biofilm rector using walnut Shell as Substratum for microalgae biofilm Cultivation and Lipid Accumulation. Renewable Energy, 2021,175:676-685.
  9. Xiaotong Zou, Kaiwei Xu, Wenjuan Chang,Yanhui Qu, Yanpeng Li*. Rapid extraction of lipid from wet microalgae biomass by a novel buoyant beads and ultrasound assisted solvent extraction method, Algal Research, 2021, 58:102431.
  10. Kaiwei Xu, Xiaotong Zou, Wenjuan Chang, Yanhui Qu, Yanpeng Li*. Microalgae harvesting techniques using ballasted agent: A review. Separation and Purification Technology,2021, 276:119439.
  11. Chang Wejuan, Yanpeng LI*. Mixotrophic cultivation of microalgae to enhance the biomass and lipid production under red light with phytohormone IAA treatment, Renewable Energy, 2022, 187(3):819-828.
  12. 鄒小彤,徐開偉,常文娟,李彥鵬. 耦合浮珠-超聲輔助溶劑萃取法用於微藻採收及油脂提取. 農業工程學報,2021,37:267-274 [2] 


  1. 灰霾污染過程大氣生物氣溶膠的變化特徵、來源與健康風險,陝西高等學校科學技術研究優秀成果獎一等獎,2022,排名第1.
  2. 空氣源熱泵超疏水錶面抑霜/節能除霜強化傳熱傳質技術集成與應用,2021年陝西省科技工作者創新創業大賽一等獎,排名第3.
  3. 西安市大氣生物氣溶膠的污染特性及來源,陝西省環境保護科學技術獎一等獎,2021,排名第1。 [2-3] 