


1996年和2005年在浙江大學先後獲得理學學士學位和工學博士學位,2005年起任職於哈爾濱工業大學材料學院材料科學系,2008年為副教授,2010年哈佛大學醫學院訪問學者,2012年被評為博士生導師,2017年晉升為教授 [1]  ,研究方向為生物材料,主要從殼聚糖複合材料與納米碳的教學與科研工作。
國    籍
民    族
職    業
性    別


李保強,男,博士,河南鶴壁人,1996年至2005年在浙江大學先後獲得學士學位和博士學位,2005年起任職於哈爾濱工業大學材料學院材料科學系,2008年晉升為副教授,2010年哈佛大學訪問學者,2012年被評為博士生導師,2017年晉升為教授 [1]  ,目前任哈爾濱工業大學教授/博導,主要從事殼聚糖複合材料與納米碳材料設計與合成,探索其生物學效應與生物一些應用。


1996.8-2000.7 浙江大學化學系, 理學學士
2000.8-2005.6 浙江大學高分子系, 工學博士
2005.7-2008.8 哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程學院,講師
2005.11-2009.4 哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程學院,博士後
2010.11-2011.11哈佛大學 醫學院,國家公派訪問學者
2008.9-2017.12 哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程學院,副教授
2010.5-2017.12 城市水資源與水環境國家重點實驗室,副教授
2012.4-2017.12 哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程學院,副教授/博士生導師
2017.12-至今哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程學院,教授/博士生導師 [1] 


哈爾濱工業大學李保強副教授來我院交流訪問 哈爾濱工業大學李保強副教授來我院交流訪問
2014年~至今,Journal of Bioelectronics and Nanotechnology編委


2016年哈工大 大學生創新創業教育活動優秀指導教師獎
2014年Science Summit for Urban Water Best Poster Award (一等獎)
2008年 獲國家留學基金委資助訪問學者。
2010年, 首屆高校青藍論壇分會主席



Materials Applied in Medicine(本科生,英文授課)


先進陶瓷材料 (碩博課程)




2. 殼聚糖水凝膠誘導合成功能性生物礦物
3. 原位雜化策略構建殼聚糖/納米生物礦物複合材料
4. 生物質炭材料轉化及其在能源與環境領域中的應


李保強博士先後主持承擔包括國家自然科學基金在內的省部級項目8項,參與國家自然科學基金面上項目和重點項目、973子項目等4項。 發表學術論文80餘篇,其中SCI收錄80篇,其中IF大於6.0的有8篇,IF大於2.0的10餘篇。申請國家發明專利7項,已授權4項。協助指導博士生2人,指導碩士生6人,其中2人出國攻讀博士學位,指導本科生9人,指導大學生科技創新項目15個,其中國家級4項,累計獲得1等獎1次,二等獎5次 [1] 


  1. Wang L,Li B*, Xu F, Li Y, Xu Z, Wei D, et al. Visual in vivo degradation of injectable hydrogel by real-time and non-invasive tracking using carbon nanodots as fluorescent indicator. Biomaterials 2017;145:192-206.(IF=8.80)
  2. Li B*, Wang L, Xu F, Gang X, Demirci U, Wei D, et al. Hydrosoluble, UV-crosslinkable and injectable chitosan for patterned cell-laden microgel and rapid transdermal curing hydrogel in vivo. Acta Biomater. 2015;22:59-69.(IF=6.34)
  3. Wang Y, Li B*, Xu F, Han Z, Wei D, Jia D, et al. Tough Magnetic Chitosan Hydrogel Nanocomposites for Remotely Stimulated Drug Release ,Biomacromolecules, 2018, 19 (8), 3351–3360 (IF=5.74).
  4. Wang L, Li B*, Xu F, Xu Z, Wei D, Feng Y, et al. UV-crosslinkable and thermo-responsive chitosan hybrid hydrogel for NIR-triggered localized on-demand drug delivery. Carbohydrate Polymer. 2017;174:904-914.(IF=5.16)
  5. Yu Z, Li B*, Chu J, Zhang P. Silica in situ enhanced PVA/chitosan biodegradable films for food packages. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018;184:214-20.(IF=5.16)
  6. Cheng Y, Wei Z*, Du Q, Liu F, Duan X, Wang Y, Jia D,Zhou Y,Li B*. The shape effect of manganese(II,III) oxide nanoparticles on the performance of electrochemical capacitors. Electrochimica Acta. 2018;284:408-17.(IF=5.12)
  7. Li B*, Cheng Y, Dong L, Wang Y, Chen J, Huang C, et al. Nitrogen doped and hierarchically porous carbons derived from chitosan hydrogel via rapid microwave carbonization for high-performance supercapacitors. Carbon. 2017;122:592-603.(IF=7.01)
  8. Ding H, Li B*, Pu S*, Liu G, Jia D, Zhou Y. A fluorescent sensor based on a diarylethene-rhodamine derivative for sequentially detecting Cu2+ and arginine and its application in keypad lock. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2017;247:26-35 (IF=5.40)
  9. Li S-N, Li B*, Gong L-X, Yu Z-R, Feng Y, Jia D, Zhou Y, Tang L*, et al. Enhanced mechanical properties of polyacrylamide/chitosan hydrogels by tuning the molecular structure of hyperbranched polysiloxane. Materials & Design(IF=4.25). 2019;162:162-70
  10. Wang L, Li B*, Li L, Xu F, Xu Z, Wei D, et al. Ultrahigh-yield Synthesis of N-doped Carbon Nanodots that Down-regulate ROS in Zebrafish. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2017, 5, 7848 - 7860 (IF=4.53)
  11. Cheng Y, Li B*, Huang Y, et al. Molten salt synthesis of nitrogen and oxygen enriched hierarchically porous carbons derived from biomass via rapid microwave carbonization for high voltage supercapacitors. Applied Surface Science, 2018; 439: 712-723(IF=4.44).
  12. Ding H, Zheng C, Li B*, Liu G, Pu S*, Jia D, et al. A rhodamine-based sensor for Hg2+ and resultant complex as a fluorescence sensor for I. RSC Advances 2016;6:80723-8(IF=3.11).
  13. Wang L, Li B*, Xu F, Shi X, Feng D, Wei D, et al. High-yield synthesis of strong photoluminescent N-doped carbon nanodots derived from hydrosoluble chitosan for mercury ion sensing via smartphone APP. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2016;79:1 (IF=8.17)
  14. Li BQ*, Gao YS, Feng YJ, Ma B, Zhu RX, Zhou Y. Formation of concentric multi-layer chitosan hydrogel loaded with isoniazid. Journal of Controlled Release. 2011;152:45.(IF=7.7)
  15. Wang YL, Li BQ*, Zhou Y, Han ZD, Feng YJ, Wei DQ. A facile concentric-layered magnetic chitosan hydrogel with magnetic field remote stimulated drug release. Journal of Controlled Release. 2013;172:90.(IF=7.7)
  16. Hu QL*, Li BQ, Wang M, Shen JC. Preparation and characterization of biodegradable chitosan/hydroxyapatite nanocomposite rods via in situ hybridization: A potential material as internal fixation of bone fracture. Biomaterials. 2004;25:779-85.(IF=8.5)
  17. Xu F, Inci F, Mullick O, Gurkan UA, Sung YR, Kavaz D, Li BQ,et al. Release of Magnetic Nanoparticles from Cell-Encapsulating Biodegradable Nanobiomaterials. ACS Nano. 2012;6:6640-9.(IF=12.8)
  18. Xu F, Wu CAM, Rengarajan V, Finley TD, Keles HO, Sung YR,Li BQ, et al. Three-Dimensional Magnetic Assembly of Microscale Hydrogels. Advanced Materials. 2011;23:4254-60.(IF=19.8)
  19. Li BQ*, Jia DC, Zhou Y, Hu QL, Cai W. In situ hybridization to chitosan/magnetite nanocomposite induced by the magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2006;306:223-7.
  20. Wang YL, Li BQ*, Xu F, Jia DC, Feng YJ, Zhou Y. In Vitro Cell Uptake of Biocompatible Magnetite/Chitosan Nanoparticles with High Magnetization: A Single-Step Synthesis Approach for In-Situ-Modified Magnetite by Amino Groups of Chitosan. Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition. 2012;23:843-60.
  21. Wang YL, Li BQ*, Feng YJ, Han ZD, Dong LM. In Situ Synthesized Carbon Coated Magnetite Nanoparticles and Its Magnetic Property. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2013;42:226-9.
  22. Li BQ*, Gao YS, Jia DC, Feng YJ, Zhou Y. Drug-loading Chitosan/Apatite Composites with Biomimetic Bone Structure via Biomineralization. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2013;42:813-5.
  23. Wang YL, Li BQ*, Zhou Y, Jia DC, Song Y. CS-Fe(II,III) complex as precursor for magnetite nanocrystal. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2011;22:1681-4.
  24. Li BQ*, Wang YL, Jia DC, Zhou Y. Gradient Structural Bone-Like Apatite Induced by Chitosan Hydrogel via Ion Assembly. Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition. 2011;22:505-17.
  25. Li BQ*, Gao YS, Feng YJ, Ma B, Zhu RX, Zhou Y. Formation of Concentric Multilayers in a Chitosan Hydrogel Inspired by Liesegang Ring Phenomena. Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition. 2011;22:2295-304.
  26. Wang YL, Li BQ*, Zhou Y, Jia DC. Mineralization of Magnetite Induced by Chitosan Hydrogel. In: Pan W, Gong JH, editors. Chinese Ceramics Communications2010. p. 539-41.
  27. Qu ZW, Yan JL, Li BQ(與第一作者同等貢獻), Zhuang JP, Huang YM. Improving bone marrow stromal cell attachment on chitosan/hydroxyapatite scaffolds by an immobilized RGD peptide. Biomedical Materials. 2010;5.
  28. Li BQ*, Huang YQ, Wang YL, Jia DC. CARBONATED APATITE COATING ON CHITOSAN WITH GRADIENT DISTRIBUTION VIA IONS ASSEMBLY. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2010;24:5987-94.
  29. Li BQ*, Wang YL, Jia DC, Zhou Y, Cai W. Mineralization of chitosan rods with concentric layered structure induced by chitosan hydrogel. Biomedical Materials. 2009;4.
  30. Li BQ*, Wang YL, Jia DC, Zhou Y. Apatite Coating with Gradient Structure via Ion Assembly. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2009;38:767-9.
  31. Wang YL,Li BQ*, Zhou Y, Jia DC. Chitosan-induced synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles via iron ions assembly. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2008;19:1256-61.
  32. Li BQ*, Wang L,Yu H,Wei DQ,Li Y, Feng YJ, Jia DC, Zhou Y, UV-Crosslinkable and Injectable Chitosan/Hydroxyapatite Hybrid Hydrogel for Critical Size Calvarial Defect Repair in Vivo, Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine. Feb 3,2016. doi:10.1115/1.4032902
  33. Guo YP, Zhou Y, Li BQ, Jia DC. Fabrication of Plate-Like Apatite Bioceramic at Low Temperature. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2008;37:187-90.
  34. Guo YP, Zhou Y, Jia DC, Li BQ, Ning CQ, Guo YJ. Fabrication of Mesoporous Hydroxycarbonate Apatite/Polyaniline Composite Coatings on Ti6Al4V Substrates. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2011;40:1317-22.
  35. Cui W, Hu QL, Wu J, Li BQ, Shen JC. Preparation and characterization of magnetite/hydroxyapatite/chitosan nanocomposite by in situ compositing method. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2008;109:2081-8.
  36. 王永亮,韓志東,李保強,王佳乾,可控構建環形的殼聚糖 /Fe3O4複合凝膠研究,人工晶體學報,2015,44(11):3311-3314
  37. Hu QL, Chen FP, Li BQ, Shen JC. Preparation of three-dimensional nano-magnetite/chitosan rod. Materials Letters. 2006;60:368-70.
  38. Chen FP, Hu QL, Chen L, Li BQ, Shen JC. Preparation of magnetic iron oxide/hydroxyapatite/cbtirosan rods by in situ precipitation. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2006:756-60.
  39. Hu QL, Chen FP,Li BQ, Shen JC. Preparation of orientated magnetite/chitosan nano-composite material via in-situ precipitation. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese. 2005;26:1960-2.
  40. Li BQ, Hu QL, Wang M, Shen JC. Preparation of chitosan/hydroxyapatite nanocomposite with layered structure via in-situ compositing. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese. 2004;25:1949-52.
  41. Hu QL, Qian XZ,Li BQ, Shen JC. Studies on chitosan rods prepared by in situ precipitation method. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese. 2003;24:528-31.
  42. Li BQ, Hu QL, Qian XZ, Fang ZP, Shen JC. Bioabsorbable chitosan/hydroxyapatite composite rod prepared by in-situ precipitation for internal fixation of bone fracture. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2002:828-33.
  43. Zhou R, Wei DQ, Yang HY, Feng W, Cheng S, Li BQ, et al. MC3T3-E1 cell response of amorphous phase/TiO2 nanocrystal composite coating prepared by microarc oxidation on titanium. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications. 2014;39:186-95.
  44. Zhou R, Wei DQ, Yang HY, Cheng S, Feng W, Li BQ, et al. Osseointegration of bioactive microarc oxidized amorphous phase/TiO2 nanocrystals composited coatings on titanium after implantation into rabbit tibia. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine. 2014;25:1307-18.
  45. Zhou R, Wei DQ, Cheng S, Li BQ, Wang YM, Jia DC, et al. The structure and in vitro apatite formation ability of porous titanium covered bioactive microarc oxidized TiO2-based coatings containing Si, Na and Ca. Ceramics International. 2014;40:501-9.
  46. Zhou R, Wei DQ, Cheng S, Feng W, Du Q, Yang HY, Li BQ,et al. Structure, MC3T3-E1 Cell Response, and Osseointegration of Macroporous Titanium Implants Covered by a Bioactive Microarc Oxidation Coating with Microporous Structure. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2014;6:4797-811.(IF=6.7,一區)
  47. Wei DQ, Zhou R, Cheng S, Feng W, Yang HY, Du Q,Li BQ et al. MC3T3-E1 cells response and osseointegration of bioactive sphene-titanium oxide composite coatings fabricated by a hybrid technique of microarc oxidation and heat treatment on titanium. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2014;2:2993-3008.(IF=4.8,一區)
  48. Wei DQ, Zhou R, Cheng S, Feng W,Li BQ, Wang YM, et al. Microarc oxidized TiO2 based ceramic coatings combined with cefazolin sodium/chitosan composited drug film on porous titanium for biomedical applications. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications. 2013;33:4118-25.
  49. Zhou R, Wei DQ, Ke H, Cao JY, Li BQ, Cheng S, et al. H2Ti5O11 center dot H2O nanorod arrays formed on a Ti surface via a hybrid technique of microarc oxidation and chemical treatment. Crystengcomm 2015;17:2705-17.
  50. Zhou R, Wei DQ, Cao JY, Feng W, Cheng S, Du Q, Li BQ,et al. Conformal coating containing Ca, P, Si and Na with double-level porous surface structure on titanium formed by a three-step microarc oxidation. Rsc Advances 2015;5:28908-20.
  51. Zhou R, Wei DQ, Cao JY, Feng W, Cheng S, Du Q,Li BQ, et al. The effect of NaOH concentration on the steam-hydrothermally treated bioactive microarc oxidation coatings containing Ca, P, Si and Na on pure Ti surface. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications 2015;49:669-80.
  52. Zhou R, Wei DQ, Cao JY, Feng W, Cheng S, Du Q,Li BQ, et al. Synergistic Effects of Surface Chemistry and Topologic Structure from Modified Microarc Oxidation Coatings on Ti Implants for Improving Osseointegration. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015;7:8932-41.
  53. 王永亮, 李保強*, 周玉,超順磁性Fe3O4納米顆粒的合成及應用, 材料科學與工藝, 2009,17(3):402-405
  54. 李保強*,韋其全,潘峯,劉坤,殼聚糖快速止血材料的研究進展, 李保強,韋其全,潘峯,劉坤,實驗技術與管理, 2009,26(3) :34-36
  55. 李保強*,黃雁鳴,張宇錫,孫湛,殼聚糖複合止血膜的製備及止血性能評價,中國修復重建外科雜誌,2010,24(3):31-34
  56. 李保強*,方一帆,殼聚糖/羧甲基殼聚糖止血膜的製備與表徵, 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2009,4(3):44-47
  57. 李保強*, 賀全志, 羅陽, 宋楊, 林桓, 磁性殼聚糖微球製備及在放射性水污染應用研究進展, 水處理技術, 2010, 36(06):10-13
  58. 曲志偉, 李保強, 莊金鵬, 閆景龍, RGD多肽對MSCs在殼聚糖/羥基磷灰石支架上粘附行為的調控, 哈爾濱醫科大學學報,2011,45(3):199-202
  59. 李保強*,劉鈞,馮玉傑,生物質炭的製備及其在能源與環境領域中的應用,生物質化學工程, 2012, 46 (1): 34-38


(2)李保強, 王永亮, 周玉,殼聚糖水凝膠誘導原位合成超順磁性納米四氧化三鐵顆粒,專利號: ZL200710072462.4
(3)李保強, 王永亮, 周玉, 賈德昌, 週期性同心層狀殼聚糖水凝膠及其構建方法和應用, 專利號: ZL200810064962.8
(4)李保強, 賀全志, 羅陽, 王永亮, 周玉, 殼聚糖質活性炭及其製備方法, 專利號:ZL201010128969.9


(1)Formation of Concentric Multilayers in Chitosan Hydrogel Inspired by Liesegang Ring Phenomen,Baoqiang Li,Yongsheng Gao, Yongliang Wang, Bing Ma, Renxian Zhu, Yu Zhou,International Workshop on Biomedical Engineering & Biomechanics, Xi’an China, Aug 19-21, 2010(invited presentation)
(2)Antitubercular Drugs Release Behavior from Chitosan/apatite Composites with Concentric Multilayers,Baoqiang Li,Yongsheng Gao, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, Yujie Feng, International Workshop on Biomedical Engineering & Biomechanics, Xi’an China, Aug 25-27,2011(invited presentation)
(3)負載異煙肼的同心層狀殼聚糖支架的製備及表徵,李保強,高永勝,馬兵,朱仁賢,周玉, 首屆青藍高校青年科技論壇, 2010年5月28-30日,哈爾濱(大會報告)
(4)仿骨結構殼聚糖水凝膠的製備及力學性能研究, 李昕,李保強,周玉, 2011年中國材料研討會, 生物醫用材料及應用分會場, 2011年5月17-19日,北京(口頭報告)