

惲迪,西安交通大學教授,博士生導師。陝西省青年拔尖人才計劃入選者,陝西省青年百人學者。 [1-2] 
職    業
職    務
職    稱


裂變氣體行為建模 [2] 


伊利諾伊大學香檳分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),核工程,碩士,博士 [2] 


惲迪教授畢業於伊利諾伊大學香檳分校,獲核工程碩士、博士學位,後被美國阿貢國家實驗室直接錄用進入正式編制(越過博士後階段),任核工程研究員。曾任美國能源部開展的快堆金屬燃料開發和核能先進模擬計算(NEAMS)項目燃料板塊的阿貢國家實驗室項目負責人,以及美國核能大學(NEUP)項目技術層面指導專家。主持或參與低尺度及介觀尺度核燃料模型實驗驗證、高燃耗快堆金屬燃料研發及裂變氣體模型開發等項目 [3]  。曾任知名期刊Journal of Nuclear Material [1] 
惲迪教授2015年9月起歸國就任於西安交通大學核科學與工程學院,2015年陝西省青年拔尖人才計劃 [2] 
截止2016年3月,惲迪教授主持或參與多個核燃料與核材料相關研發項目,發表SCI論文超過40篇 [2] 


加入西安交通大學後,惲迪教授與國內各高校及企業科研院所的團隊已經開展了深入的合作,包括自己的母校清華大學、北京科技大學哈爾濱工程大學、上海大學、中國核動力研究院、中國原子能科學研究院、中廣核研究院、上海核工程研究設計院,中國科學院金屬研究所、應用物理研究所等 [3] 


1.Di Yun, Aaron J. Oaks, Wei-ying Chen, Marquis A. Kirk, Jeffrey Rest, Abdellatif M. Yacout, Zinetula Z. Insepov, JamesF. Stubbins, Kr and Xe irradiations in lanthanum (La) doped ceria: a study at the high dose regime, Journal of NuclearMaterials, Volume 418, Issues 1-3, November 2011, Pages 80-86 [2] 
2.Di Yun, Bei Ye, Aaron J. Oaks, Wei-ying Chen, Marquis A. Kirk, Jeffrey Rest, Abdellatif M. Yacout and James F.Stubbins, Fission gas transport and its interactions with irradiation-induced defects in lanthanum dopedceria, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam interactions with Materials and Atoms,Volume 272, February 2012,Pages 239-243 [2] 
3.Di Yun, Marquis A. Kirk, Peter Baldo, Jeffery Rest, Abdellatif M. Yacout, Zinetula Z. Insepov, “In Situ TEMInvestigation of Xe Ion Irradiation Induced Defects and Bubbles in Pure Molybdenum Single Crystal,” Journal ofNuclear Materials, Volume 437, Issues 1-3, June 2013, Pages 240-249 [2] 
4.Di Yun, Jeffrey Rest, Gerard L. Hofman, Abdellatif M. Yacout, “An initial assessment of a mechanistic model,GRASS-SST, in U–Pu–Zr metallic alloy fuel fission-gas behavior simulations,” Journal of Nuclear Materials,Volume 435, Issues 1-3, April 2013, Pages 153-163 [2] 
5.Di Yun, Marius Stan, “Impact of High Porosity on Thermal Transport in UO2 Nuclear Fuel,”Journal of MaterialsResearch, 28(17), September 14, 2013 [2] 
6.Di Yun, Abdellatif M. Yacout, Marius Stan, Theodore H. Bauer, Arthur E. Wright, “Simulation of the impact of 3-D porositydistribution in metallic U–10Zr fuels,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 448, Issues 1-3, May 2014,Pages 129-138 [2] 
7.Walid Mohamed, Di Yun, Kun Mo, Michael J. Pellin, Michael C. Billone, Jonathan Almer, Abdellatif M. Yacout, "Depthprofileof oxide volume fractions of Zircaloy-2 in high-temperature steam: An in-situ synchrotron radiationstudy," Journal of NuclearMaterials,Volume 454, Issues 1-3, November 2014, Pages 192-199 [2] 
8.Jeff Rest, Zeke Insepov, Bei Ye, Di Yun, “A multiscale method for the analysis of defect behavior in Mo during electron irradiation,” Computational Materials Science, Volume 93, June 2014, Pages 169– [2] 
9.Kun Mo, Zhangjian Zhou, Yinbin Miao, Di Yun, Hsiao-Ming Tung, Guangming Zhang, Weiying Chen, Jonathon Almer,JamesF. Stubbins, “Synchrotron study on load partitioning between ferrite/martensite and nanoparticles of a 9Cr ODSsteel,”Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 455, June 2014, Pages 376-381 [2] 
10.Bei Ye, Aaron Oaks, Mark Kirk, Di Yun, Wei-Ying Chen, Benjamin Holtzman, James F. Stubbins, “Irradiation effectsin UO2 and CeO2”,Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 441, Issues 1–3, October 2013, Pages 525-529 [2] 
12.Bei Ye, Di Yun, Aaron J. Oaks, Wei-ying Chen, Marquis A. Kirk, Jeffrey Rest, Abdelatif M. Yacout and James F.Stubbins,The effects of Xe implantation in ceria with and without lanthanum, Nuclear Instruments and Methods inPhysics Research Section B;Beam interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 272, February 2012, Pages 236-238 [2] 
13.Aaron J. Oaks, Di Yun, Bei Ye, Wei-ying Chen, James F. Stubbins, Kinetic Monte Carlo model of defect transport andirradiationeffects in La-doped CeO2, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 414, pp. 145-149, 2011 [2] 