


彭浩,男,博士,教授,南京工業大學化工過程機械專業,2017~2018年在英國伯明翰大學作訪問學者。現任機械與動力工程學院副院長。江蘇能源研究會理事。主要從事儲能技術、工業節能技術、高效傳熱傳質等方面的研究。Applied Energy、Energ. Convers. Manage.等1區期刊的“Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing。主持了包括國家自然科學基金面上項目、青年項目,江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目,江蘇省高校自然科學研究計劃重大項目等在內的10項省部級以上科研課題,並作為骨幹成員參加了國家科技支撐計劃及國家863計劃項目等課題。獲得國家技術發明二等獎(排名4),江蘇省科技進步一等獎(排名3),中國石油和化學工業聯合會技術發明一等獎(2項,均排名3)等在內的國家級省部級獎勵7項。兩次入選江蘇省“六大人才高峯”計劃,入選江蘇省“青藍工程”中青年學術帶頭人、江蘇省“333高層次人才培養工程”第三層次培養對象。發表SCI論文60餘篇,以第一或通訊作者在Appl. Energ., Energ. Convers. & Manage.,等期刊發表SCI論文40餘篇(ESI高被引論文2篇)。SCI累計他引1000餘次。授權發明專利18件,申請1件國際專利 [1] 
國    籍
職    務


(1)國家技術發明二等獎,2012年 [2] 
(2)中國石油和化學工業聯合會技術發明一等獎,2018年 [3] 
(4)中國石油和化學工業協會技術發明一等獎,2009年 [4] 
(5)中國石油和化學工業聯合會科技進步一等獎,2014年 [5] 
(6)教育部科技進步二等獎,2011年 [6] 
(7)中國機械工業科技進步二等獎,2011年 [7] 


代表作(20篇) [8] 
(1)Hao Peng, Xuekun Shan, Yu Yang, Xiang Ling, A study on performance of a liquid air energy storage system with packed bed units.Applied Energy,211: 126~135,2018.
(2)Hao Peng,Yu Yang, Rui Li, Xiang Ling, Thermodynamic analysis of an improved adiabatic compressed air energy storage system.Applied Energy, 183: 1361~1373,2016.
(3)Hao Peng, Rui Li, Xiang Ling, Huihua Dong, Modeling on heat storage performance of compressed air in a packed bed system.Applied Energy, 160: 1~9,2015.
(4)Hao Peng, Huihua Dong, Xiang Ling. Thermal investigation of PCM-based high temperature thermal energy storage in packed bed.Energy Conversion and Management, 81: 420~427,2014.
(5)Hao Peng, Xiang Ling, Juan Li. Performance investigation of an innovative offset strip fin arrays in compact heat exchangers .Energy Conversion and Management, 80: 287~297,2014.
(6)Hao Peng, Juan Li, Xiang Ling. Study on heat transfer performance of an aluminum flat plate heat pipe with fins in vapor chamber.Energy Conversion and Management, 74: 44~50,2013.
(7)Hao Peng, Xiang Ling .Analysis of heat transfer and flow characteristics over serrated fins with different flow directions .Energy Conversion and Management, 52: 826~835,2011.
(8)Hao Peng, Xiang Ling, Predicting thermal–hydraulic performances in compact heat exchangers by support vector regression.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,84: 203~213,2015.
(9)Hao Peng, Xiang Ling. Optimal design approach for the plate-fin heat exchangers using neural networks cooperated with genetic algorithms.Applied Thermal Engineering, 28: 642~650,2008.
(10)Hao Peng, Xiang Ling. Neural networks analysis of thermal characteristics on plate-fin heat exchangers with limited experimental data .Applied Thermal Engineering, 29: 2251~2256,2009.
(11)Hao Peng, Xiang Ling, Juan Li.Numerical simulation and experimental verification on thermal performance of a novel fin-plate thermosyphon.Applied Thermal Engineering, 40: 181~188,2012.
(12)Hao Peng, Lin Liu, Xiang Ling, Yang Li, Thermo-hydraulic performances of internally finned tube with a new type wave fin arrays.Applied Thermal Engineering, 98: 1174~1188,2016.
(13)Hao Peng, Xuekun Shan, Xiang Ling, Dongxiang Wang, Juan Li, Ligament-type granulation of molten slag in different rotary disk configurations.Applied Thermal Engineering,128 1565-1578,2018.
(14)Hao Peng, Xuekun Shan, Jingqi Kang, Xiang Ling, Dongxiang Wang, Influence of rotary disk configurations on droplets characteristics in molten slag granulation for waste heat recoveryApplied Thermal Engineering,135: 269-279,2018.
(15)Hao Peng,Zhiwei Hu, Xuekun Shana, Xiang Ling, Lin Liu, Study on the solidification characteristics of molten slag droplets cooled by mixed cooling medium.Applied Thermal Engineering,149: 939-949,2019.
(16)Hao Peng, Xiang Ling. Numerical modeling and experimental verification of flow and heat transfer over serrated fins at low Reynolds number.Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 32: 1039~1048,2008.
(17)Hao Peng, Xiang Ling, En Wu .An improved particle swarm algorithm for optimal design of plate-fin heat exchangers .Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 49: 6144~6149,2010.
(18)Hao Peng, Na Wang, Dongxiang Wang, Xiang Ling, Experimental Study on the Critical Characteristics of Liquid Atomization by a Spinning Disk.Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 55: 6175~6185,2016.
(19)Hao Peng,Xiang Ling, Dongxiang Wang, Na Wang, Experimental Investigation on Transition Characteristics of Different Rotary Disk Configurations.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,56, 11281~11291,2017.
(20)Hao Peng, Dong Zhang, Xiang Ling, et al. n‑Alkanes Phase Change Materials and Their Microencapsulation for Thermal Energy Storage:A Critical Review.Energy &fuels,32:7262-7293, 2018.


(2)江蘇省“333工程”第三層次,2016年 [9] 
(3)江蘇省”六大人才高峯“,2013年,2018年 [10] 