


國    籍
民    族
職    務
職    稱


現受聘為國務院學科評議組成員(物理學組); 教育部物理學類教學指導委員會委員;中國物理學會理事會理事;中國物理學會凝聚態理論與統計物理專業委員會委員; 中國物理學會表面與界面物理專業委員會委員;國際表面等離激元組委會委員;國際量子能源組委會委員; 四川省專家評議委員會成員; 四川大學學位委員會委員;四川大學物理學學位分委員會主席;《四川大學學報-自然科學版》編委會委員; 國際物理期刊Physica B編輯;香港大學及英國倫敦大學訪問教授。 [1] 


張紅教授在四川大學從事科研與教學工作20餘年,承擔碩博士研究生和本科生《凝聚態理論》《原子物理學》《表面物理前沿》等課程。 [1] 


1、四川大學 “214” 重點人才三層次;
2、2002 年度和 2005 年度四川大學青年骨幹教師;
3、2000 年度和 2002 年度四川大學本科論文優秀指導教師二等獎;
4、2003, 2004 以及 2006 年度四川大學展虹基金獎研金二等獎;
5、2007 年度四川大學第三屆教學名師培養對象。
國務院政府特殊津貼、四川省學術和技術帶頭人、寶鋼優秀教師獎。 [1] 


主要從事凝聚態物理基礎理論和計算研究, 在飛秒激光與納米材料相互作用的超快動力學、量子調控及電子激發動力學等方向做了較為深入的研究。在PNAS; Physical Review Letters; Physical Review B; Applied Physics Letters等國際刊物發表SCI收錄論文200餘篇(其中第一作者及通訊作者140餘篇).論文包括4篇PRL、1篇PNAS 、24篇PRB及APL、1篇Nanoscale等及其他影響因子大於3的論文60餘篇。
張紅教授作為項目負責人主持國家重大專項課題1項、國家重點研發計劃1項(參與單位)、主持國家自然科學基金項目4項、主持教育部博士點博士生導師專項科研基金1項、及多項總裝預研和國家重點實驗室基金; 應邀在國內外重要物理會議上做學術報告50餘次;作為會議主席(或Co-Chair)先後主持“中國物理學會2017秋季學術會議”、“第二十屆全國凝聚態理論與統計物理學術會議”、“第二屆國際表面等離激元前沿研討會”、“第四屆國際量子能源探討會”等國內外物理學術會議10餘次。 2006-2018年先後在美國、日本、英國、德國、法國、瑞士、芬蘭、澳大利亞、西班牙、及中國香港大學等做學術交流及科研合作。
張紅教授作為項目負責人完成四川大學新世紀教學教改項目4項,以第一及通訊作者發表教改論文11篇(含兩篇英文);作為第一作者編寫全英文教材1本(出版中)。 [1] 
Main Research Interests:
1. Interaction between short-pulse laser and surfaces (including nanotubes and graphene)
2.Theoretical study of nano-structure and multiscale modeling
3.Structure and dynamic properties of surfaces and interfaces
Selected Publications (*presents corresponding author)
1. Hong Zhang, et al, Physical Review Letters, 109,265505, 2012
Ab-initio simulation of helium ion microscopy images: The case of suspended grapheme
2. Hong Zhang*, et al, Nanoscale, 7,19012, 2015
Optical Field Terahertz Amplitude Modulation by Graphene Nanoribbons
3. Y. Miyamoto, Hong Zhang*, et al, Physical Review Letters, 114, 116102, 2015, Modifyingtheinterlayerinteractioninlayeredmaterialswithan intenseinfraredlaser
4. Y. Miyamoto*, Hong Zhang*, A. Rubio*, Physical Review Letters, 105, 248301, 2010
Chemical reactions in HCl molecule embedded nanotube induced by ultrafast laser pulses
5. Y. Miyamoto, Hong Zhang*, D. Tomanek, Physical Review Letters, 104, 208302, 2010
6. Y. Miyamoto, Hong Zhang, A. Rubio, PNAS, 109, 8861, 2012
Pulse-induces non-equlibrium dynamics of acetylene inside carbon nanotube
7. Hong Zhang, et al, Physical Review B (Rapid Communication), 85, 201409, 2012
Preferential Dehydrogenation from One-side of Graphane by laser Pulse
8. Hong Zhang, et al, Physical Review B 85, 033402, 2012
Graphene production by laser shot on graphene oxide: An ab initio prediction
9. Hong Zhang, et al, Physical Review B 78, 045436, 2008
Stability, structure, electronic properties of chemisorbed oxygen and thin surface oxides on Ir
10. Hong Zhang, et al, Applied Physics Letters, 95, 053109, 2009
Modulation of alternating electric field inside photoexcited carbon nanotubes
11. HF Yin, Hong Zhang*,Applied Physics Letters, 101, 061906, 2012
Quantum mechanical study of plasmonic coupling in sodium nanoring dimmers
12. Y.Miyamoto, T. M, A. Rubio, Hong Zhang*, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 201107, 2014
Photo-induced hardening of the weak bonds of nobel gas dimmer.
13. Y. Miyamoto, Hong Zhang, Physical Review B(Rapid Comm.),77, 161402, 2008
Electronic Excitation In an Ar Ion Transversing A Graphene Sheet
14. Hong Zhang, W.X. Li, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 21361, 2009
First-principles investigations on hydrogen adsorption and potential energy on Ir(111) surface
15. Y. Miyamoto, Hong Zhang,Physical Review B 77, 165123, 2008
16. Hong Zhang,et al, Acta Physica Sini. (invited paper), 64, 057300, 2015
Surface plasmon research progress based on time-dependent density functional theory
17. Kaibiao Zhang, Hong Zhang*, J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 635, 2014
Plasmon Coupling in Gold Nanotube Assemblies: Insight from a Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT) Calculation
18. JH Guo, Hong Zhang*,J. Phys. Chem. C, 116, 15908, 2012
Multiscale Study of Hydrogen Adsorption, Diffusion and Desorption on Li-Doped Phthalocyanine Covalent Organic Frameworks
19. KB Zhang, Hong Zhang*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 17, 12051, 2015
Coherent Resonance of Quantum Plasmons in Graphene-Gold Cluster Hybrid System
20. JH Guo, Hong Zhang*,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15, 2873, 2013
Hydrogen spillover mechanism on COF as investigated by ab initio DFT.
21. JH Guo, Hong Zhang*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15, 8199, 2013
Li-doped fullerene-intercalated phthalocyanine COF designed for hydrogen storage
22. XD Li, Hong Zhang*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14, 2391, 2012
GCMC Investigation on Aromatic Frameworks Hydrogen Storage Materials
23. GY Chen, XX Jiang, XL Cheng, and Hong Zhang*, J. Chem. Phys., 137, 054504, 2012
Phase transition and chemical decomposition CO-N2 mixture
24. F. Guo, XL Cheng, Hong Zhang*,J. Phys. Chem. A 116, 3514, 2012
Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Solid Nitromethane Impact on (010) Surfaces Induced and Nonimpact Thermal Decomposition.
25. SY, Zhang, Hong Zhang*, Applied Surface Science,289, 81, 2014
The inter-adsorbate interaction mediated by Shockley-type surface electrons and dipole moment: Cs and Ba atoms absorbed on Ag(111) films.
26. Hong Zhang, et al,Applied Surface Science, 254, 7655, 2008
Al Adsorption on Ir(111) at a Quarter Monolayer Coverage: A First Principles Study
27. Hong Zhang*, HF Yin, Inter. J. Quan. Chem., 113 2200, 2013
Plasmon resonances and plasmon-induced charge transport in linear atomic chains
28.Hong Zhang, XL. Cheng, S. Chiesa, Inter. J. Quan. Chem., 111, 4452, 2011
QMC calculations of bond dissociation energies for some nitro and amino molecules
29. XD Li, JH Guo, Hong Zhang*,4, 24526, 2014, RSC Advances
Design of 3D tetraphenyladamantane based COF as hydrogen storage materials
30. Qingxiao Zhou, et al, Hong Zhang*, Chemical Physics, 440, 80, 2014
DFT study of formaldehyde adsorption on vacancy defected graphene doped with B, N, and S
31. HF Yin, Hong Zhang*, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 113107, 2013
Plasmon Resonances And The Plasmon-Induced Field Enhancement In Nanoring Dimers
32. HF Yin, Hong Zhang*, Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 103502, 2012
Plasmons in graphene nanostructures
33. DD Liu, Hong Zhang*, Journal of Applied Physics, 112. 053707, 2012
Plasmon resonances and electron transport in linear sodium atomic chains
34. Hong Zhang, et al, Front. Phys (review paper). 6, 231, 2011
DFT study of dihydrogen interactions with lithium containing organic complexes
35. Hong Zhang, et al, Inter. J. Quan. Chem., 109, 720, 2009
First principles study on the structure and electronic properties of 2-Nitrimino-1-nitroimidazolidine
36. Hong Zhang, F. Cheung, Inter. J. Quan. Chem., 109, 1547, 2009
Band Gaps and the Possible Effect on Some Nitro Aromatic Explosive Materials
37. Hong Zhang, WH Ying, Phys. Stat. Soli. (b), 24, 37, 2008
DFT studies on the thermodynamic properties of Na2Ti3O7 under high temperature
38. Hong Zhang, F. Chen, et al, J. Mole. Struc.: THEOCHEM 857, 33, 2008
Structural and Electronic properties of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol
39. Hong Zhang, T. Jin, Chin. Phys. Lett., 25, 552, 2008
Structural, electronic properties of borate Li4CaB2O6 under high pressure
40. Hong Zhang, WH Ying, Chin. Phys., 15, 0428, 2006
Molecular dynamics study of the ternary compound Li3AlB2O6 [1] 
  • 1.    張紅  .四川大學物理學院[引用日期2019-08-17]