


張家旭 [1] 
民    族
漢族 [1] 
1977年 [1] 


2014年入選哈工大 ”海內外人才引進計劃“,主持國家自然科學基金重點項目子課題、面上項目,教育部留學回國基金,中科院化學所青年人才培育基金,哈工大海外人才計劃基金。
課題組從事有機和生物化學中重要化學反應的機理研究、大氣和燃燒化學方面量子化學和動力學模擬、航天器防護塗層材料的開發與設計。在Science、JACS等高水平期刊發表SCI論文70餘篇,獲他引600餘次。研究成果被美國化學學會、英國皇家化學學會專題報道,並選為 C&EN Cover Story、期刊封面、熱點文章。 [1] 


2006.12 - 2011.02
美國德州理工大學,化學與生物化學系 博士後
2011.03 - 2012.09
美國弗吉尼亞理工大學,化學系 博士後
2012.10 - 2014.03
中科院化學所,分子反應動力學國家重點實驗室 副研究員
2014.04 - 至今
哈爾濱工業大學,基礎與交叉科學研究院 教授/博導 [1] 


1.Xu Liu, Jing Xie, Li Yang*, Jiaxu Zhang*, and William L. Hase "Steric Effects of Solvent Molecules on SN2 Substitution Dynamics" J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 1885. (SCI收錄,影響因子9.353
2. Eduardo Carrascosa, Jennifer Meyer, Jiaxu Zhang, Martin Stei, Tim Michaelsen, William L Hase, Li Yang, and Roland Wester "Imaging dynamic fingerprints of competing E2 and SN2 reactions" Nature Communications 2017,Accepted. (SCI 收錄,影響因子 11.329
3.Jiaxu Zhang, Li Yang,* Jing Xie, and William L. Hase “Microsolvated F(H2O)+ CH3I SN2 Reaction Dynamics. An Insight into the Suppressed Formation of Solvated Products” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7, 660. (SCI收錄,影響因子:7.458
4.Jing Xie, Rico Otto, Jochen Mikosch, Jia-xu Zhang, Roland Wester, and William L. Hase,* “Identification of Atomic-Level Mechanisms for Gas-Phase X+ CH3Y SN2 Reactions by Combined Experiments and Simulations”ACC. Chem. Res. 2014, 47 (10), 2960-2969.(SCI收錄,影響因子:22.323
5. Jochen Mikosch, Jiaxu Zhang, Sebastian Trippel, Christoph Eichhorn, Rico Otto, Rui Sun, Wibe A. de Jong, Matthias Weidemüller, William L. Hase, and Roland Wester,* “Indirect dynamics in a highly exoergic substitution reaction”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135 (11), 4250-4259. (experiment, theory, 本期封面)(SCI收錄,影響因子:12.113
6.Matthew R. Siebert, Jia-xu Zhang, Srirangam V. Addepalli, Dean J. Tantillo, and William L. Hase,* “The Need for Enzymatic Steering in Abietic Acid Biosynthesis: Gas-Phase Chemical Dynamics Simulations of Carbocation Rearrangements on a Bifurcating Potential Energy Surface”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133(21), 8335-8343. (SCI收錄,影響因子:12.113
7. Jia-xu Zhang, Jochen Mikosch, Sebastian Trippel, Rico Otto, Matthias Weidemüller, Roland Wester,* and William L. Hase,* “F + CH3I → FCH3 + I Reaction Dynamics. Non-Traditional Atomistic Mechanisms and Formation of a Hydrogen-Bonded Complex”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1 (18), 2747–2752.(SCI收錄,影響因子:7.458
8.J. Mikosch, S. Trippel, C. Eichhorn, R. Otto, U. Lourderaj, Jia-xu Zhang, W. L. Hase, M. Weidemüller, and R. Wester,* “Imaging Nucleophilic Substitution Dynamics”, Science 2008, 319 (5860), 183-186. (experiment, theory)(SCI收錄,影響因子:33.611J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7, 660. (SCI收錄,影響因子:7.458J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7, 660. (SCI收錄,影響因子:7.458J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7, 660. (SCI收錄,影響因子:7.458 [1] 