


張學良,男,1978年生,工學博士,教授,碩/博士生導師,省優博,上銀優博, IEEE Member, 現任職東北大學•機械工程與自動化學院•機械設計及理論研究所,東北大學聞邦椿院士團隊振動利用與控制工程方向核心成員。
曾有七年企業機械產品設計工程師、五年企業博後及一年海外訪學經歷(UK, The University of Sheffield, Visiting Scholar, 2018.12-2019.12)。兼任:遼寧省振動工程學會常務理事,中國工程機械學會礦山機械分會理事,中國振動工程學會振動利用分會理事,遼寧省大型機械設備健康監測與維護技術工程研究中心學術委員,等等。主持/參與國家基金面上項目、重點項目、國家973、省部級及企業橫向課題近30餘項。發表SCI刊源論文50餘篇,其中,第一作者/通訊作者SCI刊源論文近40篇(16篇Q1)。以第一發明人授權中國發明專利30餘項,以第一發明人申請國際PCT專利1項(進入美國主權國家階段)。出版專著1部(聞邦椿,劉樹英,張學良 著,《振動機械創新設計理論與方法》,機械工業出版社,2020);兼任30餘種國際SCI期刊審稿人。研究成果與工業生產緊密結合,相關技術已成功應用到石油、化工、食品、製藥、港口、建築、礦山、鋼廠、隧道工程盾構及航空航天等行業;近年開發設計的部分新型振動機械產品已應用到“一帶一路”所覆蓋的十多個國家。 [1] 
職    稱


4.工程非線性振動及機械動態優化設計。 [1] 


《現代振動機械設計理論及應用》、《人生哲學方法論》 [1] 


[1] Xueliang Zhang*, Zhenmin Li, Ming Li, and Bangchun Wen. Stability and Sommerfeld Effect of a Vibrating System with Two Vibrators Driven Separately by Induction Motors. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Jun 17 2020 (Published Online, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2020.3003029, SCI, IF=4.943, Q1)
[2] Xueliang Zhang*, Zhenmin Li, Ming Li, Dawei Gu, Bangchun Wen. Theory, numeric and experiment studies on stability of two homodromy vibrators in a vibrating system with double rigid frames. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2020, Vol. 0(0) 1-12. (Published Online, DOI: 10.1177/1077546320938180, SCI, IF=2.865, Q1)
[3] Xueliang Zhang*, Hongliang Yue, Zhenmin Li, Jinlin Xu, Bangchun Wen. Stability and coupling dynamic characteristics of a vibrating system with one internal degree of freedom and two vibrators, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 143 (2020) 106812. (Published Online, DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.106812, SCI, IF=5.005, Q1)
[4] Dawei Gu, Xueliang Zhang*, Juqian Zhang, Yunshan Liu, Bangchun Wen. Synchronization and coupling dynamic characteristics of an exciter and two cylindrical rollers in a vibrating system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 456: 353-373. (SCI, IF=3.123,Q1)
[5] Xueliang Zhang*, Zhihui Wang,Yunpeng Zhu, Jinlin Xu, Bang-Chun Wen. Synchronization and Stability of Two Pairs of Reversed Rotating Exciters Mounted on Two Different Rigid Frames. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 115348-115367. (SCI, IF=4.098, Q1)
[6] Xueliang Zhang*, Zhiguo Gao, Hongliang Yue, Shiju Cui, Bang-Chun Wen. Stability of a Multiple Rigid Frames Vibrating System Driven by Two Unbalanced Rotors Rotating in Opposite Directions. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 123521-123534. (SCI, IF=4.098, Q1)
[7] Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen, Chunyu Zhao. Vibratory synchronization transmission of a cylindrical roller in a vibrating mechanical system excited by two exciters. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 96: 88-103 (SCI, IF=4.116, Q1)
[8] Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Theoretical study on synchronization of two exciters in a nonlinear vibrating system with multiple resonant types. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 85(1): 141–154 (SCI, IF=3.0, Q1)
[9] Xueliang Zhang*, Xiangxi Kong, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Numerical and experimental study on synchronization of two exciters in a nonlinear vibrating system with multiple resonant types. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 82(1): 987–999 (SCI, IF=3.0, Q1)
[10] Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Vibratory synchronization and coupling dynamic characteristics of multiple unbalanced rotors on a mass-spring rigid base. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2014, 60: 1–8 (SCI, IF=1.950, Q1)
[11] Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Experimental investigation on synchronization of three co-rotating non-identical coupled exciters driven by three motors. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333: 2898–2908 (SCI, IF=2.300, Q1)
[12] Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Synchronization of three non-identical coupled exciters with the same rotating directions in a far-resonant vibrating system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, 332: 2300–2317 (SCI, IF= 2.300, Q1) [1] 


[10]大型旋轉機械穩定運行機理及智能診斷研究(U1708257),國家自然科學基金-聯合基金項目-重點項目,2018.1-2021.12,參與 [1] 
  • 1.    張學良  .東北大學機械工程與自動化學院[引用日期2024-01-25]