

潤倉 (Sun Runcang),男,1955年2月生於陝西省岐山縣,1982年2月畢業於西北大學化學系,獲理學學士學位,1997年獲英國威爾士大學理學博士學位。2000年獲國家傑出青年基金及“長江學者獎勵計劃”特聘教授,英國皇家化學會會士(Fellow,2003年),973項目首席科學家(2009年)。現任大連工業大學輕工與化學工程學院教授、博士生導師,輕技術與工程學科學術帶頭人,遼寧省優秀科技工作者 [8] 
Sun, Runcang
國    籍
民    族
籍    貫
在木質纖維生物質轉化為新材料、新能源及化學品方面的新技術研發及產業化方面取得了多項創新性成果。 [9] 
性    別
職    務
遼寧省生物質化學與材料重點實驗室主任及遼寧省木質纖維生物質精煉協同創新中心主任 [9] 


1991年10月至1993年2月瑞典隆德大學食品科學系(Lund University )訪問學者。
1993年3月至1997年7月英國威爾士大學(University of Wales)讀木材化學博士學位,獲理學博士學位 (1996年9月通過博士論文答辯)。
1996年10月至2000年7月英國威爾士大學生物複合材料中心工作任研究員及高級研究員(Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist)
2000年8月回國曾先後工作於華南理工大學製漿造紙工程國家重點實驗室及北京林業大學材料科學與技術學院,2019年3月全職調入大連工業大學工作,任輕工技術與工程學科學術帶頭人,遼寧省生物質化學與材料重點實驗室主任及遼寧省木質纖維生物質精煉協同創新中心主任。曾兼任華南理工大學制漿造紙工程國家重點實驗室主任(2008. 8-2015. 5)、任北京林業大學材料科學與技術學院院長(2011. 10-2015. 9)及林木生物質化學北京市重點實驗室主任(2012.5-2019.3)。 [3] 


國科學促進會會員 (Membership of American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAs) 及英國和美國科學聯合促進會會員,美國化學會Anselme Payen 及KingFa Awards評審委員會成員及第21屆國際木材,纖維及製漿化學等多個國際會議學術委員會委員 [4]  ,第六、七屆國務院學位委員會輕工技術與工程學科評議組成員及第七屆教育部科學技術委員會化學化工學部委員,中國生物工程學會第六、七屆理事;《中國造紙學報》、《中國造紙》、Paper and Biomaterials 副主編, SCI期刊Industrial Crops and Products (中科院一區, IF 6.449)主編(Editor-in Chief),三種SCI期刊Carbohydrate Polymers (IF 10.7273),Frontiers In Energy Research 及Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 副主編,六種SCI期刊 ChemSusChem,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,International Journal of Cellulose Chemistry and Technology,Bioresources and Bioprocessing,Molecules, EcoMat 等編委。


四十年來,一直從事木質纖維生物質三大組分清潔高效分離及轉化為新材料、新能源及化學品方面的研究。在 Advanced Materials,Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, ACS Catalysis,Materials Today, Advanced Functional Materials,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Green Chemistry等期刊發表中科院一區論文490篇,IF大於10的235篇,發表EI收錄論文60餘篇,論文被正面引用6萬餘次 (Google Scholar H-因子118, Web of Science 他引4.3萬餘次,H因子100),國際會議特邀、大會及主題報告70餘次。主編Cereal Straw as a Resource for Sustainable Biomaterials and Biofuels: Chemistry: Extractives, Lignins, Hemicelluloses and Cellulose專著1部 (2010, Elsevier),同時還被國外專家邀請參與編寫Hemicelluloses: Chemistry and Technology等英文專著36部和英國科學分離百科全書1部,授權發明專利164件。2014-2022年連續9年入選Elsevier中國高被引學者榜單及2018-2022年連續5年入選科睿唯安全球高被引科學家榜單,入選全球頂尖前10萬科學家榜單(全球排名1904位,2022-01)及全球頂尖前1000名化學科學家榜單(全球排名185位,The 1st edition of Research.com ranking of the best scholars in the field of Chemistry,2022-04) [9] 


系列研究成果分別獲國家技術發明二等獎3項(排名1, 2, 3)、教育部自然科學一等獎3項(均排名1)、技術發明一等獎2項(排名1, 2)及科技進步一等獎1項(排名1)、陝西省科學技術一等獎1項(排名1)、中國輕工業聯合會技術發明一等獎3項、中國產學研合作創新獎、海峽兩岸林業敬業獎、Elsevier最佳主編獎、中國專利優秀獎、第十一屆光華工程科技獎、1998年獲留英化學科學與技術學會和英國科學學會聯合授予的學術成就獎(共2名)、2020年獲美國化學會安塞姆·佩恩獎(Anselme Payen Award)(“國際纖維素及可再生資源材料領域的最高獎”,全球每年1名 [5]  )。


培養研究生及博士後100餘名,其中全國優秀博士論文獲得者3人、提名2人、教育部學術新人獎2人、美國化學會研究生創新獎1人。培養國家傑青2人、“長江學者”2人,國家萬人計劃(科技創新領軍人才)5人、中組部青年拔尖人才6人、“青年長江”及優青4人、中國科協青年人才託舉工程2人、教育部新世紀人才9人等。 [9] 


(2)國家自然科學基金項目重點項目,林木半纖維素與木質素複合物結構解析及高值化利用基礎研究,2015/01-2019/12, 328萬元,結題,主持;
(3)國家自然科學基金項目國際合作與交流重點項目, 農林廢棄物木質素清潔分離、結構表徵及功能材料製備基礎研究, 2012/01-2016/12,280萬元,結題,主持;
(4)國家自然基金重點項目:木質半纖維素結構表徵與功能產品製備基礎研究,2010/01-2013/12,180萬, 結題,主持; [6] 


(1)Su TT, Ren WF, Wang K, Yuan JM, Shao CY, Ma JL, Chen XH, Xiao LP, Sun RC. Bifunctional hydrogen-bonding cross-linked polymeric binders for silicon anodes of lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2022, 402: 139552.
(2)Su TT, Le JB, Ren WF, Zhang SJ, Yuan JM, Wang K, Shao CY, Li JT, Sun SG, Sun RC. Heteroatom-rich polymers as a protective film to control lithium growth for high-performance lithium-metal batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 521: 230949.
(3)Yuan JM, Ren WF, Wang K, Su TT, Jiao GJ, Shao CY, Xiao LP, Sun RC. Ultrahighly Elastic Lignin-Based Copolymers as an Effective Binder for Silicon Anodes of Lithium-Ion Batteries. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022, 10: 166-176.
(4)Du BY, Wang X, Chai LF, Wang XH, Pan Z, Chen XH, Zhou JH, Sun RC. Fabricating lignin-based carbon nanofibers as versatile supercapacitors from food wastes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 194: 632-643.
(5)Jiao GJ, Ma JL, Zhang JQ, Zhou JH, Sun RC. High-efficiency capture and removal of phosphate from wastewater by 3D hierarchical functional biomass-derived carbon aerogel. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 827: 154343.
(6)Yu J, Feng YF, Sun D, Ren WF, Shao CY, Sun RC. Highly conductive and mechanically robust cellulose nanocomposite hydrogels with antifreezing and antidehydration performances for flexible humidity sensors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(8): 10886-10897.
(7)Liu KN, Liu ZD, Yao SQ, Sun SL, Ma JL, Sun RC. CuInS2 quantum dots anchored onto the three-dimensional flexible self-supporting graphene oxide array with regulatable crystallinity and defect density for efficient photocatalytic synthesis of xylonic acid. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 121573.
(8)Liu ZD, Liu KN, Sun RC, Ma JL. Biorefinery-assisted ultra-high hydrogen evolution via metal-free black phosphorus sensitized carbon nitride photocatalysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446: 137128.
(9)Yang XP, Liu KN, Ma JL, Sun RC. Carbon quantum dots anchored on 1, 2, 3, 5-tetrakis (carbazole-9-yl)-4, 6-dicyanobenzene for efficient selective photo splitting of biomass-derived sugars into lactic acid. Green Chemistry, 2022, 24(15): 5894-5903.
(10)Feng YF, Yu J, Sun D, Dang C, Ren WF, Shao CY, Sun RC. Extreme environment-adaptable and fast self-healable eutectogel triboelectric nanogenerator for energy harvesting and self-powered sensing. Nano Energy, 2022, 98: 107284.
(11)Liu KN, Ma JL, Yang XP, Jin DN, Li YC, Jiao GJ, Yao SQ, Sun SL, Sun RC. Boosting electron kinetics of anatase TiO2 with carbon nanosheet for efficient photo-reforming of xylose into biomass-derived organic acids. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 906: 164276.
(12)Liu KN, Ma JL, Yang XP, Liu ZD, Li XZ, Zhang JQ, Cui R, Sun RC. Phosphorus/oxygen co-doping in hollow-tube-shaped carbon nitride for efficient simultaneous visible-light-driven water splitting and biorefinery. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 437: 135232.
(13)Sun D, Feng YF, Sun SC, Yu J, Jia SY, Dang C, Hao X, Yang J, Ren WF, Sun RC, Shao CY, Peng F. Transparent, self‐Adhesive, conductive organohydrogels with fast gelation from lignin‐based self‐catalytic system for extreme environment‐resistant triboelectric nanogenerators. Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 2201335.
(14)Ma JL, Yang XP, Yao SQ, Guo YZ, Sun RC. Photocatalytic biorefinery to lactic Acid: a carbon nitride framework with O atoms replacing the graphitic N linkers shows fast migration/separation of charge. ChemCatChem, 2022, e202200097.
(15)Jiao GJ, Ma JL, Zhang JQ, Li YC, Liu KN, Sun RC. Porous and biofouling-resistant amidoxime-based hybrid hydrogel with excellent interfacial compatibility for high-performance recovery of uranium from seawater. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 287: 120571.
(16)Yang XP, Ma JL, Sun SL, Liu ZD, Sun RC. K/O co-doping and introduction of cyano groups in polymeric carbon nitride towards efficient simultaneous solar photocatalytic water splitting and biorefineries. Green Chemistry, 2022, 24(5): 2104-2113.
(17)Jin DN, Ma JL, Sun RC. Nitrogen-doped biochar nanosheets facilitate charge separation of a Bi/Bi2O3 nanosphere with a Mott–Schottky heterojunction for efficient photocatalytic reforming of biomass. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022, 10(9), 3500-3509.
(18)Xiao WD, Xiao LP, Lv YH, Yin WZ, Sánchez J, Zhai SR, An QD, Sun RC. Lignin-derived carbon coated nanoscale zero-valent iron as a novel bifunctional material for efficient removal of Cr (VI) and organic pollutants. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 299: 121689.
(19)Du BY, Chai LF, Li W, Wang X, Chen XH, Zhou JH, Sun RC. Preparation of functionalized magnetic graphene oxide/lignin composite nanoparticles for adsorption of heavy metal ions and reuse as electromagnetic wave absorbers. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 297: 121509.
(20)Xiao WD, Xiao LP, Xiao WZ, Liu K, Zhang Y, Zhang HY, Sun RC. Cellulose-based bio-adsorbent from TEMPO-oxidized natural loofah for effective removal of Pb (II) and methylene blue. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2022, 218: 285-294.
(21)Sun SC, Xu Y, Wen JL, Yuan TQ, Sun RC. Recent advances of lignin-based carbon fibers (LCFs): precursors, fabrications, properties, and applications. Green Chemistry, 2022, 24: 5709-5738.
(22)Yuan JM, Li H, Xiao LP, Wang TP, Ren WF, Lu Q, Sun RC. Valorization of lignin into phenolic compounds via fast pyrolysis: Impact of lignin structure. Fuel, 2022, 319: 123758.
(23)Xiao WD, Xiao LP, Xiao WZ, Wang Q, Zhai SR, Sun RC. The new identity of cellulose pulp: A green silver nanoparticles support for highly efficient catalytic hydrogenation of 4-nitrophenol. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 355: 131833.
(24)Yan SS, Chai LF, Li W, Xiao LP, Chen XH, Sun RC. Tunning the properties of pH-responsive lignin-based hydrogels by regulating hydroxyl content. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 643: 128815.
(25)Xiao WZ, Xiao LP, Yang YQ, Zhai SR, Sun RC. Catalytic degradation of organic pollutants for water remediation over Ag nanoparticles immobilized on amine-functionalized metal-organic frameworks. Nano Research, 2022, 1-9.
(26)Xiao WZ, Xiao LP, Yang YQ, Xu Q, He WQ, Zhang J, Wang RY, Zhao X, Zhao SR, Sun RC. Fully exposed silver nanoparticles stabilized on pH-responsive lignin-reactors for enhanced 4-nitrophenol reduction. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 107945.
(27)Su TT, Ren WF, Yuan JM, Wang K, Chi BY, Sun RC. Fabrication of polyacrylic acid-based composite binders with strong binding forces on copper foils for silicon anodes in lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2022, 109: 521-529.
(28)Su TT, Wang K, Chi BY, Ren WF, Sun RC. Stripy zinc array with preferential crystal plane for the ultra‐long lifespan of zinc metal anodes for zinc ion batteries. EcoMat, 2022, e12219.
(29)Wang K, Le JB, Zhang SJ, Ren WF, Yuan JM, Su TT, Chi BY, Shao CY, Sun RC. A renewable biomass-based lignin film as an effective protective layer to stabilize zinc metal anodes for high-performance zinc–iodine batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10: 4845-4857.
(30)Gao XJ, Zheng M, Yang XF, Sun RC, Zhang JJ, Sun XL. Emerging application of 3D-printing techniques in lithium batteries: From liquid to solid. Materials Today, 2022, 59: 161-181.
(31)Wang Q, Xiao LP, Lv YH, Yin WZ, Hou CJ, Sun RC. Metal−organic-framework-derived copper catalysts for the hydrogenolysis of lignin into monomeric phenols. ACS Catalyst, 2022, 12: 11899-11909.
(32)Li W, Chai LF, Du BY, Chen XH, Sun RC. Full-Lignin-Based Adsorbent for Removal of Cr(VI) from Waste Water. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 306: 122644.
(33)Yang YQ, Xiao LP, Xiao WZ, Li XY, Wang Q, Sun RC. Nitrogen-doped carbon anchored ruthenium nanoparticles for biofuel upgrade. Fuel, 2022, 314: 123100.
(34)Su TT, Le JB, Wang K, Liu KN, Shao CY, Ren WF, Sun RC. Tetraethyl orthosilicate steam induced silicon-based anticorrosion film enables highly reversible zinc metal anodes for zinc-iodine batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 550: 232136.
(35)Jiao GJ, Ma JL, Zhang JQ, Zhai SR, Sun RC. Efficient extraction of uranium from seawater by reticular polyamidoxime-functionalized oriented holocellulose bundles. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 300: 120244.
(36)Ma JL, Zhang JQ, Jin DN, Yao SQ, Sun RC. LED white-light-driven photocatalysis for effective lignocellulose reforming to co-produce hydrogen and value-added chemicals via Zn2/O@IP-g-CN. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10: 108554.
(37)Zhang JQ, Ma JL, Jiao GJ, Liu KN, Cui R, Zhai SR, Sun RC. Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate nanospheres anchored on poly(amidoxime)/polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel network with excellent antibacterial activity for efficient uranium extraction from seawater. Desalination, 2023, 548: 116243.
(38)Cui R, Ma JL, Liu KN, Ali Zulfiqar, Zhang JQ, Liu ZD, Li XZ, Yao SQ, Sun RC. “Fish gill” -shaped ordered porous PVA@CNNS hybrid hydrogels with fast charge separation and low resistance for effectively photocatalytic synthesis of lactic acid from biomass-derived sugars. Molecular Catalysis, 2022, 531: 112653.
(39)Zhang JQ, Liu KN, Sun SL, Sun RC, Ma JL. Photo-splitting xylose and xylan to xylonic acid and carbon monoxide. Green Chemistry, 2022, 24: 8367-8376.
(40)Wang K, Su TT, Shao CY, Ren WF, Sun RC. Dynamically Responsive and Ionic Conductive Gel Coatings to Realize the Stable Circulation of Zinc Metal Anodes for Zinc-Ion Batteries. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineer, 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c04733.
(41)Chai LF, Du BY, Yan YY, Li W, Chen XH, Sun RC. Preparation of activated lignin with high hydroxyl content using lewis acid as demethylation reagent. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 222: 2571-2580.
(42) Liu ZD, Ma JL, Hong M, Sun RC. Potassium and Sulfur Dual Sites on Highly Crystalline Carbon Nitride for Photocatalytic Biorefinery and CO2 Reduction. ACS Catalysis, 2023, 13: 2106-2117. [7] 
2021年4月23日,入選中國工程院2021年院士增選有效候選人名單, [1]  6月2日,進入第二輪評審候選人名單。 [2] 