

太沙基講座 (Terzaghi Lecture)是美國土木工程師協會(ASCE)岩土分會為紀念現代土力學奠基人太沙基博士(Karl Terzaghi)而設立的。始於1963年,每年舉行一次,迄今已有41屆 (1965,1973因種種原因沒有舉行),報告內容刊載於ASCE主辦的學報上。報告人來自世界各地。均為岩土工程界的頂尖人士。能在ASCE年會上做太沙基報告,既是對報告人成就的肯定,也是對其擅長專題的高度總結。正因為如此,太沙基報告在圈內的影響力非同一般。和英國的朗肯講座並列為岩土工程界的頂尖榮譽。
Terzaghi Lecture
year lecturer invited lecture Publication details
1963 Ralph B. Peck and T. Raamot. Foundation Behavior of Iron Ore Storage Yards. ASCE:JSMFD, 90(SM3), pp. 85-122,1964
1964 Arthur Casagrande Role of “Calculated Risk” in Earthwork and Foundation Engineering ASCE:JSMFD, 91(SM4), pp. 1-40, 1965
1966 L. Bjerrum Progressive Failure of Slopes of Overconsolidated Plastic Clay and Clay Shales ASCE:JSMFD, 93(SM5), pp. 1-49, 1967
1967 Harry B. Seed Landslides During Earthquakes Due to Soil Liquefaction ASCE:JSMFD, 94(SM5), pp. 1053-1122, 1968
1968 P.C. Rutledge Utilization of Marginal Lands for Urban Development ASCE:JSMFD, 96(SM1), pp. 1-22, 1970
1969 Stanley D. Wilson Observational Data on Ground Movements Related to Slope Instability ASCE:JSMFD, 96(SM5), pp. 1519-1544, 1970
1970 T.William Lambe The Integrated Civil Engineering Project ASCE:JSMFD, 98(SM6), pp. 531-556, 1972
1971 John Lowe, III New Concepts in Consolidation and Settlement Analysis ASCE:JGED, 100(GT6), pp. 571-612, 1974
1972 B. McClelland Design of Deep Penetration Piles for Ocean Structures ASCE:JGED, 100(GT7), pp. 705-747, 1974
1973 F.E. Richart, Jr. Some effects of dynamic soil properties on soil-sructure interaction. ASCE:JGED, 101(GT12), pp. 1193-1240, 1975
1974 G. Geoffrey Meyerhof Bearing capacity and settlement of pile foundations ASCE:JGED, 102(GT3), pp. 195-228, 1976
1976 Lymon C. Reese Design and construction of drilled shafts ASCE:JGED, 104(GT1), pp. 91-116, 1978
1977 R.F. Legget Geology and geotechnical engineering ASCE:JGED, 105(GT3), pp. 339-391, 1979
1978 N.M. Newmark Observations on stresses in tunnel linings not published due to death of Dr. Newmark
1979 George F. Sowers There were giants on the earth in those days ASCE:JGED, 107(GT4), pp. 383-419, 1981
1980 G.A. Leonards Investigation of failures ASCE:JGED, 108(GT2), pp. 185-246, 1982
1981 Robert V. Whitman Evaluating calculated risk in geotechnical engineering ASCE:JGED, 110(2), pp. 143-188, 1984
1982 J.B. Cooke Progress in rockfill dams ASCE:JGED, 110(10), pp. 1381-1414, 1984
1983 R.F. Scott Plasticity and Constitutive Relations in Soil Mechanics ASCE:JGED, 111(5), pp. 559-605, 1985
1984 James K. Mitchell Practical Problems from Surprising Soil Behavior ASCE:JGED, 112(3), pp. 255-289, 1984
1985 J.O. Osterberg Necessary Redundancy in Geotechnical Engineering ASCE:JGED, 115(11), pp. 1511-1531, 1989
1986 Charles C. Ladd Stability Evaluation during Staged Construction ASCE:JGE, 117(4), pp. 540-6151, 1991
1987 L.E. Zeevaert Seismosoil Dynamics of Foundations in Mexico City Earthquake, September 19, 1985 ASCE:JGE, 117(3), pp. 376-428, 1991
1988 Elio O. D'Appolonia Monitored Decisions ASCE:JGE, 116(1), pp. 1-34, 1990
1989 John H. Schmertmann The Mechanical Aging of Soils ASCE:JGE, 117(9), pp. 1285-1330, 1991
1990 James P. Gould Geotechnology in Dispute Resolution ASCE:JGE, 121(7), pp. 521-534, 1995
1991 James M. Duncan Limitations of Conventional Analysis of Consolidation Settlement ASCE:JGE, 119(9), pp. 1331-1359, 1993
1992 Norbert R. Morgenstern Residual Strengths in Soils unpublished
1993 John A. Focht, Jr. Lessons Learned from Missed Predictions ASCE:JGE, 120(10), pp. 1651-1683, 1994
1994 G.Wayne Clough Soft Ground Tunneling unpublished
1995 Roy E. Olson Settlement of Embankments on Soft Clay ASCE:JGGE, 124(4), pp. 277-288, 1998 and 124(8), pp. 657-669,
1996 Robert M. Koerner Emerging and Future Developments of Selected Geosynthetic Applications ASCE:JGGE, 126(4), pp. 291-306, 2000
1997 Richard D. Woods Small Strain Measurements in Soil Dynamics unpublished
1998 Michael W. O'Neill Side Resistance in Piles and Drilled Shafts ASCE:JGGE, 127(1), pp. 1-16, 2001
1999 William F. Marcuson III Soil Mechanics and U.S. National Defense - A Mutually Beneficial Relationship ASCE:JGGE, 126(9), pp. 765-774, 2000
2000 Evert Hoek Big Tunnels in Bad Rock ASCE:JGGE, 126(9), pp. 765-774, 2000
2001 Susanne Lacasse Geotechnical Solutions for the Offshore – Synergy of Research and Practice unpublished
2002 Victor Milligan Some Uncertainties in Embankment Dam Engineering ASCE: JGGE, 129(9), pp. 785-797, 2003
2003 John T. Christian Geotechnical Engineering Reliability: How Well Do We Know What We Are ASCE: JGGE, 130(10), pp. 985-1003, 2004
2004 Harry G. Poulos Pile Behavior - Consequences of Natural and Construction Imperfections ASCE: JGGE, 131(5), pp.538-563, 2005
2005 Delwyn G. Fredlund Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice ASCE: JGGE, 132(3), pp. 286.321, 2006
2006 Raymond J. Krizek Dredged Materials: Friend or Foe? not yet published
2007George G. Goble: Application of dynamic methods to the design and installation of driven piles
2008Jean-Pierre Giroud: Criteria for geotextile and granular filters
2009Clyde N. Baker: Uncertain geotechnical truth and cost effective high rise foundation design (45. Terzaghi Lecture)
2010Robert D. Holtz: Reinforced soil technology: From experimental to the familiar
2011Kenneth H. StokoeII: Seismic measurements and geotechnical engineering
2012David E. Daniel: Geoenvironmental engineering - Problems solved and challenges remaining
2013Alfred J. Hendron: Improving dam safety with lessons learned from case histories of dam failures and observed dam performance
2014J. Carlos Santamarina: Energy geotechnology
2015Donald A. Bruce: The Evolution of Specialty Geotechnical Construction Techniques: The “Great Leap” Theory
2016Thomas O’Rourke: Ground Deformation Effects on Subsurface Pipelines & Infrastructure