


一部由薩伯哈什·哥亥導演,艾西瓦婭·雷 / 亞尼·卡普 / Akshaye Khanna / Amrish Puri / Alok Nath 等主演的電影。於1999年8月13日 在印度上映。
塔爾 [1] 
Thaalam/節奏 [2] 
類    型
B4U Entertainment[印度] [1] 
導    演
編    劇
Sachin Bhowmick/Subhash Ghai/Javed Siddiqui [2] 
主    演
Akshaye Khanna
Amrish Puri
Alok Nath
片    長
北印度語 /泰米爾語
tt0152836 [2] 


寶萊塢首次打入英國票房Top20的歌舞片。講述了兩個不同家庭背景的男女主角,突破重重阻礙最終走到了一起,完美的愛情故事。 [2] 
Manav (Akshaye Khanna) comes to visit India with his wealthy father Jagmohan Mehta (Amrish Puri), his aunt and uncle, and his father's employees. In Chamba he meets Mansi (Aishwarya Rai), the beautiful daughter of a spiritual singer named Tara Babu (Alok Nath); their families meet, and Jagmohan and Tara Babu become acquainted and friendly toward each other. Manav and Mansi fall in love, but when Jagmohan learns of this he packs the family up and moves them to their house in Mumbai, with the excuse that Mansi and her father are of low social status. However, he is nice to Tara Babu's face and invites him to come and stay with him and Mumbai if he, Tara Babu, ever happens to be travelling there. Mansi is distressed by Manav's departure but he assures her that he will not abandon her and that everything will be fine. She gives Manav his scarf which she modified, making it say "Manavsi", a mixture of their names.
When Tara Babu learns of Manav and Mansi's affair he is at first angry but soon agrees to travel to Mumbai to visit his younger sister Prabha and to meet Manav's family. Instead they are insulted by Jagmohan's sister-in-law, brother, and the employees and endure hostile treatment. They were forced to sit and wait outside for 9 hours before being invited into the house, were forced to sit on a bench near a guard dog's cage, and were told that they should have made an appointment before coming to visit. When Jagmohan finally arrives at the scene, he too insults Tara Babu, which results in Tara Babu's slapping him across the face. Manav also arrives, and he rudely reprimands Tara Babu as well. Meanwhile Mansi, after witnessing Manav shout at her father, makes it clear to Manav that she wants nothing to do with him anymore. She and her father then leave the Mehta household deeply hurt and grieved.
Mansi soon meets Vikrant Kapoor (Anil Kapoor), a successful and famous music producer/director, who happens to be a fan of Tara Babu's work. With the encouragement of her aunt Pradha, she arranges a three-year contract with Vikrant, and Mansi performs dance numbers and remixes of Tara Babu's songs as well as some of Vikrant's productions. She wins awards and becomes a sensation in India. In the meantime Vikrant starts to fall in love with Mansi. Matters are further complicated when Manav arrives to apologize to Mansi for what he and his family did, as she rejects him out of grief for how he treated her father. However, he tells her that he knows she still loves him, and that he will wait for her. Vikrant learns of what happened between Manav and Mansi, but he chooses to ignore it. He has a few encounters with Manav but takes them lightly.
Vikrant proposes to Mansi soon afterwards, and her father and aunt encourage her to accept it, with the hope that it will help her forget about Manav. She accepts the proposal even though she is not in love with Vikrant. After winning an International MTV Award in Canada, she comes back to India to prepare for the marriage. In the meantime Jagmohan and Tara Babu patch things up after Jagmohan realizes his mistake.
On the day of the marriage Manav arrives and tells Mansi that by marrying Vikrant when she loves Manav she is deceiving both him and herself, and that marriage is not a contract but a union of two souls; he reminds her that he loves her and will never stop waiting for her. Jagmohan also comes to the wedding with Manav and Tara Babu. Vikrant soon realizes, after seeing Mansi's reaction to seeing Manav, that she loves Manav. He assures her that the three of them can still be friends, and urges her to run to Manav. Jagmohan and Tara Babu give their blessings, and Manav and Mansi embrace. One of the last scenes shows everyone taking a family picture at the Mehta household after the wedding. [2] 
馬納夫(Akshaye Khanna)和他富有的父親Jagmohan Mehta(Amrish Puri)、他的姑姑和叔叔以及他父親的僱員來到印度。在查巴,他遇到了曼西(艾什瓦亞萊),一位名叫塔拉巴布(阿洛克·內特)的精神歌手的美麗女兒;他們的家人相見,傑格莫漢和塔拉巴布變得相識和友好。瑪納夫和曼西墜入愛河,但傑格莫漢得知此事後,以曼西和她父親社會地位低下為藉口,將他們一家打包搬到孟買的家中。不過,他對塔拉巴布的臉很好,如果塔拉巴布碰巧在孟買旅行,他會邀請他來孟買和他呆在一起。曼西為瑪納夫的離去感到難過,但他向瑪納夫保證,他不會拋棄她,一切都會好起來的。她把自己修改過的圍巾給了馬納夫,上面寫着“馬納維西”,這是他們名字的混合體。
曼西很快遇到了維克蘭特·卡普爾(Anil Kapoor),一位成功而著名的音樂製作人/導演,他碰巧是塔拉·巴布作品的粉絲。在阿姨普拉達的鼓勵下,她與維克蘭特安排了一份為期三年的合同,曼西表演了塔拉巴布的歌曲以及維克蘭特的一些作品的舞曲編號和混音。她獲獎並在印度引起轟動。與此同時,維克蘭特開始愛上曼西。當馬納夫來向曼西道歉時,事情變得更加複雜,因為曼西和他的家人做了什麼,因為她拒絕了他,因為他對她父親的態度很悲傷。然而,他告訴她,他知道她仍然愛他,他會等她。維克蘭特知道馬納夫和曼西之間發生了什麼,但他選擇忽略這件事。他和馬納夫有過幾次交鋒,但都不太在意。
結婚那天,瑪納夫來告訴曼西,當她愛瑪納夫的時候嫁給維克蘭特,她欺騙了他和她自己,婚姻不是一份契約,而是兩個靈魂的結合;他提醒她,他愛她,永遠不會停止等待她。賈格莫漢也和瑪納夫和塔拉·巴布一起來參加婚禮。維克蘭特很快意識到,在看到曼西的反應,看到馬納夫,她愛馬納夫。他向她保證,他們三個仍然可以成為朋友,並敦促她跑到瑪瑙。雅格摩罕和塔拉巴布祝福,瑪納夫和曼西擁抱。最後一幕是婚禮結束後大家在梅塔家合影留念。 [3] 


導演 Director
薩伯哈什·哥亥 Subhash Ghai
導演 Director
演員 Cast
  • 艾西瓦婭·雷 Aishwarya Rai演員 Actress代表作:寶萊塢機器人之戀/粉紅豹2/寶萊塢生死戀
  • 亞尼·卡普 Anil Kapoor演員 Actor代表作:貧民窟的百萬富翁/碟中諜4/24小時 第八季
  • 沙希德·卡普爾 Shahid Kapur演員 Actor代表作:印度豔后/忽然遇見你/季節
  • 阿洛克·納特 Alok Nath演員 Actor代表作:有時快樂有時悲傷/德里三人行/冷暖人間
  • 阿莫瑞什·普瑞 Amrish Puri演員 Actor代表作:奪寶奇兵2/真愛永存/勇奪芳心
  • 薩伯哈什·哥亥 Subhash Ghai演員 Actor代表作:化外之民/真假兄弟/色劫
  • 阿克夏耶·坎納 Akshaye Khanna演員 Actor代表作:一個母親的復仇/天作謎案/親密有罪
編劇 Writer
薩伯哈什·哥亥 Subhash Ghai
演員 Actor
薩欽·鮑彌克 Sachin Bhowmick
編劇 Writer
賈韋德·西迪基 Javed Siddiqui
編劇 Writer
製片人 Producer
薩伯哈什·哥亥 Subhash Ghai
演員 Actor
音樂 Music Department
A·R·拉曼 A.R. Rahman
攝影 Camera Department
Kabir Lal
剪輯 Editorial Department
薩伯哈什·哥亥 Subhash Ghai
演員 Actor
美術 Art Department
Sharmishta Roy
美術設計 Art Director
代表作:真愛永存/愛無國界/勇奪芳心 [2] 