
古同「」,嘆息的意思。在南方各個方言中都比較常用,借用這個字的讀音字形用來表示“的”。閩語、粵語、贛語、客家話等南方方言都使用來表示“的”的意思,特別是粵語,明確使用此字。 [1] 
部    首
字    形
左右結構 [2] 


「嘅」是「慨」的異體字,在南方各方言「閩語、粵語、贛語、客家話等」中都是常用字,借用這個字的讀音字形用來表示「」。 [1] 


嘆也。從口,旣聲。《詩》曰:「嘅其嘆矣。」苦蓋切 [1] 
嘆也。從口,旣聲。苦葢切。十五部。詩曰。嘅其嘆矣。王風。 [1] 





1.(廣東話) 用嚟連接兩個名詞短語,表示從屬關係,指後者屬於前者,或者系前者一部分
(英文) used with two noun phrases to indicate possession; the latter belongs to, or is a part of, the former; similar to English " 's "
(粵) 邊個嘅? (bin1 go3 ge3?)
(英) Whose?
(粵) 系我嘅。 (hai6 ngo5 ge3.)
(英) (It's) mine.
(粵) 嗰本系我嘅書。 (go2 bun2 hai6 ngo5 ge3 syu1.)
(英) That is my book.
(粵) 商場嘅廁所喺一樓。 (soeng1 coeng4 ge3 ci3 so2 hai2 jat1 lau2.)
(英) The restroom in this shopping mall is on the first floor.
(粵) 呢間公司嘅員工好後生。 (ni1 gaan1 gung1 si1 ge3 jyun4 gung1 hou2 hau6 saang1.)
(英) The employees of this company are so young.
(粵) 大災難已經降臨喺大家嘅身上。 (daai6 zoi1 naan6 ji5 ging1 gong3 lam4 hai2 daai6 gaa1 ge3 san1 soeng6.)
(英) A great disaster has befallen us all.
2.(廣東話) 用短句去為名詞添加附加描述嗰陣,放喺短句後面、名詞前面
(英文) inserted between the modifying clause/phrase and the noun, often translated into "that" or "which" in English
(粵) 佢系呢度最靚嘅女仔。 (keoi5 hai6 ni1 dou6 zeoi3 leng3 ge3 neoi5 zai2)
(英) She is the prettiest girl here.
(粵) 今日嚟唔到開會嘅成員,記得要睇返會議記錄呀! (gam1 jat6 lai4 m4 dou2 hoi1 wui2 ge3 sing4 jyun4, gei3 dak1 jiu3 tai2 faan1 wui6 ji5 gei3 luk6 aa3!)
(英) Members who couldn't attend today's meeting, please remember to read the minutes!
(粵) 呢個系一個喺美國好出名嘅網站。 (ni1 go3 hai6 jat1 go3 hai2 mei5 gwok3 hou2 ceot1 meng2 ge3 mong5 zaam6.)
(英) This is a website that is famous in the United States.
(粵) 呢兩箱嘅冬天衫,你好似冇乜點着噉噃。 (ni1 loeng5 soeng1 ge3 dung1 tin1 saam1, nei5 hou2 ci5 mou5 mat1 dim2 zoek3 gam2 bo3.)
(英) You don't seem to wear these two boxes of winter clothes very often.


1.(廣東話) 表示疑問,用嚟詢問原因
(英文) used to express doubt or inquire into the reasons behind something
(粵) 點解嘅? (dim2 gaai2 ge2?)
(英) Why?
(粵) 乜你重喺度嘅? (mat1 nei5 zung6 hai2 dou6 ge2?)
(英) How come you're still here?
(粵) 你做乜唔走嘅? (nei5 zou6 mat1 m4 zau2 ge2?)
(英) Why haven't you left?
(粵) 你搞咩嚟啊?周身傷嘅? (nei5 gaau2 me1 lei4 aa3? zau1 san1 soeng1 ge2?)
(英) What happened? Why have you got bruises everywhere?
(粵) 收唔到訊號嘅? (sau1 m4 dou2 seon3 hou6 ge2?)
(英) Why is there no signal?
2.(廣東話) 以詰問形式表示感嘆
(英文) used in rhetorical questions to express exclamation, as a variant of 1 with a weaker interrogative sense
(粵) 又會咁啱嘅? (jau6 wui5 gam3 ngaam1 ge2?)
(英) What a coincidence!
(粵) 噉重成世界嘅? (gam2 zung6 sing4 sai3 gaai3 ge2?)
(英) What has become of this world?
(粵) 唔畀人行都有嘅? (m4 bei2 jan4 haang4 dou1 jau5 ge2?)
(英) How can you not let people pass through?
(粵) 粒士多啤梨咁酸嘅! (nap1 si6 do1 be1 lei2 gam3 syun1 ge2!)
(英) What a sour strawberry!
(粵) 只玩具熊咁得意嘅,邊度買㗎? (zek3 wun6 geoi6 hung4 gam3 dak1 ji3 ge2, bin1 dou6 maai5 gaa3?)
(英) Such a cute teddy bear. Where did you buy it?
(粵) 僕你個街,亞視嚟嘅! (puk1 nei5 go3 gaai1, aa3 si6 lei4 ge2!)
(英) What the bloody hell, (how come) it's ATV!
(粵) 呢度都唔好玩嘅,走喇。 (ni1 dou6 dou1 m4 hou2 waan2 ge2, zau2 laa3.)
(英) This place isn't fun at all, let's go.
(粵) 人家講得咁白,你都仲唔明解嘅。 (jan4 gaa1 gong2 dak1 gam3 baak6, nei5 dou1 zung6 m4 ming4 gaai2 ge2.)
(英) I'm making myself pretty clear. How can you still not understand?
(粵) 超!流嘅! (ciu1! lau4 ge2!)
(英) Sheesh, it's fake.
(粵) 你份人都冇解嘅! (nei5 fan6 jan4 dou1 mou5 gaai2 ge2!)
(英) You are out of reason!
(粵) 噉嘅服務態度,都唔知系咪做生意嘅! (gam2 ge3 fuk6 mou6 taai3 dou6, dou1 m4 zi1 hai6 mai6 zou6 saang1 ji3 ge2!)
(英) What kind of customer service is that? I thought they were real businessmen (who knew how to treat customers right)!
3.(廣東話) 陳述嘅時候弱化語氣,表示疑惑、猶豫;有時會拖長啲嚟講
(英文) used in statements to weaken the speaker's tone to express doubt or hesitation; sometimes uttered with a prolonged pronunciation
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) 都好嘅都好嘅…… (dou1 hou2 ge2 dou1 hou2 ge2......)
(英) That's also fine, I guess...
(粵) 聽日會嚟嘅。 (ting1 jat6 wui5 lei4 ge2.)
(英) I'll come tomorrow. Maybe.
(粵) OK嘅。 (ou1 kei1 ge2.)
(英) It's sort of okay...
(粵) 你都講得啱嘅。 (nei5 dou1 gong2 dak1 ngaam1 ge2.)
(英) I guess you kinda have a point...
4.(廣東話) 弱化陳述語氣,輕描淡寫
(英文) used to weaken the speaker's tone to express an understatement
(粵) 擦損咗少少啫,冇咩嘅。 (caat3 syun2 zo2 siu2 siu2 ze1, mou5 me1 ge2.)
(英) Just a scratch. No big deal.
(粵) 畫啦,張紙唔重要嘅。 (waak6 laa1, zoeng1 zi2 m4 zung6 jiu3 ge2.)
(英) Feel free to draw on it. It's just scrap paper.
(粵) 街度攞㗎,唔使錢嘅。 (gaai1 dou6 lo2 gaa3, m4 sai2 cin2 ge2.)
(英) I got it from some street booth for free.
(粵) 「咦,乜咁錯蕩啊?」「哦,我嚟揾阿晴嘅。」 (ji2, mat1 gam3 co3 dong6 aa3? o5, ngo5 lai4 wan2 aa3 cing4 ge2.)
(英) "Huh? How come you're here? I don't see you here very often." "Oh, I came for Ching."
(粵) 噉佢又真系幫唔落嘅。 (gam2 keoi5 jau6 zan1 hai6 bong1 m4 lok6 ge2.)
(英) Well, it's kinda true that he deserves no help.
5.(廣東話) 好多時同「咪」或者「又系」一齊用,提醒對方過去發生嘅事
(英文) usually used with 咪 mai6 or 又系 jau6 hai6 to remind the hearer of a past event
(粵) 噚晚你咪話你買咗拼圖返屋企砌嘅,砌成點啊而家? (cam4 maan5 nei5 mai6 waa6 nei5 maai5 zo2 ping3 tou4 faan1 uk1 kei2 cai3 ge2, cai3 seng4 dim2 aa3 ji4 gaa1?)
(英) Hey, didn't you say last night that you bought some puzzles to do at home? How are you doing so far?
(粵) 我哋嗰次咪去食飯嘅,撞到嗰個咪阿杰囉。 (ngo5 dei6 go2 ci3 mai6 heoi3 sik6 faan6 ge2, zong6 dou2 go2 go3 mai6 aa3 git6 lo1.)
(英) Do you remember that time we ate out? Ah Kit's the guy we bumped into.
(粵) 又系你話嘅,閒事莫理吖嘛。 (jau6 hai6 nei5 waa6 ge2, haan4 si6 mok6 lei5 aa1 maa3.)
(英) It's you who told me to mind my own business.
6.(廣東話) 喺舉出事實辯解嘅時候用
(英文) used to cite a fact as evidence in defense
(粵) 我叫佢咁做嘅,邊關佢事唧? (ngo5 giu3 keoi5 gam2 zou6 ge2, bin1 gwaan1 keoi5 si6 zek1?)
(英) I told her to do it. It isn't her fault.
(粵) 乜條裙真系唔靚咩?我男朋友讚我着得好睇我先買嘅。 (mat1 tiu4 kwan4 zan1 hai6 m4 leng3 me1? ngo5 naam4 pang4 jau5 zaan3 ngo5 zoek3 dak1 hou2 tai2 ngo5 sin1 maai5 ge2.)
(英) Is the dress really that bad? I only bought it because my boyfriend said I looked good in it.

