


周勉,女,博士,華東理工大學生物工程學院副教授、碩士生導師 [1] 
職    業


2009年畢業於南京大學生命科學院,獲理學學士學位。2014年於美國德克薩斯大學西南醫學中心(UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas)獲博士學位,2014年12月加入華東理工大學,先後入選“上海市浦江人才計劃(2015)”、“上海市晨光計劃(2015)”、“上海市青年科技啓明星計劃(2019)”等人才項目,華東理工大學“青年英才引進與培育計劃(2015、2019)” [1] 


本課題組致力於研究基因密碼子偏好調控基因轉錄和蛋白質翻譯的分子機制,以及在此理論研究基礎上的底盤細胞構建和表達系統改造。具體研究方向包括: [1]  1、密碼子偏好影響基因轉錄的機制研究,包括基因組表觀遺傳形態的改變、RNA穩定性的改變以及轉錄活躍性改變;


代表性研究成果發表在Nature主刊,Molecular Microbiology,EMBO Reports, Scientific Reports等期刊上。擔任國家重點研發計劃子課題負責人,獲國家自然科學基金青年項目(2016)和華東理工大學青年教師探索研究基金(2017)資助。
1. Mian Zhou, Jinhu Guo, Joonseok Cha, Michael Chae, She Chen, Jose Barral, Matthew Sachs, Yi Liu*. Non-optimal codon usage affects expression, structure and function of clock protein FRQ. 2013 Nature,
2. Joonseok Cha, Mian Zhou, Yi Liu*. CATP is a critical component of theNeurosporacircadian clock by regulating the nucleosome occupancy rhythm at the frequency locus. 2013 EMBO reports,
3. Mian Zhou, Tao Wang, Jingjing Fu, Guanghua Xiao, Yi Liu*. Non-optimal codon usage influences protein structure in intrinsically disordered regions. Molecular Microbiology 2015,
4. Wei Shen, Ying Xue, Yiqi Liu, Chuixing Kong, Xiaolong Wang, Mengmeng Huang, Menghao Cai, Xiangshan Zhou, Yuanxing Zhang, Mian Zhou*. A novel methanol-freePichia pastorissystem for recombinant protein expression. Microbial Cell Factories 2016,
5. Xiaolong Wang, Qi Wang, Jinjia Wang, Peng Bai, Lei Shi, Wei Shen, Mian Zhou, Xiangshan Zhou, Yuanxing Zhang, Menghao Cai*. Mit1 transcription factor mediates methanol signaling and regulatesalcohol oxidase 1promoter inPichia pastoris. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2016,
6. Zhipeng Zhou, Yunkun Dang, Mian Zhou, Liande Li, Chien-Hung Yu, Jingjing Fu, She Chen, Yi Liu*. Codon usage is an important determinant of gene expression levels largely through its effects on transcription. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2016,
7. Jingjing Fu, Katherine Murphy, Mian Zhou, YingLi, Vu Lam, Christine Tabuloc, Joanna Chiu*, Yi Liu*. Codon usage affects the structure and function of the Drosophila circadian clock protein PERIOD. Genes and Development 2016,
8.Wei Shen, Chuixing Kong, Ying Xue, Yiqi Liu, Menghao Cai, Yuanxing Zhang, Tianyi Jiang, Xiangshan Zhou* and Mian Zhou*. Kinase screening in Pichia pastoris identified promising targets involved in cell growth and Alcohol Oxidase 1 promoter (PAOX1) regulation. PLoS One 2016, online.
9. Ning Xu, Jinxiang Zhu, Qiaoyun Zhu, Yanzi Xing, Menghao Cai, Tianyi Jiang, Mian Zhou* and Yuanxing Zhang. Identification and characterization of novel promoters for recombinant protein production in yeast Pichia pastoris. Yeast 2018,
10. Zhen Yang, Xiaohui Zhou, Yue Ma, Mian Zhou, Matthew K. Waldor, Yuanxing Zhang and Qiyao Wang*. Serine/threonine kinase PpkA coordinates the interplay between T6SS2 activation and quorum sensing in the marine pathogen Vibrio alginolyticus. Environmental Microbiology 2018, Epub ahead of print.
11.Zhipeng Zhou, Yunkun Dang, Mian Zhou, Haiyan Yuan and Yi Liu*. Codon usage biases co-evolve with transcription termination machinery to suppress premature cleavage and polyadenylation. Elife 2018,
12.Jinxiang Zhu, Ruiqing Gong, Qiaoyun Zhu, Qiulin He, Ning Xu, Yichun Xu, Menghao Cai, Xiangshan Zhou, Yuanxing Zhang and Mian Zhou*. Genome-wide determination of gene essentiality by transposon insertion sequencing in yeastPichia pastoris. Scientific Reports 2018,
13.Jinxiang Zhu, Qiaoyun Zhu, Ruiqing Gong, Qin Xu, Menghao Cai, Tianyi Jiang, Xiangshan Zhou, Mian Zhou* and Yuanxing Zhang. PiggyBac transposon-mediated mutagenesis and application in yeastKomagataella phaffii. Biotechnology Letters 2018
14.Xiaoyue Sun, Wei Shen, Yanyun Gao, Menghao Cai, Mian Zhou* and Yuanxing Zhang.Heterologous expression and purification of a marine alginate lyase in Escherichia coli. Protein Expression and Purification 2019, [1] 
  • 1.    周勉  .華東理工大學[引用日期2020-04-16]