


吳靜,女,漢族,研究員,現任清華大學環境學院黨委副書記,畢業於清華大學。 [1] 
國    籍
民    族


1997.9-2002.1 清華大學環境科學與工程系,獲碩士和博士學位 [2] 
1992.9-1997.7 清華大學環境科學與工程系,獲學士學位


2001.12-2005.12 清華大學環境科學與工程系,助理研究 [3] 
2003.10-2004.10 法國科學研究中心洛林理工大學化工實驗室,博士後
2005.12-2011.01 清華大學環境科學與工程系,副研究員
2011.01-2019.12 清華大學環境學院,副研究員
2019.12- 清華大學環境學院,研究員
2009 法國科學研究中心,外國研究員
2010-2012 Global Journal of Environmental Science and Technology編委
2012-2017 中國環境科學學會高級會員
2013- IWA中國厭氧消化專業委員會理事
2017-2020 中國沼氣學會副秘書長
2017-2026 全國工業過程測量控制和自動化標準化技術委員會分析儀器分委員會委員
2019.12 - 清華大學環境學院,研究員
2020-2022 Environmental Quality Management編委
2021-2026 中國環境科學學會理事


污水石油類污染紫外熒光現場監測設備,863重點項目, 2009-2012
城市水環境安全監管體系研究與綜合示範, 國家水污染重大專項,2010-2011
中國污水廠甲烷產生、排放與利用,美國Blue Moon基金會,2005-2006
勝利油田粉煤灰吸附採油廢水機理研究,橫向, 2003-2004


2019年, 2018年度“中國水業人物”之“教學與科研貢獻獎”,《給水排水》雜誌主辦
2014年, 16屆中國國際工業博覽會高校展區優秀展品獎二等獎(第一發明人), 上海,國家發展和改革委員會、商務部、工業和信息化部、科學技術部、中國科學院、中國工程院、中國國際貿易促進委員會和上海市人民政府主辦
2014年, 新型高效厭氧懸浮牀反應器關鍵技術、裝備及應用,教育部技術發明獎二等獎(排名第四)


1. YuyingHu; Xin Wang; Shihao Zhang; Chuqiao Wang; Jing Wu;Souhila Poncin; Li Xu; Gaoping Xu; Huai Z. Li; Fengping Hu. Optimizing mixingstrategy to improve hydrodynamic characterization of high solid anaerobicdigestion. Journal of Environmental Sciences.
2. Areview on fluorescence spectroscopic analysis of water and wastewater. Methodsand Applications in Fluorescence. Accepted
3. Shen,Jian; Deng, Shubo; Wu, Jing.Tracing Pollution Sources from Water Body by Fluorescence FingerprintTechnique: An Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Experiment for Undergraduate. TheJournal of Chemical Education. Accepted
4. YuyingHu, Shihao Zhang, Xin Wang, Xiaoming Peng, Fengping Hu, Chuqiao Wang, JingWu*,Souhila Poncin, Huai Z.Li*. Visualization of mass transfer in mixing processesin high solid anaerobic digestion using Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF)technique. Waste Management. 127, 2021, 121-129.
5. MuhammadAbid, Jing Wu,Mahdi Seyedsalehi, Yu-ying Hu, Tian Guangliang. Novel insights of impacts ofsolid content on high solid anaerobic digestion of cow manure: kinetics andmicrobial community dynamics. Bioresource Technology. 2021, 333, 125205
6. JianShen, Chuanyang Liu, Qing Lv, Junqiang Gu, Mingyu Su, Shifeng Wang, Yidi Chai, ChengCheng, Jing Wu*.Novel insights into impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on aquatic environment ofBeijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in southern Jiangsu region. Water Research.2021.193,116873
7. JianShen; Bo Liu; Yidi Chai; Chuanyang Liu; Cheng Cheng; Wu Jing*.Characterizing fluorescence fingerprints of different types of metal platingwastewater by fluorescence excitation-emission matrix. Environmental Research. 2021.194, 110713
8. 程澄; 錢玉亭; 黃振榮; 姜靜; 邵立; 王忠喜; 呂偉明; 吳靜*.江蘇江陰污水處理廠排水的三維熒光光譜特徵. 光譜學與光譜分析, 2021, 41 (12): 3791-3796
9. 梁鴻,王文霞,蔣冰豔,劉偉龍,王士峯,梁漫春,吳靜*.水污染預警溯源技術用於工業污染源精準監管的案例研究.環境影響評價.2021,43,56-59
10. 劉傳暘; 柴一荻; 徐憲根; 周俊; 陸森森; 沈鑑; 何苗; 吳靜*.南方某河水質熒光指紋特徵及污染溯源. 光譜學與光譜分析, 2021, 7, 2142-2147
11. 祖麗徳孜努蘭; 沈鑑; 冷曉婷; 柴一荻; 王士峯; 胡遠; 崔皓月; 吳靜*.硫胺素-三維熒光法測定水中汞離子的研究.光譜學與光譜分析,2021,41,1846-1851
12. KunLi; Kaijun Wang; Jingyao Wang; QuanYuan; Chuan Shi; JingWu;Jiane Zuo. Performance assessment and metagenomic analysis of full-scaleinnovative two-stage anaerobic digestion biogas plant for food wastes treatment.Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 264, 121646.
13. ChengCheng; Bo Liu; Chuanyang Liu; Jian Shen; Juldez Nurlan; Muhammad Farooq S Khan;Zhenrong Huang; Yuting Qian; Fei Shen; Jing Wu*.Tracking variation of fluorescent dissolved organic matter during full-scaleprinting and dyeing wastewater treatment. Chemosphere.2020, 252, 126559
14. MuhammadFarooq Saleem Khan, Jing Wu*,Cheng Cheng, Mona Akbar, Bo Liu, Chuan Yang Liu, Jian Shen, Yu Xin. Insight intofluorescence properties of 14 selected toxic single-ring aromatic compounds inwater: experimental and DFT study. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2020, 14(3),42
15. JianShen, Bo Liu, Jing Wu*,Yidi Chai, Cheng Cheng, Chuanyang Liu,Rui Yan, Muhammad Farooq Saleem Khan. Characterization of fluorescent dissolvedorganic matters in metalworking fluid by fluorescence excitation-emission matrixand high-performance liquid chromatography. Chemosphere. 2019, 239.124703
16. Yu-yingHu; Jing Wu*; Huai-zhi Li; Souhila Poncin; Kai-jun Wang; Jiane Zuo. Studyof an enhanced dry anaerobic digestion of swine manure: performance andmicrobial community property. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 282,353-360
17. Yu-yingHu, Jing Wu*, Huai-zhi Li, Souhila Poncin, Kai-jun Wang, Jian-e Zuo. Novelinsight into high solid anaerobic digestion of swine manure after thermaltreatment: Kinetics and microbial community properties. Journal of Environmental Management. 2019,235:169-177.
18. LiZ., Hu Y., Liu C., Shen J., Wu J. *,Li H., Wang K., Zuo J., Performance and microbial community of an expanded granularsludge bed reactor in the treatment of cephalosporin wastewater, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 275: 94-100.
19. Bo Liu,JingWu*,Cheng Cheng,Jiukai Tang,Muhammad Farooq Saleem Khan, Jian Shen. Identification of textilewastewater in water bodies by fluorescence excitation emission matrix-parallelfactor analysis and high-performance size exclusion chromatography. Chemosphere. 2019, 216, 617-623
20. HuiGong, Zhengyu Jin, Heng Xu, Quan Yuan, Jiane Zuo, Jing Wu, Kaijun Wang.Enhanced membrane-based pre-concentration improves wastewater organic matterrecovery: Pilot-scale performance and membrane fouling.Journalof Cleaner Production. 2019, 206,307-314.
21. ZohaibUr Rehman Afridi, Wu Jing,Hassan Younas. Biogas Production and Fundamental Mass Transfer Mechanism inAnaerobic Granular Sludge. Sustainability. 2019, 11, 4443
22. Zohaib Ur Rehman Afridi, JingWu*, Zhong Hua Li, Raseduzzman Akand, Zhi Ping Cao, Souhila Poncin, HuaiZhi Li. Novel insight of spatialmass transfer conditions of upflow anaerobic reactor. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018,204:390-398.
23. JiukaiTang, Jing WU*, Zhonghua LI, Cheng CHENG, Bo LIU, Yidi CHAI, YongjunWANG. Novel insights into variation of fluorescent dissolved organic mattersduring antibiotic wastewater treatment by excitation emission matrix coupledwith parallel factor analysis and cosine similarity assessment. Chemosphere. 2018, 210: 843-848.
24. HuiGong, Zhengyu Jin, Heng Xu, Qingbin Wang, Jiane Zuo, Jing Wu, KaijunWang. Redesigning C and N mass flows for energy-neutral wastewater treatment bycoagulation adsorption enhanced membrane (CAEM)-based pre-concentrationprocess. Chemical Engineering Journal.2018, 342,304-309
25. YuyingHu, Jing Wu*,Souhila Poncin, et al. Flow field investigation of high solid anaerobicdigestion by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Science of the Total Environment. 2018,626:592-602.
26. Cheng Cheng,Jing Wu*,Luodan You,Jiukai Tang,Yidi Chai,Bo Liu,MuhammadFarooq Saleem Khan. Novel insights into variation ofdissolved organic matter during textile wastewater treatment by fluorescenceexcitation emission matrix. Chemical EngineeringJournal, 2018, 335: 13-21
27. 胡遠,柴一荻,劉博,王文霞,湯久凱,付新梅,吳靜*,某獸藥抗生素廢水的熒光水質指紋特徵.光譜學與光譜分析.2018, 38(10):3144-3147.
28. Muhammad Farooq Saleem KHAN, Jing WU*, Bo LIU, Cheng CHENG, JiukaiTANG, Mona AKBAR, Yidi CHAI, Aisha MEMON. Fluorescence and photophysicalproperties of xylene isomers in water: with experimental and theoretical approaches.Royal Society Open Science. 2018, rsos.royalsocietypublishing.orgR.Soc.opensci.5:171719
29. Jing Wu *, ZhipingCao, Yuying Hu, Xiaolu Wang, Guangqi Wang, Jiane Zuo, Kaijun Wang, Yi Qian. Microbialinsight into a pilot-scale enhanced two-stage high-solid anaerobic digestionsystem treating waste activated sludge. International Journal of Environmental Research and PublicHealth. 2017, 14, 1483-1509.
30. ZohaibUr Rehman Afridi, Jing Wu*, Zhi Ping Cao, Zhong Liang Zhang, Zhong HuaLi, Souhila Poncin, Huai Zhi Li. Insight into mass transfer by convectivediffusion in anaerobic granules to enhance biogas production. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2017,127:154-160.
31. Jing WU*,Yu-ying HU, Shi-feng WANG, Zhi-ping CAO, Huai-zhi Li, Xin-Mei Fu, Kai-jun WANG,Jian-e ZUO. Effects of thermal treatment onhigh solid anaerobic digestion of swine manure: Enhancement assessment and kineticanalysis. Waste Management.2017, 62: 69-75.
32. 曹知平,吳靜*,左劍惡等。強化兩相污泥高固厭氧消化系統的微生物羣落。環境科學,2017,38(5):2059-2064.
33. 黃振榮,程澄,湯久凱,呂偉明,陶婷婷,王曉炯,吳靜*.印染廢水處理廠排水中有機物的熒光方法表徵. 光譜學與光譜分析,2017, 31(10):3118-3121.
34. 郭香麟;左劍惡*;史緒川;王凱軍;吳靜.餐廚垃圾與秸稈混合中温和高温厭氧消化對比,環境科學,2017,07,3070-3077
35. 湯久凱,吳靜*,程澄,李中華,趙宇菲,王士峯,王勇軍.某半合成青黴素製藥廢水的水質指紋特性.光譜學與光譜分析, 2016, 36(11):3602-3606.
36. Jiankai Jiang, JingWu, Souhila Poncin, Huai Z. Li. Rheologicalcharacterization of digested sludge by solid sphere impact. Bioresource Technology, 218 (2016) 301-306.
37. Jiankai Jiang, JingWu*, Zhongliang Zhang, Souhila Poncin, Véronique Falk, Huai Z. Li*. Crater formation on anaerobicgranular sludge. Chemical EngineeringJournal, 300(2016):423-428.
38. Yuanyuan Wu, Cuiping Wang, Xiaoji Liu, Hailing Ma, Jing Wu, Jiane Zuo, Kaijun Wang. A newmethod of two-phase anaerobic digestion for fruit and vegetable wastetreatment. Bioresource Technology,2016, 211:16-23.
39. Zhengyu Jin, Hui Gong, Hardy Temmink, Haifeng Nie, Jing Wu, Jiane Zuo, Kaijun Wang. Efficientsewage pre-concentration with combined coagulation microfiltration for organicmatter recovery. Chemical EngineeringJournal, 2016, 292: 130-138.
40. Jiankai Jiang, JingWu*, Souhila Poncin, Huai Z. Li*. Effect of hydrodynamicshear on biogas production and granule characteristics in a continuous stirredtank reactor. Process Biochemistry. 2016, 51(3): 345-351.
41. Jing Wu*, Zohaib Ur Rehman Afridi,Zhi Ping Cao, et al. Sizeeffect of anaerobic granular sludge on biogas production: A micro scale study. Bioresource Technology. 2016. 202:165-171.
42. 呂清,徐詩琴,顧俊強,王士峯,吳靜*,程 澄,湯久凱.基於水紋識別的水體污染溯源案例研究.光譜學與光譜分析.2016,8:2590-2595.
43. 吳靜*,趙宇菲,曹炯準,楊林,李中華,湯久凱.某頭孢製藥廢水的水質指紋特徵.光譜學與光譜分析,2016,36(4):1075-1079.
44. 胡玉瑛,吳靜,王士峯,曹知平,王凱軍,左劍惡.熱處理對豬糞高固厭氧消化產甲烷能力的影響. 環境科學.2015.36:3094-3098.
45. 王士峯,吳靜*,程澄,楊林,趙宇菲,呂清,付新梅.某印染廢水的水質指紋特徵.光譜學與光譜分析.2015,35(12):3440-3443.
46. 蔡博峯,高慶先,李中華,吳靜,王軍霞.中國污水處理廠甲烷排放研究. 中國環境科學,2015,35(12):3810-3816.
47. 吳靜,姜豔,曹知平等,剩餘污泥低温熱水解中試. 清華大學學報(自然科學版),2015,55(1):93-97.
48. J. Wu, Y.Jiang, Z. P. Cao, Z. H. L, Y. Y. Hu, H. Z. Li, J. E. Zuo, K. J. Wang. Enhanced anaerobicdigestion of waste activated sludge of low organic content in a novel digester.Water Science and Technology. 2015,72:966-973
49. Jing WU*;Jinbai Zhang; Souhila Poncin; Huai Z. Li; Jiankai Jiang; Zohaib Ur Rehman. Effects of rising biogasbubbles on the hydrodynamic shear conditions around anaerobic granule. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2015,273:111–119.
50. 呂清,顧俊強,徐詩琴,吳靜.水紋預警溯源技術在地表水水質監測的應用.中國環境監測. 2015.31(1):152-156
51. Wedraogo T.N., Poncin S., Wu J., Li Huai Z. Intensified biogas purification in a stirred tank.Chemical Engineering and Processing:Process Intensification. 2014, 01, 86:1-8
52. 史琳,王福強,吳靜,楊倩鵬,李輝.基於典型印染廢水餘熱熱泵回收的熱力學分析.熱科學與技術. 2014, 13(4):300-303.
53. 吳靜,王廣啓,曹知平,李中華,胡玉瑛,王凱軍,左劍惡. “熱水解-高温厭氧消化”工藝處理高含固率剩餘污泥的中試研究.環境科學. 2014, 35(9):3461-3465.
54. Jiang J.K., Wu J.,Poncin S., Li H.Z.* Rheological characteristics of highly concentrated anaerobic digested sludge. BiochemicalEngineering Journal. 2014, 86: 57-61.
55. Jiang JK*, Wu J,et al. Multiscale hydrodynamic investigation to intensify the biogasproduction in upflow anaerobic reactors. BioresourceTechnology, 2014,155,1-7.
56. 謝超波,吳靜*,曹知平,楊林,呂清,張仁泉.大流量河道的水質熒光指紋變化. 光譜學與光譜分析.2014,34(3):695-697.
57. 尹丹丹,吳靜*,謝超波,曹知平,呂清,張仁泉。同分異構體菲與蒽三維熒光特徵的比較.光譜學與光譜分析.2013,33,12:3263-3268
58. 吳靜*,謝超波,曹知平,尹丹丹.熒光指紋技術----化學試劑質量檢測新工具. 光譜學與光譜分析.2013,33,2:395-398
59. 戴春燕,吳靜*,向熙,謝超波,尹丹丹,曹知平,呂清.工業廢水為主的城市污水的熒光指紋特徵. 光譜學與光譜分析.2013.33,2:414-417
60. 王廣啓,吳靜, 左劍惡,王凱軍.城市污泥高固體濃度厭氧消化的研究進展.中國沼氣,2013,31(6):9-12
61. 楊倩鵬,吳靜,王福強,史琳.熱泵回收印染餘熱系統的設計及維護管理. 印染,2013, 11:30-35
62. Zhang,J. B., Wu, J., Poncin, S., Hamelin,M., & Li, H. Z.*, Microscale investigation of anaerobic biogas productionunder various hydrodynamic conditions.Environmental science & technology, 2012, 46(16), 8698-8704.
63. Jing Wu*, Lei Bi, Jin Bai Zhang, Souhila Poncin, Zhi Ping Cao, Huai ZhiLi. Effects of increase modes of shear force on granule disruption in upflowanaerobic reactors. Water Research. 2012.46, 3189 -3196.
64. Wu J.*, J.B. Zhang, Y. Jiang, Z.P.Cao, S. Poncin, H.Z. Li. Impacts of hydrodynamic conditions on sludge digestionin internal circulation anaerobic digester. ProcessBiochemistry. 2012.47,1627-1632.
65. 張仲良,吳靜,蔣劍凱,姜潔,李懷志.一種厭氧微觀定量研究新方法.環境科學.2012,32(11)337-341.
66. 代京京,吳靜*,謝超波,尹丹丹.丁基萘磺酸鈉水溶液的三維熒光特性.光譜學與光譜分析. 2012,32,11:3053-3057.
67. Jiang Y, Wu J, et al. Overall estimation of mesophilic high-rate anaerobicsludge digestion in internal circulation anaerobic digester integrated withsewage source heat pump. Water Practiceand Tech. 2012,7,1
68. 吳靜*, 謝超波,曹知平,孫亞楠,向熙,戴春燕.煉油廢水的熒光指紋特徵. 光譜學與光譜分析.2012. 32,2:415-419
69. 吳靜*,崔碩,謝超波,曹知平,陳茂福,律嚴勵.好氧處理後城市污水熒光指紋的變化.光譜學與光譜分析.2011.31(12):1-5
70. 吳靜*,曹知平,謝超波,孫亞楠,戴春燕,向熙.石化廢水的三維熒光光譜特徵. 光譜學與光譜分析.2011.31(9): 2437-2441
71. Zhang J B, Poncin S., WuJ. et al. A multiscale approach for studying an anaerobic multiphasebioreactor. Chemical Engineering Science(2011), 66(14), 3423 - 3431
72. 吳靜,趙鵬娟,田磊, 史琳, 施漢昌,姜豔.高温污泥厭氧消化器的啓動.環境科學.2011, 32(2):217-220.
73. 田磊, 史琳, 吳靜, 趙鵬娟, 施漢昌. 基於污水源熱泵的污泥高温厭氧消化系統實驗研究. 應用基礎與工程科學學報.2011,19(5):792-797.
74. 吳靜*,崔碩,蘇偉,曹知平. 北京城市水體的三維熒光特徵. 光譜學與光譜分析.2011.31(6):1562-1566
75. WU J., ZHAO P.J., TIAN L., SHIL. and SHI H.C. Internal circulation anaerobic digester----a upflow anaerobicsludge digester. Journal of Biotechnology, 150, 2010, S39
76. 吳靜,黃建東,陸正禹等.內循環厭氧反應器的快速啓動策略.清華大學學報.2010.50,3:400-402
77. 吳靜,田磊,温宗國等.基於區域組團式水熱能綜合利用的化纖行業節能減排模式.化工環保.2010,30(1): 72-75
78. 蔣劍凱,吳靜,劉雪華.景觀湖水質的三維熒光指紋. 光譜學與光譜分析, 2010, 30(6):1525~1529
79. 吳靜,周紅明,姜潔.水力剪切力對厭氧反應器啓動的影響.環境科學.2010,31(2)368-372
80. 田磊,史琳, 吳靜,安青松, 施漢昌.基於再生水源熱泵的城市污水處理廠冷熱聯供系統. 製冷學報.2010,31(6):1-5.
81. Wu J, Zhou HM, Li HZ, et al. Impactsof hydrodynamic shear force on nucleation of flocculent sludge in anaerobic reactor,Water Research,2009, 43, 12 , 3029-3036
82. 吳靜,姜潔,周紅明.我國城市污水處理廠污泥產沼氣的前景分析.給水排水.2009,35, 增刊,190-193
83. O'Reilly, J; Chinalia, FA; Mahony, T; Collins, G; Wu, J ;O'Flaherty, V. Cultivation of low-temperature (15 degrees C),anaerobic, wastewater treatment granules. 2009, Letters in Applied Microbiology,49(4): 421-426.
84. 田磊, 史琳, 吳靜, 施漢昌.再生水源熱泵應用於污泥厭氧處理的能流分析. 華北電力大學學報(自然科學版).2009, 36(4):47-50.
85. J. Wu, H.M. Zhou, J. Jiang,Y.M. Xie. Quantitativeinvestigation on nucleation of flocculent sludge under different hydraulicconditions in anaerobic reactors.Journal of Biotechnology, 136(Supplement 1), 2008, S466
86. 周紅明, 吳靜, 謝宇銘等. 厭氧反應器中絮狀污泥成核過程研究.環境科學, 2008. 29(11): 122-126
87. 吳靜,陳慶俊,陳茂福,律嚴勵.城市污水的三維熒光指紋特徵比較. 光學學報.2008,28(10),2022-2025
88. 陳茂福;吳靜;律嚴勵; 陳慶俊. 城市污水的三維熒光指紋特徵. 光學學報.2008,28(3),578-582
89. 吳靜,姜潔,周紅明等.我國城市污水廠污泥厭氧消化系統的運行現狀. 中國給水排水.2008. 24(22):21-24
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1. 一種水污染排放源數據庫及其建立方法(發明,第一發明人)
2. 一種厭氧-微氧膜生物反應器及其運行方法(發明,第一發明人)
3. 一種二維單射曲面數據的特徵提取與匹配方法(發明,第一發明人)
4. 一種溶液自動稀釋設備(發明,第一發明人)
5. 一種畜禽糞便厭氧處理方法(發明,第一發明人)
6. 一種單反應區的內循環厭氧膜生物反應器(發明,第一發明人)
7. 一種升流式厭氧污泥消化器(發明,第一發明人)
8. 一種生物膜型內循環厭氧反應器(發明,第一發明人)
9. 一種熱泵和污泥幹化集成方法及系統(發明,第一發明人)
10. 複合內循環厭氧反應器(發明,第一發明人)
11. 一種豎流式自動隔油沉澱裝置(發明,第一發明人)
12. 醫院污水全封閉處理工藝與一體化裝置(發明,第一發明人)
13. 一種好氧厭氧兩用廢水處理裝置(發明,第一發明人)
14. 新型內循環厭氧反應器(實用新型,第一發明人)
15. 內循環厭氧膨脹牀/流化牀反應器(實用新型,第一發明人)