


國    籍
性    別
職    稱


Functional Analysis, Banach Space, Frame Theory, Dilation Theory, Operator Algebra on (Semi-)Groups.


德國Zentralblatt Math評論員, 美國Mathematical Review評論員, Reviewer for: Journal of Approximation Theory, Proceedings Amer. Math. Soc., J. Math. Anal. Appl., Acta Math. Sinica, Acta Math. Scientia, Ars Combinatoria, etc.


21. Dilations for operator-valued systems of imprimitivity acting on Banach spaces, in preparation (with D. Han and D.R. Larson).
20. Cb-frames and the completely bounded approximation property for operator spaces, in preparation (with Z. Ruan).
19. Generalized-lush spaces and the Mazur-Ulam property, submitted (with X. Huang and D. Tan).
18. Upper and lower estimates for schauder frames and atomic decompositions, submitted (with K. Beanland and D. Freeman).
17. A note on the Mazur-Ulam property of almost-CL-spaces, submitted (with D. Tan).
16. Operator-valued measures, dilations, and the theory of frames, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, to appear, 88+ pages (with D. Han, D.R. Larson and B. Liu).
15. Minimal and maximal unconditional bases with respect to framings, Acta Mathematics Sinica, English Series, to appear.
14. Hilbert-Schauder frame operators, Operators and Matrices 7 (2013) 91-99.
13. Two notes on maps preserving equality of distance and approximate surjective isometries, Mathematics Application (2012) (with G. Lu).
12. Upper Beurling density of systems formed by translates of finite sets of elements in $L^p(\R^d)$, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 6 (2012) 86-97 (with B. Liu).
11. On shrinking and boundedly complete Schauder frames of Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 365 (2010) 385-398. ArXiv
10. A characterization of Schauder frames which are near-Schauder bases, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 16 (2010) 791-803 (with B. Zheng).
9. A note on extension of isometric embedding from a Banach space $E$ into the universal space $\ell_\infty(\Gamma)$, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 363 (2010) 220-224.
8. I. Isometric extension problem and its developments; II. Duality theory for Schauder frames of Banach spaces, PH.D Thesis, Nankai University, 2009.
7. On extension of isometries and approximate isometries between unit spheres, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 352 (2009) 749-761 (with L. Zhang).
6. On the isometric extension problem: a survey. Stability of functional equations and applications, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematics Science 24 (2008) 339-354 (with L. Li).
5. 1-Lipschitz mappings between unit spheres of Banach spaces, Acta Mathematics Sinica (Chinese Series) 50 (2007) 1063-1070.
4. On extension of isometries between unit spheres of $\scr L^\infty(\Gamma)$-type space and a Banach space $E$, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 333 (2007) 959-970.
3. Discussion and application of nonsurjective isometries between the unit spheres of two $l^\infty$-spaces, Acta Mathematics Scientia Series A Chinese Edition 27 (2007) 385-391.
2. Isometries between the unit spheres of $l^\beta$-sum of strictly convex normed spaces, Acta Mathematics Sinica (Chinese Series) 50 (2007) 227-232.
1. On the Aleksandrov problem and the extension of isometries between unit spheres, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 11 (2006) 841-850.