


劉宏,工學博士、北京大學教授、博士生導師國家級領軍人才 [7]  ,科技部國家重點研發計劃“智能機器人”總體專家組專家 [2] 中國人工智能學會副理事長 [3]  ,深圳市第六屆政協委員 [1] 
劉宏 [1] 
Hong Liu
國    籍
民    族
國家級領軍人才 [1] 
性    別
職    稱


劉宏,工學博士、北京大學教授、博士生導師。國家級領軍人才,科技部國家重點研發計劃“智能機器人”總體組專家,中國人工智能學會副理事長,深圳市第六屆政協委員 [1] 
長期從事計算機視覺與智能機器人、機器學習與智能人機交互等領域的教學和科研工作。曾師從蔡鶴皋院士、王選院士、石青雲院士等知名專家。多次赴美國、加拿大、日本和新加坡等國家的多所著名大學和研究機構訪問交流。2016年—2020年擔任Elsevier、IET相繼出版的SCI檢索國際學術期刊CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology創刊主編,現任執行主編。 [4] 
先後承擔 20餘項國家級重要科研項目,包括863課題、 973課題、國家重點研發計劃項目、新一代人工智能重大項目和國家自然科學基金重點項目等。已發表學術論文200多篇,近年的研究成果被國內外同行研究機構引用7000餘次,相關成果申報/獲得國家發明專利40餘項 [6]  。獲國家航天科技進步獎、吳文俊人工智能科學技術獎、日內瓦國際發明博覽會獎、北京大學教學優秀獎、安泰獎和北京大學“十佳教師”候選人等榮譽 [1] 
作為深圳教育界首位國家級領軍人才,二十多年來劉宏教授專注於所熱愛的人工智能和機器人事業,先後培養了100多名碩士博士研究生和博士後 [1]  ,是我國“智能科學與技術”新學科建設的積極倡導者、智能機器人領域科技創新的潛心實踐者。“十四五”期間劉宏教授的研究特色將聚焦在“機器人視覺感知與自主學習”等領域 [1] 


近年主持/承擔的主要科研項目 [1]  :
·國家重點研發計劃項目:面向智能手機制造的柔性機器人自動化生產線研製及示範應用(在研、 指導)
·深圳市基礎研究重點項目:基於情感計算人和機器人交互模型研究 (在研)
·國家自然科學基金(聯合基金)重點項目:面向服務機器人的視聽感知融合與多模態人機交互關鍵技術 (已完成)
·深圳市“創新鏈-產業鏈”雙鏈融合重大產業化項目:智能電視生產流水線的視覺檢測和定位方法 (已完成)


近年發表的代表性論文: [1] 
[1] Wenhao Li, Hong Liu(劉宏), Runwei Ding,Mengyuan Liu, Pichao Wang and Wenming Yang. Exploiting temporal contexts withstrided transformer for 3d human pose estimation. IEEE Transactions onMultimedia(TMM). Accepted in 2022.(多媒體領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[2] Wei Shi, Hong Liu(劉宏), and MengyuanLiu. Image-to-video person re-identification using three-dimensional semanticappearance alignment and cross-modal interactive learning. Pattern Recognition(PR),2022, 122: 108314.(模式識別領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[3] Weibo Huang and Hong Liu(劉宏). A robustpixel-aware gyro-aided KLT feature tracker for large camera motions. IEEE Transactionson Instrumentation and Measurement(TIM), 2022, 71: 1-14. (機器智能領域重要國際學術期刊)
[4] Bing Yang, Hong Liu(劉宏),and Xiaofei Li. Learning deep direct-path relative transfer function forbinaural sound source localization. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, andLanguage Processing(TASLP), 2021, 29: 3491-3503.(機器聽覺領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[5] Meijia Song, Hong Liu(劉宏), Wei Shi, and XiaLi. PCLoss: Fashion Landmark Estimation with Position Constraint Loss. PatternRecognition(PR), 2021, 118: 108028.(模式識別領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[6] Hao Tang, Hong Liu(劉宏), Dan Xu, PhilipHS Torr, and Nicu Sebe. Attentiongan: Unpaired image-to-image translation usingattention-guided generative adversarial networks. IEEE Transactions on NeuralNetworks and Learning Systems(TNNLS), 2021, 1-16.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[7] Hanrong Ye, Hong Liu(劉宏), Fanyang Meng,and Xia Li. Bi-Directional Exponential Angular Triplet Loss for RGB-InfraredPerson Re-Identification. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(TIP),2021, 30:1583-1595. (人工智能領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[8] Hao Tang, Hong Liu(劉宏), Wei Xiao, andNicu Sebe. When Dictionary Learning Meets Deep Learning: Deep DictionaryLearning and Coding Network for Image Recognition With Limited Data. IEEETransactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(TNNLS),2021, 32(5): 2129-2141.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[9] Weibo Huang, Hong Liu(劉宏), and Weiwei Wan.An Online Initialization and Self-Calibration Method for Stereo Visual-InertialOdometry. IEEE Transactions on Robotics(TRO), 2020, 36(4):1153-1170.(機器人領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[10] Jie Wen, Yong Xu, and Hong Liu(劉宏). IncompleteMultiview Spectral Clustering With Adaptive Graph Learning. IEEE Transactionson Cybernetics(TCYB), 2020, 50(4): 1418-1429.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[11] Hao Tang, Hong Liu(劉宏), and Nicu Sebe. Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for ControllableImage-to-Image Translation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(TIP),2020, 29: 8916-8929.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[12] Jiayao Ma, Weiwei Wan, Kensuke Harada,Qiuguo Zhu, and Hong Liu(劉宏). Regrasp Planning Using Stable ObjectPoses Supported by Complex Structures. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive andDevelopmental Systems(TCDS), 2019, 11(2): 257-269.(人工智能領域重要國際學術期刊)
[13] Bing Yang, Hong Liu(劉宏), Cheng Pang andXiaofei Li. Multiple Sound Source Counting and Localization Based on TF-WiseSpatial Spectrum Clustering. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech andLanguage Processing(TASLP), 2019, 27(8):1241-1255.(機器聽覺領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[14] Fanyang Meng, Hong Liu(劉宏), YongshengLiang, Juanhui Tu and Mengyuan Liu. Sample Fusion Network: An End-to-End DataAugmentation Network for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition. IEEETransactions on Image Processing(TIP), 2019, 28(11): 5281-5295.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[15] Mengyuan Liu, Hong Liu(劉宏), and Chen Chen, 3D action recognition using multi-scale energy-based global ternary image, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology(TCSVT), 28(8): 1824-1838 (2018) (多媒體領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[16] Mengyuan Liu, Hong Liu(劉宏), Chen Chen, Robust 3D Action Recognition Through Sampling Local Appearances and Global Distributions. IEEE Transaction on Multimedia(TMM) 20(8): 1932-1947 (2018) (多媒體領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[17] Chen Pang, Hong Liu(劉宏), Jie Zhang, Binaural Sound Localization Based on Reverberation Weighting and Generalized Parametric Mapping, Accepted by IEEE Transaction on Audio, Speech and Language Processing(TASLP) VOL.25:1618-1632, 2017(機器聽覺領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[18] Pingping Wu, Hong Liu, Chao Xu, Yuan Gao, Zheyuan Li, Xuewu Zhang, How do you smile? Towards a comprehensive smile analysis system. Neurocomputing 235: 245-254 (2017) (人工智能領域重要國際學術期刊)
[19] Mengyuan Liu, Hong Liu(劉宏), and Chen Chen, Enhanced skeleton visualization for view invariant human action recognition, Pattern Recognition(PR) 68: 346-362 (2017)(模式識別領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[20] Qianru Su, Hong Liu(劉宏), Tatsuya Harada, Online Growing Neural Gas for Anomaly Detection in Changing Surveillance Scenes, Pattern Recognition(PR) 64: 187-201, 2017.(模式識別領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[21] Pingping Wu, Hong Liu (劉宏), Xiaofei Li, A Novel Lip Descriptor for Audio-Visual Keyword Spotting Based on Adaptive Decision Fusion, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM). vol.18(3): 326-338, 2016. (多媒體領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[22] Qianru Sun, Hong Liu, Liqian Ma, Tianwei Zhang, A novel hierarchical Bag-of-Words model for compact action representation. Neurocomputing 174: 722-732 (2016) (人工智能領域重要國際學術期刊)
[23] Yuan Gao, Hong Liu(劉宏), Pingping Wu P. A new descriptor of gradients Self-Similarity for smile detection in unconstrained scenarios. Neurocomputing. vol.174: 1077-1086, 2016. (人工智能領域重要國際學術期刊)
[24] Mengyuan Liu, Hong Liu(劉宏), Depth Context: a new descriptor for human activity recognition by using sole depth sequences. Neurocomputing. vol.175: 747-758, 2016. (人工智能領域重要國際學術期刊)
[25] Qianru Sun Q, Hong Liu(劉宏), Liqian Ma, A novel hierarchical Bag-of-Words model for compact action representation. Neurocomputing. vol.174: 722-732, 2016. (人工智能領域重要國際學術期刊)
[26] Jie Zhang, Hong Liu (劉宏), Robust Acoustic Localization Via Time-Delay Compensation and Interaural Matching Filter, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing(TSP), vol.63, no.18, pp. 4771-4783, 2015. (多媒體信號處理領域頂級國際學術期刊)
[27] Qianru Sun, Hong Liu(劉宏), Mengyuan Liu, Human activity prediction by mapping grouplets to recurrent Self-Organizing Map. Neurocomputing, vol.177: 427-440, 2015. (人工智能領域重要國際學術期刊)
[28] Wenhao Li, Hong Liu, Hao Tang, Pichao Wang, and Luc VanGool. MHFormer: Multi-Hypothesis Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation.Accepted by IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),2022. (計算機視覺領域頂級國際學術會議)
[29] Tianyu Guo, Hong Liu(劉宏), Zhan Chen, Mengyuan Liu, Tao Wang,Runwei Ding. Contrastive Learning from Extremely Augmented Skeleton Sequencesfor Self-supervised Action Recognition. Accepted by Proceedings of the AAAIConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2022. (人工智能領域頂級國際學術會議)
[30] Tao Wang, Hong Liu(劉宏), Pinhao Song, Tianyu Guo, Wei Shi.Pose-guided Feature Disentangling for Occluded Person Re-identification basedon Transformer. Accepted by Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on ArtificialIntelligence (AAAI), 2022.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術會議)
[31] Yidi Li, Hong Liu(劉宏), Hao Tang. Multi-Modal PerceptionAttention Network with Self-Supervised Learning for Audio-Visual SpeakerTracking. Accepted by Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on ArtificialIntelligence (AAAI), 2022.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術會議)
[32] Zhan Chen, Sicheng Li, Bing Yang, Qinghan Li, and HongLiu(劉宏).Multi-Scale Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-BasedAction Recognition. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on ArtificialIntelligence (AAAI), 2021, 35(2): 1113-1122.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術會議)
[33] Wanlu Xu, Hong Liu(劉宏), Wei Shi, Ziling Miao, Zhisheng Lu, andFeihu Chen, Adversarial Feature Disentanglement for Long-Term PersonRe-identification, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI),2021.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術會議)
[34] Ziling Miao, Hong Liu(劉宏), Wei Shi, Wanlu Xu, and Hanrong Ye,Modality-aware Style Adaptation for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification,International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI),2021: 19-27.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術會議)
[35] Peng Wei, Guoliang Hua, Weibo Huang, Hong Liu(劉宏). Unsupervised MonocularVisual-inertial Odometry Network, International Joint Conferences on ArtificialIntelligence Organization (IJCAI), 2020: 2347-2354.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術會議)
[36] Jie Wen, Zheng Zhang, Yong Xu, Bob Zhang, Lunke Fei, and HongLiu(劉宏).Unified Embedding Alignment with Missing Views Inferring for IncompleteMulti-View Clustering. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on ArtificialIntelligence (AAAI), 2019, 33(01): 5393-5400.(人工智能領域頂級國際學術會議)
[37] Xia Li, Zhisheng Zhong, Jianlong Wu, Yibo Yang, ZhouchenLin, Hong Liu(劉宏). Expectation-maximization attention networks for semanticsegmentation, International Conference in Computer Vision (ICCV),2019: 9167-9176.(計算機視覺領域頂級國際學術會議)
[38] Xia Li, Jianlong Wu, Zhouchen Lin, Hong Liu(劉宏), Hongbin Zha. Recurrent squeeze-and-excitationcontext aggregation net for single image deraining, European Conference onComputer Vision (ECCV), 2018: 254-269.(計算機視覺領域頂級國際學術會議)
[39] Weibo Huang, Hong Liu(劉宏). Online initialization and automatic camera-IMUextrinsic calibration for monocular visual-inertial SLAM, InternationalConference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018: 5182-5189.(智能機器人領域頂級國際學術會議)
[40] Dan Xu, Wei Wang, Hao Tang, Hong Liu(劉宏), Nicu Sebe, Elisa Ricci.Structured attention guided convolutional neural fields for monocular depth estimation,IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),2018: 3917-3925.(計算機視覺領域頂級國際學術會議)
[41] Hao Tang, Hong Liu(劉宏), Wei Xiao, A Novel Feature MatchingStrategy for Large Scale Image Retrieval, International Joint Conference on ArtificialIntelligence (IJCAI), 2016: 2053-2059. (人工智能領域頂級國際學術會議)
[42] Chen Chen, Mengyuan Liu, Baochang Zhang, Jungong Han,Junjun Jiang, and Hong Liu(劉宏). 3D Action Recognition Using Multi-temporal DepthMotion Maps and Fisher Vector, International Joint Conference on ArtificialIntelligence (IJCAI), 2016: 3331-3337(人工智能領域頂級國際學術會議)
[43] Hong Liu(劉宏), Mengdi Yue, and Jie Zhang. Probabilistic BinauralMultiple Sources Localization Based on Time-delay Compensation EstimatorClustering Analysis, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots andSystems (IROS), 2016: 4537-4544. (智能機器人領域重要國際學術會議)
[44] Hong Liu(劉宏), Fang Xiao and Can Wang. A predictive model for narrowpassage path planner by using Support Vector Machine in changing environments,IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),2015: 2991-2996.(智能機器人領域頂級國際學術會議)
[45] Hong Liu(劉宏), Cheng Pang and Jie Zhang. Binaural sound sourcelocalization based on generalized parametric model and two-layer matchingstrategy in complex environments, IEEE International Conference on Robotics andAutomation (ICRA), 2015: 4496-4503.(智能機器人領域頂級國際學術會議)


作為北京大學首批、深圳教育界首位國家級領軍人才 [5]  ,二十多年來劉宏教授專注於所熱愛的人工智能和機器人事業,先後培養了100多名碩士博士研究生和博士後,是我國“智能科學與技術”新學科建設的積極倡導者參與者、智能機器人領域科技創新的潛心實踐者。 [1] 