


劉威,畢業於北京科技大學鋼鐵冶金系,博士,北京科技大學冶金與生態工程學院講師。 [1] 
職    業
職    稱


2009.09至2013.06, 北京科技大學,,冶金工程(卓越計劃), 學士
2013.09至2015.06,北京科技大學,冶金工程, 碩士
2015.09至2020.01,北京科技大學,冶金工程, 博士
2018.10至2019.10, 美國猶他大學,冶金系,聯培博士
2020.03 至今,北京科技大學,鋼鐵冶金系,師資博士後 [1] 


1. Liu Wei, Yang Shufeng, Li Jingshe, Calculation of Static Suspension Depth and Meniscus Shape of a Solid Spherical Inclusion at the Steel–Slag Interface[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2020, 51(1): 422-425.
2. Zhang Zongliang., Liu Wei. (共一,通訊), Michael L. Free, Phase-Field Modeling and Simulation of Gas Bubble Coalescence and Detachment in a Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Electrochemical System[J] Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167(7):013532.
3. Liu Wei, Yang Shufeng, Li Jingshe, et al. Numerical Simulation of the Three-Phase Flow of a Bubble Interacting with the Steel–Slag Interface During the Secondary Refining Process[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2019. 50, 1542–1546
4. Liu Wei, Yang Shufeng, Li Jingshe, et al. Numerical model of inclusion separation from liquid metal with consideration of dissolution in slag[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2019, 26(11): 1147-1153.
5. Liu Wei, Tang Haiyan, Yang Shufeng, et al. Numerical Simulation of Slag Eye Formation and Slag Entrapment in a Bottom-Blown Argon-Stirred Ladle[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2018, 49(5): 2681–2691.
6. Liu Wei, Yang Shufeng, Li Jingshe, et al. Numerical Investigation of Inclusion Motion at Molten Steel–Liquid Slag Interface During Ruhrstahl Heraeus (RH) Process[J]. JOM, 2018. 70(12): 2877-2885.
7. Liu Wei, Yang Shufeng, Li Jingshe, et al. Numerical Model of Dephosphorization Reaction Kinetics in Top Blown Converter Coupled with Flow Field[J]. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2017, 36(6): 599–605.
8. Liu Wei, Yang Shufeng, Zhang Weihua, et al. Numerical study of steel flow and inclusion removal during RH degassing process[C]. MS&T conference, 2017.
9. 劉威, 楊樹峯, 李京社等. 鈣鎂複合處理20CrMnTi鋼中硫化物夾雜[J]. 鋼鐵, 2017, 52(12): 21–27.
10. Yang Shufeng, Liu Wei, Li Jingshe. Motion of solid particles at molten metal–liquid slag interface[J]. JOM, 2015, 67(12): 2993-3001.
11. 劉威, 李京社, 楊宏博,等. 供氧壓力對頂吹轉爐內流場影響數值模擬[J]. 中國冶金, 2014,24(12):19-22,26.


(1) 國家自然科學基金委員會,面上項目,51874024,納米粒子表面處理及其在鋼鐵冶金中的應用基礎,2019-01至2022-12,60萬元,在研,參加
(2) 國家自然科學基金委員會,重點項目,51734003,新型全廢鋼電弧爐鍊鋼工藝基礎研究,2018-01至2022-12,300萬元,在研,參加


潔淨鋼冶煉與夾雜物控制、電弧爐鍊鋼、高温合金冶煉 [1] 
  • 1.    劉威  .北京科技大學冶金與生態工程學院[引用日期2021-04-26]